maybee we should think about this :-)



Originally posted by old.Ramas
Most of the economic problems in this game boil down to not enough capitalistic thinking, rather than too much. ...
That indeed sums it up imho.

'The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good.
Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Greed, in all of its forms - greed for levels, for money, for RPs, items - has marked the upward surge of mankind.'

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by old.Ramas
And please don't believe you are helping Albion by sticking to this list any more than someone who sells/buys them at lower/higher prices is helping Albion.

not tending to help albion, lol, i give a shit about the ppl that would love to test/play/try things, and i just want to TRY and give them a chance. This by trying to hold some hotheaded peeps that are here 6/8 hours a day a bit back

evolution as i see it is only good for the Frequent playing peeps.

as seen: stupid rules on raids rr5 elitism (is gone now)
randomizing according to the level ..., prices that start at 5 gp end up in 15 p.

These RULES that ppl make up are ONLY in FAVOUR of frequent players. That is the main problem i have. The only thing ppl seem to do is follow their ego and their Elitism. The "better" they become... the harder it gets for ppl with other interests. This just ain't fair. And to repeat my point, i have cash, i have drop, i have all i need, but i know a lot of ppl that want... but can't.

Helping to lower all would make a big difference. Instead of raising all and make a part of the game purly elitism alike.

nasdrovnje mates :)

power makes corrupt,
power in the hands of a child is the deadliest weapon
humanity ever "invented"


daoc just reflects real life, people acts diffrently, and YOU just have to accept that fact, and stop you babling about making it even for all, because its never gonna happen.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by sigh
You where always at the keeper 24/7 / 7 times aweek.
you are in a postion to set the price on rags, advertise selling at 3 plat, and then no one will hopefully pay more, you have the monoploy.

o yes i was...

thanks to the TK hunting i graduated, hehe, i was able to study in downtime... it was fun..; the distraction i had during doing that was killing the keeper

having the monopoly in hands, hmmmm, no need... since some ppl are not even the least ashamed in demanding 5 plat for a buyout like mavo and saxo i 'd rather be no part of that type of monopoly, nor do i want to go up there since they are uncooperative. As are some sneaky gits that love to sit in some spot hidden until they have a shot at keeper to nick em from under your nose, lol. This is funny at some point... to see that they are messing around with you. But no thanks, if i pass there, i won't give a dratz about who sits there anymore, if i pass i see Tk i'll go for it


In something like DAoC (and mostly in real life), the pursuit of economic self-interest really means the pursuit of the resources needed to rearrange the world however you want it to be. If greed = the collection of sufficient resources to arrange the world how you would like it to be, then yes, there is no issue with greed. Espeicially given the fact that the 'essential' items a player needs to exist in DAoC cost a total of zero gold; and Mythic go to significant lengths to ensure that groups generate gold and items at an entirely predictable rate.

In effect every hour you spend doing something economically useful, gives you an entirely fair vote on what the wealth of Albion shoudl be used for, and through open trade without regulation, it allows you to convert your resource gained in that hour into a resource someone else got for their time at an exchange rate fixed by what the realm feels is the relative economic value of either activity.

Most people with lots of gold/economic-resource use that resource to empower their guild through items/housing etc and their realm through door repairs. There is in fact nothing else that such people can spend money on.

It's not as if the proceeds are being pissed away each night in The Mug on ale and wenches.


I don't you think people that play for only 1 hour a day should get the same stuff as people who play 8 hours a day by default?

A price is a price, I'm not gonna say to some who offers me 3 plat for an item, sorry m8, this guy only plays for 10 minutes every day and is lvl 30, I'm gonna give it to him for 5 gold.

It's like real life, those who play longer hours, yes they are rewarded, of course they are, otherwise what's the point in spending the extra time to not gain anything and have no fun. I mean, whats the fun if you roll 8 lvl 1 chars, go away for a month, come back and they are all lvl 50 with top sidi drops etc etc after not working for them. Those who work harder acheive more, as is the case with everything in the world.

As for farming lots of cash, it doesn't take long (no I'm not overly rich). Even if you aren't a trinketer, go into DF and hunt in places where no1else is and boom, 160 seals for the grp per hour or goto a sidi raid, or goto a dragon raid. I mean, if you are lvl 50, organise a 2fg dragon raid, 50 stones, 3 or 4 each, theres 9/12 plat :p


Re: Re: Re: Re: maybee we should think about this :)

Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
i meant trinketter that use third party apps

I agree then...they should b insta banned :)


Just a question for Mr Economic GuRu...

If we fix prices for drops, then the demand is going to exceed the supply if we fix below what would be the natural market level, i.e. if I was in the Oil Drenched Rag business (which I'm not) I might find I have 3 customers willing to pay 3 plat for each cloak I get. Now if Comrade GuRu of the People's Tower Farming Collective won't allow me to have those three bid against each other until two drop out, how do I decide who gets the cloak?

First come, first served - you've not really improved things, you've just replaced 'people who have time to farm cash' with people who have time to camp the trade forum'?

In strict accordance with a central waiting list for Oil Drenched Rags, presumably held by the State Bureau For Drop Distribution?

How about... quotas! "The Bureau has decreed that the next cloak must be sold to a scout, as a member of an underprivileged minority"

Or maybe some other wise, subtle and indubitably just method that will leave everybody satisfied. Just so long as it isn't "Our Glorious Comrade Presidente for Life will decide..."


OMG DD is in fact Ian Duncan Smith.

Talk about contradict yerself ( well it appears that way, struggling with my intergalactic decoder atm ).

Why has old Ironpants suddenly become the caring type?..Is it because he has totally fucked the market with his overinflated oily rag prices? Good idea, I will camp the only spot 24/7, I will leech even if another player is there, I will then charge rediculous amounts of money for each cloak, oh fuck I have wrecked my own market, hey lets start a BW thread about it....sigh.


Originally posted by Fagane
Thinks that frauds use as excuse like "stock & demand" do not say anything to me.


It's an open market at the moment - the rarity of an item determines its price (see stupid prices for staves, or the generally accepted price of 5p for a respec stone which seems to be dropping to 4p now that there's a few more out there)

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