Tears said:Im leveling a theurg at the moment - should be L40 pretty soon if i can get a FoP group tomorrow (day off work) I am very commited and would love to come
Ohh sorry spec is full earth
Naetha said:Not with ML requirements for the higher dungeons as you'd need ML xp
There's no 'trick' to doing cetus with 1fg, apart from being balanced and having 2 rubies, infact the majority of all the ml's can be done with 1fg, barring a few steps (chim, typhon, talos, phoenix, 4.2 etc)Lexa said:Only one you need mlxp to do is ML7, prob why its not included, the fact bubbles suggested all of ML1 though suggests she has a trick up her sleeve for doing Cetus with 1fgIf not scratch ML5