[MAGUS] Magus


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
highest heal on in RvR scenario was 147, honestly its not worth speccing in havoc


Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003

Its probably related to the base DPS being very low and the heal being a percentage of that. Cheers for the testing :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Since i havent resubbed yet, too many bugs for me so far, thought i would see what the rest of the Magus like the class.

I found that in PvP set teams with rift magus worked best, with pugs you were just RP fodder.....

Firewrym is useless, needs to last longer and do more damage for a level 4 morale ability..

Most likely will resub when the blackguard comes online and teh class patch comes out with hopefully some love


Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Good news and bad news.

I just tested out the lifetap effect. 2 tactic slots to make the direct damage insta 3 sec cooldown and heal for 50% of damage dealt...its shit. Truly, madly, badly. TWO TACTIC SLOTS FOR THIS. Outrageous really. Perhaps with100% of damage dealt since the damage ain't exactly awesome, or up the overall damage of this ability. Personally I'd go for a greater percentage heal because by upping the overall damage we've probably just got a repeat of the DAoC bonedancer machinegun problem. The Magus then has to make a choice between doing lesser damage but self healing or doing better damage with a different spell. If Havoc specced. This won't matter for other specs of Magus.

Stupid bugs - Daemonology's tactic for insta summon pet...that isn't insta summon. That really annoys the crap out of me that one. You can't cast it on the move. You have to stand still or you get the "Interupted" message unless you stand still. This is ridiculous. A precious tactic slot for something that doesn't do what it says on the tin.

There's stuff we have to spec for that should be baseline - insta summon pets for instance. They're already on 5 sec cooldown, not like you're going to be pet spamming. Increase the cooldown to 10 secs, I don't think anyone will care.

I've spent a shedload of gold respeccing and trying to find a working spec for my Magus and a lot of time now testing out different combos. Very weak class with a lot of potential but frankly most of the rather large list of bugs and weaknesses are rather gamebreaking for this class. This is not a class that can operate outside of a reasonably balanced group. Even within a group, it sucks up healing that is often needed elsewhere and healers more naturally will keep the primary damage dealers or tanks up which is really more appropriate. The Magus cannot really look after itself because its too squishy and it doesn't do enough damage to become a priority for healing. Utility is just that - nice to have, but not essential to a group.

Semi Good news: utility-wise, Magus is a hoot but it takes a huge amount of patience not to put your head through the screen at times. I've worked out a utility-based spec for 40 but I can't really reccomend this as a class you want as a main until there's some lovin'. I've caused a *lot* of bright wizards to self-destruct but thats small recompense for the overriding weakness of the class. Ok so the good news wasn't that great. Sorry :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Stupid bugs - Daemonology's tactic for insta summon pet...that isn't insta summon. That really annoys the crap out of me that one. You can't cast it on the move. You have to stand still or you get the "Interupted" message unless you stand still. This is ridiculous. A precious tactic slot for something that doesn't do what it says on the tin.

Allowing pets to snare or root also would be good like you said drop them, and allows you to get a bit of distance, but stopping for an instant cast :-( isn't instant.

The magus does need love, i like it think it has great potential, just frustrating to play :-(


Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
After much fiddling about, I'm finding now that daemonology is the least non-viable. Given that the lvl40 spell is a channelled pbaoe spell, this is working reasonably well for me. Still way down any damage lists BUT when you work out a decent spell rotation and tactics you can take a bit more damage and kick some out. The toughness tactic is helping a lot vs melee and when combined with the not-quite-insta summon pet means you last a little longer in a fight. Its not great, but its decent-ish.

Once the scenario rotation is sorted so we're not stuck in Serpent's Passage all the time I'm pretty confident I'll find my close-up style more effective. Over the next few days I'll be spending more time in open RvR and will test out more ways of getting myself killed :D

I've got a sneaking suspicion that next patch the Magus will be Warhammer's master of pbaoe with other specs not quite as shiny despite the lovin'.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
After much fiddling about, I'm finding now that daemonology is the least non-viable. Given that the lvl40 spell is a channelled pbaoe spell, this is working reasonably well for me. Still way down any damage lists BUT when you work out a decent spell rotation and tactics you can take a bit more damage and kick some out. The toughness tactic is helping a lot vs melee and when combined with the not-quite-insta summon pet means you last a little longer in a fight. Its not great, but its decent-ish.

Once the scenario rotation is sorted so we're not stuck in Serpent's Passage all the time I'm pretty confident I'll find my close-up style more effective. Over the next few days I'll be spending more time in open RvR and will test out more ways of getting myself killed :D

I've got a sneaking suspicion that next patch the Magus will be Warhammer's master of pbaoe with other specs not quite as shiny despite the lovin'.

We've got a magus in gings and I think he's a similar spec to you roo.

he's pink cloud of doom and "rank4 morale up, get ready to rez!" spec.

With a dedicated shammy healer he does very respectable damage and is a right pita to the enemy team.

He's certainly no sorc but with him and our regular sorc comboing with a zealot/shammy combo on healing we tend to have alot of fun - even vs the 4/5 man bw zerg in back passage :)

I'd agree with your summation based on his gripes however, too many of the "signature" abilities of the magus are tied to precious tactic slots or don't work as described - if at all.



One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
You guys need a dps boost bad. After 31 level spent in scenarios I havnt been killed by a single magus. If you see murasaki then feel free to focus fire. I want the ToK entry filled in :)

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I don't kill anything. I just hang around with lots of people that do.

That said, I'm so loving the playstyle of Magus. There are quite a few things about it which make it unique in any MMO I've ever played, which is quite a feat given the crowded market these days.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I've been respeccing a fair bit again. Mulling, pondering. More mulling. Some beer.

Found a spec. Initial signs are that it works. I'll post again when I've done more testing (ie dying). Nothing gets around the inherent weakness of the class but combine the sneakiness of this spec with a bit more dps whenever we get the next patch and it could be nasty. Maybe :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
Stupid bugs - Daemonology's tactic for insta summon pet...that isn't insta summon. That really annoys the crap out of me that one. You can't cast it on the move. You have to stand still or you get the "Interupted" message unless you stand still. This is ridiculous. A precious tactic slot for something that doesn't do what it says on the tin.

Seems to be a problem across the baord with tactics that make spells instant, my tactic FlashFire is supposed to make my next cast instant if I get a disrupt, except it doesnt work on the move and still takes a second and a half to fire off the fireball. Total crud

I really liked the idea of an incini spec on my BW taking advantage of this tactic slotted and Focused Mind Moral R2 but its just let down by crappy coding

Sorry to derail magus thread with BW shit :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I've been playing around with Tzeentch's Firestorm recently. In the right situation, combined with the rank 2 morale aoe dot, it can do a lot of damage very quickly to many players. Although its channelled spell, it seems a bit more flexible then the Dissolving Mist spell. The tactic to increase Havoc crit chance is a must in RvR, found my spells actually doing respectable damage most of the time with it.

Looking forward to 1.06, makes a lot of nice changes, but would like to see more to our DD spells.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
In RvR, I find anything you have to channel a liability. The firestorm does nice damage though and looks pretty. An advantage of the mist spell is that you can stand in it vs melee while doing other stuff. Got more testing to do this week and I'll post if it works out or not. Warning now, on paper the spec I worked out looks horrid.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Nothing gets around the inherent weakness of the class but combine the sneakiness of this spec with a bit more dps whenever we get the next patch and it could be nasty. Maybe :)

i wouldn't put that beer away ;)

havent seen much that indicates that the Magus will become what its supposed to be yet :(

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
For your consideration, here it is:

Magus Career Builder - Warhammer Online

Respectfully, I'd ask any theorycrafters that haven't got a Magus at 40 or even close to 40 to refrain from poo-pooing.

This is *not* a winning 1v1 spec. If you like, think of it as a high utility zerg spec.

Guild and alliance members will confirm the amount of cackling I've been doing in RvR with this spec. Nothing, no matter what, will make Magus as it currently stands a tough class. With this in mind I decided to see what I could cram into it.

This spec is *very* fun.

You can encourage bright wizards to kill themselves and do a lot of harm in keep takes. You cast Dissolving Mist on the ground under you if attacked by melee or you can use it to push entire enemy zergs away.

I'll keep this spec for a little while after the next patch to see how it pans out but I'll likely be back to experimenting again so I can assess different specs that I tried out before any lovin'.

Note the lack of tactics - mostly they are horribly bugged and I'm not convinced they are currently worth the space they take up.

There's more you can do with this spec but I'm not willing to give away all my tactic secrets on public forums.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I always have great fun with Perils of the Warp, nothing better then watching a BW or healer cast themselves to death! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
int doesnt apppear to be scaling properly with dots or is it just me on the damage front...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
int doesnt apppear to be scaling properly with dots or is it just me on the damage front...


737 int unbuffed

Pandemonium has changed from 198 a tick before the patch, to 209 after it.

Not very impressive really.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004

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