LPBs an idea! Please read server admin people :)



Ok first things first, dont flame me. All you LPBs, you pay to be an LPB so fair enough. But you do spoil the game. I get an average ping of around 200, and against any pingers under 100 I aint got a chance. Im not writing this cos im crap, Im just losing heart in a game I so dearly love.

Also a lot of LPBs are shit, and it is there ping, notice how very few LPBs will put fakelag on?

Anyway an ideea. Barrysworld, can we try something, can we have at least ONE sevrer running which doesnt let 100- players play on, as there are loads of us out there who are tearing our hair out because our skills can not match players who see you a second or 2 before anyone else!

Ideas comments?

Cheers guys



Nothing personal, but I'm a 56k'er and I reckon I have just as much chance of killing a LPB as I do a HPB (not much either way ;) )due to the netcode


Yes and your probably an excellent player, but I just go on to have a bit of fun, get a few kills but nothing special, and LPBs spoil it.


True it would be nice to be able to go on a server and know that everyone there has a reasonable ping, even if it does give me one less excuse for being crap :)

Is there anyway that this could actually be implemented in an automated way though?

I suppose the server could let people join and then if there ping goes below 100 kick them but that seems impractical, and I am not sure there is any variable to find peoples ping on a server anyway.

Inc certain forums you will find lpb moaning how the netcode gives hpb an advantage , I guesss everyone just needs an excuse every now and again ;)


yeah...there would no way of enforcing it unless an admin stays on that server 24/7. im afraid your stuck with them


Surely there can be some script or somthing, which checks what players pings are, and if they are -100 for 5mins for example, it kicks em.


You complaining LPBs bore me!!!

The key word in the first post was 'PAY' if you 56kers weren't so cheap you would be LPBs =)

ADSL is the way to go!!!
It might not be brilliant but it beats 56k hands down!!

and at £40 a month its a steal!!

and no its not expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!

£40 pounds a month equates to £480 a year!!

The average household has an income of £15000+ (after tax deduction)

So bollocks to you lot ;)

works out cheaper than 56k as well! you dont pay a minutly charge on yer fone bill! meaning that you can have twice as much CS.

Not meaning to make myself too much of an arsehole but if you play for fun, does it really matter if you win or not??

There is quite a margin between hardcore gaming for the winning and playing for 'fun'


We have dust servers, we have dust, milertia and nuke servers, so we should have no LPB servers, just another option for people who want to use it.

I cannot afford ADSL, and its not even in me area anyway. And anyway if you get 30 kills with 20 ping its never a true reflection.


Originally posted by [MrW]TeDLooN
You complaining LPBs bore me!!!

Doh !! We're HPB's

The key word in the first post was 'PAY' if you 56kers weren't so cheap you would be LPBs =)

Erm, did it ever occur to you that ADSL/Cable are not available everywhere ??

ADSL is the way to go!!!

true - i can't argue with that...

It might not be brilliant but it beats 56k hands down!!

and at £40 a month its a steal!!

and no its not expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, no arguments there either...

£40 pounds a month equates to £480 a year!!

Well done... you can multiply (or use a calculator)

The average household has an income of £15000+ (after tax deduction)

Ok, i will presume that's correct...

So bollocks to you lot ;)

Bollocks to you too m8 !!!

works out cheaper than 56k as well! you dont pay a minutly charge on yer fone bill! meaning that you can have twice as much CS.


Not meaning to make myself too much of an arsehole

too late...
but if you play for fun, does it really matter if you win or not??


There is quite a margin between hardcore gaming for the winning and playing for 'fun'

Well, some good points, way too much jumping to conclusions... :p

A solution for this would be to have a server that is set up with fakelag... would this proove anything... i doubt it.

Oh, and to the guy who said I must be an excellent player... funny joke m8 !!!! ;)


Hmm I hate to say but it isn't going to happen....LPBs don't get LPB only servers and nor will HPWs.

More and more people are becoming LPBs and tbh even years ago when most were HPWs it didn't happen and it won't now.


""Hmm I hate to say but it isn't going to happen....LPBs don't get LPB only servers and nor will HPWs. ""

LPBs dont ned there own server! I am just saying ONE SERVER for a month to test this idea! It does no harm does it???

And yes, ping is a big advantage. If I say you on the street and you pulled a gun out 2 sec before I saw it I would me dead. Same in CS!

I may be average, I may be good or I may be shit, I want the chance to see how good I am, against pple with the same ping as me! As -100 you can never judge how good they are!


Sorry your making poor excuses.....yes ping does give a slight advantage but hiding on another server won't help.

Actually thats one server less in general use and so is a waste of resources esp at a time when BW needs to make best use of its current resources.


""Actually thats one server less in general use""

You mean one less server for cheats! As LPBS are legal cheats! Ok not 100 percent true, but its not fair that you get to see someone 3 secs quicker than I, you guys can go on any server, and I BET a dedicated HPB server would be packed 24/7, anyway im just saying for one month to give it a try!


Calling an LPB a cheat is like calling Michael Schumacher a cheat coz he has the faster more reliable car.



Originally posted by silk|away
""Actually thats one server less in general use""

You mean one less server for cheats! As LPBS are legal cheats! Ok not 100 percent true, but its not fair that you get to see someone 3 secs quicker than I, you guys can go on any server, and I BET a dedicated HPB server would be packed 24/7, anyway im just saying for one month to give it a try!

Well now you're being utterly stupid. Right if you can't afford a better connection then how the hell are you going to be on a server 24/7 without an unmetered package which would then see you booted from the service for breaking the T&C.


Oh and btw...its more annoying being an LPB and getting round a corner and then being dragged back just because a lamer HPW shot at you and being killed.


Actually Emb m8. I haven't seen you on BW servers for ages.

You do play games don't you? :)


Haven't had much chance to recently....have been playing a little bit of AQ2 again but I've been ill for about 2 weeks so tends to put me off slightly.


Ok i am getting sick of LPB complaints, Half Life's netcode gives you very little advantage being an lpb or hpb it balances it. Thats why HPbs can still kill HPB's round corners and vice versa. I became an LPb about a month ago now, you want to know why? It cost only a tenner more than my 24/7 dial up, and teh only real advantage is in quake 3 or elite force where being an lpb helps. In CS all it gives me isno cl_entityflush and no disconnections, when i was a hpb i was wise enough to follow lots of guides and chose a good isp so my ping was never over 200 and avereged at 140, i now have avergae pings of 35 but 100 mllieseconds makes little difference.

The only people with a reason to complain are thoose with 300+ pings, but they really should do something about it. Start at http://www.lagless.com


Go to the Games Server Forum and make an offical request.....I doubt it'll get you any where but oh well :)


Im still on 56k simply because BT and Telewest still haven't got their act together and sorted out broadband access in my area....I'm not in the sticks either,Im in a major city ffs. So those people who are lucky enough to have ADSL/Cable Modem have no right to blame modemmers for their own misfortune...although I admit there are modemmers who don't have the finances to upgrade quite a lot more haven't got the option.
I didn't go down the home highway route cos for a year I have been promised by either BT or Telewest that broadband is just around the corner...so I wasn't gonna tie myself to a 12 month ISDN contract, though in hindsight I wish I did there ain't no way Im signing up for it now...I guess I just have to soak up the corporate BT lies till they get things sorted out.
Now I got that off my chest I'll make a point about the topic in question.

I sympathise with silk|away tho I disagree with the LPB's being cheats :)
I hardly play anymore simply because my connection can't cope with a server full of lpb's.I used to pay £150 a month on modem dial up to play Q2 when every server would be full and only 2 or 3 people were lpb's. I had more fun, was on an equal footing and most times could out rail the LPB's as a couple of ISDN'ers didn't suck up all the bandwidth on the server so their ping wasn't an advantage.
As modemmers became the minority it just got worse and with broadband and everyone on maximum rate it has just become unplayable.
I dont play CS but I know for Q2/Q3 modem only servers have always been an option...check BW own Q3 server list http://www.barrysworld.com/games/quake3/quake3servers.asp....4th one down. And i know there were Q2 servers that were modem only and I cant see any reason why it can't be implemented on a cs server.
It's annoying that any skill I have in the game is wiped out by ping difference now and it makes me laugh that LPB's nowadays think they are so l33t cos they can kill someone who has a ping upto 6X their own, but that soon became frustrating which is why I very rarely play nowadays. Im not blaming them for their ping advantage, at the end of the day its MY ping disadvantage but I think it's lame that they get satisfaction and gloat about the number of kills they get.
As for a modem only server, why should LPB's be bothered that modemmers have their own server. Maybe its because all their easy kills have disappeared and they have to compete on an even playing field again. Which can only be a good thing imo.


8Ball you did not obviously read my post did you? Hl's netcode compenstaes for the difference between pings, so although a ping of 300 or 400 is going to make u suffer its no easier being an lpb against a hpb with a average ping 150-200 in half life mods. seeing as this is a Hal-life and mods forum quake has no relevence, although i agree in quake games being an lpb is easy and hpb is no fun, but that does not apply to HL.

Easy kills against hpbs? no i played the same on a modem as i do on my cable connection i have seen many 56kers finish top in cs ping really matters very little if you ahve some skill to start with..when i was a fresh newbie I used to blame me dieing on lpb's, but i got over it i learnt about hl's netcode and simply got better. Look at your skill before u balme other peoples connections, and if your ping is really that bad you probably are getting no fun from games online anyway.

I dont brag being an lpb and not many do, its usually hpb's who have ago. as this thread proves.


Ch3tan, as I stated I dont play CS and I think I only played HL once online when it was first released and the netcode was crap which is probably what put me off.
I spose I stuck my nose in where it dont belong as I'm predominately a Quake player but I still stick to my points that not all modemmers are modemmers thru choice and LPB or HPW only servers won't do the online scene any harm.
As far as skill is concerned its more tactics and using the right weapon in the right situation and I agree that once the player gets used to the latency then modemmers can be just as good as lpb's.
2 years ago when I played Q2 constantly I could rail the shit outta the majority of people regardless of ping cos I was so used to the latency. Recently, with the influx of ADSL/CM players, that latency has become impossible to get used to cos its never constant. As soon as a JANET player comes on the best thing to do is leave, its that bad. That is probably Quakes netcode tho so I guess I just jumped to the conclusion that HL's would suffer the same. Sorry if I got it wrong but you know what I was getting at, and it certainly was never an excuse for crap skill Embattle :)
You mention HL's netcode compensates for ping differences but crap connections are crap connections and as good as you say the net code is I doubt it puts modemmers on exactly the same playing field as LPB's.
Im not making excuses for skill (or lack off), and certainly not blaming LPB's for having a better connection but I can't see why LPB's should get pissed off cos modemmers want to play on a modem only server!!
Hey, if the netcode is as good as you say then I may even check it out and start playing online again :) Tho, i keep reading that CS is full of cheats in one form or another...but being LPB is certainly not one of em ;)

/me expects to be flamed again but at the end of the day, playing online is meant to be fun, it used to be fun...it just ain't anymore on modem :(


Latency hasn't gone up due to faster connections....its more likely to be that the total number of people on the net has increased and costs continue to fall, thus more people are being stuffed onto a port at the ISP end. Its also that general capacity in the whole network is being outstripped by the number of new users.

BW does employ rate limits so it doesn't matter how much faster a connection you get there is a limit.

TBH cheaters have existed in every game/mod right from the start and even though more cheats come about now they're also plugged quicker.

I do generally feel sorry for people who are unable to use any thing but a modem since I too until AUG last year had been on one for many years.


Ok, BarrysWorld can we please have a CS server which is modem only???




I think the concept is a good idea (and before you ask im on ADSL) but the HL netcode does REALLY work a treat!
Now and again I have 1 on 1 sniper praccys with one of the guys in my clan who pings around 200 - 250, and he still owns my ass whan his ping is 5x bigger than mine.

Even though I think this is still a good idea, as many HPW's have trouble on servers full of LPB's.
Maybe a server for LPBs and a Server for HPWs? Although we hit a problem if (for example) a player on the LPB server gets a lag spike, and the server kicks them because of it. Any ideas?


Fair point about the latency Embattle but the rate thing has increased with the onset of broadband.On modem its best set at 4k to 5k, ISDN 5k to 8k and ADSL/CM it dont matter as its usually capped by the server, usually 10k. Nowadays tho if I jump on a 16 player server im usually the only modemmer and the majority of players are sucking up the full 10k. A modem only server wouldn't even use up half the rate being used, and I know your going to argue that if the rate is capped at 10k on a 16 player server then there's still 160k available to that server for everyone to use and Im still getting my equal share.
I cant argue with that, its logic but I'm sure you remember playing on modem, if you got in the same room as a Janet player pinging <20 your ping shot thru the roof, usually causing major lag or brief lock ups. Therefore as the pings get higher LPB's are still lagging out modemmers just on a lesser scale. Now stick 4 or 5 LPB's in the same room as a modemmer and it still has the same effect, and as most servers now are all lpb then its become impossible.
I don't know if you remember Che, used to play for [KING] and various other leet clans including a brief spell at UNR. He was a skilled player, no doubt about that but he was also one of the most arrogant to the point he was known more for his attitude than his skill. He was LPB when the majority of players were modemmers and one of his favourite tricks in clan matches was to bind a key to max his rate out whenever a modemmer came near him, lag him out,kill him then lower his rate again. Prick you might think, but proves the point that rate is a major advantage on a server.
Thats why I think a modem only server with all players chewing the same rate can only be a good thing.
Most newbies are modem players and will jump on a server full of lpb's, ignorant of the advantage LPB's have and generally have a shite game, then another and another etc etc. If first impressions last then they wont play that game online again cos it wasn't fun. With no new players coming into the scene then eventually it will get smaller, more elite and eventually die off.
That's one of the reasons I think Q3 pulls so few players compared to CS as the Q3 players have honed their skills over years playing previous incarnations. It's daunting for newbies nowadays jumping on a Q3 server and I feel sorry for em that they never had the same chance I had years ago when everyone was on modem and generally had similar skill levels. If the CS servers become elitist like the quake servers then the CS scene is only gonna shoot itself in the foot.
So until broadband becomes available to all I agree with silk, give modemmers their own server and at least give newbies a chance to get some skills and a passion for the game.

[Edited by 8Ball on 15-03-01 at 23:49]

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