


They might give the time and effort, but the work is done by lvl 50's.


Don't really see why people are complaining, it seems quite simple - set out all the lotto rules before the raid. If you go on the raid, and the lotto rules enable a level 44 to end up with a top item, well that's just how it is. I've no idea whether the lotto rules for Aligros raid were spelled out beforehand. I went because I was asked to by a friend. I went LD (having spent about 2 hours on the raid) before the final encounter, and so I wasn't eligible for the lotto. But if the lotto rules were set out before hand (and like I say I have no idea if they were) then people really can't complain. The other side of the coin is that if a raid runs with rules which people really have an issue with then eventually you'll end up with few high level players helping out . Personally, I'll probably not go on another one like that - I'll stick to raids that are based on guild invite where I know the guild will actually get something for a successful outcome. But I don't see the point of complaining after the event.

Edit: Just seen that rules were set out before hand, though don't appear to cover the main/alts issue.


Originally posted by Restart
Just want to add that during the raid i got a belt drop. cant remember name but stats was 11power 30intel/piety and charge or value 3 power regen.
Now i gave this drop to Loxleyhood, who may or may not of given it to Aligro, BUT this drop NEVER got lotto'd as i was there from start to finish, and i also know alot of other drops "vanished" and wasn't lotto'd. So anyone care to explain where they went to??
Or was it simply that Aligro "forgot" he had the drops like he did with a 1handed thrust weapon right at the end of the lotto, cause you must be really intelligent to just "forget" about an item.

my bro was kinda waiting the whole lotto for that thrust 1h weapon. he didn't enter 1 lotto, suddenly Aligro says: Lotto over :rolleyes:
after 5 mins he found the item back. On his 'page full of thrusters' :eek6:
you know.... thrust paladins...
prolly gonna do my own raids soon. didn't really like all those insults during that raid.


Originally posted by Jiggs
yes hypocrites, all this bollocks and we find out they are just lining their own pockets!!

relic door fund you say??


sorry i got no time to do relic raids got to farm DF to keep up with all the blue cons walking around with level 50+ items!!11!!!!111

aligro raids rNOTtehwinz imo!

excuse me?


Some people will never be happy unless the rules state that the drop they want is only eligable to be won by them.

So what if someone L44 won a top item? The bonuses on it are completely usuable by them, with any effects available in a few levels time. Sure they cant get the extra 0.3 dps on a weapon until RR5, but not everyone is a realm point whore and spends evey second of their time online in emain. As for the friar staff on the dragon, fao jiggs the person who got it was on the raid and spent most of the time healing and rezzing people, seemed pretty helpful to me.... And being 50 does not equal doing all the work, a level 45 cleric is just as useful as a level 50 cleric on big raids, a level 45 theurgist can pet spam as much as a level 50 one, etc etc. Dismissing all classes 49 or under as not doing the work is pathetic.

There are far too many people obsessed with having the 'uber' items and pissing off anyone who stands in their way. Being 50 does not make you a god, being rr5 does not mean you can piss on anyone below so get over it. Ultimately each raid has it's own rules, and if you dont like them, dont go.


Why does everyone have conspiricy theories about lottos?


Originally posted by Aussie-
my bro was kinda waiting the whole lotto for that thrust 1h weapon. he didn't enter 1 lotto, suddenly Aligro says: Lotto over :rolleyes:
after 5 mins he found the item back. On his 'page full of thrusters' :eek6:
you know.... thrust paladins...
prolly gonna do my own raids soon. didn't really like all those insults during that raid.

If you don't like insults Aussie maybe you shouldn't risk pulling every add in Caer Sidi. Of 120 people, you were the only one that refused to stay behind the door.


lol Aussie n1, were they doing the ghey 5 hour per mob relog pull?


I agree with Loxley.........
but with drops, I think peopel who will get most utility should get the Uba stuff..... I suspect some peopel get l33t 1t4mz to store or to PvE which is a waste IMO.

Now I have seen Sacr in emain With his Glorified pitch fork in emain, so he's ok.:D


It is perhaps a bit unfortunate that a player may make a sacrifice by playing a cleric alt for the good pf the raid when they would have rather brought their <insert class>

However, when an item lotto is a free for all it gets too unwieldy and the the whining post-lotto is non-stop so I agree with the way Aligro/Lox are running this.

perhaps an alternative would be for those who bring a cleric/theu instead of their 'main' char to be allowed to declare to the organisers prior to the raid starting that they will be lottoing for a 'thrust infil' spec or a 'slash merc' spec. If the class and spec they are lottoing for is declared beforehand I can't see a problem.

Just a thought that might get more support on the raid yet keep some peeps happy.


Originally posted by gunZ-
i didnt realise this fully until i was already at the raid scene

i was kinda forced into bringing my cleric to raid as it was either that or no cleric T_T

when we got to apoc and we took off his 70%hps in under 20secs....

another lvl 44 with _teh_ sword? T_T and i had absolutely 0% chance of getting it as i was forced into playing a more essential class :/


anyway other than that was cool seeing apoc for 1st time etc...

Didn't you bring winter? And didn't she win the bow? :p


dam i was drunk yesterday and in random insult everyone and everything mode :D

i think lox is a good guy basically and has tried to be as fair as possible:

sidi raid are so long and boring that its inevitable ppl get wound up with endless waiting while have alligro shout at them all like they are kids :(

i fully appreciate what simius has posted there, but for me personally i won't go on another 'free for all' raid, no i don't think rr5 .3dps or whatever make one person better than another...

truth is i been on loads of raids and i can honestly think of no uber item i have ever won, (best thing i ever got was the oro sleeves back when drops were still good)

so really whats the point for me to come along? when you go you have like a 1 in 100 chance of getting something?

i could spend that time in DF instead of sidi and farm myself alot more money...

yes its nice to see apoc or kill the dragon, but if everytime you go you get shafted after awhile it seems pointless :(


Incidentally, the very existence of this entire thread is exactly why the better way to do this is to split items between the invited guilds and then let them sort it out amougnst themselves.

If you're going to do a raid wide lottery then imho it has to be open to anyone who was invited, came along, and helped.

If you are going to put lvl limits on an open lotto, then it has to be the same limits as on the raid invite, or at least state any difference beforehand.

Most guilds distribute items internally on the basis of greatest need, the reason that they are able to is because it is arranged in a sane matter between friends. Trying to do the same across a raid of over 150 ppl results, unfortunately, in this thread.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
Didn't you bring winter? And didn't she win the bow? :p

ya winter was there but played by a friend as he cudnt play his char at that specific point in time

i was gonna bring tank but they demanded a cleric :p


do you know how hard it is to remain sanity while:

*getting flooded with pms... "tell tilda to stfu","whats the stats on that sword?" "what boss are we on?" What are you doing we're supposed to kill silencer first!"

*having to give orders when people are flooding the chat system

*People not listening to such orders jeopardising the whole raid"

*Having to pull through imense lag, timing my turn around sprint just right so i dont run to the wall.

*keeping everyine interested

*coping with unkillable mobs

*Trying to do a lotto where giving out info is impossible because by the time i've read it out its long gone due to constant spamming, and then people just ranodmly randoming 100 when i have not said to do so..

*and then more pms.

*and them some more

*and then please can you lotto "item" next i have to go soon..

some people just dont understand how hard that place is
but i still give up my time every saturday to make albion a better place.
TBH i see no reason that you should be flaming me
# for those who cba to copy paste


Originally posted by Aussie-
my bro was kinda waiting the whole lotto for that thrust 1h weapon. he didn't enter 1 lotto, suddenly Aligro says: Lotto over :rolleyes:
after 5 mins he found the item back. On his 'page full of thrusters' :eek6:
you know.... thrust paladins...
prolly gonna do my own raids soon. didn't really like all those insults during that raid.

Givz :clap: :clap: :clap:


why is it also that people always rude about Realm Points, like if you dare to go RvR and enjoy it suddenly you are the scum of this game?


Originally posted by Tranquil-
Hm, what's that 2H crusher on your back?

its the one he lottoed for :puke:
having no use for it whatsoever


Originally posted by loxleyhood
imo rps should be a bonus, not a goal.

Hmm, why not a goal really? I think the strife for RP's is def. a ok thing, AS LONG as people do not think that they deserve drops/attention/right to speak more than a lvl45 RR1 char.
Nor should they claim any rights in the open RvsR-field.


The idea with relicdoors is def a good Idea, but it can't be checked by an outer source. The public don't know where the money goes really, maybe some are put in own pockets and us not knowing. To keep a relic/keep-doorfund the holder of this must show the public whom has bought certain things and for what money, and whom has donated gifts etc. A weekly thread on BW showing the income/outcome from the fund might be handy.

This gives the public a insight on where the money goes. For all we know Aligro/Loxleyhood might as well put money in their own pockets.


Guys, all this looks very suspicious when it comes to how the items are handled.. Care to give an explanation to all the stuff that's come up? Or is it just me that get the feeling there's alot of stuff being hid in inventories. If nothing has been, that's good.

Hit ^_^

and what was its name? cant seem to find in the chat.log

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