Look at these cunts


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And there we have the crux of the argument. Tom thinks it's ok to break the laws of the road in a perceived "safety first" attitude. Which isn't safety first at all, it's an incredibly isolated, blinkered approach at safety where you only look out for yourself and not other road users.

If you're using the road you have a duty of care for everyone's safety, not just your own.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
These arguments stemmed from the video shown, and if you agree with what they're doing, you're just as retarded as them.

Sure, they might be practising their right to cycle around freely on roads, but you don't see Lewis Hamilton ripping it down the M1 in his F1 car.

Hmm, I might move to London, and get a horse, to piss of cyclists.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

We're talking accidents involving cyclists. There are, of course, way more accidents than that.

But where cyclists are involved - 17-25% of them are the cyclists fault.

Kapiche? :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
We're talking accidents involving cyclists. There are, of course, way more accidents than that.

But where cyclists are involved - 17-25% of them are the cyclists fault.

Kapiche? :)
Yes I understood fine. It was a tongue in cheek way of saying even though the motorist is responsible for 75% of the accidents the fact that the much smaller group (cyclist) are responsible for 17% means that per head they might be responsible for more accidents. Hence would be the greater group of lady parts :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Cars don't jump red, Cyclists think they have the right to do so.

How many pedestrians do you see running across crossings at red lights?

Cyclists, by and large and for reasons I've already explained in previous posts, sit mostly in the same bucket as pedestrians, not cars.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Jesus. Talk about defending the indefensible. From the Highway Code:

Read my post more carefully, especially the part where I said "Not that I'm excusing either". Also, it is impossible to fit pedal reflectors to clipless pedals, so nobody bothers. Just as nobody bothers with front or rear reflectors, the pace of technology has rendered them useless.

From the Highway Code:
(emphasis mine)

The Highway Code is wrong on this point, just as it's wrong on stopping distances. Riding two abreast is safer on narrow roads than riding single file. Doing so prevents motorists from "chancing their arm" and squeezing past you.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And cycling two abreast around a blind corner is exactly how cyclists should use the roads.

Surprisingly, this is correct.

However, there are a lot of dead correct cyclists because car drivers tend to be unsympathetic cunts.

It must be because it's so hard to hold back a second, before depressing your right foot slightly to enable you to propel your two-ton metal lump at astonishing speeds past the aluminium-framed leg-powered meat-sacks :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
And there we have the crux of the argument. Tom thinks it's ok to break the laws of the road in a perceived "safety first" attitude. Which isn't safety first at all, it's an incredibly isolated, blinkered approach at safety where you only look out for yourself and not other road users.

If you're using the road you have a duty of care for everyone's safety, not just your own.

No, the crux of the argument is that a lot of people here have obviously never cycled in their life, or at least haven't cycled since they were in short trousers. It follows that they have not the slightest fucking clue what they're talking about, and I include you in that group. In fact, going from some of the tripe you've posted in here, I think I'll include you in that group a great deal more often now.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
No, the crux of the argument is that a lot of people here have obviously never cycled in their life, or at least haven't cycled since they were in short trousers. It follows that they have not the slightest fucking clue what they're talking about, and I include you in that group. In fact, going from some of the tripe you've posted in here, I think I'll include you in that group a great deal more often now.


The Highway Code is wrong on this point, just as it's wrong on stopping distances. Riding two abreast is safer on narrow roads than riding single file. Doing so prevents motorists from "chancing their arm" and squeezing past you.

I think this post sort of shows why people dislike cyclists, thinking they're above the rules.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I think this post sort of shows why people dislike cyclists, thinking they're above the rules.

There is no rule that says that cyclists must ride single file on narrow roads, only guidance. And the guidance is completely wrong and out of date. And anyone whinging about cyclists still has to explain the 2,000 deaths every year caused by....not cyclists.

Anyway, I said I would, so here's some "highlights" of today's ride.

Numpties everywhere. And before someone slags me off for riding on the pavement at one point, I invite you to look at the 4-lane single carriageway A556 west of Plumley, Cheshire, and tell me if you think you're brave enough to mix it with HGVs doing 56mph and cars doing 60mph+.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006

I love people who make videos that picks up on peoples mistakes on the road, it makes me laugh, I find it as a form of entertainment - and that's the truth.

I just don't understand.. I don't drive myself, but you said people were getting too close to you, but in my eyes, they were a decent distance from you, and the oncoming traffic. Do you wish people not to take over unless they fully use the on-coming lane on the other side?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997


Slightly offtopic:
  1. What camera, very impressed by the quality.
  2. Do you have bionic legs?
Back on topic:
  1. Car drivers are indeed cunts like cyclists. I think there needs to be better think tanks/workgroups on building bridges.
  2. Whilst I understand where you are coming from I just cannot accept the "it is all the motorists fault". Everyone has a duty and having done a little more research, cyclists are, in the eyes of the law, treated as vehicles on public roads and subject to the same laws as motorists. Again, both parties break the law, just that in my experience, cyclists do it more (running red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, turning left into flowing traffic etc).
  3. Are cyclists allowed to legally drive in the middle of the road interrupting the flow of traffic? Serious question as I do not know the answer to this.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The highway code isn't just guidance.

Only the parts that say MUST reflect explicit laws.

I love people who make videos that picks up on peoples mistakes on the road, it makes me laugh, I find it as a form of entertainment - and that's the truth.

I just don't understand.. I don't drive myself, but you said people were getting too close to you, but in my eyes, they were a decent distance from you, and the oncoming traffic. Do you wish people not to take over unless they fully use the on-coming lane on the other side?

See rule 163 Highway Code for guidance on how to overtake cyclists. The following photograph represents a car overtaking a cyclist at a relatively low speed. Note there's at least six feet of space between them.


The red van was doing in excess of 40mph at a distance of about 3 feet from my handlebars, which on a huge wide road like that is a sure indicator of careless driving. He should have been at least double that distance, and if he couldn't give me that space he should have waited until it was safe to do so.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Personally if I cannot overtake a cyclist by being in the other lane I wait until I can. Simple.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003

Slightly offtopic:
  1. What camera, very impressed by the quality.
  2. Do you have bionic legs?
Back on topic:

  1. Car drivers are indeed cunts like cyclists. I think there needs to be better think tanks/workgroups on building bridges.
  2. Whilst I understand where you are coming from I just cannot accept the "it is all the motorists fault". Everyone has a duty and having done a little more research, cyclists are, in the eyes of the law, treated as vehicles on public roads and subject to the same laws as motorists. Again, both parties break the law, just that in my experience, cyclists do it more (running red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, turning left into flowing traffic etc).
  3. Are cyclists allowed to legally drive in the middle of the road interrupting the flow of traffic? Serious question as I do not know the answer to this.

Gopro HD, and no not particularly. I just cycle a lot and have done since I was a teenager. I agree that there are cunts using all forms of transport, which is why I posted the racing video in the first place. I think you'll find that motorists break the law far more often Deebs. They break the speed limit with regularity (I do, too). They run red lights all the time (everyone sees it during every rush hour, it happens all the time). They park too close to corners and create obstructions. They drive on the pavement, which is completely illegal. They overtake inappropriately. They park on double yellows and complain when they're ticketed. They tailgate, they drive too fast in inclement weather, they drive with faulty lights, bald tyres, holed exhausts, unroadworthy cars...the list goes on. And what do cyclists do? Run red lights, not have lights on their bikes, and....what else? Not a lot tbh.

Oh and weaving in and out of traffic is called filtering, and is perfectly legal.

One more thing, cyclists are traffic. And yes, they are legally entitled to ride wherever they like in the lane. In fact, the DFT actively recommends that cyclists take the lane where safe.


Try to anticipate what a driver will do and:
  • ride positively and decisively
  • look and signal before you start, stop or turn
  • ride well clear of the kerb - 1 metre away or in the centre of the left lane
  • make eye contact with drivers to let them know you have seen them
  • acknowledge any courtesy from drivers
  • ride a car-door width away from parked cars
It's called "taking the lane", or "primary position", and is much, much, MUCH safer than hugging the gutter (secondary position).


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Only the parts that say MUST reflect explicit laws.

See rule 163 Highway Code for guidance on how to overtake cyclists. The following photograph represents a car overtaking a cyclist at a relatively low speed. Note there's at least six feet of space between them.


The red van was doing in excess of 40mph at a distance of about 3 feet from my handlebars, which on a huge wide road like that is a sure indicator of careless driving. He should have been at least double that distance, and if he couldn't give me that space he should have waited until it was safe to do so.

But the Highway Code is guidance, not rules I thought?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
But the Highway Code is guidance, not rules I thought?

Tell it to the police officer who, following my complaint, went and bollocked this van driver for placing my life in danger.

Here's the apology he felt obliged to write. And googling his company name (it was a company van) now brings my video up right under his company website, so I doubt he'll be doing it again. I love having a camera on the handlebars, fuck anyone who decides to play with my safety.



Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
1991 isn't exactly "last week" though is it?

Every time since 06' you've tried to have a pop, it's been a big fail as you already know. Nice to see your not bucking the trend.

Instead of being gaffer's lap dog, go to the end of page 1, 3 up from the bottom


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
It's called "taking the lane", or "primary position", and is much, much, MUCH safer than hugging the gutter (secondary position).

Ah I never realised that, I have always ridden in the gutter and fucking hate it, I keep finding myself worrying that my pedal could clip the curb. See one good thing has come out of this thread, I have learnt something new and important!


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Tell it to the police officer who, following my complaint, went and bollocked this van driver for placing my life in danger.

Here's the apology he felt obliged to write. And googling his company name (it was a company van) now brings my video up right under his company website, so I doubt he'll be doing it again. I love having a camera on the handlebars, fuck anyone who decides to play with my safety.

View attachment 9319

What about all the people that are late to important meetings and stuffs, because there's a traffic jam due to two cyclists cycling 2 abreast on a busy road, so there's no opportunity to over-take?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
What about all the people that are late to important meetings and stuffs, because there's a traffic jam due to two cyclists cycling 2 abreast on a busy road, so there's no opportunity to over-take?

If you can't safely overtake two cyclists riding abreast of oneanother you can't safely overtake one cyclist riding in single file. And tbh, if you've had to wait for a minute or so behind a cyclist, how does that compare to the hours you've spent in traffic jams caused by.....cars?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If you can't safely overtake two cyclists riding abreast of oneanother you can't safely overtake one cyclist riding in single file. And tbh, if you've had to wait for a minute or so behind a cyclist, how does that compare to the hours you've spent in traffic jams caused by.....cars?

Erm, to be fair, you can.. - if there's a wide enough road, it's possible. If someone slowly overtook you, it's pretty much safe.

Cars can go up to 70mph on a road, bikes can't, that's why Cars are less likely to cause traffic jams :p

I don't think you've got my point about sticking to the Highway Code, I mean, you can't decide to follow one rule, and moan when people don't stick to it, and say another is bollocks.

But I've seen your videos, and it's clear that you have a mission to put cars to shame, so I'll give up :p

When I ride on the road (I have a load of park path things around me for leisure cycling) I feel guilty when I hold up cars :p

I like this video btw;

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=730HYWooC_o&list=UUVchDY_TRbhTJDrkI4UUW0g&index=5&feature=plcp
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Ah I never realised that, I have always ridden in the gutter and fucking hate it, I keep finding myself worrying that my pedal could clip the curb. See one good thing has come out of this thread, I have learnt something new and important!

Good, glad I could help. Don't ride in the gutter, make sure you're a minimum of 3 feet out at all times. The further out you are, the more you force drivers to think "hmmm, if I overtake this guy will I hit someone coming the other way?" Whereas if you're in the gutter, the driver will think "yeah no problem I can squeeze past this guy". The problem with the latter example being, if someone does come the other way and he's pressed for space, he's going to steer left....into you.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I've been riding continuously for nearly three decades, the usual kid riding then in my early teens trips around and through Richmond Park and along tow paths with the addition of trips to college and university in my late teens naturally progressing to riding to and from work in my twenties and onwards, as a result I've not yet had a single driving lesson. In all that time, excluding the odd off road accident, I've had one accident (Touch Wood) on the road during my late teens which involved a large kerb stone that had been dislodged and upon approaching it I had looked behind me thus I hit it at nearly 20mph and was catapulted off my bike in to the middle of the road resulting in a slight loss of awareness and a couple of bruises and scratches.

Personally I've always ridden on London's roads with the vision of looking far ahead and to expect the unexpected, to the point where one morning saw me avoid three accidents which consisted of a car door, car reversing and a car pulling out in front of me. Probably my closest brown stain moment was on the A308 between Kingston bridge and Hampton court many years ago when a 4 axle tipper truck was so close it brushed against my jacket as he over took me before a traffic island ahead.

I personally don't do the weaving much, I find it just too risky.

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