Lomald Alchemy prices.



have to say lomald 2.5x is a bit steep m8

----Mistar Moo 50x minstrel of ASq


just worked out what i need, was real hard as I was laughing so hard at this post I couldnt see strait.

Cost to make is:
6 x 254g10s60c (amablitve reactive proc ) for cloth armour
1 x 82g15s30c ( lifebain charge ) for staff

Total : 1606g78s90c

Lomalds price would be :

6 x 254g10s60c x 3 = 4p573g90s80c
1 x 82g15s30c x 2.5 = 205g38s25c

Total : 4p779g29s05c


so 3 plat profit on somthing that takes less than 30 mins to do.

Lomald if you can show me any other craft in daocf that can make half that much in such a short period of time I'll consider placing an order with you!



p.s and no making 3 sets of MP leather armour 1st time every try doesnt count!


Originally posted by stinkie

p.s and no making 3 sets of MP leather armour 1st time every try doesnt count!

You mean you haven't done that before? Damn, you must suck!


worst so far was 150+ trys for MP cloth gloves that I had taken at a fixed price.


Originally posted by stinkie
worst so far was 150+ trys for MP cloth gloves that I had taken at a fixed price.

And I bet it wasn't a 3*(average_cost) fixed price either :m00:




ya know I think ya good bloke Lomald but is slightly on the insane side of things ;)


Originally posted by Keri
I refuse to support a bot. :mgwhore2: :bore:

why dont you piss off - youve said that on every damn post about someone being high in crafting - and this aint even hib posts - piss off and whinge about somethign else!



yea kir :) who is gona pay 300% markup - when u can get em off trade price from guildie :hat:


Originally posted by Pin

Errrr, sorry but you are talking absolute bollocks.

Salvaging any crafted item in any tradeskill loses more money than selling back to the merchant. Has been like that since about patch 1.45. Crafting my weaponsmith to 1k+ cost around 18plat total. Tailoring, Fletching and Armourcrafting all cost pretty much the same (within about 20% anyway).

The only 2 differences with Spellcrafting and Alchemy are:

1) There are no consignment tasks, but if powerskilling you wouldn't do these anyway, so who cares;
2) Merchant buy-backs are set at a lower % value than most of the other crafted items;

All in all, powerskilling to 1k+ Spellcraft or Alchemy costs roughly 20plat, or about 10% more than Weaponcraft, and maybe 30% more than Tailoring.

Now, you have some other differences....

Quality makes no difference for proc, reverse procs, dyes and poisons. This does mean that you can't make any extra profit from being lucky and making a masterpiece for example, but it also means that you don't have to sit there making 100 attempts at something because someone wants the best available.

Charging 2.5X-3X cost on these equates to roughly 2plat per customer for a full set of armour and weapons with procs/rev-procs, with about 1200g being pure profit to you. Think that's reasonable?

Now, charges are different in that the quality does make a difference in the number of charges a tincture gives. Charging a customer 2.5X material cost for a random quality charge tincture is rediculous. If that would guarantee a 98%+ charge then that might be more reasonable, or 5X for a 99%, etc.

But please, saying any of this pricing is reasonable at all is just plain stupid.

Thanks, but I'll wait a week or so for there to be 10+ Legendary Alchemists (at least one being in my guild and more who are friends) to get a more reasonable markup than 200% thankyou very much.

:ROFLMAO: :kissit: :ROFLMAO: :kissit: :ROFLMAO:

To all people:

Wait 1 week, and this guy will lower his prices, cos all the custimors will find other alchemists :)

..Anyway... 18p for 1000 fletch? ye right.. used 12 i think..


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Crafters being greedy again, nothing abnormal ;)


Originally posted by Cowled

..Anyway... 18p for 1000 fletch? ye right.. used 12 i think..

Yeah, shame it was not your cash...
Regards, Glottis


I got a Fantastic 99% crafted weapon off pin ( at a very good price). Got a damn fine deal on SC off Tilda (soz to any guildy SCers). My opinion is that there is no way on this gods earth will i be paying as much as the 3 amigos plan on charging. I will wait till our guildy Alchy is 1000+ ( cos if you think about it..if everybody who wants anything alchyed and payed the amigos prices instead of giving it to thier own guild alchys..no-one would ever get to 1000+). This post might be all over the place but all i am saying is WAIT....prices will fall..and if not peeps will go out of buisness..

And if any of The 3 Amigos don't agree :kissit:

Basically..what i am trying to say is dont give give your hard earned money to them..support your guild crafter instead and even though you will have to wait a bit longer you we be thanked more for it and not laughed at for having more money than sense.


always nice to find crafters dedicated to skinning thier realm mates alive. oh and you've set up a cartel with the other 2 highest, how nice. i'll shop elsewhere thanks (even if i have to wait a while)

Hit ^_^

if its to expensive.
Dont buy! as simpel as that.

ps- it sucks sc & alc cant make hings :\


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

Yeah, shame it was not your cash...
Regards, Glottis

1. Shut up... that is something you know nothing about.
2. There are 10p inc to The Brethren, as thank you, for the 3-4p (?) i got donated.. And from that day you will be called greedy scum .. like it was you butt in cornwall 24*7, crafting staffs and bows for the members... rite.. next!

Love the apreaciation you get for helping the guild.. lovely.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
Here are my prices for alchemy since im henceforth known as Grand Master Alchemist.

Procs: 2.5X material cost.

Reactive procs (when i can craft them): 3X Material cost.

Dyes; 20G per dye if you want the best one, only orderable if you order FULL SET of dyes (for all armor parts).
Potions/Elixirs: Giving these away to level up crafters ... to much time to craft, to little profit to gain ... IF you want them from me ill take 3X material cost per potion.

Charges: 2.5X Material cost.

These prices goes for 2 other alchemists that are skilled in albion so don't expect to get cheaper from them, we have all three agreed on that these are the prices that we will use....to not start a price war.

Contact me in game if you want anything.

//Lomald the Grand Master Alchemist.

On estimate you want to be sure you get your money back after 10 constumers ordered a full set of dyes and procs at lvl 50?

You gotta be kidding me. This is not even NEAR a normal price.

Make it 1.2x material cost and we can deal.

Hell with these prices you better can start yourself doing Alchemy if you have 5 alts when SI kicks in!


Its not the prices that I find hard to swallow its the blatent price fixing..

I see the result of this in a very simple way.

I cant honestly see me doing anything with Alc until such time as there is healthly competition, lets face it those with 1000+ did it in less than a week, it aint a matter of effort its cost.

Therefore I'll vote with my feet and keep my plats to myself and wait the week it'll take out guildies to get level'd up.

People need to understand that if you fix prices then people will remember it.

I have been using crafted weapons for some time, frankly dont give a rats ass weather they are proc'd or otherwise, it never works when ya need it ffs.


Anyone thats really looked into spell crafting knows that as soon as SI is released your going to want to make a new suit to use the great new items that are coming. No one is going to pay the insane ammounts of cash lomald is asking for knowing they will have to replace it in a month or so

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by kirennia

Errr don't mean to bounce this point but pretty sure Hinan didn't agree to a fixed price with you, that he breifly discussed having set prices instead of having a price war. 2.5x? O dear, my armour I've always said I would sell for 1.1x price so if 1plat to make, 1.1plat to sell, maybe 1.2x if I was desperate...2.5x seems bit steep.

So if you wanna get some armor done, pm me after next couple of weeks AND I'm pretty sure 2.5x wont be charged by Alpha or Hinan, will only beleive that when I see it

Well first of all i like to say that it was not I who suggested a set price. Maybe i put it all in the wrong way. The thread Lomal'ds Alchemist Prices are based on what we discussed and was not really what we would charge (including me) it was just what i got suggested with from hinanthethird and alpha.

Alpha even suggested to take 3X material cost for weapon procs , but that's high.

So please understand that it was preliminary prices that I GOT pm's from other alchemist wanting to make a DEAL what to charge for them.

since i don't want to make a fuzz about it...i log my chat log all the time and deletes it when gets to big. I'm pretty sure i have our discussion logged there at some point. And yes alpha DID want to charge 3X cost for procs.

So don't flame only me if you are about to flame us alchemists. LGM Alchemist cost tousands of moeny (3-4 times as any other skill) and believe it or not, if you really don't want you rmoney back you spent on making it .. you must be a real idiot with no education about economics at all!

My point is that it was never said we was going to charge that prices .... i was only the crafter to PROPOSE what i was HEARING while crafting. And i like to answer to pin as well .... if i would have been able so SALVAGE i would have done so .. you save TONZ of cash with salvaging, if you don't want to do it .. don't blame us other crafters for you dumbness ;).

And for everyones information I've charged 1.5X for everything so far and that is what ill continue to do. I'll make a price list AFTER this post on a NEW thread. But some pople really REALLY don't understand that you PAY crafters for their work .... would only be a real jackass crafting for free *points at pin*


So let me get this straight.....you are trying to tell us that now it was what Hinan and Alpha suggested?

I've spoken to Hinan and he says its rubbish, that he never ever agreed to 2.5x price fixing

Tell me, if he was really set on that then why has he been selling 85gold pieces for just 100gold to non-guildies?

Don't try and push blame because as I said before Hinan would not/did not agree to a 2.5x or 3.0x profit margin. I doubt he would even agree to 1.5x.......


i really didnt read through the whole thread and maybe someone else already said it but:

noone will buy anything from a shop while being raped by the keeper

got my point ? ;]


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn

...<snip> blah blah blah <snip>...

My point is that it was never said we was going to charge that prices ....

hmmmm.... so when you said "Here are my prices for alchemy since im henceforth known as Grand Master Alchemist." you weren't really going to charge this, but were just trying to scam as much money as you thought people might be stupid enough to pay. And now you have been flamed for the prices you are backing down?

Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn

i was only the crafter to PROPOSE what i was HEARING while crafting. And i like to answer to pin as well .... if i would have been able so SALVAGE i would have done so .. you save TONZ of cash with salvaging, if you don't want to do it .. don't blame us other crafters for you dumbness ;).


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn

And for everyones information I've charged 1.5X for everything so far and that is what ill continue to do.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago.

Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn

I'll make a price list AFTER this post on a NEW thread.

Ahhh, okay then. I'll rush right over and order all my tinctures from you right away.

Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn

But some pople really REALLY don't understand that you PAY crafters for their work .... would only be a real jackass crafting for free *points at pin*

Actually, it would be a fair, honest and decent person that crafted for cost or near-cost prices. As for myself, I'll not make back the 18plat cash outlay (mostly from diamond seal trinketting, etc) that I used, and why should I care? The point is my guild has a Legendary Weaponsmith and has access to any weapons they need as cheaply as possible and I'll make myself weapons I need and so on, and still make any cash I need for myself through trinketting.

And errrr... I could name another dozen crafters who pretty much work to the same principle.


Pretty much the same as what pin said except I'm armorcraft and whilst lvlin it up, selling chain at below cost price to out of guild members too :D

It will stop tho and cost price sales will be made

Pins got it in one with the quotes :p

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