

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
VidX sent this to me at bout 22:25gmt :) tis funny whine imo... specially as this guy on IRC seems to know nothing bout Usp:

Session Start: Tue Jul 13 22:10:22 2004
Session Ident: [ml]neoD
[22:04] <[ml]neoD> biggest fucking retard ive seen
[22:05] <[ml]neoD> running 2fg sticked is abit lol dude
[22:05] <[ml]neoD> you roxor boxor etc
[22:06] <[ml]neoD> really make me puke
[22:06] <VidX> yeah yeah, go camlann if you wanna play 1fg
[22:06] <[ml]neoD> rofl
[22:06] <[ml]neoD> get some skill and maybe you wont have to run 2fg+
[22:07] <VidX> yeah yeah
[22:07] <[ml]neoD> but you´re such a failed person, u must drown the sorrows with it
[22:07] <[ml]neoD> so u run 2fg so u win
[22:07] <[ml]neoD> one big nurd
[22:07] <VidX> oh I'm scared, you're calling me names! /cry
[22:07] <[ml]neoD> no need to cry mate
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> i think u realize yourself your a failed man
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> sitting in a char playing daoc, and u cant even succeed there
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> try more and u might succeed with smt
[22:08] <VidX> and I care why?
[22:08] <VidX> define MMORPG please
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> massive multiplayer online roleplaying game
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> you sure are roleplaying
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> with your minions
[22:09] <VidX> whine whine
[22:09] <[ml]neoD> go excal or some german serve rwhere u belongs
[22:09] <VidX> why?
[22:09] <[ml]neoD> cause u belong there
[22:09] <[ml]neoD> have nothing to do here
[22:09] <VidX> really?
[22:09] <[ml]neoD> yep
[22:10] <VidX> I get to have a laugh at assholes like you who whine
[22:10] <[ml]neoD> your a roleplaying zerging emain every oportunity u get
[22:10] <[ml]neoD> camping room with 3fg
[22:10] <[ml]neoD> you really must feel sad for not succeeding even in a game
[22:10] <VidX> really? saying I haven't succeeded?
[22:11] <VidX> I'm not the one who can't settle in a realm and swaps to be fotm
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> you have done fuck
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> haha
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> neither am I
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> been mid since beta
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> atleast im having fun when there is same numbers fighting
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> rodents like u cant expect much i guess
[22:11] <VidX> and I doubt 2 LGMs, 7 lvl 50s, 2 ml10, over 400 days /play isn't succeeding
[22:12] <[ml]neoD> not really
[22:12] <[ml]neoD> go play coop server
[22:12] <[ml]neoD> and roleplay some
[22:12] <[ml]neoD> maybe u like it there
[22:12] <[ml]neoD> or try another game where roleplaying is more fitted
[22:12] <[ml]neoD> zerging emain with 3fg every night really aint an achivement mate
[22:12] <VidX> maybe you'd prefer CS where teams are limited
[22:13] <[ml]neoD> nah id prefer to stay away from ppl like you who cant win with even numbers
[22:13] <VidX> stay outta rvr then
[22:13] <[ml]neoD> im not sure what games u played before
[22:13] <[ml]neoD> maybe ones where numbers > all
[22:13] <[ml]neoD> you learned well then
[22:14] <[ml]neoD> go do a galla raid or smt, being in emain really aint your thing since u cant run same numbers as others
[22:14] <VidX> really?
[22:14] <[ml]neoD> u have proved it for weeks now?
[22:14] <VidX> lemme see? 45 minutes ago, my 1 group got steam-rollerred by 3 groups of mids with stealthers to add
[22:14] <[ml]neoD> cool
[22:14] <[ml]neoD> I wonder why
[22:14] <[ml]neoD> running 2fg sticked
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> you aint smart either
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> as i said before
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> what to expect
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> what re you, german?
[22:15] <VidX> really? that's what you think and I don't care tbh
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> nah i know u dont
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> just push it away from you mate
[22:15] <VidX> so go whine somewhere else and grow up, get a life or something and quit whining
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> haha
[22:15] <[ml]neoD> ok
Session Close: Tue Jul 13 22:15:58 2004


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
if u want, i can print it and give it to someone who cares!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Keriwin said:
[22:06] <[ml]neoD> get some skill and maybe you wont have to run 2fg+

That coming from a guy who ran pre nerf savage groups?xD


You need more pizza booooom and beer! (if that was you Oo think it is :p i do not use irc because it's full of shit xD)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
GW xD, i stand for all i said there so no problems at all, i am very aware of that everything u talk with a hib about spreads like the plague.

So its no problem, now start comment how retard i am xDD.

He´s a roleplaying zerger, in my eyes worth crap.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Sycho said:
That coming from a guy who ran pre nerf savage groups?xD

And this comes from a guy who ran pre toa merc groups and still got buttkicked by rr1's?xD /shrug

(And aye should have loaded in thanes instead of using the best class avaible!)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
MaditioN said:
And this comes from a guy who ran pre toa merc groups and still got buttkicked by rr1's?xD /shrug

(And aye should have loaded in thanes instead of using the best class avaible!)

You wish.

Least i have something to be proud of, not losing to albs with pre nerfed savages.

Mr get advice from a FL player but doesn't even realise it. xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Thane kills everyone RR and skills dosn't matter. SO FU! :kissit:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
As mentioned in the IRC log, there was more than just Hibs running 2+fg in emain.

All realms zerg, all zerg for a reason (usually to counter another zerg), and it continues until people get bored.

Problem lies in people who have a problem with it, and don't seem to understand the nature of the game. I have no problem zerging, I have no problem with being zerged, I do, however, have a problem with hypocrits who casually neglect to remember the times they themselves zerg. As I pointed out to Madition last night, most of the times other realms get accused of zerging is coincidence, 2 groups meeting at a milegate, or when leaving a portal keep, or (example only!) 2-3 groups running from portal keeps to milegates due to the fact that ports are timed, and they then split up after the milegate.

My group had some very fun, very educational fights against both your group, Boooom, and the other Mid group that is usually in Emain at the same time as us (KN group is it?). However, the constant /laugh spam from you personally every time we get killed is a very good sign of exactly the type of individual you seem to be, especially against a group that is making an effort to actually get better in the game instead of logging out in disgust when outclassed by a significantly higher RR group.

However, running into 3 groups of mids who are running no more than 5 seconds apart for over 1 hour, with stealther adds on top of that, gets a little boring after a while, then when Albs show up with similar numbers, camping mmg with 2-3fg, what option do you have except to join with another group until things settle down? I've certainly seen your group do it (last night for example you were running 3fg, all arriving at amg at the same time, from the same direction).

Once again, all realms do it, you will see alot more of it in the future, especially with NF. And now that there are alot more people who have finished with TOA, there will be alot more people wanting to go RvR. What you want to do? Sell tickets to limit the amount of people per zone?

Now grow up, learn how to communicate with people, and realise this is only a game that people play to have fun, not to be insulted. If I wanted to play an 8vs8 game and get whined at by immature losers with nothing better to do, I'd go back to CS. Suggest you do the same if you have a problem with getting beat by superior numbers, or if you want, the Hibs can all go back to PvE and leave you running around Emain on your own, cause, unlike previously, there are very few albs to fight now, if you haven't noticed. Then you can whine about the lack of Hibs! woot! Like that hasn't happenned before!

Take your own advice, go play something else, you obviously aren't able to stand playing a mmorpg it seems. Otherwise stfu and open your eyes and realise this game involves more than 24 players.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It seems some players can't take jokes anymore, oh well.

If you take the game too seriously, you obviously aren't enjoying it.(especially by throwing insults at people)

You got good players valgair, but your guild goes too far with comments sometimes even you can realise it yourself.As one of my guild members said you are a lot different ingame on excal server than forums, so why be abusive and silly here?

Maybe i should put joke in brackets for some people. :mad:

I do not mean things i say, hence the " xD "


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
VidX said:
As mentioned in the IRC log, there was more than just Hibs running 2+fg in emain.

All realms zerg, all zerg for a reason (usually to counter another zerg), and it continues until people get bored.

Problem lies in people who have a problem with it, and don't seem to understand the nature of the game. I have no problem zerging, I have no problem with being zerged, I do, however, have a problem with hypocrits who casually neglect to remember the times they themselves zerg. As I pointed out to Madition last night, most of the times other realms get accused of zerging is coincidence, 2 groups meeting at a milegate, or when leaving a portal keep, or (example only!) 2-3 groups running from portal keeps to milegates due to the fact that ports are timed, and they then split up after the milegate.

My group had some very fun, very educational fights against both your group, Boooom, and the other Mid group that is usually in Emain at the same time as us (KN group is it?). However, the constant /laugh spam from you personally every time we get killed is a very good sign of exactly the type of individual you seem to be, especially against a group that is making an effort to actually get better in the game instead of logging out in disgust when outclassed by a significantly higher RR group.

However, running into 3 groups of mids who are running no more than 5 seconds apart for over 1 hour, with stealther adds on top of that, gets a little boring after a while, then when Albs show up with similar numbers, camping mmg with 2-3fg, what option do you have except to join with another group until things settle down? I've certainly seen your group do it (last night for example you were running 3fg, all arriving at amg at the same time, from the same direction).

Once again, all realms do it, you will see alot more of it in the future, especially with NF. And now that there are alot more people who have finished with TOA, there will be alot more people wanting to go RvR. What you want to do? Sell tickets to limit the amount of people per zone?

Now grow up, learn how to communicate with people, and realise this is only a game that people play to have fun, not to be insulted. If I wanted to play an 8vs8 game and get whined at by immature losers with nothing better to do, I'd go back to CS. Suggest you do the same if you have a problem with getting beat by superior numbers, or if you want, the Hibs can all go back to PvE and leave you running around Emain on your own, cause, unlike previously, there are very few albs to fight now, if you haven't noticed. Then you can whine about the lack of Hibs! woot! Like that hasn't happenned before!

Take your own advice, go play something else, you obviously aren't able to stand playing a mmorpg it seems. Otherwise stfu and open your eyes and realise this game involves more than 24 players.

/agreed, nice post usp,
from my perspective in emain, there are very few people (any realm) running 1fg atm, because the hibs that do get steamrolled by Xfg of mids or albs on stick assisting the same person. strange how people conveniently forget this type of thing, and dont practice what they preach.
fun running to emain for 10 mins or however long to get killed by that much, rly.

Sycho said:
You got good players valgair, but your guild goes too far with comments sometimes even you can realise it yourself

so true :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
that moron on irc reminds me of those frustrated kids who play shooters, with the difference they whined about aimbots there and zergs here xDD

must be this guy

when its zergy and i dont like zergs, i just do /quit and play something else or turn off the comp, plenty of stuff to do...
i could go to irc and bitch at them what kind of losers they are irl because they played with more players then 1 persons holy rules allow, but what good will that do? well at least i would be entertaining like this guy xDD


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
lolage if thats Boooom whine`n then this thread has made my day \o/

mr i lag strafe like a biatch, lag cast like a biatch and zerg when you cant beat even number groups or just take the easy mans option and log off.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
best bit imo was when he said VidX hasnt succeeded, lol,

dude, seeing as he is probably the most respected person on prydwen for everything he does. thats really too much of a bold statement... i think you should go home and rethink your life :) /hug


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
The saddest thing about all this, from my perspective, is that a few people in Maelstrom who can't differentiate between reality and DAoC soil the names of absolutely wonderful people like Minn and Joor.

Maelstrom r0x0r my b0x0r.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Ohh my....

Booom the frustration your showing against Usp over a computer game surely reflect YOUR life as a failure, not Usps :)

Box4m said:
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> i think u realize yourself your a failed man
[22:08] <[ml]neoD> sitting in a char playing daoc, and u cant even succeed there
Hmm i dont know, you are allso 'sitting in a char playing daoc' only you are allso crying in real life becuase the ohter guy wont play like you, personally I find Usp a huge success seeing how he made you cryirl(!).

I like how all the stlong people use the word roleplaying in a degradeing manner as soon as they cant have their way hehe, if anyone here is picking up a role, its you.

As for the RvR, yes maelm is a strong group but when our group is rr9 i wouldnt expect to lose against a rr5-6 group either.

No one want equal fights more than me, and i know alot in our group feel that way aswell, at no time do i remember being in a milegate room wiht more than 2 adds but we cant tell em to fuck off can we ?

It is true that against the will of many in the group we finally decided to group up with another group to clear the albs, we ran toghter from dakkons tower to mpk to apk and back to mpk and then we ported back ligen, thats the only organized zerging we did last night, as the true enjoyment comes from killing equal or greater amount of people, no doubt.
We only have to go back to yesterday where remish was doing awhole lot of mature emotes after killing us with 2 fg stuck on him aswell, im guessing that was a result of him getting fed up of being zerged but that just shows every realm does it now and again.

Theres only 2 groups that our group has a huge problem beating, Maelm and the mixed PE/Outcast group but we will get there someday just hang on :)

Ohh and the ohter day your group kept adding against us after we wiped another mid group several times, so could you please go play another game you sad nolife roleplaying noob zerger!! :/


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Box4m said:
He´s a roleplaying zerger, in my eyes worth crap.

You realise this is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game right?


Apr 20, 2004
Keriwin said:
[22:11] <[ml]neoD> atleast im having fun when there is same numbers fighting

Ofc :) cause daoc is about realms getting along and allowing even fights and stuff! your an enemy realm :| they killed you stfu lol :) thats what they suppose to do :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Bad USP imo justifying your actions to some Twat QQ'ing, tell him to FO and be done with it next time :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Mojo said:
Bad USP imo justifying your actions to some Twat QQ'ing, tell him to FO and be done with it next time :p

lol you should have seen what happened after... a character called Vidxrox was made, then Usp was spammed hahahahahahah... (goes on) couple of dozen times whilst at the same time being told hes stupid as he has AOL as a ISP

<wonders who it could be>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004

What a sad person. Taking the game a bit too serious ain't he...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Clearly, we have an really upset player. Forced em to take a break from the game about a week or so imo. :eek7:


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004

:eek6: :eek7: :eek6:
Imo go out, breath some fresh air, listen to birds singing, get a grip and ONLY AFTER turn on pc again.
Take it as a friendly advice.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
When I was in Midgard, Neod aka Jag/Boooom was one of my best m8s there, and he was a really decent guy - when I left mid, and a couple of months passed I joined alb toa was released etc, the guy turned into a complete and utter prick, most noticably on irc, whine whine whine whine all he ever does is call people failed, zergers and abuse them, he probably doesn't even know who hes abusing half the time, hes got somekind of mental disorder - only thing I can say, Jag your calling this guy failed for running in 2fg's, don't you think a failiure would be letting the game get to him and becomming a wannabeelitist with no wit hanging around irc whining all the time trying to fit in?

p.s I'm glad this log was posted, snoz just got a sidekick. (It will become clear soon :p).


Loyal Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Hi der fucked up person! xD

Get some sun and air imo... geesh.

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