LolTroopers The Movie


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Shike said:
Huhu, when we came up for you at the hill we didnt really know you just had a fight, simply because, I dont think anyone in group can be arsed to read who kills what anymore, its just spam. You make it sound like a very negative thing, which it isnt, you guys have done same thing aswell and tbh, you should manage it for sure with your ranks. I never whine about incoming groups one after another, last night was hilarious, ran a PuG and first we took down a decent midgroup with rank7+ or so, then an albgroup came seconds after, then yet another one and we walked away as winners, thats a moment I will remember and those things are what make the game fun to play. Its not something to whine about.

And yes, it is fucking hard to take you guys down just because of your ranks and setup. Still gonna keep trying though! Im happy every time we kill one and perhaps are close to kill one more atm since we run a pretty difficult setup in todays RvRclimate :)

Yes u are right we do the same and we whine on others for doing it.
Well its a bit different with high rr grps though since u usally don't expect them to engage u when u fought very recently so you don't do that to them either but when its a low rr grp u sometimes take it for granted that they would do the same to you and then you kill em just after they fought.

And actually it was prolly a good thing that u came just after we fought there since we having abilities down only makes the fight more even when facing a low rr grp ;o.

However I haven't been playing since 2/5th so dunno exactly what happend yesterday. However engaging a grp just after they fought a fight is way less lame than adding in the middle of a fight and whatever I wrote I usally don't mind when low rr people do this cuz then u can still win just saying it's impossible against high rr grps.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Apart from the first 1:30 of useless graphics-masturbation, the interlacing and the black borders at top and bottom, nice movie. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Chamie said:
incase you didn't notice the only fights we had against low rr people on the movie was against people who added or came 10 seconds after a fight.

You arent right on this.. The fight v AD consisted of rr3-4-5 ma train, a rr5 bard, 2xrr8 plus something else. There was no indication of adds nor had you just fought. AD is a good guild as I remember them and they certainly putted up a good fight, but I just wanted to point out above :fluffle:

Chamie said:
And also no.. most grps doesn't stand a lot of chance when we have our RAs up and such when we play with that many rr 11s but mostly we got people playing alts et.c think there was only one fight there we actually had as many as 7 rr11s in the movie.

I wonder why the group gets introduced with 7xrr11 and 1xrr7 then..

But yeah 4-7 rr11s is still high rr grp but it doesn't give people a reason to add on sight at us? ;P
Fighting 2 random grps at one time is possible but fighting a good grp and getting randoms adding is kinda impossible.

So any new started or even established group yet rather low-semi rr group shall just stand up and take the beating they will recieve in 99/100 fights? As long as you gonna kill those groups on sight they have the "right" to add on you as its their only chance. Fair? Maybe not.. but its certainly not fair either fg v fg wouldnt you agree?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
great movie sep :D... tho i miss the hug spam, remeber alot off I DIE TO MUCH NAPSHIT whine from alazil that night with the last fight with hib adds.. fun to play against u and fun to play with u :D

/hug :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Good movie, really good play in some of the fights..

But, I just have to say it.. One of the last songs there, the 2nd to the end, just does belong to Rures minstrel movie from back in the days, sorry :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Healer needs to rebind his keys and replace jump with combat mode so he can interrupt back instead of jumping around doing nothing when he gets mez-spammed by bards.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
You make it sound like a very negative thing, which it isnt, you guys have done same thing aswell and tbh, you should manage it for sure with your ranks. I never whine about incoming groups one after another, last night was hilarious, ran a PuG and first we took down a decent midgroup with rank7+ or so, then an albgroup came seconds after, then yet another one and we walked away as winners, thats a moment I will remember and those things are what make the game fun to play. Its not something to whine about.

Yeah agree, if lowrr grp comes after a fight, its usually better fight for both of the grps ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
kinda like the old style on mxn UI, nice vid, miss fg rvr ;<


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Mxn said:
kinda like the old style on mxn UI, nice vid, miss fg rvr ;<

was best one with that grp window and that size health bars ect


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
SethNaket said:
Healer needs to rebind his keys and replace jump with combat mode so he can interrupt back instead of jumping around doing nothing when he gets mez-spammed by bards.

haha ye I noticed that also in that fight I was like "why didnt I melee him when I ran through?" but then again it wouldn't have helped since it was an eld interupting also but then I had atleast stopped the bard from interupting so well can't answer that question rly ;D.

And btw Kraben against Ascending Dawn we fought Maril 10 secs before they got inc.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Ljuvasara said:
finally a warrior pov vid! dling! <gets hopes up>

Yeah now you might finally learn something about playing a warrior. :touch:

<runs for the hills>

;) ;) ;)

<3 Ljuva


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Nice movie as always from Septina. Also quite fun to see you killing your own char (Septina) in one of the fights =D Funky to see some of the fights we had already seen in Raids vid in this video from another perspective.
I have played with alot of the people in the video and I know the grp in the vid has alot of skill, reminds me of the old days in mid =) (did feel some nostaliga and felt like playing my healer for a while there)
Kinda lol with the intro counting up 7 rr11's indeed, but kinda cool too.
Keep them coming Sep =)


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
I don't like the healer pov ;/ I think someone said it before but we all know who the best and only good healer pov is.

Healer playstyle was abit pants aswell


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Nice movie , saw a few fights already in Raid his movie but it was still good


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Was nice seeing a few different PoV after watching Raid's vid.
I liked Fujiwara's pink sword of doom ^^ that he was waving about :)
It was interesting watching the healer PoV, I think he thinks he is Vodkafairy with all that jumping around :>
The 30 mins went pretty quick so I must have been entertained!

Oli - Illu


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
oh noes, that fight versus us is in there, couldn't miss the blue armor :p

Funny to see that from the other pespective, but should've heard me QQ about Fuji on TS =) haha, quality (and you can see why, just in the liddul corner when the warr turns he's 2rounding me :( (/cry to the awesome crits)

Shows nice play imho =) But also very high RR ofc =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
grp plays so bad in first fight but u still win. Warrior should slam and move on instead of trying to solo stuff, newsflash: ur dmg sucks :p

AD needs to 2-shot the commander more... nice fight vs FL. Ok movie, should look even easier than that with the grp u got tho tbh ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Konah said:
grp plays so bad in first fight but u still win. Warrior should slam and move on instead of trying to solo stuff, newsflash: ur dmg sucks :p

AD needs to 2-shot the commander more... nice fight vs FL. Ok movie, should look even easier than that with the grp u got tho tbh ;)

Newsflash, hitting blademaster for up to 900 a swing isnt really bad imo xD
Plus, 2 casters + zerk + warr assisting on blademaster during slam = dead bm m8!
Need all the damage you can get on a slammed bl tank else you gonna have tendrils spam on your ass. Just fyi. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Chamie said:
Well the recording was from 1 day which was a kinda sucky day tbh I remeber that I was rly angry that day so yeah I prolly didnt play too well either only good fight was prolly against FL and wtf do u mean by running around jumping ;P.
What's wrong with jumping tbh can still cast while jumping et.c u know ;PP

Dildo did jump a lot, but still it doesnt say anything about how he plays his healer, hehe (he might been trying to improve his atletic skills?)
.. Think he did a ok job tbh. Ofc he couldnt do much in first fight (recorded from his point of view), since he had that stupid ns on him most of the time (Normally Boooomer is fast on curing - something called interrupts :p ).

Anyway, I dont find pac healer pow that boring.. but I liked the warrior part best, because there isent that many warrior movies around.
U played your warrior nice, septina :)

So.. good movie..
I very much liked the music in the end.. :D

Anyway, gonna leave this place and go out and enjoy the sun ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Septina said:
Plus, 2 casters + zerk + warr assisting on blademaster during slam = dead bm m8!

only problem is 9/10 the ones u slam u get no assist, they dont die and most arent crush weak either.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Konah said:
only problem is 9/10 the ones u slam u get no assist, they dont die and most arent crush weak either.

i think they plare like a group and not 8 individuals so im quite sure everyone will assist once septina slams a target. and afaik all BMs are crush weak?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Konah said:
only problem is 9/10 the ones u slam u get no assist, they dont die and most arent crush weak either.
too bad the only warrior pov fight where im in he slams a banelord once and it insta dies to cold debuff + dd + lifetap? :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Eleasias said:
too bad the only warrior pov fight where im in he slams a banelord once and it insta dies to cold debuff + dd + lifetap? :)

Dont get me wrong here, i agree with you cuz prolly it has been shouted in ventrilo, but why the slam neways? If the bm insta dies after all, why risking giving him free tendrils? He might have had insta heals on him or DI/AM up, or a sudden interrupt on your casters.... :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Eleasias said:
too bad the only warrior pov fight where im in he slams a banelord once and it insta dies to cold debuff + dd + lifetap? :)

Dont get me wrong here, i agree with you cuz prolly it had been shouted in ventrilo, but why the slam neways? If the bm insta dies after all, why risking giving him free tendrils? He might have had insta heals on him or DI/AM up, or a sudden interrupt on yer casters.... :)

Just a minor spot tho


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Vasconcelos said:
Dont get me wrong here, i agree with you cuz prolly it has been shouted in ventrilo, but why the slam neways? If the bm insta dies after all, why risking giving him free tendrils? He might have had insta heals on him or DI/AM up, or a sudden interrupt on your casters.... :)
because it works

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