It is obviously not to the level of a disability but I get really really anxious in crowds of people I don't know. A few weeks ago I was at a house party and my mates abandoned me and it was really hot and noisy and I went from having a nice chat to feeling like I could not breath and I had to run out to the back garden. But I can go and sit at the Emirates and be fine so I don't know what it was.Its generally ok around people I know, but around crowds or strangers it gets pretty bad.
It is obviously not to the level of a disability but I get really really anxious in crowds of people I don't know. A few weeks ago I was at a house party and my mates abandoned me and it was really hot and noisy and I went from having a nice chat to feeling like I could not breath and I had to run out to the back garden. But I can go and sit at the Emirates and be fine so I don't know what it was.
My Aunt up in Scotland has agoraphobia she has not left her house in 31 years and for that she had to be drugged to go and give birth to her daughter. Whenever there is a family party you can see she is heart broken that she can't go. And when my cousin got run over in the street outside he had to comfort her when she tried to run out she just broke down and could not move. It sounds like it could be really hard mentally.
I am not saying you should answer this.
But i always wonder what causes it. I know some people get attacked and that is the spark, but my aunt just woke up one day and could not face going to work. A week later she had not left the house and a local Doctor came round and dragged her out to the street and told her to stop being stupid. She has left the house 3 times since a Funeral and the birth of her two children.
I've got a port birthmark on the left side of my face, as I got older I became more self conscious about it and ultimately shut myself off from the outside because I got sick and tired of people looking at it or drunk tossers making comments about it, you know how people can be.
Only thing I can suggest is to slowly try to confront this fear by putting yourself in situations that are uncomfortable to you. Bit by bit.
You can't live your life being so sensitive about what you imagine other people are thinking.
That's what the mental health nurse is building up to at present, its called cognitive behavior therapy.
The last time I was out the house properly as in gone to town or whatever was 2008 when I was married, since then its been house, garden at night time when theres no one around or hospital when my sons were born, was a nightmare those days, lot of mixed feelings but the high off becoming a day really helped, its an amazing experience. was so many people there given the hospital size, thankfully I was given a lift to the hospital door and back home so I didn't have to use public transport or i'd have just flipped out. Thankfully the mrs gave birth both times late at night/during the morning so there was barely anyone around on the wards except night staff.
And remember to listen to scouse and not your doctor
I tried cbt didn't work for me I was too suspicious of it.
Are you taking any medication for this?
That it was trying to manipulate me and I was no convinced that it would work. When you are paranoid with anxiety and almost housebound who said you were thinking straight!!!It's pretty straight up. It's self modification of your behaviour. What's to be suspicious of?
It doesn't per say. But it gives you higher iq than most and the belief that I am always right. Or have the right solutions. So others manipulating my thought seem wrong. And when you in need of cbt your not always thinking rationally.Why the facepalm @old.Tohtori ? It's a type of therapy where you identify problems and are helped to choose actions to relieve those problems yourself.
Unless Moriath's aspergers also manifests itself with paranoia. I figured it was a clearly-stated question.
It doesn't per say. But it gives you higher iq than most and the belief that I am always right. Or have the right solutions. So others manipulating my thought seem wrong. And when you in need of cbt your not always thinking rationally.
Yeah went through that and brute forced it with drugs. I'm stubborn too lol. Now just get anxious and don't sleep before new shit. And drink some most nights to quieter my brain. And take the scripts.So yeah, aspergers with paranoia then
Try to look at it this way. They're trying to show you how to manipulate your own thought processes. High IQ or not, everyone can always learn new tricks
Why the facepalm @old.Tohtori ? It's a type of therapy where you identify problems and are helped to choose actions to relieve those problems yourself.
I'm a bit of a prick when it comes to mental health problems too, which is interesting since alot of my extended family works in mental health (including my brother, who works in a college that mainly has Autistic students)
But to be honest, I feel like in a welfare state 'Mental Health' is -really- abused, for one in education, I remember an entire class having to leave a class room to go to another because a lad who had been diagnosed with ADHD was mis-behaving, and I really think ADHD is over-used, if that was anyone else, they would have been chucked out the classroom and sent to a senior staff member to deal with, but no, let's treat them differently, because they have ADHD, let's be honest, that annoys people, and does not help with the students progression.
Also, there's a particular person on my Facebook who's in and out of relationships on a monthly basis, it's ridiculous, the last one she was mega-stupidly loved up, then all of a sudden she quit her job, went to the therapist and instantly got mental-health benefits, I mean, come on.
Now, I do try to sympathise with people that have clearer symptoms, but I really think we blur the lines between mental health and human emotions, because we're scared to say 'no, you're fine, it's natural'
I don't need you explaining it, the facepalm is because you're here telling people that they're wrong in treating their problems and acting like you're the king of jack and sh*tville. Self righteous know-it-all.
Reminds me of the Louis Theroux documentary about parents drugging up their kids to make them more manageable in the US, wouldn't surprise me if it was happening on a smaller scale here.