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- #61
Yeah we got some nice mezzers Ozaric
Is fun playing when the enemies gets mezzed for a change. Then I can finally use my armsman where it was made for : Slaughtering 
Originally posted by Lythande
Is AEing the gatekeeper considered bug-abuse? I tried to find something about it on RightNow but couldn't find anything(which isn't surprising as I usually can't find my way out of a room).
If yes Midgard be MIGHTY F*CKED imo, no point in even trying to take a defended keep.
Originally posted by Eleasias
Ok wtf's up with this AMG thing? I've been out in Emain every night, been to uncountable wall fights (hibs at wall, albs at alb side of wall) and havent seen ANYONE (mid, hib or alb) been inside MG so far?
Originally posted by lofff
1- no, tanks (as mousah) hit on same way as me
2- lag, thats tha reason u tho u were far from melee range but i was hiting u
3- wtf u think i was doing? once i told u got tha "dumbass of tha year" rank, now u show us i was wrong: