Lil shits :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
snake75 said:
last week nr manchester sum little bastards threw a puppy with its legs tied together off a bridge onto the M66 i think it was, the puppy was hit by a car which then hit the central reservation and the driver ended up in hospital....needless to say not much was left of the poor goddamn puppy.

same shud be done to the kids!!!!

any volunteers?

to have my legs tied together and be thrown off a bridge? Oh yeah, what fun*

as for stopping distances, the major contributor to stopping distances these days is not the perforamce of the cars, but the reaction time of the drivers. If you know you have to stop, its easy to blow out the highway code stopping distances, when you have someone run out in front of you or whatever, your stopping distance will be that much longer, because you are not ready to stop.

*Please note, this is sarcasm ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 29, 2004
thanks for explainin the sarcasm thing, but there was no not blonde :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
kanonfodda said:
to have my legs tied together and be thrown off a bridge? Oh yeah, what fun*

as for stopping distances, the major contributor to stopping distances these days is not the perforamce of the cars, but the reaction time of the drivers. If you know you have to stop, its easy to blow out the highway code stopping distances, when you have someone run out in front of you or whatever, your stopping distance will be that much longer, because you are not ready to stop.

*Please note, this is sarcasm ;)

I dont know how it is in the UK, but here people hardly keep enough distance between cars, so if you would increase the speed limit it would only increase the problem (as I doubt people will keep more distance so the amount of time between you crashing into the other car is even less with higher limit).
Some thing to think about is that with higher speeds you need greater distances between cars. Now the amount of cars per hour on the highway may actually be less than with a lower speed. So the amount of people who can get anywhere with higher speed can actually be less than with a lower one (think i heard that with 52 mph the flow of cars was the highest).
Another thing is that you pollute the environment most likely more with higher speeds and with kyoto agreement that is something you might not want to do.
So besides that I am pretty sure that a higher speed limit will result into more accidents due to people not keeping enough distance, there is nature to think about and the fact that you might not use the road as efficiently with that higher speed limit.

about breaking distances, IF both cars break just as hard than the difference in breaking distance is going to be the difference in reaction time of both the drivers. I dont know what is tought in UK about how much distance you should keep, but in Netherlands 2 seconds is atleast one thing that is applied and with a little less you are probably going to be safe aswell. However you are most likely going to have a reaction time of 1 second as you arent ready for it and your car might break slower than the other one. (if im correct 120 kph is 77 mph, so for 80 mph keeping 70 meters distance is wise (which results into 2 seconds distance)).
Off course another thing to think about is that the other car might not have kept enough distance and might have crash into something and come to a complete stop, so you need to have been slowed down enough in the little distance you have.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
1) Most drivers are muppets, therefore the speed limits/highway code is fine right now.

2) Stupid kids have always existed, if it isn't dropping bricks from bridges its tripping up businessmen down dark alleys for Fagin-like masters.

3) Gray is correct about speeding, but I don't place much faith in that because he has only recently passed his test.

4) Beef Lasagne and chips with a pint of cider is great.

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Wij said:
I saw a Top Gear thing about brake distances years ago. Mr Clarkson reckoned they were based on a Ford Anglia and managed to stop in about half the distance in a modern hatch. Proper sporty cars even quicker.

In the right conditions I'm happy to break the speed limit. Nobheads who overtake relentlessly or people who seem to have no peripheral vision or people on the phone or putting their make-up on or pissed people or people who don't leave a generous distance to the car in front or just plain bad drivers; start the crackdown with them.

about that.... the new maclaren/mercades can stop from 120mph-0mph in the legal limit your ment to be able to at 60mph, and it stops short of it... and it dont skid either, that was on top gear aswell :p,

other then that, i think its mainly down to part law, part parents, the law says these days your not alowed to hit your kids or something, not even for punishment when they do something wrong, when i was alot younger, if i did something bad, i got hit, i didnt do it again, because it damn hurt and u just got the idea into your head it aint worth doing again :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The trouble with referring to these sports cars distances is the fact that we're not all driving around in sports cars.
I don't see a problem with the speed limits as they are, I don't trust anyone else on the road to be able to drive properly. Especially those that think they're skills are similar to Michael Schumachers (the majority actually).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
1) Most drivers are muppets, therefore the speed limits/highway code is fine right now.

2) Stupid kids have always existed, if it isn't dropping bricks from bridges its tripping up businessmen down dark alleys for Fagin-like masters.

3) Gray is correct about speeding, but I don't place much faith in that because he has only recently passed his test.

4) Beef Lasagne and chips with a pint of cider is great.
He Preacheth The TRUTH!

DaGaffer said:
The current 'speed kills' policy is a revenue justifier tied to government anti-car policy and the statisitcs expounded by the likes of BRAKE are a breathtaking example of how single issue pressure groups can f*ck up society to serve their own ends. I can see the conversation now;
Sadly this is so pathetically true it's not funny...
We had a british expert over here that did a study and found that speed camera's here no longer have any positive affect on the road toll and are simply revenue raising...
We are currently having more speed camera's purchased, and state government budgets now include the profit made from speed cameras

Fucking disgusting tbh

Driwen said:
I dont know how it is in the UK, but here people hardly keep enough distance between cars, so if you would increase the speed limit it would only increase the problem (as I doubt people will keep more distance so the amount of time between you crashing into the other car is even less with higher limit).

people whereyou lkive need to learn how to drive...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
amobea said:
Sadly this is so pathetically true it's not funny...
We had a british expert over here that did a study and found that speed camera's here no longer have any positive affect on the road toll and are simply revenue raising...
We are currently having more speed camera's purchased, and state government budgets now include the profit made from speed cameras

Fucking disgusting tbh

and are there any experts who say that the cameras are having a positive effect? Besides you arent allowed to speed, so why is it wrong let people who do it pay some indirect tax?

people whereyou lkive need to learn how to drive...
They do know how to drive, but think their reaction and break distance is so good that 1 second or less distance is still ok and off course nothing happens in 95% of the time.
That everyone does it here, might have to do with high density of people living here (netherlands so one of most crowded countries of the world), so that highways are always reasonably used. However just think its human nature.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Of course some people claim Speed Cameras (or Strategically Positioned Revenue Generators as they should be known) are working (mainly those trying to sell lots and lots of them to police forces), however looking at the numbers it's quite difficult to see how they can prove it. For instance, Northants police are claiming a reduction in road deaths of 31% since the cameras were introduced to a total of 46 in 2001. However, if you look at the pre camera numbers (1996 - 41, 1995 - 47, 1994 - 36, 1993 - 43) you do start to wonder how the hell they can predict any sort of trend since the introduction of cameras given how wildly the numbers fluctuated before their introduction. These "reduced" death rates are also explained by the rapid advances in car safety, what with Airbags, new crash safety legislation and new Electronic Stability Programs aimed at stopping accidents like I had 3 nights ago from happening in the first place. To me it seems that the only thing Speed Cameras are working towards is filling the government's coffers with more of the motorists hard earned cash. Cash which no doubt goes to the families of these pikeys who are lobbing bricks off motorway flyovers. My god Britain rocks...........


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
They do know how to drive, but think their reaction and break distance is so good that 1 second or less distance is still ok and off course nothing happens in 95% of the time.

Oh sorry
i forgot dutchies were all genetically engineered to have faster reaction times than the rest of the world....


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
amobea said:
Oh sorry
i forgot dutchies were all genetically engineered to have faster reaction times than the rest of the world....

Read again. I think you missed the word "think" in there, which alters the entire meaning.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Louster said:
Read again. I think you missed the word "think" in there, which alters the entire meaning.

me = no read good



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just reading our local paper I saw the headline Bridge Yobs Crackdown apparently the police are having discussions next week with Highway agencys about putting barriers overs footbridges and possibly CCTV cameras put on bridges to, they had a story about a guy who died last monday after a car battery was thrown from a footbridge, there was a picture of the car on it's side :(
Some real fuckin nutters out there.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
GekuL said:
The trouble with referring to these sports cars distances is the fact that we're not all driving around in sports cars.
I don't see a problem with the speed limits as they are, I don't trust anyone else on the road to be able to drive properly. Especially those that think they're skills are similar to Michael Schumachers (the majority actually).

Ironically given my love of speed, I actually agree with this statement. Whilst the speed limits are far too low, they are still supremely effective in separating the good drivers from the bad. You see a good driver will match speed with vision and grip, and unless the police are around, this will typically mean going above the legal limit (altho never EVER in an urban or residential area) at certain times, they will also realise that at some points it is safest to fall back to the legal limit. A bad driver won't do this, and will drive like they had their knackers on fire everywhere. And imo, a REALLY bad driver will observe speed limits everywhere, motorways dual carriageways, the lot, blissfully ignorant of the fact that a higher speed will get them home quicker and just as safely.

For instance, I drove down from St Andrews during the week, making the 160 miles to the border in 1 hour and 50 minutes. Only 100 miles of this was on the motorway, and not a single speed limit was observed. How was this safe? Because it was 2 in the morning and I was the only car on the road. A 105mph cruise on the motorway felt very restrained, and was endangering absolutely nobody. Yet I still overtook some muppets doing 70mph in the middle lane lost in their own world, not realising how much faster they could go without harming anyone except a few flies.

Yes, I have just suggested that observing all the speed limits all of the time is bad driving. Controversial.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bodhi makes a fair point, at times it is better to go faster, usually when it's only your life you are risking. These times are often few and far between though.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
They are down south yes, north of Birmingham having the entire road to yourself isn't that uncommon, you just have to wait until after 10pm. I don't normally go to bed til about 4, so I get 6 hours where the roads are my own private racetrack :)

*edit* responding to Skyler's post clearly. I know there are speed limits up north. I just don't adhere to many of them :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
The wankers who drive at 12 mph on dual carriageways, thinking that they are great drivers THEN they don't indicate to get off a slip road, they don't go into the right lane either. Yet if you overtake them they flash their lights like you have just squashed their favourite pet hamster.

Fucking wankers.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The MOST dangerous speed-related retardness I ever see is the weidoes who insist on trying to get onto the motorway at 30mph causing lorries in the inside lane to veer out of the way and nearly kill everyone. Why aren't there any speed cameras to stop them ???


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Every fucking day I drive on a fast road there's some dangerous **** joining about 30-40mph below traffic speed.

Nearly everytime I try and join a fast road I have to slow down for some **** in front of me doing 40, blissfully unaware one day they're going to get bummed so hard they swallow their own fumes.

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