Leveling a shaman with all these bots around?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
How does that work?

Is it even possible to get an exp group as a shaman nowdays?

Thinking a bit bout making one but I forsee this as beeing a huge problem espessialy when u get to higher levels and malmo groups etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003

I was turned down today because my Shaman isn't a pure aug-bot. I'm currently level 46 with 32 aug (end 4) and rest cave. Don't people understand that a dot hitting for 100+/tick and an actively played shaman are far more valuable to a group :(

So far he's solo'd or been PL'd by one of my other chars, something which I loath doing, but I can't seem to get him a fooking group.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, recently a shammy in our guild reached level 50 by normal means, and another is at level 39 or so, so it is possible. I don't expect it will be particularly easy though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
respec stones cost about 2.5 plat nowadays
level as aug/mend shaman (cave is close to useless in pve) and at 50 respec to aug/cave


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
old.anubis said:
respec stones cost about 2.5 plat nowadays
level as aug/mend shaman (cave is close to useless in pve) and at 50 respec to aug/cave

I dont think that you grasp the dilemma...

Why shoudl anyone invite a shaman into a group when they can have a level 50 one outside of the group that provides better buffs? (with 8 ppl in the group and the way thigns are today someone is BOUND to have a buffbot)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Are you Guilded ?
if not, i can imagine it is hard to get a group as cave, but it's been that way wiith cave shams for a long time, even back before you could run 2 acc's on 1 comp and every tank with self respect owned a kobbie slave aug bot.

if your guilded how ever,
then i find it hard to understand why your having such a hard time tbh,
guild xp'ing groups are the best there is..since most know their role, times & places are pre aranged and people stick to it though out the time thats set for it, but on the other hand, i guess not all guilds offer this anymore ?

dont really have any one piece of advise to give, but i will say this much,
1. Jion a guild if Un-guilded
2. dont expect 50' dimond groups or lair,
3. Use the find option, and be willing to group with less than optimal groups "your own level and down"
4. stick to it, and they'll be fighting over you at Mtk when you hit 50 ;)
5. just be glad your not a hunter..hihi :p




One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Kokelimonkelmedisin said:
I dont think that you grasp the dilemma...

Why shoudl anyone invite a shaman into a group when they can have a level 50 one outside of the group that provides better buffs? (with 8 ppl in the group and the way thigns are today someone is BOUND to have a buffbot)

2 things, Endurance buff, and PBAOE disease.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Phixion said:
2 things, Endurance buff, and PBAOE disease.

You don't need to have the buffbot grouped to gain endurance regeneration, and if the buffbot shaman by any chance has specced some cave for the pbae disease, he can use that too without stealing any exp afaik.


Dec 24, 2003
I am afraid it is very difficult indeed, well actually it is hard to find an exp grp period.

But nowdays when i dunno about 40% of the population have a buffbot.
I can understand the frustration why not fill up grp and have a st00pid bot sticked to once beehind instead all buffed with moa4 buffs.

Sad "core" problem with daoc.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Dunno. When I last exped, most malmo groups would take level 43+ Shaman to heal the pet if nothing else.

Kami said:
Don't people understand that a dot hitting for 100+/tick and an actively played shaman are far more valuable to a group
Not really, the damage the tanks will do with proper buffs will far outway whatever your DoT does, and doesn't get resisted either.

The speccing full aug and respeccing idea has merit, and the added bonus people won't complain when you afk.

In RvR shaman will always be essential, but for the love of god, spec 37aug at least.

Big Ugly

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
from several of the comments made by some people you can see they want a high aug shaman (aka botspec)...i'm sure from a tank point of view this makes perfect sense..froma shammies point of view it does not. atleast not when the player behind the shammy want's to have a more active role than: get group, buff group, sit down....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
What else you gonna do? DoT? DD? If you want to do damage, don't roll a shaman.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Rulke said:
What else you gonna do? DoT? DD? If you want to do damage, don't roll a shaman.

good god, next people will be saying that they rolled skalds cause they wanted to fight...............


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Big Ugly said:


is that so hard to understand?
then dont cry that u cant get a spot in grp.
grp doesnt need a char which would gimp the grp itself.

e.g.im thinking of removing ae dot from my main qbar cos there is no use of it in usual fights.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
2 things.

1: Alsk if you can join someone who whants to farm seals in DF in excange for XP, I know many ppl have lvled a shammy like this as belive it or not there are still many many ppl in the game that dont have BB's.
(Try alsking your guild if any are willing to do this)

2: I have a BB and he is Aug/cave and i can farm seals twice as fast as i could with a 47 aug BB.

Yellow buffs + DOT + Warror > Red buffs + Warrior :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rulke said:
In RvR shaman will always be essential, but for the love of god, spec 37aug at least.
I spec how I want, unlike most people I come up with my own spec that suits the way I will play at 50. The difference between 32-37 aug is minimal and anyone with a decent SC'd suit wont notice any difference. I don't play a buff bot, good god that'd be boring.

Spec I have gives me enough mend to heal/cure and frigg whilst still being able to buff, DOT and disease as I want.

Sorry for not being FOTM :kissit:

Big Ugly

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Summoner said:
then dont cry that u cant get a spot in grp.
grp doesnt need a char which would gimp the grp itself.

e.g.im thinking of removing ae dot from my main qbar cos there is no use of it in usual fights.
hehe think you misunderstood me there

i'm not crying cus i don't get groups becasue of my spec...i think people that don't see what a caveshaman can do are idiots

the only ones crying are tanks that have the dillusion that they NEED end 5 (or 4+LW)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Big Ugly said:
hehe think you misunderstood me there

i'm not crying cus i don't get groups becasue of my spec...i think people that don't see what a caveshaman can do are idiots

the only ones crying are tanks that have the dillusion that they NEED end 5 (or 4+LW)
full cave speced shaman can do a big sh1t in grp, nothing else.

if u r dreaming bout ur uber dmg off ae dot then spec 46cave+ but dont ask ppl why they hate u and that thane near u which is casting teh Mjollnir.

and plz consider that 8% extra resist ~= aom4

yes u can still ignore matter ressist buff cos it's now so important but not heat and cold plz.

PS. My shaman has 39 in cave but not because of dot/bolt/dd dmg, i used to cast 2nd best ae root kinda often.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Kami said:
I spec how I want, unlike most people I come up with my own spec that suits the way I will play at 50. The difference between 32-37 aug is minimal and anyone with a decent SC'd suit wont notice any difference. I don't play a buff bot, good god that'd be boring.

Spec I have gives me enough mend to heal/cure and frigg whilst still being able to buff, DOT and disease as I want.

Sorry for not being FOTM :kissit:

you don't got a slightest clue what you're talking about
it's very irritating when you got that attitude too

Big Ugly

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well yeah...in gankgroup rvr, which isn;t the only form of rvr there is, then the aedot is next to useless

any shaman should and will learn that spamming that spell hinders the groups rather than ading it. the aedot is very situational

which thane spams mjolnir these days? apart maybe from the just dinged 50s ... thanes are left at the TK for different reasons than that

and again...i don't play a caveshaman for the raw damage i do, i play it for the fun of it. can't help laughing at seeing a 4fg zerg stop turn and run back cus of a few well placed aedots/aedisease

anyways...i don't like playing a bot :eek:



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
exactly my thoughts too Big Ugly ;)

The shaman is insane fun to play if he's not spec'd like a buffbot..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
by having ur own fun u r ruining a fun which others were supposed to get... together with that thane near u casting Mjollnir.

fun is when ur grp (8ppl) wins the fight cos daoc is a command game fyi.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Big Ugly said:
and again...i don't play a caveshaman for the raw damage i do, i play it for the fun of it. can't help laughing at seeing a 4fg zerg stop turn and run back cus of a few well placed aedots/aedisease

anyways...i don't like playing a bot :eek:


what do you mean with bot? minimum aug for a bb is 47 (imo, and i think many agree?), cos it gives you red d/q and at the same time makes you useless in rvr.. with 46a/27c you got the same tools in cave line as a someone with 46+ cave..
i think this "i don't like playing bot", which so many say, is a bit pathetic.. (in case you didn't actually mean a 47+aug shammy) you do EXACTLY the same thing in a group with 27cave as you would do with 50cave


Dec 24, 2003
Shagrat said:
good god, next people will be saying that they rolled skalds cause they wanted to fight...............

but.. but.. i did, *sniffle*sniffle*


Dec 24, 2003
Kami said:
exactly my thoughts too Big Ugly ;)

The shaman is insane fun to play if he's not spec'd like a buffbot..

Aye indeed they are fun but in many ways flawed.

The best part with shaman is end regen and pbaoe disease, which is supposed to NOT break mez/root but lately it has atleast for me.

You cant use DoT in fg vs fg fights doing so = loss of crowd control = doom.

Shamans excel in keep defence/takes.

But even there they have stronger hib/alb counterparts.

Nevertheless fun to play, and cave needs more strenght imo, to make shamans more viable in solo RvR.

Shaman is NOT a healer, seer base yes but a shaman healing is pretty much a waste of mana.
Root and disease is the shamans duties mostly.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Summoner said:
by having ur own fun u r ruining a fun which others were supposed to get... together with that thane near u casting Mjollnir.

fun is when ur grp (8ppl) wins the fight cos daoc is a command game fyi.
How the hell are we ruining fun for others? They'll be using full aug buffbots (of which I have one and stopped playing at level 37 /yawn). You might want 8v8 fights, doesn't mean everyone else does and my idea of fun isn't running about emain all night. DOAC is a command game? what does that mean? command? eh? sorry thought it was a game where people were meant to do what they wanted to have fun?

Feel free to run about in FG v FG (plus stealther add) fights. I won't stop you or spoil your fun I promise! but at least give me the benefit of doubt when you start telling me that I'm ruining your game with a character that isn't even level 50 yet. :kissit:

I like playing classes that can be spec'd a little differently and are still completely viable to play. I don't think "right hows everyone else specing?" when I make a new character. I load up the character builder and make a spec up that I think will be fun, it's a game after all and fun is what I want from it. My Bonedancer template is different too (50 supp 20BA) not because I just wanted to be different but because that's the one that'll be the most fun for me to play, I have a thing about DOTs, even shit weak ones and I actually had fun leveling that character 100% solo to level 50.

I hate how everyone in DAOC seems to love telling others how to spec, but they've 1. never played the class or 2. are usually RP whores anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
kk, i meant a "team game".

no, i dont mind if u r running near but i'll let ya die and that thane too who was standing near u casting Mjollnir cos it's fun for me. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
41 cave, 32 aug and 14mend is the way to go, if you want to solo as a shammy :cheers:

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