necromania said:Fire wizz>Warlock (1-2 hit)
Fire wizz>Skald
Fire wizz>BD ( 1-2 hit)
I guess in some situations you are correct but imo (this is imo I am not saying you are wrong) the wizz would loose every battle, why?
Fire wizz vs Warlock - Warlock can just charge the wizz and dump his chamber. DoT is really lethal and then can just spam uninteruptable. Though if you play a wizz well and have a decent temp you could 2 shot a warlock.
Fire wizz vs Skald - now the fire wizz would definatly not win. The skald has too many interupts for the wizz to cope including a 12 sec (correct me if I'm wrong) mezz and a snare to stop the wizz kiting. 2h + damage add = <3 dammage.
Fire wizz vs BD - Bonedancer sets pets on the wizz and even if you did have some good bolts on you with a mixture of healer pet and instant lifetaps (great interupting) the BD would probably, as Elitestoner put it, rape the wizard.
Just my opinion