Legion dead



Well done

Just want to say well done to all involved in the slaughter of the beast. Thanks to Walker and Gideon for a great raid and to vayasen and chavez for their leadership on our part. SotL and LoE have a great working relationship which will be continued in the future regardless of outside influence. Not to say other guilds wont join us in the future, just that we make a good team.
I find it ammusing that up untill now only the guild that was most obliviosly the strongest (SotL) got any stick and to my knowledge LoE have had none, yet as soon a LoE becomes the second guild of albion (in terms of RP's) and have a great laugh with SotL the claws come out on us.
In the last few days several guilds including LoE and SotL have worked their asses off to make sure DF stays open. I have 20 messages a day saying will you please organise a keep raid so we can get back into DF (and no doubt squabble over emerald seals-Thats silly btw you can get all the seals you like if you take a big net to the coast of Scotland).
If you don't believe me on this one ask the 100 odd mids that it took to take back Fensalir Faste after 30 mins of defence by LoE.
That me purged anyway have a good night folks :)

50 lvl Armsman
Proud member of the Lords of England


Erm Hrodelbert...check your watch...we lasted more than 30 minutes...it was more like 31 :D


Re: Well done

Originally posted by hrodelbert
as soon a LoE becomes the second guild of albion

Umm, what's this about second guild of Albion ? Please define. Second most members? Second highest realm points? Or second most important? I suspect not many people would like to hear that kind of comment to be honest.

Guild's, as has been said earlier in this thread, can go hunt whatever mobs they want - when they want. Of course some people will feel a bit left out (I do too to be honest -- though I'll also be doing my damndest to get some guilds together to do it too) but that doesn't stop us from admiring your achievement.

But, Hrodelbert, please think more carefully before posting that sort of comment. Without explanation it seems, can I say the word, rather 'elitist'. Albion will flourish as a united realm with mutual respect between Guilds, but divided we fall and we fail.

PS. Any swords going cheap Harry? :p


Fair point mate i'm sorry i meant second most rp's

j000 d000d

Sounds like your just out to start a flame war Teador....there were several reasons for just the 2 guilds. any more than the 60 odd people there and the lag would have been so bad we would not have been able to deal with the Legion and all the adds and as was shown when Midgard killed the Legion, the fighting over loot can get nasty...very nasty.

Loot rules are simple, who bitches gets nothing, just hold a lottery and who wins can't enter next time. This way every guild gets a chance at a good drop in an easy way.

Saying that there's nothing stopping you and Yussef getting together a few guilds to go down and kill it....it really is fun and well worth the effort....the drops were just a bonus for most of us.

Yet again: "You create your own raids we don't need you"

edit: the third reason was that EVERY single person there listened to the orders from the raid leader....almost every pull was organised. I think we maybe had 1 lag pull...not really anyones fault.

I think raiding with a lot of people a lot of times makes them learn a lot. I've lead a lot of Llyn Barfog, Dartmoor and Cailleach Uragaig raids, a lot of people from different guilds got good drops, and 50% of the people were always present, and every time i noticed how people started to learn better, and know the procedures, like listen to the leader what to do, i think learning is something that really needs to be done in Albion, and i don't think we'll get there with an attitude like which you have atm.

I'm not trying to make a flame war, just want you to understand my point.


Thanks for clarifying :)

Now, about those drops for people who weren't there.... ;)


Must admit this has been the best cooperation between 2 guilds I've seen so far. Everything went smooth, everyone did their job, and we got rewarded for it.

Looking forward to doing this again with LoE. :)


Grats to all involved !!!

Unfortunately i'm away on business atm and couldn't attend :(

As with all raids you take with you what you think you will need and what is practical. Inviting the entire realm is just nonsense to suggest. If you don't invite the entire realm then where do you draw the line??

This was a 2-guild raid. Irrespective of what the target was, this was a joint guild event, win or lose. Now why should you EXPECT to be invited to this Teador?? You have no connection with these 2 guilds at all except to talk shit about sotl now and again.You either got a bad case of 'penis envy' or are just stiring shit. Hmmm, probably both.

There's another post about TDS group taking down Princess. Now, thats something I haven't done yet. Maybe i should 'do a Teador' and go moan that I wasn't invited along. Nah, tell you what, I'll be happy for them and wish them all the best for the future.

I wonder if this thread will end up like the 1st successful relic raid thread with more grats from the Mids than from Albion.


Servants of the Lake

Edit - PS - I saw that you didn't lead very many (if any) more raids to lyonesse or LB after you got your enchanted afanc cloak and Celestial Callionder Robe. Why's this Teador? Surely you should be out there taking new groups in for 'the realm'?

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Pyrotechnix
Grats to all involved !!!

Unfortunately i'm away on business atm and couldn't attend :(

As with all raids you take with you what you think you will need and what is practical. Inviting the entire realm is just nonsense to suggest. If you don't invite the entire realm then where do you draw the line??

This was a 2-guild raid. Irrespective of what the target was, this was a joint guild event, win or lose. Now why should you EXPECT to be invited to this Teador?? You have no connection with these 2 guilds at all except to talk shit about sotl now and again.You either got a bad case of 'penis envy' or are just stiring shit. Hmmm, probably both.

There's another post about TDS group taking down Princess. Now, thats something I haven't done yet. Maybe i should 'do a Teador' and go moan that I wasn't invited along. Nah, tell you what, I'll be happy for them and wish them all the best for the future.


Servants of the Lake

1. Did i moan about not being on this raid? I didnt expected to be invited at all. It's good to see you cooperate too.

2. Talk shit about SotL? All i say is they should cooperate more with other people in PvE, you seem to have a lot of experience with raids, i admire that, good job, but you should share your experience, it WILL change results from big RvR raids too.

3. I intended to reply on Gombur's reply on Yussef, but i didnt think other people were gonna interfere with it like this.

I'm only trying to make things better for the realm, not to bitch on you guys :( no-one seems to under stand and only post negative things ;(

Why do people only think the worst when someones trying to improve things for everyone :(


well done.

Btw not all players go just for loot i go there to have fun and help:p and teador was just making a point no need to have a go at him:( .Also gombur no need to speak to yussef like that is there?that isnt nice.

Anyway good to see him dead:cool:


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.mattshanes

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:clap: :clap:



From the outside it does seem like 2 guilds think they own Albion and don't really want to be connected with the others as they are *better* than them and don't need them. This IS elitism even if they don't believe it is.

It does kinda make it look like every other guild is just excess baggage to the realm and just get in the way. To be honest I don't even know what a SotL or LoE robe looks like...

I guess all realms have the same problems to a certain extent when a few guilds become big and then every noob, his mum, his nan and her pet cat all want to join them, only making them yet bigger (tho not neccesarily better as is often the case).

Now as I don't know any of you personally and can't talk to you in game this is a completely neutral point of view and will no doubt be told to keep my opinions to myself from members of the guilds mentioned and maybe welcomed by others. Although I do think that maybe more guilds should at least be let known about such events as one day you may need their help only for them to give a middle finger and go do their own thing instead.

What goes around does come around after all...


Originally posted by Delket

Woo u got it :p :m00:

comments like this are not needed delket, you should know better. trying to bait is not clever,are you just trying to create a rift?


Originally posted by Cornell
I guess all realms have the same problems to a certain extent when a few guilds become big and then every noob, his mum, his nan and her pet cat all want to join them, only making them yet bigger (tho not neccesarily better as is often the case).

I can't speak for LoE there, but actually SotL is not a big guild. We try to keep a relatively stable number of members, ballooning out into a huge guild, as you say, often leads to quantity over quality.

I wasn't aware there was any great secret about this raid, on the letting guilds know front, however is it really neccessary for us to trumpet all raids all over the forums? There'd be a lot of forum spam if so. :p As Yussef said, he knew about the raid yesterday...


Any reason you choosen "lords of england" rather than say... PL?

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Dannyn
I can't speak for LoE there, but actually SotL is not a big guild. We try to keep a relatively stable number of members, ballooning out into a huge guild, as you say, often leads to quantity over quality.

heh well you do have a lot of members since this is only a small cosy server :)


Yeah I knew, I wouldnt post on forums and make us get our pies snatched, I mean relics while people are in DF or make random people tag along and cause confusion.


Originally posted by Myshra

comments like this are not needed delket, you should know better. trying to bait is not clever,are you just trying to create a rift?

Rofl cant believe you took this seriously :)
Anyone replying to this, especially teador the realms biggest lootwh0re just wanted to come for the sweet legion loot.
Whats the point in guilds if u cant do things without taking next doors kids along with u too

Stop trolling and organize things yourself, this thread just makes me laugh :D

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Delket
Rofl cant believe you took this seriously :)
Anyone replying to this, especially teador the realms biggest lootwh0re just wanted to come for the sweet legion loot.

What makes me the biggest lootwhore? SotL are the biggest lootwhores on prydwen with their daily loot raids.

And we'll never kill the dragon just because of people lacking big raid experience, MIDDIES YOU OWN.


Originally posted by old.Aralik
Any reason you choosen "lords of england" rather than say... PL?

crusaders and loe just merged so they got lots of high lvl ppl needed for killing legion, so it felt natural contaction them about a joint guild legion raid.


Originally posted by Cornell
From the outside it does seem like 2 guilds think they own Albion and don't really want to be connected with the others as they are *better* than them and don't need them. This IS elitism even if they don't believe it is.

It does kinda make it look like every other guild is just excess baggage to the realm and just get in the way. To be honest I don't even know what a SotL or LoE robe looks like...

I guess all realms have the same problems to a certain extent when a few guilds become big and then every noob, his mum, his nan and her pet cat all want to join them, only making them yet bigger (tho not neccesarily better as is often the case).

Now as I don't know any of you personally and can't talk to you in game this is a completely neutral point of view and will no doubt be told to keep my opinions to myself from members of the guilds mentioned and maybe welcomed by others. Although I do think that maybe more guilds should at least be let known about such events as one day you may need their help only for them to give a middle finger and go do their own thing instead.

What goes around does come around after all...

So you dont know SotL emblem yet... Wow youre the most experiences hibbie ever. I mean, lowlvl middies know what my cloak looks like ;)

But seriously. No, wait, honestly. Legion aint that big mob like Dragon is. I mean, Legion isnt even the hardest mob in Darkness. Hibs on exca did it with 56 people or so. And we had 80. And still you ask for more people to come?

Hmm, cant write longer, school awaits.



Nice work SOTL and LoE! Fully understand why you would want to chainkill that guy - the loot looks tasty :)

A shame our lil guild will never be able to pull anything like this off ;( (ourselves that is). Need an extra hand from a guild consisting of one full group - let us know <grins>

old.Gombur Glodson

Teador I am going to look forward to seeing a BW thread about your successfull Legion raid.

To you Arlone I can say that I am soon going to start planning a dragon raid and if your members meets the restriction you should hopefully be there to see big old Gold drop to the ground.

- Pathfinder -

I think it's safe to say that Yussuf didn't mean to flame :) Some people merely overreacted; a result of a constant barrage of crap, I imagine.

Since we wanted to kill Legion, being the rather methodical people we are, we went through what would be neded to kill him. Calculating the risks of pops at bad times, tank group being ported etc led us to believe we'd need another guild with us to make sure it worked - for the actual raid we ended up with a very large amount of SotLs (I can't recall ever having seen so many on at a time), and a seemingly equally large LoE force. This was quite likely an overkill, but we did and that's what counts :)

On the issue of inviting other guilds, we did invite LoE (following the above reasoning), and anticipated this would bring us to at least 8 FGs, which should be more than enough to take down legion and his cohorts if we planned the raid carefully. Inviting more guilds would result in increased lag, loot issues and what not. I'll frankly admit that the loot was a major temptation in this, so obviously adding excessive amounts of unecessary people would make splitting it harder - we've already seen the Mid thread, after all. Some people might claim that they don't care about loot; fair enough, but consider this; IF we had invited every larger guild, and afterwards told people that we're keeping all the drops, would you've said fine, or would you've started flame threads on the forums? The answer should be fairly obvious.

I know alot of people want to see (and beat) Legion, but it doesn't require a huge Zergs; you could easily get a few guilds together to go there, if you wanted to.

On a more personal basis, this was the most fun I've had in ages, literally :) For once I wanted to be a bloody gimp aggro holder; knowing that every cleric in the room is focusing on you has got to be a good feeling ;) I still wonder how much damage Soulfly got to soak up in those two battles ;)


Re: Congratz

Originally posted by sharma
WTG! heh and u did it TWICE nice 1

Thats what this thread should have been about. Next time legion falls it may be a different set of alb guilds involved and when it happens you'll get a reply off me like this, thanks sharma :)


Threads like these just make me sad.

First of all, Big grats to Sotl and LoE for taking that nasty bastard down, twice :eek:

Second, We are all albs ffs! turning this into a flamefest is not the proper thing to do. And i am sad to see that both sides actually IMMEDIATELY clenched their fists and engaged each other. I dont care if we was invited or not, If 2 guilds want to raid a mob.. well, whats stopping them? If someone told me what we can do or not with <Utopia> I would get seriosly pissed tbh, And so would many members be too i guess.
If I told Griffons what to do, and how to run their guild, they would be pissed, and if I told Sotl, they would be pissed.. Simple facts.. This applies to every guild we have in Alb.
Some ppl seem to think that Sotl is Albs greatest force. Some ppl have respect for them some not. Some ppl even hate them, some dont.
I agree, Sotl have a lot of muscles, they have a lot of knowledge, they have lot of skilled players... In what way does all this justifie the treatment they get? I dont care if its Sotl, LoE, AoE, BeA or whatever the heck it is, I still will NEVER tell them what they can and cannot do. By running a guild in a certain way, u get response from that.. Many albs seem to think that Sotl harm Albion, in what way I cannot understand, at least many treat them as if they were.

Face it, Albion will survive with or without Sotl, or ANY other guild for that matter. One guild is not THAT important. A realms strenght does not lie in 1 guild, not in 2 guilds or 3. If one guild falls, another take that place...

Now I know many of u out there wonder who in hell I am to come here and open my mouth and speak out my opinion, I am merely GM of a small guild, however, <Utopia> has nothing to do with this post, this is merely my own personal opinion.

Dont u guys think its time to start thinking a bit wiser than u do now? I have seen this going on for a long while now, Sotl is doin this, Sotl is doin that and so on, is that ALL u have to think about? In that case, i pity you as a human beeing, I dont care if its Sotl or any other guild that take shit, NO guild in ALb shud have this kinda crap thrown at it. It only proves lyoalty have no home in Albion now atm, and it makes me sad. I have my opinions about many guilds, I just keep my mouth shut and let them do their thing as they see fit. And thats what the rest of you should do too. If you dislike what a guild do, take it up with their GM in /sends or mails or any other way. Posting it here offcially on a forum just make us look like a bad shitty realm with no sense at all and it create a bad taste the mouth of many players.

Unite up for once, act as a realm, care for each other and help each other. If one guild doesnt wish to do this, well so be it. Noone can tell a guild what to do. It is their own decision to take. Noone elses.

sorry for the ranting, and remember, This post has NOTHING with my guild to do. All this is my own opinion.

just my own 2 cobbers.


On the subject of tactics, as a guild we ran two practice raids down there at the expense of two exp deaths for every member involved just so that I could get the correct method for pulling the room and approaching Legion. We wiped completely on Legion twice just to work out what sustained dps we would need, how many to soak up the teleport and how many to deal with the adds. There is nothing stopping anybody else trying this as we did it with only three groups each time. Of course you do need the 30 gold per person to buy back con :)

In the end bringing 80 people was overkill as well. I don't see the logic in taking even more people on top of that when we could probably have done it with less. If everyone wants a chance at the loot (which they obviously do going by other loot splitting threads) then it makes sense to do it with the fewest people possible so that everyone who puts in the time and effort to come has a greater chance of being rewarded.

People sometimes confuse what is for the "good of the realm" with the idea that they are somehow entitled to be present at every major event just by virtue of the fact that they play in the realm of Albion. Unfortunately that isn't the case.

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