LEGION dead....to albs!



So, how many albs does it take to kill a legion?

(sounds like the start of a bad joke...)



At least hibs/mids can't make fun of us about this anymore :)


YEA well apart from all the fighting about the drops not being given to saxo as fast as they could, and falcor going through the floor (that was out of order :() , apart from that it was fun, region was obliterated and droped some neat stuff. oh and nice 1 Saxo and Falcor :clap:


When you agree to show up for an event you make a comitment. It's no ones fault but your OWN if make that comitment BEFORE knowing all the detalis. When you guys agreed to come in the first place you should have all your questions asked. I don't think the point of this is that you didn't want to come cuz falcor didn't give a lengthy explination of the drop distribution. The point is that you went back on your word. You committed yourselved to something and at the last minute decided not to go, for whatever reason it doesn't matter. If you don't want to go becuase of drops or what the hell ever then that's something you should have decided before agreeing to go in the first place.

Maybe you people don't realize what goes into planning a large scale hunt. Every guild goes on a list, with the estimated number of people expected from that guild. Then every guild is given a job to do. When you back out of going at the last minute that means there's a job that's not going to be done now. The person in chage then has to shuffle everything around to accomidate your immaturity.

The simple fact of the matter is that when you agree to do something you either do it or you earn the reputation of being untrust worthy.

For future referance, get your info before agreeing to go on a hunt.

(iI might be a bit sensitvie to this as like 10 guilds cancelled to come to the dragon raid like 15 min AFTER it was to start!)


And once again any enjoyment of Albion achieving something as a realm and proving that they can cooperate with each other when required disappears under the usual petty rubbish.



Ok can we please all relax and let this drop.....the simple fact is i daivana was asking for a lot more than how the lot would nbe split, and i didnt ahve the time to explain it to a non gm of a guild, the loot split is NOT as simple as a lotto, i intend to split the items between the guilds involved in hopefully a civilised manner, there r not jsut 10 items.....i have 4 pages of my backpuck full of items.....

Guilds involved:

Keepers of light
Templar knights
Black Falcons
Dragon Knights

Now, aswell as these guilds who were the main ppl there, there were also some ppl who came along from various other guilds...
i made this guilds only to simplyfy the loot splitting so items can go to guilds rather than indeviduals and one fg mininmum so as to make sure all guilds made a good contribution, however if anyone feels they made a serious contribution to the raid(not tagging along with one person)

All drops have been accounted for apart from 2 seals and one staff.....not a great loss....NO ONE has nicked any drops, ppl went ld with them and one who ahd a lot of drops didnt speak any english so it took a while to get drops....

If anyone ahs any problems with the way i intend to do this please tell me, dont talk about it behind my back ....

Tijl: can u please tell me who was in your group that got drops, and what guild they were in?

I will try to do this as fair as possible, however i imagine some ppl will be unhappy, i cant help that, i can only try my best

I WILL be doing legion raid number 2 very soon, as soon as loot split is sorted, for this one some more well defined rules will be going up....however IF i have this much crap next time...it will be the last

As for if items are going to be lottoed between guilds or not i havent decided...some of the better ones will probably be lottoed.....but the lesser ones i will hope to be able to divide without having to lotto every one.

As a last note: can i have no more nasty message in game or on these boards from people, please dont spoil this for all the ppl who took part...


Dragon Knights was involved from the Beginning and came with 1 and a half full groups,

thx :)



Well done guys :)

Bah, ive been on 5-6 legion raids(sucessful) and been looking for that Ensorcelled blade of power, its been only dropped once as ive seen and i didnt get in lottery, and yours drop 2!!!!

not fair :p


Originally posted by -Dreama-
When you agree to show up for an event you make a comitment. It's no ones fault but your OWN if make that comitment BEFORE knowing all the detalis. When you guys agreed to come in the first place you should have all your questions asked. I don't think the point of this is that you didn't want to come cuz falcor didn't give a lengthy explination of the drop distribution. The point is that you went back on your word. You committed yourselved to something and at the last minute decided not to go, for whatever reason it doesn't matter. If you don't want to go becuase of drops or what the hell ever then that's something you should have decided before agreeing to go in the first place.

You don't know half the facts right? right?

We were informed about the raid 4 hours prior, it was said that we could probably show with a group (but with short prior notice it's hard to judge interest) but had some concerns we wanted answered. Put on hold for an hour and then told to get away and stop bothering him? Lol. As we were told 4hrs prior, I don't see how backing out 3hrs prior can be considered last minute. There was no commitment made, no word given, we showed interest in it but as our concerns weren't answered and met hostily it was quickly realised it was a no-go.

Falcor, respectfully, you have had no crap in no way. You were confronted with a simple question, you responded in a hostile and arrogant way that doesn't go well hand in hand with raid organising and now you come here and whine about people not showing? You have to sort this if you want to be taken seriously. Best of all would be if you made the rules ready prior (you worked for 4 days you said) and saved yourself these questions, but responding in a respectful way when asked a simple question is common bloody sense for a raid organiser. Stop being a jerk and sending your entire guild here making unrelated flames.


Originally posted by Cerverloc

Don't forget the DVE and his mixed group of other fine lads. We had adds duty too. We saved your skinny little asses.

My apologies DvE i didnt realise you were also on adds patrol. then by all means thx very much. couldnt have done it without u :)


Daivana dont spoil this please.....u continue to post crap on and on just shut up! i wish i had a log of the abuse u ahve posted to me....i would certainly post it here....r u trying to ruin event for every bloody albion who takes part? shut up and get off my thread


Originally posted by Tigerius

You don't know half the facts right? right?

We were informed about the raid 4 hours prior, it was said that we could probably show with a group (but with short prior notice it's hard to judge interest) but had some concerns we wanted answered. Put on hold for an hour and then told to get away and stop bothering him? Lol. As we were told 4hrs prior, I don't see how backing out 3hrs prior can be considered last minute. There was no commitment made, no word given, we showed interest in it but as our concerns weren't answered and met hostily it was quickly realised it was a no-go.

Falcor, respectfully, you have had no crap in no way. You were confronted with a simple question, you responded in a hostile and arrogant way that doesn't go well hand in hand with raid organising and now you come here and whine about people not showing? You have to sort this if you want to be taken seriously. Best of all would be if you made the rules ready prior (you worked for 4 days you said) and saved yourself these questions, but responding in a respectful way when asked a simple question is common bloody sense for a raid organiser. Stop being a jerk and sending your entire guild here making unrelated flames.

u wanna bitch at people? then bitch at them in game make a cg send a PM anything other than brining this childish CRAP onto this thread. now i am sick and tired of people makeing this 1 thing into a issue. your own gm has had his say and i think closed the issue nicely. so can u please posting abusive nonsense now??



Originally posted by Treson
Well done guys :)

Bah, ive been on 5-6 legion raids(sucessful) and been looking for that Ensorcelled blade of power, its been only dropped once as ive seen and i didnt get in lottery, and yours drop 2!!!!

not fair :p

ill trade u 1 for some cc spells ?


Radghast, you should search yourself for who is posting abusive nonsense. If I could have sorted this ingame I would, but being met disrespectfully and even ignored is what lead to this. I have a problem with how he acted as raid leader, I know you're trying to throw so much crap into the air that that central issue is lost, but to me it's not.

Falcor, you brought this to this thread. I was disappointed in how you acted as raid leader, I posted a few thoughts and I was happy with that. Your guildmembers flaming me back is what keeps this discussion going, I won't stand idly back as false accusations flow.

Originally posted by falcor
shut up and get off my thread

Now this is the kind of behaviour I'm talking about. You don't seem to understand that because you took it upon yourself to organise something that doesn't elevate you in any particular way. If I want to post thoughts on how I thought the raid and you failed I will do so, as will anyone else. It would be much easier if you didn't respond so hostily and defensively and instead accepted that some people were unhappy with this aspect, maybe keep that in mind for the future, maybe change plans to suit more people. It will be a much more rewarding experience leading a raid if you treat people, their input, their concerns respectfully, you aren't omnipotent and don't know everything.


no its simple.....just shut up!
I have nothing to defend.....i took this up with ure gm....i thought it was settled but u cannot let it rest until u have completely ruined soemthing that it has taken me 4 days to plan! i am so sick of this crap ONE person is being abusive to me and that is u daivana no othe rperson in ANY other guild has been, i have no problem with HB or them coming to any raids i organise, i dotn see y i need to explain myself before a raid to a lower member of a guild, i explained to filip and he seemed happy enough, beofre the raid i didnt truely know how i intended to split loot myself but u wouldnt take no for an answer and got abusive on me....u have suceeded in once again showing the lameness of some albions, and ruinignt his raid for both me and othe ppl who too part congratulations....this hunt was organised by me and rules were set by me, other guilds have trusted me to split loot fairly however u require personally for me to tell u every little thing i intend to do....which is IMPOSSIBLE as i didnt know how i intended to split loot even if he died....im SO sick of this now just please please shut up, i plan on organising another raid very soon, HB r welcome to attend u however r not, your banned, if this means HB do not want to attend also then this is there decisision, i feel i ahve no choice in this, i asked your GM to get u to stop sending me abusive sends, he did not suceed, now for god sake just go back to your damn hole and leave me be.....one last thing, dont break this down into little quotes, its very very sad just for gawds sake let it rest.

Can no one from my guild please post anymore response to daivana please....its jsut adding fuel to the fire...i never wanted this to happen but like at the dragon raid the event has again been ruined by one person
just ignore him an hope he goes away...


You sir really need to learn some manners. I'm getting royally sick of getting trashed, abused and flamed here because I say how I feel.

You have nothing to defend indeed, yet you do it with claw and teeth. I think you misbehaved, you don't think you did and that's up to you. I wanted to make you aware how disrespectfully you behaved, yet you've countered with more and more of the same.

You weren't asked to tell me personally every thing you would do, I asked on behalf of the guild a simple and important issue. You say that you planned it for 4 days, yet missed rules completely for one of the most sensitive aspects? A mistake perhaps? Instead of telling me this you just give me attitude. I wasn't being abusive at the least until you were. Just look at your phrases and mine and I think it's pretty easy to see that. You speak like you think you are something in a constantly degrading tone, I find that pretty disturbing and until you cut the attitude I'm afraid I won't shut up and go back to my hole. Individual quotes aren't the point, I could find a good example of your attitude in every sentence.

Cooperation gets you much further than trash talking, you've embarked deep on the second road. Do you think anything will be improved by insulting me, banning me, flaming me? Sigh. I'll gladly stop this thread anytime you stop throwing more crap at me, you've already given me a good idea on how your raids in the future are lead. While I think it's sad that realm wide events are hijacked by people like yourself I won't have have any qualms about not being there. Just like I rather exp solo slowly to not deal with annoying people in a party, I'd rather go on raids without the likes of you.


Hi guys.

Well, I heard about the proposed raid on Legion in the morning and got very excited (I know that's not entirely seemly, but I was alone so it was alright).

I decided that even though I'm in a guild of 2 - count them, 1, 2 - I'd love the opportunity to even see Legion as he is not something that anyone sees every day. The experience of being part of something so big and of just being there when it happened sounded too good to miss.

As it turned out, it was everything I hoped for and expected. The plummet in fps, the swarm of albs killing mobs before I could get a spell off, the sphincter-clenching fear as I realized that I'd been teleported into another room and I was alone, the brave and oh-so-foolish tank who amazingly charged Legion completely alone, the utter chaos of trying to organize and control hundreds of individuals, some of which couldn't speak english - oh it was magnificent!

My adrenalin levels took an hour to return to normal afterwards and many thanks to my wife who had to sit up in bed and listen to my froth for another hour.

Well done to all that were involved. It was a night to remember and an experience not to forget.

Cya all at the next one. :)

Waynedalf - lvl 46 earth wizard (Yes - earth - wanna make something of it?!? ;) )



I know it might not mean much, but you have my respect. You did a great job. Don't let one person spoil the moment for you. I look forward to more events organized by you.



both of you have to have the last word, hm?

stupid albs, always fighting each other...can really understand ppls to leave this realm.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by old.Kerosene
Gratz on the legion raid! :D Hope you didn't have too many problems

Can't believe that gobshite Saxo led you though....

erm exactly how mainy raids did u plan/lead because saxo lead the least two raid on legion 1st on very nearly successfull k

oh and pls do stfu u little whingebag


Originally posted by waynedalf

Waynedalf - lvl 46 earth wizard (Yes - earth - wanna make something of it?!? ;) )

Woot! go earth wizzies!
:clap: :clap:


You're all so busy complaining about the fact that someone else complained, that you can't even see that Tigerius isn't complaining...

Don't take this the wrong way, but that's why I'm not in Equilibrium. ANYTHING other than "hooray" and "nice day, isn't it" is either a whine, a flame, a moan or fuck-knows what. I had plenty of that before the split of Illuminati.

Now, then, pay attention children, because I don't wish to repeat this until I'm blue in the face.
Tigerius merely asked how the drops would be distributed. Given the importance Joe Average attaches to uber-drops, this is a question on the order of "what time is the raid" and "where are we meeting?"
Falcor refused to answer this, preferring instead to start complaining that people only wanted drops. Not merely is this wrong, but when he and others then start attacking Boldklub for being the only guild to ask, THEY are making it hostile, not Daivana. (who is after all merely asking a question on behalf of the guild.)

I'm not going to go on and on here, but:
- We would happily have come, but not without some kind of rules about the loot being made
- When we got insinuated insults in reply to a polite question, we thought better of it.
- Grats, you killed him. Oh look, Falcor's refusal to arrange anything for the drops is causing flames. Tigerius' original question was asked in the hope of preventing such flames, but hey. If you ask any question or make any non-"yeahthatswonderful" comment to certain people, they just take it as insult.

In summary:
fuck's sake.

edit: all right, a mallet to the temple would have been more diplomatic. Sorry folks, but I just hate people who always think the worst; "what's being done about drop distribution?" does NOT equal "we want drops guaranteed or we're not coming".
The above post in no way reflects the opinions of my guild. This is purely from me, and I'm very sorry if it offends any of you.

2nd Edit:
Re-read page 2. Hmm. Radghast, i honestly thought better of you. I had you down as a reasonable person and a nice guy, and then you post THAT bollocks?
Dai isn't flaming. Not even after BEING flamed unreasonably, childishly (shut up! shut up! fuck you! nya-nya, can't hear youuuuu etc etc from Falcor) is Dai flaming.
God but i hate the anonymity of the internet. No-one would be this unreasonable over a table in a pub, for god's sake...


Hi all
I only wanted to say a BIG GRATZ to u all for killing the legion :)
I wasnt there (had some RL stuff to do).
I only wanted to say u that u really made a great job and I will not give my opinion on the reply of this thread :)

P.S: only thing to say go to take a beer and discuss :)

Echekiel merc 50
Gatsu pala 28
<Dragon Knights>


I'm selling ringside seats - 20g per person, 35g for couples (I'm looking at you, Legion of Darkness)


Originally posted by falcor

Guilds involved:

Keepers of light
Templar knights
Black Falcons

are u kidding me ? Brethren had 2 full groups there + some extra


yep Dragon Knights and The Brethern were missing on falcor´s list

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