LEGION dead....to albs!



Well albion has finally killed the master demon =)

Thank you to all those who amde this possible all guilds that were involved and any othe rppl that tagged along =).

SPECIAL thanks go to SAXO, he led the raid after i fell thru the floor =(, thanks a lot m8.

I ahve been planning this raid for a few days and im very pleased it all came together in a sucess, i wa showever dissapointed in the guilds that cancelled last moment =/.....

DROPS: drops will be sorted in coming days please dont keep mailing me i will sort them fairly...give me chance, i am glad to say all but on of the drops has been accounted for..

Once again thanks to all those involved, i hope to do another raid in the not so distant future =) hopefully this time i wont fall through the floor =)


Gratz on the legion raid! :D Hope you didn't have too many problems

Can't believe that gobshite Saxo led you though....


So, the one person who had approx. half of Legion drops has given them? If so, we're going in a better direction :)


yea nice work all. :) :)

thx to the GoL groups for takeing the adds. the first 2 attempts failed bacause we used the wrong tactics (as usual) but we got it right tonight, and as a result legion dropped with relative ease.

As for drops it will be done fairly and tbh we could just as easily do that again. prob would need only half the people (maybe not) but still he is a damn site easier than the drag. so anyone who dosent get a drop this time. Plz instead of having a go at falcor just organize your own raid

once again. grats all who contributed


Nice work all :clap: :clap: :clap:

Now get some drops pics online so the rest of us can drool


I was the 'fortunate' one to be leader of the group with the drops. Totally suprise it was, a group of 4 high lvls and one lvl 30 :)

My guildmate, who hit Legion last had drops and were passed to Saxo with no problem. However, the lvl 30 suddenly had lag Oo, i saw him disapear 2 mins after wondering where he would sell the items :(

When he logged in, we tried to talk to him, but the poor guy didnt speak any English lol. But items went to the right person.

One screen of the items: its not very clear and some drops might not be on the list, but its something :)

http://users.pandora.be/Sangdrax/Legion droppings.jpg

Vry well done raid :clap:


Originally posted by falcor
...i wa showever dissapointed in the guild that cancelled last moment =/.....

If you are speaking about the guild I think you are, I can only say that if you want/expect people to turn up then you need to work on your personal skills. When someone adresses a concern on behalf of a guild you don't refuse to answer the question with poor excuses and generally dismissing them. I hope that if you continue planning raids you will work on this attitude and atleast give people a professional response.


I know lots of ppl will be eager about drops...

however i have now 4 pages of backpakc full of drops from legion raids....i will write all thes eup and post a long list

Tigerius? what do u expect, no other guild had asked me how drops will be distributed (legion may of not died and u ask beofre how drops will be split? i find this very insulting, i simply told all ppl that i will collect alld rops and they will be dealt with fairly, i find it insulting that u doubt my intergrety) and u expected a long discussion of how i was going to attacka nd how drops would be split, i was getting 10 pms a minute i had no time nad i had one member of guild in question sending me 10 pms being abusive for no reason, there were 3 guilds that cancelled very late....

I simply do not know how u have the nerve to come on here posting stuff like that when i have put in FOUR days of work to pull of this raid.....u will NOT ruin this for my by making nasty posts on here as i told the member in question please go away and leave me alone, i was not abusive at all to him, or his GM, i asked his GM to stop him and he still continued sending abusive sends......i have no problem with guild in question, but i dont have time to explain everything i am going to do do to some1 who is not a gm or higher member in a guild....


Originally posted by falcor

Tigerius? what do u expect, no other guild had asked me how drops will be distributed (legion may of not died and u ask beofre how drops will be split?

After witnessing failures to distribute loot in a overall accepted way in countless of raids, it's only natural that this concern was raised. It's about not coming there under false pretences. I don't care if noone else asked, so? I don't care that there was a chance that he didn't die. The objective was to kill him, as such there should be plans for what happens if, especially in light of how failed other major loot splits have been.

i find this very insulting, i simply told all ppl that i will collect alld rops and they will be dealt with fairly, i find it insulting that u doubt my intergrety).

A definition of what 'dealt with fairly' is was the only think asked for. Basically it sounds like you take the drops and hand them out as you wish. It isn't question your integrity, but rather your ability to be the sole judge of what fairly is with 100's of people present. It's a pretty bold task.

and u expected a long discussion of how i was going to attacka nd how drops would be split, i was getting 10 pms a minute i had no time nad i had one member of guild in question sending me 10 pms being abusive for no reason, there were 3 guilds that cancelled very late....

There were other concerns about the raid, but those aren't the point. You refused to even answer the question. You were asked at 2 different points, hours before the raid, if it's incomprehensible to you to at some point take 3 mins out to explain a detail to a concerned guild then as I said you need to work on the social aspect of managing a larger raid. You could have entirely circumvented this by posting answers to known concerns on the forum, but chose not to.

I simply do not know how u have the nerve to come on here posting stuff like that when i have put in FOUR days of work to pull of this raid.....u will NOT ruin this for my by making nasty posts on here as i told the member in question please go away and leave me alone, i was not abusive at all to him, or his GM, i asked his GM to stop him and he still continued sending abusive sends......i have no problem with guild in question, but i dont have time to explain everything i am going to do do to some1 who is not a gm or higher member in a guild....

It's nice and all that it succeded, and I'm sure you put alot of good work into it, but the way you handled that aspect was very poor. Go away leave me alone? That a natural reaction for you when asked a basic question about a impending raid? So it's a case of selective talking when you really don't know the scenario? Had things been properly explained to all GMs in the first place there would have been no need, and when someone comes to speak to you on behalf of a guild a friendly response isn't too much to be asked.

Learn - to - deal - with - it.


A definition of what 'dealt with fairly' is was the only think asked for. Basically it sounds like you take the drops and hand them out as you wish. It isn't question your integrity, but rather your ability to be the sole judge of what fairly is with 100's of people present. It's a pretty bold task.

When someone says "Dealt with fairly" do you think it means handing them out as he sees fit? Surely not. Also a detailed explanation of how loot is going to be handled isn't necessary before the raid if the one which gets all the loot says clearly that the lootsplitting will be taken care of later. You know Falcor better than to suspect him of running off with loot, Dai. Anyway he can't delete his character like hobbit did, Falcor is addicted to the swords in his vault.


I wanted a direct answer how this would be dealt with, not guess. The question wasn't asked for personal concern, but as a requirement for guild participation. Running off with the drops was never the question, but rather knowing under what terms this was handled. You cannot ask people to come uninformed, follow every command, turn in every drop without hesitation all without an educated idea of what would happen to them.

Too many failures in these departments have been noted for blind faith to be viable anymore.

Fairness like so much else is in the eye of the beholder, it should be up to each on his own to overview and take stance if the rules seems fair or not participate. Since noone will take any responsibility if people afterwards feel it wasn't fair, it must be done prior.


Originally posted by Tigerius
I wanted a direct answer how this would be dealt with, not guess. The question wasn't asked for personal concern, but as a requirement for guild participation. Running off with the drops was never the question, but rather knowing under what terms this was handled. You cannot ask people to come uninformed, follow every command, turn in every drop without hesitation all without an educated idea of what would happen to them.

Too many failures in these departments have been noted for blind faith to be viable anymore.

So you are writing off every earlier experience you have had with this player because of some things that players you have never met did? You know how this player is, doesn't that count? Blind faith? What about your GM, couldn't he ask Falcor? Didn't he have the time to ask? Just like Falcor was busy doing preparations and organizing? If your GM didn't trust your earlier experiences with this person who is it he doesn't trust? He should have contacted Falcor himself. And the guild could atleast participate on the raid when they signed up, what was there to lose?

Hit ^_^

gratz to all who was there.
btw. too the person who get encrolled blade of power or black shappire items. give me a mess if you want to get rid of them :p


I have no extensive prior knowledge of this persons ability to handle things of this proportion no.

The question was asked by a GM, a insatisfactory answer was given and interest in going dropped. It was my belief that if it was a come or not issue then surely a better answer could be recieved so it was agreed the question would be restated with our concern for the issue presented. Same poor response, add arrogance and attitude.


well done, all :clap:

special thx to falcor for setting this up! i have faith in you that you will divide the loot fair and wise!

dont let you mood getting addled, theres always someone whos moaning...dont mean tigerius, dunno what happened there, just in general...


well done those involved .. was on last 2 raids [both failed] but i couldnt make this 1 =( .. but good that u guys did the job ,,, hopefully ill be there with you all on next raid...


I have no extensive prior knowledge of this persons ability to handle things of this proportion no.

Do you need extensive prior knowledge of this guys ability to handle big raids to know if he sorts items fair and square? It all boils down to maturity and honesty, you have spoken to falcor before, you know somewhat how he is. What if he did give you an extensive answer on the spot, would it give you more faith in him not stealing the loot? Since you don't have extensive prior knowledge in his ability to handle things of this proportion I mean? For all you would know he could still be running off with the loot, atleast if you go by the impression you give of your knowledge about Falcor.


Oh come on. The issue has never been if he should choose to run off with drops or not, I bloody trust him not to. I don't see where you got the 'stealing the loot' impression from. By saying that I want more guarantees / information into a so called fair distribution that only means I want to know how it will be distributed between guilds, what is considered fair in this case. No doubt has the refusal to answer this question sparked a bit of imagination of exactly what unorthodox system would be used to determine "fair" recievers of the items.

It isn't a weird request, not the slightest, I don't see why all these distracting reasons why the question SHOULDN'T be asked are stated and restated? Is it really that hard to take 3 mins out of mr.busy's schedule to enlighten a guild that wonders? Does he really have to rudely ask to "leave me alone" when asked? It isn't the actions of the person you say I know.


tbh u can say fine we wont turn up if not get a long answer

but also every1 else can say fine were disapointed in your guild not coming and not just trusting ppl to be fair like all other guilds did


still find it funny to be sat on stairs (not even in sight of legion yet) for half an hour with people yelling for drops to be given to saxo from one of the mobs on the way...

kinda cant see the hibs/mids having to do this

go alb...


Fuck and I got days wrong sigh... Was doing something else in the meanwhile... did any DVE go with you this time? Ah well hope we can do more Legion Raids soon...


We did say fine we won't show. However after recieving a fairly unwelcome treatment from the organiser I feel it's lame to see the same come posting afterwards about his disappointment in us not showing. When it was made expressedly clear to him that we wouldn't participate without a sufficient answer.


*sigh* and so it begins

I thought we might get maybe some constructive commets, but i guess i was being over ambitious. Why can't people celerate the fact that people got together as a realm and accomplished something we have never done before. but no, from the moment that guy hit the deck it was " me me me" i went along to support falcor and to have fun NOT to get my hands on some uber item and anyone who did i feel rather sorry for them. if the only reason u play this game is be a magipie and horde loads of shiny items then i suggest u go play UO, a gam where the pursuit of "things" has ruined it entirely.

but life goes on, im sure this will only be the first of many such raids as many people will go home empty handed. there are after all only 10 drops (not inc seals) and we had maybe 70-100 people there. so 90% will feel hard done by or hopefully they will feel unlucky and decide to arange there own raid to increase there chances. best of luck the the latter

i await the flames with great interest

Radghast - lvl 50 wizard

officer of Equilibrium

"if a battle cant be won, don't fight it" <sun tzu>


lol I was leveling my sorcerer when i heard there was a legion raid
I asked when it was and they said o its been going on for 15 minutes now




GJ Guys!!!

And i know what work is needed to pull rais like that, 4 days 24/7 " pressure" =)

And wtf ask about how the loot is split? peeps have played this game maybe longer than 1 day, and specially those who knows how the loot is splitted after big raid, should not ask nothing, they know it all rdy, and YES, every single time Albs kill something BIG the moaning of something goes on and on for weeks.....

1ST of all Falcor knew it will happen, but still he pulled the raid succesfullly, with 1 Gimped Pally ( and w00t it was pally again who saved Albs lol 60% j/k there ) and YES the loot will ALWAYS give to peeps who needs them, and if there is sometimes some dude that is so broke that he sells the stuff at Ebay, lol, let him sell, he dont have acces any more to this server, ignore list aint so big that u can add all of there =)

SO LOOK THE POSITIVE THINGS IN HERE, NOT MOANING LIKE LITTLE KIDS!!!! Go play with Barbie and Ken if u wanna moan and STFU here

P.s. Illuminati was 1 guild who cancelled, but we had guild thing, also in DF, and in these cases when u get almost 3 fgps together, we desided to have guild fun, not legion, because we also saw how many peeps there went, so i think it was good amount, and 2 much is always 2 much!!! plz forgive us Falcor, just bad timing on 2 diff events.

by the way, any1 got some emeralds from there?
Fight on those 1 =) they uber


gj, and about bloody time ;)

On another line, really dunno what the fuss is all about... Aye, wasn't kewl that some guilds dropped out in last moment, but really can blame 'em for wanting to know how the drops will be sorted out, if only as a formality. Ain't that difficult to make a /macro loot /c Drops will be distributed so-and-so, and it'd be saving alot of time for the leader(s), while assuring the commoners/guilds about their continued participation (ya, you're a good chap, Falcor, afaik - however, think we've all seen what greed can do to people (ain't suggesting this'd happen with you, so don't take offense please :)))

Ah well... Dunno what happened, don't really care either - just don't think you can blame people for getting a bit of insight in their chances of getting some of the nice loot he drops.


Fuck and I got days wrong sigh... Was doing something else in the meanwhile... did any DVE go with you this time? Ah well hope we can do more Legion Raids soon...

Yeah Khalen, we were there...about 5 of us...only i heard it like 1 hour before the raid was planned (in my xp group) about it, so i asked all +45 DVE's online to join....and they did.

Of course we would have had like 2 fg at least when our Khalen wouldn't mix up the dates :p

and not only GoL took care of the adds, our little group of 8 "helped" out too (the supposed DVE group)...think none of us even touched Legion during the raid...but since we were assigned to take adds..we did :p (altough GoL had a lot more firepower hehe)...

and like always during these raids 1 heal = dead :(

but i had fun, was nicely planned (altough some people need ages before they understand to give drops, to stop running, etc...)

just hope drops will be divides correctly, but i have faith in falcor/saxo etc....


Hmm i migth need to make a little comment

i guess the guild falcor talks about is HB .. and the GM me ..

1. i would say, we could go there and dont get loot np at all .

The reason i turned this down that i disagree with any big raids without prior loot rules annouced .. (a simple we lotto about it, would have been ok)

not becuase i want the loot, but becuase i hate all the fuzz about it ..
i dont know falcor and he migth be a very nice and fair guy.. but why waste my evening with something that could be a potential source of splitting alb? ..
But i told about the raid in GU and said any1 who would like to go should do arrange a HB team becuase the plan Falcor got to kill the legion was good..

but instead we went to LB and did some Emain RvR .. we had fun and it was nice to hear everything went well in the legion raid ..

there is no need to make a big fuzz out of this.. the legion is a mob .. the weapons you get migth give you a 1-5% improvement on your char which is nice.. but so does a lot of other stuff..

Gratz on the job


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