Legalised prostitution? (UK)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ala said:
Pay to rape someone? I'm quite sure you didn't mean to say that? Then I have to assume you are equating sex, once again, with rape and they are not the same thing.
When I say 'when they could just pay' - I mean paying for sex, not paying to rape. ;/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Coim said:
When I say 'when they could just pay' - I mean paying for sex, not paying to rape. ;/
sure sure we know wat u were thinking about u horny bh0y :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
There are other theories postulated about rape though which in some way contradict the basic premis that rape is about men exerting power over women. Certain biological views based around the physical appearance of women who are raped (not clothing etc, but body type/shape, age) can show that women who appear fertile are prime targets for rape.

Which doesn't have anything to do with why men rape. You are talking about the MO not the driving force. E.g. My mother, who has straight long brown hair, parted in the middle, abused me for years as a young child. I attack women with the same features as my mother. <<<That is an MO....but the driving force behind the attacker raping a women who resembles his mother is a need to regain power, control and also to exert anger towards his mother through his victim.
You can postulate till the cows come home, but, studies of rapists provide us with an insight into the mind and show that it is a need for power that drives these men to rape.

Sigurd said:
So all sociopaths and psychopaths are rapists? :touch:

Not all sociopaths and psychopaths are rapists but rapists are sociopaths and psychopaths. As dekker mentioned, these posts are relating to rapists but, you knew that anyway ;)

Coim said:
When I say 'when they could just pay' - I mean paying for sex, not paying to rape. ;/

I know you meant paying for sex. Like I said a couple of times before. Rape is not sex. If a rapist has sex...he has sex. If he wants to rape, he will not go have sex instead. It won't fill his desire for a rape. It is sex, not rape. ARE WE CLEAR NOW CONCH? :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I personally don't favour the biological excuse. For starters, it appears to put the blame on the victim (i.e. the dude wouldn't have raped her if she didn't look so damn fertile). It just seems to me that evolutionary biologists are just trying to make sense of rape from a biological view but there just doesn't seem to be any truth in it.

If rape was all about increasing chances of siring a child then, logically, the last thing you want to do is beat the shit out of your victim or, as in quite a few cases, kill her. Rape is a traumatic and painful experience and this is not conducive to conception.

Also, why is this never seen in nature? If a male wants to get it on then he approaches the female. If she isn't ready to mate then he buggers off and 'cleans himself'. If she IS ready but for some reason the male doesn't take her fancy (too many parasites or whatnot) then he isn't going to force himself on her.

Another aspect of that theory that bothers me is we men aren't too perceptive when it comes to women and most of us couldn't spot a fertile woman from someone without a uterus. I find it hard to believe that the majority of rapes were commited because the victim looked like she would be a good prospect for having babies.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sissyfoo said:
Another aspect of that theory that bothers me is we men aren't too perceptive when it comes to women and most of us couldn't spot a fertile woman from someone without a uterus. I find it hard to believe that the majority of rapes were commited because the victim looked like she would be a good prospect for having babies.

Rape is seen all the time in nature.

The sociobiological view of rape i was postulating is an slightly different way at looking at things. With all problems in society the biggest step to dealing with it is understanding the imperative behind it.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
wee point about rape in nature <puts on specs> eh hem, right did you know the female hyena has a working schlong and she will mount other members of the pack to make them respect her authoritaaaaah.

and must pick up on something a chap said earlier about its not only men that rape, which is true for example in an all womens prison there will be a number of rapes carried out on inmates by other inmates (not all lesbian rape happens in prison but just an example) so rape isnt just cos a fella got the raging horn and needs to park it somewhere, rape can be carried out with no sexual intercourse at all there are a few cases of sexually impotant men commiting rape with certain objects.

so less of the man bashing us lot are just as bad........female hyenas are even worse o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
yaruar said:
Certain biological views based around the physical appearance of women who are raped (not clothing etc, but body type/shape, age) can show that women who appear fertile are prime targets for rape.

Yep thats cos most rapists, unless they're doing it to exercise power over a specific, target individual, are less likely to be drawn towards a 90 stone heffer granny than a young attractive woman. No different from young attractive woman is more likely to pull in a nightclub than an ugly old woman.

Seem to remember attraction being based more around indicators for health, as opposed to fertility/body type etc (though to a limited degree they are interlinked).

Very hard for a woman to be a rapist (legally that is), cos usually its classed as sexual assault.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Each to their own I say.

At present, prostitution is a seedy, corrupt and often deadly occupation. Women (and i guess men) turn to it for a variety of reasons, but mainly money. Whether to feed themselves, or their drug habbits, or their pimp, the money can be good.

"Its the worlds oldest profession" as the saying goes, which is perfectly true. You wont stop people from doing it, but its inherantly dangerous for both the girls and the customers, so why not make it safer.

Legalising it would:
  • Make the environments its done in safer, tight controls on health and safetly.
  • Raise tax for the community.
  • Remove it from the streets, therefore removing the criminal element also from the streets. If you know where they are, you know what they are doing kind of phylosophy.
  • Force prostitutes to take better care of contraception, hopefully lowering the STD rates and unwanted pregnancies.
  • Removing a lot of people from the benefit system who are earning lots of cash from prostitution, hence less UB45 payouts.
So consider this to what we currently suffer:
  • Maximum risk to both customer and prostitute from STD or pregnancy.
  • Money going into the pockets of pimps, drug dealers and not the public coffers.
  • Seedy gatherings of prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers on street corners, abandoned condoms and needles in your gardens, and a feeling of no safety at all after dark.
  • Prostitutes and pimps earning vast amounts of cash while signing on once a week, which comes from our tax paying wage packets, so you might as well pay them directly and save the tax man a job!
While the thought and reasoning of hooking might not appeal to you, think of the wider picture, who will benefit from it, and who has been up till now.

On another note, think of it like this.

Mr A enjoys sex, Mrs A doesnt. Mr A doesnt really spend frivously (sp), so why not.


Mr A is butt ugly, has no Mrs A, so wheres the harm?


Girl A loves sex, has little in the way of an education, is attractive and wants to earn money, so why not let her do what she enjoys and gets paid for it.

Lets not forget women also use prostitutes...

While I have never had the inclination to partake, I fail to see what harm it would do me. Where I live its not very common in public, but does happen. If I or anyone I know was to be tempted, the risks to me would outweigh the desire, so Id give it a miss.

^^ what he said......

anybody who can read what woo said and siagree's and still thinks it shouldnt be legalised is a dumb fuck retard who is a prude and unable to open there mind n see the bigger picture.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Jpeg[LOD] said:
^^ what he said......

anybody who can read what woo said and siagree's and still thinks it shouldnt be legalised is a dumb fuck retard who is a prude and unable to open there mind n see the bigger picture.

You have very strong feelings on this one don't you :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
BTW somehow I don't think most prostitutes are doing it out of a love of sex.

Arguing that something is currently going on and should be legalised can be used for a lot of things, right down to kiddie fiddling. 12 year old girl wants to have sex with older men, dirty old git wants to sleep with children. Legalise it then they can find each other and dirty old git wont have to kidnap kids anymore. . . . Hell tax it and everyone's a winner.

This may seem a bit random, but a hell of a lot of prostitutes are underage, so legalising prostitution isn't going to help them in the slightest. Plus even in places where they have legalised brothels, such as Amsterdam, they still have prostitutes on the streets, who still do a roaring trade as for a start they are a hell of a lot cheaper. Which makes it rather easier for Mr A to hide the fact thats he's paying for sex behind his wife's back (who does like sex, but Mr A likes them a bit younger).


Dec 25, 2003
Or, we could get a police force that does its job, completely redo our "justice" system and see how pimps enjoy life imprisonment.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Sigurd said:
Or, we could get a police force that does its job, completely redo our "justice" system and see how pimps enjoy life imprisonment.

I like what they did in Bradford where the residents put up a big electronic display in the centre of the town and hired space in the local newspaper and then published the car registration numbers of all the cars seen picking up prostitutes.

If there wasn't anything wrong with it I'm sure if they legalised it people would be perfectly willing to have their names published as having visited a brothel. Cos hey if there's nothing wrong with it they have nothing to be ashamed of.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
Rape is seen all the time in nature.

The sociobiological view of rape i was postulating is an slightly different way at looking at things. With all problems in society the biggest step to dealing with it is understanding the imperative behind it.

And the imperative behind rape is power. Schools out!

Ezteq said:
and must pick up on something a chap said earlier about its not only men that rape, which is true for example in an all womens prison there will be a number of rapes carried out on inmates by other inmates (not all lesbian rape happens in prison but just an example) so rape isnt just cos a fella got the raging horn and needs to park it somewhere, rape can be carried out with no sexual intercourse at all there are a few cases of sexually impotant men commiting rape with certain objects.

One would ask, 'why bother?'. The answer quite simply is, power.

Ezteq said:
so less of the man bashing us lot are just as bad......

That's just so untrue. As a woman I'm surprised you feel that way. I love men but I hate violence against women. The amount of violent crimes commited by men is vastly out of proportion to the amount women commit. There is no comparison.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
this thread puts out a bad example to the kids!!! women can rape as well

peace out :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
OI! Don't make me aggravatingly sexually assault you Conch!! :twak:



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nope! They can only force a man to 'engage in sexual activity without consent'. ;)


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Ala said:
That's just so untrue. As a woman I'm surprised you feel that way. I love men but I hate violence against women. The amount of violent crimes commited by men is vastly out of proportion to the amount women commit. There is no comparison.

there has been a rise in the number of assult charges made by men against women in the domestic environment (im not saying its equal to the amount of assults by men on women) as we have established it is virtually impossible for a woman to rape a man but im talking about domestic violence, men never used to report it for fear of being laughed at "ahh mrs beat ya up eh? <snicker>"

i was just trying to point out that not all women are nice harmless fragile creatures as most of the posts in this thread have hinted at, however i must add that i hate violence and do not condone violence against any other living being unless it is in self defence, ive been a "victim" (bloody hate that word) of domestic violence (only the once mind you i got the bugger arrested straight away) so i know how horrible it is but ive also seen domestic violence carried out on a man by his wife and that was appauling becuase if he was to try to defend himself he'd be branded a wife beater.

i think my point in making this post is no matter who it happens to rape/violence or mental cruelty it doesnt matter who the perpetrator is it still bloody damages the target, i wasnt having a dig at women in my previous post i was just trying to point out that when someone does something like that its just as bad no matter who they are or who they do it to as i didnt want our delightful freddys house lads feeling like we were man bashing.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Two additional points to Ez's.

First one, when women start fighting all the sort of airy fairy images of women being being all nurturing and dainty goes right out of the window, they are just pure evil, kicking, punching, biting and what seems to be a particular favourite eye gouging.

Second point is that there are bound to be more assaults committed by men on women than the other way round for one fundamental reason (beyond the one of men not wanting to admit to having been given a kicking from the missus, I know Ez beats me up all the time :( ), you average bloke is physically very significantly stronger than your average woman. So even if awoman started attacking a bloke she's likely to get a kicking and then he'll be the one who will get busted by the police because they'll never believe she started on him.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Ezteq said:
:twak: <eye gouge> :twak:

Hah was thinking more of the kidney punches. And then to call the police just cos I elbowed you in the face :eek6: didn't even give you a black eye or nuffink. :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ala said:
And the imperative behind rape is power. Schools out!

Not necessarily in all cases. The sociobiological argument is that rape can actually be about reproduction. Especially when viewed in nature as well. Rape is often carried out by those who are denied the chance to reproduce in nature.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ala said:
That's just so untrue. As a woman I'm surprised you feel that way. I love men but I hate violence against women. The amount of violent crimes commited by men is vastly out of proportion to the amount women commit. There is no comparison.

And the percentage of domestic murders commited by women is higher than those carried out by men... + violence against men is heavily underreported, especially when carried out by women because of the ongoing social stigma attached to masculinity.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
yaruar said:
And the percentage of domestic murders commited by women is higher than those carried out by men... + violence against men is heavily underreported, especially when carried out by women because of the ongoing social stigma attached to masculinity.

Don't know where you got those figures though as all the ones I've seen show that domestic killings (though might hinge on whether you just looked at murders as opposed to including manslaughter etc) are committed more by men that women, though granted not a huge difference. The main reason for this though is that if I were so inclined as to physically abuse my missus (which I'm not :wub: ) I would have no problem with overpowering her and slapping her around a bit. If she wanted to stop me her only recourse would likely be to using a weapon as she wouldn't have a hope of trying to slug it out with me.

Most government figures show that men are twice as likely to commit acts of domestic violence than women.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
LOL in tonights Liverpool echo they have announced the areas that are going to be legalised.

What a freakin joke...tell everyone won't ya!!

Going to be CCTVD!!!!!!
and Police patrolled.

Who the fook is going to drive round there now?
There'll be gangs of womens libbers picketing the site taking pictures of punters and car reg plates.

Might set up my own it

And where are they going to actually have sex? sex in public is illegal, including your own car, unless you've got blinds.
Pick em up and take them to the local hotel?
Er I'm sure they'll have something to say about that (backhander from the girls no doubt).

The world has changed all business is everyone's business, prostitution works because of the anonimity.

This is gonna be fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
Not necessarily in all cases. The sociobiological argument is that rape can actually be about reproduction. Especially when viewed in nature as well. Rape is often carried out by those who are denied the chance to reproduce in nature.

in other words: they are weaklings with no willpower

(btw you look like yuri from yuri's revenge :eek6:


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