Legalised prostitution? (UK)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I read about this in a local paper first and was shocked the government is even considering legalised prostitution! There's going to be a four-month consultation, taking in views from local councils and their residents. With foolish people pushing to legalise brothels, while anyone with an ounce of sense will oppose it! Or maybe I'm too old fashioned, so I'm wondering what others think as people from across Europe use this forum, with different prostitution laws.

The area next to mine has some of the worst drugs/crime figures in the UK (Three people were stabbed to death this month alone + the regular shootings, which I normally hear from my house). A couple of the main roads have prostitutes on every corner, ironically standing below warning signs which read "Kerb crawlers will be arrested!"

The local residents have been complaining about it for decades, with no positive action taken by the authorities... except, they might prescribe morphine to some of the girls. So now the government wants to legalise it with licensed brothels! Very much an "out of sight - out of mind" solution. The streets are cleared of prostitutes and the pimps start paying taxes! Prostitution is good business and now the government wants a cut.

But aren't the prostitutes themselves the main issue here?
I don't have any contact with them... but I'd guess most of the women aren't doing it by choice, probably a string of circumstances which lead them into a life of drugs/sex abuse. Isn't the priority to get these women out of their situation, stop them using crack-cocaine and find them something else to do. But no! These women are generating £Millions a year and it needs to be taxed!

There should be hard laws on prostitution. Pimps get a long term prison sentance for dealing in human slavery, clients get fined in excess of £1000 and prostitutes should be arrested, taken to a rehabilitation center and re-introduced to society when ready!

(BBC story here and here


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

You perhaps don't know it, but it's happening illegal already. So, better do it controlled at some distant place away from the bigger cities, so uninterested people aren't confronting with it.

It's happening in holland aswell, works better then illegal sh!t. Same with the softdrugs :p

and i know UK is usa wannabe, but there's no way in stopping this. The rehab blabla costs alot of money, and soon they are full. No space anymore and the tax-payer is worse off then before.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Escape said:
The area next to mine has some of the worst drugs/crime figures in the UK (Three people were stabbed to death this month alone + the regular shootings, which I normally hear from my house).

You can come live with me if you want :wub:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Reminds me of my first sexual encounter...remember it well..still got the reciept.

In life there is always a seedy underworld of services that are provided by outcast and controlled by the ruthless.

We really do need to kill everyone and start again.


Dec 25, 2003
LOL @ "there's no stopping it" what a terrible attitude to have. Firstly we need to get Labour out as soon as possible. Then we need to get this country back on its feet, keep it away from america and clean it the hell up. Want to cut down on prostitution? The solution: remove council estates - option one is to disperse council houses amongst normal estates and increase punishments for offenders - no warnings, they cause trouble in their little council house, they go to a lot larger house for a rather long enforced stay. Option two is to stick council estates in one huge prison complex type thing.. er... prison is a bad word... let's say a special area shall we? Where all the criminals can live together in harmony. This is not preferable.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
well i see your point of objecting to skanky drugged up ho's on your streets so i cant see why your opposed to leagalising it.
if prostitution does get leagalised then the girls who do it wont have to be forced to use pimps (usually what happens is a young girl with problems is entrapped by a bloke who tells her he loves her , the girls usually are the kind with low self esteem, no where else to go and have had very little in the way of affection) the fella then gets them hooked on drugs and tells her he's in trouble, they need money, she could help him if she really loved him by shagging some of his mates (if this doesnt work they beat the shit out of them) and so it esculates.
face it there has always been prostitutes (its called the oldest profession) and there always will be, if it is made leagle the girls will be safe, they wont get some greasy arse hole hooking them on drugs, leagalised brothels will make it safer and cleaner for the girls as they will have regular health screening a lot of the girls are underage so although it wont stop this intirely it will make it harder for the curb crawlers to get hold of a 14 year old (and why bother risking prision when you can have it leagaly) and a lot of prostitutes get violently abused (we had one in my area got her throat cut) if they are all kept in clean safe brothels it will cut the amouth of them standing about on streets and will make "bad areas" a little better as a lot of violence happens with 2 pimps fighting over turf.

as you may have guessed in in favour of making it leagle its not an ideal situation but its a hell of a lot better than the way it is now, and face it your never going to stop it so by making it leagle at least it can be monitored.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Its legal here too and no one seems to care anyway...

but on the other hand, just about anything is legal here...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
My mum and dad were watching tv other day and the new guy started talking about middlesborough or somewhere and cos my dad comes from there he started talking about moving back there, how great it was etc. A few secs later the news guy was talking about legalizing prostitution there, pwned xD


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
dont see the harm in prostitution. only reason the government dont want it is because they cant tax it to fuck. i live in boro harebear. its not great and if you want to come back here then it must only be for the heroin. nothing is here that is worth bothering with.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I dont wanna go there, I was born in Surrey and I like it here =P


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think prostitution is degrading and just plain sucky but I'd rather see it legalised than have it continue the way it is now. It is safer for the women involved in the profession if there is some control on it...

Ofc, I'd rather not see some poor lass forced out onto the street to shag random men for money but the world is a shitty place and as long as there are horny men with too much money there will always be hookers. :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
words can not describe what i think of such a degrading profesion..... what is the world coming to-/ this profesion should never be legalised in the uk .. they should stamp down on it.. anyone that has ever used such a way to get any sexual pleasure is no man at all


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
dont see the harm in prostitution. only reason the government dont want it is because they cant tax it to fuck. i live in boro harebear. its not great and if you want to come back here then it must only be for the heroin. nothing is here that is worth bothering with.

Agreed. Middlesbrough is a complete shithole. :(


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Go to amsterdam mate and u understand why they wanna legalize it and tax it. I live in bayswater near a place called sussex grds which is known throughout london as a really sleazy street were all the crack hoes' hang. Now i would rather they legalised it and taxed it so that we wouldnt have all these nasty skank bitches hang around from 7pm in the evening on the streets were young kids can see em waiting for business.
Legalise it tax and remove the filthy bastard that are making junkies of our youths so as to take advantage of em. Some people might disagree about it being made legal but i think maybe people need to wakeup and realise that prostitution has been around about as long as humans have and will be here long long after everyone who reads these forums is gone from this world.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I'm actually surprised it isn't legalised yet. It is better to control the phenomenon, because it would mean a healthier environment for your 15 yr old kid that's curious, and having it under strict control can also mean a good source of income for the state.

Just think about it, strict medical control, taxes drawn from it, it's a win win situation.

Romanian government (my country) is also considering legalising it. There's even a law project waiting to be considered by the parliament.


Dec 23, 2003
bit of a silly step in my opinion. prostitution has far to much to do with drugs and crime already, making it legal wont sort out any problems, will just mean there are more pregnant crack whore scum bags on the streets sucking off people for more money to pay for they're addiction.

round them all up, gas them, and bury them in a mass grave imho


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul said:
bit of a silly step in my opinion. prostitution has far to much to do with drugs and crime already, making it legal wont sort out any problems, will just mean there are more pregnant crack whore scum bags on the streets sucking off people for more money to pay for they're addiction.

round them all up, gas them, and bury them in a mass grave imho

unfortunately, as usual you fail to see the bigger picture...

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
If London can have a legal strip club (Gentlemens club) less than 50 yards from the houses of Parliment, then i agree then it should be legalised. After all, if ministers can pay to see titty, why can't we.

Plus if it's legalised, then it will be regulated and held behind closed doors, where it should be. Manchester's minshul street is home to the probation office's and crown court, and the red light district after 6pm. If your working late in that place you can be arrested just for going home (i.e. walking down the road.). I would rather it all be held behind closed doors rather than work in an enviroment like that.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
people who say it shouldnt be legalised because its degrading - get a grip man! people are too uptight these days. if your worried about being degraded then my god your life must be hell. stop caring so much about being offended and such then life is much better ;). your gonna die, thats 100x worse than any abuse you will get :p.

they should legalise things people dont care about like prostitution and cannabis. then they should put harsher punishments on other things like hard drugs and real crimes like driving without a license, taking heroin and theft etc.

you know, if you run someone over and dont have tax.. you will only get fined for the tax because hey its not even against the law to run someone over. dont believe me? look back a few months where a guy got killed and the driver got fined £46. dont get me wrong, driving dangerously is a different matter. then you do get charged for death by dangerous driving. but if its not dangerous sometimes nothing happens!

i shit you not.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
i think a lot of people are against leagalising it because they think all the girls will suddenly run out and become hookers, like if they made all drugs leagle we would all suddenly become junkies.

makes me laugh though cos for anyone thats ever seen pretty woman then decided to go out with a tenner and get a blow job off some julia roberts look alike they are faced with some toothless 40 year old with bones poking through their skin, a black eye, greasy hair and smells like the fish counter on a hot day will tell you its only desperate folk who go out to buy nookie. if the makers of pretty woman wanted to be at all realistic they'd have had richard gere running out for a bottle of crab lotion after he boffed ms roberts on the piano that time. prostitution it aint nice but it aint going to go away.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
people who wanna take drugs and shag sluts for money dont care if its legal or not. if it became legal i wouldnt start shooting heroin.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sometimes people prostitute themselves because they want lots of cash quickly and they enjoy the sex.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Job said:
Reminds me of my first sexual encounter...remember it well..still got the reciept.

In life there is always a seedy underworld of services that are provided by outcast and controlled by the ruthless.

We really do need to kill everyone and start again.

Thug life homey :worthy:

I carnt imagine a world without violance/theft/etc.

Oh yes i can,it would be crap.


Dec 25, 2003
behatch said:
Thug life homey :worthy:

I carnt imagine a world without violance/theft/etc.

Oh yes i can,it would be crap.

This kind of attitude needs removing, along with those who possess it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Each to their own I say.

At present, prostitution is a seedy, corrupt and often deadly occupation. Women (and i guess men) turn to it for a variety of reasons, but mainly money. Whether to feed themselves, or their drug habbits, or their pimp, the money can be good.

"Its the worlds oldest profession" as the saying goes, which is perfectly true. You wont stop people from doing it, but its inherantly dangerous for both the girls and the customers, so why not make it safer.

Legalising it would:
  • Make the environments its done in safer, tight controls on health and safetly.
  • Raise tax for the community.
  • Remove it from the streets, therefore removing the criminal element also from the streets. If you know where they are, you know what they are doing kind of phylosophy.
  • Force prostitutes to take better care of contraception, hopefully lowering the STD rates and unwanted pregnancies.
  • Removing a lot of people from the benefit system who are earning lots of cash from prostitution, hence less UB45 payouts.
So consider this to what we currently suffer:
  • Maximum risk to both customer and prostitute from STD or pregnancy.
  • Money going into the pockets of pimps, drug dealers and not the public coffers.
  • Seedy gatherings of prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers on street corners, abandoned condoms and needles in your gardens, and a feeling of no safety at all after dark.
  • Prostitutes and pimps earning vast amounts of cash while signing on once a week, which comes from our tax paying wage packets, so you might as well pay them directly and save the tax man a job!
While the thought and reasoning of hooking might not appeal to you, think of the wider picture, who will benefit from it, and who has been up till now.

On another note, think of it like this.

Mr A enjoys sex, Mrs A doesnt. Mr A doesnt really spend frivously (sp), so why not.


Mr A is butt ugly, has no Mrs A, so wheres the harm?


Girl A loves sex, has little in the way of an education, is attractive and wants to earn money, so why not let her do what she enjoys and gets paid for it.

Lets not forget women also use prostitutes...

While I have never had the inclination to partake, I fail to see what harm it would do me. Where I live its not very common in public, but does happen. If I or anyone I know was to be tempted, the risks to me would outweigh the desire, so Id give it a miss.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Paying for sex is all the same as pay per view. Only sex is still considered the harmful one. Yet, never has anyone said "Sex causes kids to shoot other kids in school".

Lack of it morelike...

So, pay per view tv(in peoples minds) cause violence, sex doesn't.

Legalize Pay per sex and there we go. A lot less triggerhappy lunatics out there and more content, smile up to their f**king ears, flower smelling people.

You know i'm right with this.


About degrading...

It's like an actor saying it's degrading. If you like something and get paid for it also, go for it!

Pimpage prostitution is a whole different matter.

And furthermore, saloons worked in the wicky wild west :sex:


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
just a quick addition to what i said earlier not all hookers look like juila roberts (inface none of the affordable ones do) but what about the hookers themselves having to shag really ugly punters, not only reeeeeally ugly but also reeeeeally smelly with bad teeth and who you have to use a paint scraper on to get his trollys off just imagine being so desperate you have to shag rab c nesbit, its a sad thought. and if this punter decides not to pay and to beat you half to death instead well, whos going to stop him? if its leagle folks like that can be punished with out the victim dropping her/himself in it too.

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