


A simple typo. Unlike you and your friends, I don't consistently make spelling mistakes, thus can actually use that excuse properly.

As for

tbh u always type with ur dads cock in ur mouth?

You're rather new to this whole 'cunting' thing aren't you, bluefire? You even managed to balls up imitating my attacks on your AGB friends apalling grammar, but then - you pulled out all the stops, and came up with that little pearler, "UR DADZ COCK!!!11 IN UR MOUTH!" etc.

Oh dear.

You really are one of the thickest cunts to ever post on this forum, and considering Slic3r was here one day, that's pretty damning.

You imitate my posts (Albeit extremely poorly, due to the fact you're hardly mensa material - and that's putting it in the nicest way possible), you imitate Nocturne (Albeit extremely poorly - quite possibly even more damning, due to the fact the energizer bunny has more personality than them.).

From this, one would say you have an inferiority complex, always trying to be and/or please someone else. Either that, or you're 13, and the "you type with your dads cock in your mouth" (Cleared up incase people capable of standard English couldn't quite decipher it) thing is a quite blatant display of repressed homosexuality.

Oh by the way Bluefire, Still a ringing cunt? :)


It is 3 years old in June (was founded on 19th June 1999).


The fact it is bigger than Quake atm (untill Quake 4 comes out) means the people who have or do play have some taste.

Westlife sell millions of records. Does this mean that they're a fantastic group? No. It would seem from this latest bout of spam, that you've been, to quote Kidni in a thread started by me, no less, 'hunting down my posts'

Please try and curb this infatuation with me.

Oh btw, as for

rtcw.co.uk refers to the BBA (Blue Blob Army).

I thought rtcw.co.uk referred to the DNS of, guess I Was wrong.


Originally posted by CageCunt

I thought rtcw.co.uk referred to the DNS of, guess I Was wrong.

You are the only one who has slated my posts for no reason..

No one else has.


Originally posted by BlueFire
The 4 Barrys servers with rtcw.co.uk after them are for the people who post on the rtcw.co.uk forums.

Just a quick note, the servers are provided by BarrysWorld for the league and have been made available for public use. Not just for people who post on rtcw.co.uk forums, they are for everyone.


Originally posted by bigbb

Just a quick note, the servers are provided by BarrysWorld for the league and have been made available for public use. Not just for people who post on rtcw.co.uk forums, they are for everyone.

1 & 4 arnt. They are passworded. 2 & 3 will be soon.


Originally posted by BlueFire

You are the only one who has slated my posts for no reason..

No one else has.

I fail to see what relevence the quote you use in your post is.
Even more amusing, is that you've just told a Barrysworld mod, that barrysworld servers aren't barrysworld servers.

And thus we descend further.

"Give an idiot enough rope, and he'll hang himself"

Bluefire will even tie the knot for you. The fucking shit simpleton cunt that he is.

Funny to see that bluefire isn't denying the accusation that he's a repressed homosexual with an inferiority complex. He probably discussed the content of that post with Redfive et al.

Then the pearler about the servers being passworded, so they aren't public.

Funny really, the password was posted onto about half a dozen forums. How's life with an IQ in single figures, Bluefire?


Originally posted by BlueFire

1 & 4 arnt. They are passworded. 2 & 3 will be soon.

Servers 1 & 4 are passworded, simply so we can enable potential participants in the league to get used to the servers and have a bit of fun. A way of publicising the leagues and for people to test their pings. These servers are for BW's and RtCW.co.uk's public league community, subsequently they may be used by either community.


ok lets get a couple of points clear here,

servers 1 and 4 are passworded, 2 and 3 are open,

if you are not a member of rtcw.co.uk forums can you play there yes and i hope you will be made welcome.

the way we have set up the servers is so that 50% are open to absolutley anyone, 50% are passworded for use by barrysworld forums users and rtcw.co.uk users

why have we done this?

after the endless amount of users complaining about the poor quality gameplay on open servers, people are continually looking for teamplay , and just the simple things like handing out medic/ammo packs , so basically the way we have made our forum users play helps promotes team play on an open server,

theres no rules saying that you have to be an awesome player or by any means the servers are exclusive to the l337, just basically that you join the server expecting some teamplay and you try and give some back, its basically an idea of promoting teamplay, and hopefully those BW members who have tried the servers out will appreciate that.

for instance when we booked servers, we had an unwritten rule about filing a complaint after you were tk'ed (those which are accidents) , and hopefully little things like this will carry on,

this of course applies to accidental tk's , which hopefully should be the only ones you find on the passworded servers,

as for the BBA , it is not a CLAN never will be, it was simply a way that forum users could search using a games browser to find other players on open servers - again in the hope of promoting some teamplay, its uses now are pretty insignifant since the majority of players will be using the BW servers,

i'll state once again that any BW forums users will be welcomed onto the servers, and i hope you appreciate the good games you will get on server1 especially :)


I've just finished reading through the entire thread. Basically, some people think 6v6 is good, others 8v8. What everyone agrees on though is that some maps are perfectly acceptable for 8v8. So why not vary the number of players according to the map being played?

The maps are designed to different sizes to accomodate a different numbers of players...so why not go with this?

I don't think graphics/lag really need to be considered that much as it is pretty unlikely that you'll be getting an entire team rushing at you and you alone. Assuming that you split your team up into 2 smaller fireteams, the addition of 4 more players in total would really only give you 2 more players on screen...1 on your fireteam and one on theirs. Not really going to much such a huge difference in fps. And in terms of latency, everyone has the same disadvantage and the rtcw netcode is pretty decent anyway.

Hope that all made sense anyway...it IS 5:30 in the morning :(



Why don't you just say in the rules:

"Minimum 6 v 6, but if the both clans agree more players are allowed".

Not exactly rocket science eh?

Gangster No:1

No - it isn't rocket science but I can just see the forum posts now:

Clan A: We wanted to play beach with 10 peeps and Clan B wouldn't. They are L4M0R Ch33t0rs ffs!!!! Beach is ace with 10 peeps why wouldn't they do it - they are scared of us?

Clan B: FFS!! Rules say both clans must agree you LAM0RS. We do not ch33t FFS!! n00bs!!

We will be specifying a maximum number of players for all games. bigb is working on this as we speak.


I take your point m8, but perhaps you should consider having a minimum amount as well as a maximum. Also what if a clan doesn't have 10 members only 8 for example? Will the admins enforce even team numbers?
In the bwefl, they specify a minimum and a maximum if both clans agree. It hasn't caused any major arguments. Granted it's a different type of game, but the principles the same.
Just my opinion btw, not trying to cause hassle here!


Gangster No:1

The idea of a minimum is one I have seen work before. In the HLCCL we had a standard team size of 5 and a minimum of 3. If less then 3 turned up for the opposing team then you got a default win if you had 3 or more of your team there.

As I said - bigb is nailing all this down at the mo so we will await his wisdom.

Cheers for the input :)

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