Latest alb RR

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Fledgling Freddie
Oct 11, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
I can think of 4-5 exp spots between Blendrake and Glenlock where both me and cuntless others have been using.

Does BaF mean bring a fanny then or is it just an all male guild :? :eek2:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Keelus said:
1 button class, takes 3 buttons to load a chamber u know :touch:
can only do insta pbaoe orspreadheal, unless u mean single target heal but that is only any good if curse specced.
Sorc is same as lock then, how to play, 1: press bolt range mezz, 2: stomp on keybord hitting lifetap untill target is dead with aprox cast of 1.x seconds or stick ml9 pet on them while running other way.
If still think lock is OP, then roll mid on a server and take a char vs some sorc that mezz u from lagcasting range then hits u faster than an assasin with haste will swing, might be issue with all casters but just another thing they will never change.
/Sarcasm off

Was fun, was on my gimped supp runie trying to nearsight everything and got killed a few times but happends. Now flame me and satisfy ur dark side :(

boltrange mezz, if you don't have an ML9 pet with you - you run - why ? because
the warlock (no matter how low RR) will insta kill with 3 loaded chambers. Whats
the point in boltrange mezz when as soon as warlock takes 1pt dmg, you are dead. No skill involved, never has been.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Belomar said:
Wow, the ignorance of some people is amazing. Aeoric is a GM of an RvR guild, yet so clueless when it comes to realm balance? :rolleyes:

If you are suggesting the realms are balanced - I disagree. Enlighten us.

Perhaps explain why many of the better albs group in OF went to easymode Hib and Mid, and then start preaching it's balanced after they've shifted sides.

If not, its just mindless prattling on FH and I'll ignore it like I do most of your smug drivel.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Belomar said:
On the other hand, everyone is free to question "his view", especially when it is hilariously uninformed and seriously needs an outside perspective. For instance, I think that Mr Aeoric would greatly benefit from playing L50 RvR against Albion groups before he continues his whine crusade against Mids. As it stands, "his view" is amazingly clueless.

For any class that can 'insta' kill another, in fact for a class that could run headlong into a zerg and 'know' it will kill 1-2 people, I find this unbalanced.

For a class with 2x healer pets, an interrupt pet, access to Banelord ML path, TWF and insta lifetaps, plus an insane RR5 ability. I find this unbalanced.

For a realm with an almost unbeatable range of insta's many of which are core RvR abilites - such as insta stun, insta AE stun, insta mezz, insta AE mezz, insta
lifetap, insta PBAoE. I consider this unbalanced

The same realm has the ability to demezz on 2x classes that are almost ALWAYS in the group, 2-3 healers and often at least 1x spiritmaster. Thats typically 2-4 demezzes per group.

The same class has the ability to self rezz.

The same class has the ability to phase shift when in trouble or AE insta mezz or
AE insta stun. Which other realm has those options for their healer classes to get out of trouble ?

Why do I consider it unbalanced - because the other realms don't have access to these *on any classes* (bar Bard with insta AE mezz).

So - this realm with such a high degree of insta's is much less affected by interrupts than either hib or alb.

Please feel free to suggest ways in which this counterbalances something in Alb for example, as opposed to spouting derogatary comments.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Marc said:
Exactly, "his view". Of course, it must be hilarious if he doesnt share the same view as yourself musnt it. As for comedy gold, YOU always have done and always will do, hold the mantle for the funniest thing ever in daoc by pretending to be a girl irl for months. Yes its old, but its still funny. :cheers:

I've always found the ability to qc-stun (9sec), nuke nuke nuke kill particularly funny, ahh... how its made me laugh over the years.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
heh, i think mid and hib are very close to eachother in terms of balance and alb tagging slightly behind. if you look at the best groups of each realm, you will see that every group has a good chance to kill any group of the other realm

i call that a pretty good balance. ;)

its especially funny how a mincer has the balls to whine about mid abilities, there's not a single mid class that has insta stun on 15s recast, a mez while moving, chain wearing stealth-class, chain wearing class with climb-walls, jada jada

every realm has their own unique abilities, and overall the balance is pretty nice. its no secret that bd's and wl's are a bit over the top but you're making it sound like albs have 0 chance whatsoever in any situation, which is utter bollocks.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Harp on about individual abilities all you want, there is no need to go into detail when you can consider the big picture as a lithmus test for realm balance. Besides, classes (and RvR groups) are holistic entities, i.e. more than their individual components.

The fact of the matter is, like Vodkafairy says, that if you take the best groups of each realm, you will see that they perform approximately the same. We can safely assume that the demographic makeup of all realms are the same, i.e. that these so-called "best players" are equally good across the three realms. According to this reasoning, the only explanation for equal performance is that the balance is good. Albs might be slightly behind in some regards, but it is nowhere near as much as you make it out to be. (Following your reasoning, an Alb group would never be able to win against a Hib or Mid group.)

I honestly think you need to attempt L50 RvR on more realms than Albion before you continue preaching the weaknesses of Albion RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
heh, i think mid and hib are very close to eachother in terms of balance and alb tagging slightly behind. if you look at the best groups of each realm, you will see that every group has a good chance to kill any group of the other realm

i call that a pretty good balance. ;)

its especially funny how a mincer has the balls to whine about mid abilities, there's not a single mid class that has insta stun on 15s recast, a mez while moving, chain wearing stealth-class, chain wearing class with climb-walls, jada jada

every realm has their own unique abilities, and overall the balance is pretty nice. its no secret that bd's and wl's are a bit over the top but you're making it sound like albs have 0 chance whatsoever in any situation, which is utter bollocks.

Compare the number of Minstrels to number of Enchanter/Eldritch with baseline stun. Your primary nukers have baseline stun, our speed class has insta stun
every 15 secs (assuming there is one in the group) and cannot hope to put out the same amount of dmg as a primary nuker in the same amount of time

Minstrel mezz = 3secs to cast, lasts until 1st pt of dmg taken, on a dex
typical hib baseline stun quickcasted = ~1sec, lasts 9 secs - no purge = you die

not saying its impossible but very far from balanced.

in fact with half a dozen warlocks almost any tower defence is almost impossible without using monster rezz on a Det tank (stun and mezz affect monster resses) and TWF.

So in fact you have to die to stand a chance :(


Jun 9, 2005
Aeoric said:
typical 1 button monkey warlocks > numbers

mythic would do well to nerf them to oblivion, followed by banelord, twf, 2 healer
pet insta lifetapping, insane RR5 Bonedancer and shoot-thru-walls Bainshees.

But they won't and Mids will continue to big up their e-peens.

How are Albion meant to deal with a Class that can insta PBAoE + self heal (3x)
then run in the doors ?

of 4 Warlocks standing behind the wall continuously PBAoE-ing through the wall ?

leet mid skills ? no stupidly OP classes that any monkey can play (as seen by the
simian menagerie on the walls whenever mids take a tower)

like it or lump it - you play to the advantages Mythic have given you, our only advantage was numbers (not anymore), so expect us to use any means necessary to achieve the goal.

4-5 warlocks and a couple of pac healers could easily wipe a raid coming through the doors or on the middle level. No such monstrosity exists on Alb.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Belomar said:
Harp on about individual abilities all you want, there is no need to go into detail when you can consider the big picture as a lithmus test for realm balance. Besides, classes (and RvR groups) are holistic entities, i.e. more than their individual components.

The fact of the matter is, like Vodkafairy says, that if you take the best groups of each realm, you will see that they perform approximately the same. We can safely assume that the demographic makeup of all realms are the same, i.e. that these so-called "best players" are equally good across the three realms. According to this reasoning, the only explanation for equal performance is that the balance is good. Albs might be slightly behind in some regards, but it is nowhere near as much as you make it out to be. (Following your reasoning, an Alb group would never be able to win against a Hib or Mid group.)

I honestly think you need to attempt L50 RvR on more realms than Albion before you continue preaching the weaknesses of Albion RvR.

More flannel.

Oh lets start by sidestepping the false pretence that

a) "We can safely assume that the demographic makeup of all realms
are the same, i.e. that these so-called "best players" are equally
good across the three realms" - this is clearly not the case.

If you rate 'best players' as high RR, active, then both Hib and Mid have more active RR9, 10, 11 than Alb. Look at the 'flagship' RvR guilds and players from
Albion.. GoL, BF, HB, Synergy, AD, TT, FC - where are the fg Alb RR10's running
around.. They aren't.

Up until Classic Hibs (not inc prydwen, not inc stealthers) had the following seriously active :

RR11 : Stajj, Fiontan, Blazie, Gravediggerr, Hestethun, Mastade, Twisting
RR10 : Bencevur, Alvira, Jahar, Aliorm, Ella, Toblerone, Dreami, Alos, Lanai, Tyka, Kippie, Elcain

Mids had :
RR11 : Netcode, Grawen, Hnoss, Reidun, Arumos, Endineit, Kesa
RR10 : Fuji, Bouhh, Kaisar, Takhylock, Buffyvamp, Cutypie

Albs had :
RR11 : Stt, Onlyone, Blindguardian
RR10 : Magon, Theodon, Kerith, Favail

b) "According to this reasoning, the only explanation for equal
performance is that the balance is good"

equal performance ?

Prior to Classic - performance was anything but equal. The stats showed it.

I've yet to see you give one meaningful suggestion, or one viable counter argument. It's not worth wasting any more time on your baseless drivel.

And I'm not saying Albs CANNOT compete. I'm saying that there are some utterly stupidly overpowered classes that make a mockery of any skills made in RvR. In a lot of cases Alb need to rely on numbers simply to counteract the gulf of utility imbalance. I'm not ashamed of that, but ofc the leet RR10/11 groups want to fight RR6 Alb groups, wipe the floor with them and keep the rp gulf the size they want it.

In some cases, such as attacking a mid-defended keep - you will find more warlocks than you can shake a stick at around the corner of the Lord room PBAoE
ing (uninterruptibly ofc), and rechambering. Were Ice Wizzies to do the same, they
could ofc be interrupted, and the enemy could charge. You make think this is quite normal and balanced - but then again - you probably would. The fact that to have any hope of interrupting mids in the lord room, you need a Det tank to *die* and get monster rezzed is the ironic icing on the cake.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Aeoric you forget about the part that lots of the "new/low rr" albs.. stand in packs (agramon passage @ albs for example). and if they kill some1 they get like.. 200rps? instead of 1000~ in a 1vs1

just a guess.. like Horner. he went skyrocketing with his sorc (ofcourse he ganked EXP-ers most of the time) but still its 1vs1 = lot more rp's than standing in a pack and do a 1fg+ vs 1 =]

just a thought


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
And I suppose midgards relic raid were noble and brave when they havent managed one yet in NF without the hibs holding their hands ?
You easymoders can talk when you grow a pair.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Kathal said:

Well we are getting close to X-mas and MAYBE some of us mids have started the X-mas vacation??

What button?? The baseline nuke?? Are you getting owned by WLs using 1 button?? Then my friend you are the biggest gimp ever. Anyways you are one pathetic looser :)

So basically you are whining about the fact that WLs can solo??

my dear lovely (since it s xmas) fuckup, seeing your sig, all those 50's and crafters, really makes me wonder.. whos the pathetic looser?:p

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Belomar said:
The fact of the matter is, like Vodkafairy says, that if you take the best groups of each realm, you will see that they perform approximately the same. We can safely assume that the demographic makeup of all realms are the same, i.e. that these so-called "best players" are equally good across the three realms. According to this reasoning, the only explanation for equal performance is that the balance is good.

I disagree.

I laugh at every Mid group. I don't consider them opponents of equal strength. They are way too overpowered and the classes in hands of good players with good teamwork are more or less unbeatable unless you run a dedicated setup against one special group.

I'm quite sure the groups I'd run with would be much more lethal when playing Mids.

Also see the recent poll about the group easy mode, it proves that your perception is wrong.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
I disagree.

I laugh at every Mid group. I don't consider them opponents of equal strength. They are way too overpowered and the classes in hands of good players with good teamwork are more or less unbeatable unless you run a dedicated setup against one special group.

I'm quite sure the groups I'd run with would be much more lethal when playing Mids.

Also see the recent poll about the group easy mode, it proves that your perception is wrong.
most people laugh at useless mongs that have to come as 3 vs a solo hero then emote them :/

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I find it funny that the warlock is considered overpowered because they can chamber dump some unfortunate soul from a distance, whereas a sorc could mess the blighter (if they feel like it) and do about and equal amount of damage in pretty much the same amount of time. (1 chamber - 2sec cooldown - 1 chamber - 2 sec cooldown - 1 chamber. Sorcerors cast at close to 1.2 spd nukes, so in the end it's a matter of tenths of a second.)

How quickly people forget that sorcerors were people's worst nightmare before warlocks arrived. And sorcs still have the better soloing tools. Must suck to have to face something that means sure death, eh?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
I disagree.

I laugh at every Mid group. I don't consider them opponents of equal strength. They are way too overpowered and the classes in hands of good players with good teamwork are more or less unbeatable unless you run a dedicated setup against one special group.

I'm quite sure the groups I'd run with would be much more lethal when playing Mids.

Also see the recent poll about the group easy mode, it proves that your perception is wrong.

I laugh at your group, its free rps :(

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Raven said:
most people laugh at useless mongs that have to come as 3 vs a solo hero then emote them :/

Sorry, last time I saw you I asked the group to leave you, so did Gobo. Your comment kinda makes me regret it.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
kvadi - you posted this whilst the so-called "raid" was in progress. That's not allowed.

Hopefully the 3 day holiday will act as a reminder for next time.
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