Latest alb RR

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FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
i really enjoyed some of his big posts when he tried to explain his view on rvr, comedy gold :D

Exactly, "his view". Of course, it must be hilarious if he doesnt share the same view as yourself musnt it. As for comedy gold, YOU always have done and always will do, hold the mantle for the funniest thing ever in daoc by pretending to be a girl irl for months. Yes its old, but its still funny. :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
why does this post sound the same as every other relic raid post man.

so albs tried to take a relic and failed. thats it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
1: Alot of ppl camping around DC so easy to spot if a fg or more hibs takes a boat towards mid coast.
possible.. but not likely
xxManiacxx said:
2: We in BaF always have ppl logged in, standing in Fens, waiting for someone to come.
and you believe that yourself? =]
xxManiacxx said:
3: Alot of ppl exp in frontiers and can spot ppl all over the place.
there are not allot of exp spots on the way there (stealther? should have his bb nearby for heals on those redcon bird thingies), and once were passed the river. theres another camp of those birdies. but thats pretty much directly next to fens. ie. you wouldnt be able to get 3-4 fg's @ Fens that fast if some1 spotted us there
xxManiacxx said:
4: We like our relic and want it to stay so we are prepared to defend it, thus ppl act fast.

5: Norrsken alliance have RvR groups out every day of the week more or less and they respond directly to any incoming threat towards Fens.

that still doesnt explain why there was a fg of high RR waiting @ Blendrake drop-off when we did the first run. very unlikely that a fg high RR suicided in rvr.. port to the keep near PoC (forgot name. but it ends @ Faste prolly :p). run there and hope the 1 on /as isnt lieing about the 2-3fg hibs who took a boat to blendrake


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Devilseye said:
and you believe that yourself? =]

I am a BaF myself. I don´t guess/think/belive anything. I know.

Devilseye said:
that still doesnt explain why there was a fg of high RR waiting @ Blendrake drop-off when we did the first run. very unlikely that a fg high RR suicided in rvr.. port to the keep near PoC (forgot name. but it ends @ Faste prolly ). run there and hope the 1 on /as isnt lieing about the 2-3fg hibs who took a boat to blendrake

If we hear about 1fg+ being spotted taking boat towards mid coast we just group teleport and run there. Doesnt take long time at all.

Devilseye said:
there are not allot of exp spots on the way there (stealther? should have his bb nearby for heals on those redcon bird thingies), and once were passed the river. theres another camp of those birdies. but thats pretty much directly next to fens. ie. you wouldnt be able to get 3-4 fg's @ Fens that fast if some1 spotted us there

I can think of 4-5 exp spots between Blendrake and Glenlock where both me and cuntless others have been using.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Marc said:
Exactly, "his view". Of course, it must be hilarious if he doesnt share the same view as yourself musnt it. As for comedy gold, YOU always have done and always will do, hold the mantle for the funniest thing ever in daoc by pretending to be a girl irl for months. Yes its old, but its still funny. :cheers:

you have a problem with me finding something hillarious mr 'sorry ive been a prick but can you please help me out now'? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
I am a BaF myself. I don´t guess/think/belive anything. I know.

If we hear about 1fg+ being spotted taking boat towards mid coast we just group teleport and run there. Doesnt take long time at all.

I can think of 4-5 exp spots between Blendrake and Glenlock where both me and countless others have been using.
well the ppl who "camp" fens have nothing to do with it realy. as we pretty much didnt even get there before we got intercepted (crafted the ram. and got zerged down)..
and about the 1+fg... was like a fg @ the time with some delay between each boat (but idd. even with delay 3+ boats going to blendrake is a bit "not ok" ;)
and about the 5 exp spots. Ty. will roam there more often then :>

Vodkafairy said:
if the "wannabee girl" thing is true. than i gotta agree with Marc that its hillarious :p :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Multiple comps+accs ftw.

Just have 1 char logged there and do somehing else/play with another char on maincomp.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Multiple comps+accs ftw.

Just have 1 char logged there and do somehing else/play with another char on maincomp.
there are ofcourse SOME ppl with 3+ accounts etc.
but i dont realy see any reason to camp it. as you can port there anyways.
(if you cant port there before a tower is taken. your "slow" =]


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Marc said:
Exactly, "his view". Of course, it must be hilarious if he doesnt share the same view as yourself musnt it. As for comedy gold, YOU always have done and always will do, hold the mantle for the funniest thing ever in daoc by pretending to be a girl irl for months. Yes its old, but its still funny. :cheers:
On the other hand, everyone is free to question "his view", especially when it is hilariously uninformed and seriously needs an outside perspective. For instance, I think that Mr Aeoric would greatly benefit from playing L50 RvR against Albion groups before he continues his whine crusade against Mids. As it stands, "his view" is amazingly clueless.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
First of all, why not cheer at the try of albs, not like hibs/MIDS haven't done any PvE relicraids....

Finally sumthing hapends on cluster, a relicraid..... and since there were defenders... stop whining, if it was a AC raid. why was u still up then? :p

kk non prime time, but still a relic raid... FINALLY!!! some action instead of random warlocks gooing afk putting their 3 year old brother behind pc and telling them to hit the button.

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Belomar said:
Wow, the ignorance of some people is amazing. Aeoric is a GM of an RvR guild, yet so clueless when it comes to realm balance? :rolleyes:

Yes, the ignorance is astounding, such blinkered vision by some people :rolleyes:

Warlocks get to chamber their PBAOE, nearsight, spreadheal, lifetap all for instant cast at a minimum of 31 Hexing. At 43/30 spec thats 3 chambers to be dumped, before you even get into the Uninterruptable primer-cast spells. 50/20 for still gives you 2 and a much higher delve. And once the warlock is out of power from those UIs, they can still hide away and carry on casting powerless Spreadheals for the rest of the group. Not that it takes long to regen your power with crack5 for most, crack20 for the 50/20 ones.

Heretics get Plate AF (if they spec for it) or Monster Rezz and a focus damage/damage-debuff that rarely gets a chance to ramp up in keep-warfare before the being interrupted or the target going out of los. They might even have a chance of both if they want to shoot their groupability in the foot and have gimp melee for normal RvR. Oh yes, and the rr5 ability is nice if the heretics have the patience to get that far.

But lets not just take one person's word and some bare facts for it, shall we? Looking at the GOA's xml for Excalibur, how many warlocks/heretics do we find able to achieve a decent rr since their inception? (say rr5 and over):
Hmmm, 31 Warlocks... 17 Heretics.
But forget that, we are all about the now, right?, so lets look a LWRPS, and lets keep it to a modest 20k shall we?
Warlocks 7, Heretics... 2. And one of those is definitely a Heretank, so no Monster rezz there :m00: I'll predict a similar pattern for Prydwen, in fact I'll bet a tenner on it. Anyone willing to bet against me? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
illu said:
Was a fun evening, and hibs tried to get in on the act too. Makes a change from the bridge humping.

Oli - Illu

heey, we had a grp of 7 ppl playing rog chars, incl a bard with a pink guitar! was rly just trying to have some fun.. if you mean at 2am where "albs was just having fun with not trying to take the relic" too!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
AngelHeal said:
First of all, why not cheer at the try of albs, not like hibs/MIDS haven't done any PvE relicraids....

AngelHeal said:
Finally sumthing hapends on cluster, a relicraid..... and since there were defenders... stop whining, if it was a AC raid. why was u still up then? :p
Well we are getting close to X-mas and MAYBE some of us mids have started the X-mas vacation??

AngelHeal said:
kk non prime time, but still a relic raid... FINALLY!!! some action instead of random warlocks gooing afk putting their 3 year old brother behind pc and telling them to hit the button.
What button?? The baseline nuke?? Are you getting owned by WLs using 1 button?? Then my friend you are the biggest gimp ever. Anyways you are one pathetic looser :)

Rigga Mortice said:
But lets not just take one person's word and some bare facts for it, shall we? Looking at the GOA's xml for Excalibur, how many warlocks/heretics do we find able to achieve a decent rr since their inception? (say rr5 and over):
Hmmm, 31 Warlocks... 17 Heretics.
But forget that, we are all about the now, right?, so lets look a LWRPS, and lets keep it to a modest 20k shall we?
Warlocks 7, Heretics... 2. And one of those is definitely a Heretank, so no Monster rezz there :m00: I'll predict a similar pattern for Prydwen, in fact I'll bet a tenner on it. Anyone willing to bet against me? :p
So basically you are whining about the fact that WLs can solo??


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Rigga Mortice said:
But lets not just take one person's word and some bare facts for it, shall we? Looking at the GOA's xml for Excalibur, how many warlocks/heretics do we find able to achieve a decent rr since their inception? (say rr5 and over):
Hmmm, 31 Warlocks... 17 Heretics.
But forget that, we are all about the now, right?, so lets look a LWRPS, and lets keep it to a modest 20k shall we?
Warlocks 7, Heretics... 2. And one of those is definitely a Heretank, so no Monster rezz there :m00: I'll predict a similar pattern for Prydwen, in fact I'll bet a tenner on it. Anyone willing to bet against me? :p
Thats nothing to do with heretics as a class, albion's more active in rvr dont like change, how many months did it take before you even ran a friar in a grp over a pally, or back in the day the second cleric as smite
And more rescently how many people run reavers? they have been around for a long time now yet there are only 9 active above rr6 yet reaver has more toys than santa the say before xmas

Unwillingness to change is not the same as a class being gimped.

on a side note, every keep seige i have been on (abliet they are very far between, but since i dont go on many unless im very lucky, or unlucky depending on how you look at it), there has been a heretic monster rezing


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Wow, the ignorance of some people is amazing. Aeoric is a GM of an RvR guild, yet so clueless when it comes to realm balance? :rolleyes:

hench why they run 2fg's in rvr :p


Aug 23, 2005
Tiarta said:
it started as a towerfarm ...

mids didnt come 2'nd time and we sent some dead ppl (hibs killed them) back to forest sauvage to get some rams.

Xajorkith said:
Like every other lame Alb raid, it's the same lame excuse "we were tower farming (yet you brought three trebs!) and no one at 4am turned up (Why do you think that is?), so we thought we'd nick ya relic". Gobo reckoned his group were too honourable to take the relic at 3-4 am, yeah right.

read before you act as a tard =0)

and everybody; so what if they raided in the middle of the fucking night!? it's not like you are not allowed to log on at night, so stop whining you little cnuts


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Knolan said:
hench why they run 2fg's in rvr :p

and here ladies & Gentleman, lies the Epitome of a leet wannabe, skirting round the coat tails of the actual leet, doing and saying anything to try and be welcomed into the fold

The evolution of leet wannabies like Knolan

Nobody > Join an rvr guild as they are totally desperate for a particular class > RvR for a bit, with new found guild > Whilst said guild may or may not make an impression, said individual certainly doesnt > act the gobshite, slagging off and taking the piss out of those whom you were once part of.

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Rigga Mortice said:
(rr5 and over):
Hmmm, 31 Warlocks, 7 Heretics.
(LWRPS >20k):
Warlocks 17, Heretics 2

Corrected, let it not be said that I am mis-representing the true figures :(

Chronictank said:
Thats nothing to do with heretics as a class, albion's more active in rvr dont like change, how many months did it take before you even ran a friar in a grp over a pally, or back in the day the second cleric as smite
And more rescently how many people run reavers? they have been around for a long time now yet there are only 9 active above rr6 yet reaver has more toys than santa the say before xmas.

Unwillingness to change is not the same as a class being gimped.

Nothing to do with Heretics as a class? If I had said it had everything to do with the class, I would be wrong, hence why I gave an explanation beforehand, which you generously managed to omit in your quote.

But you are trying to tell me that the only reason heretics dont do well is because they are actually blessed with more gadgets than a warehouse of Innovations, but people 'that clicked the cup' are too slow to realise :eek7: You are seriously trying to suggest that people havent tried Heretics in various group setups or just soloing already (despite the number of lvl 50 Heretics and Warlocks being roughly the same). I like actually like heretics; but... Hahaha, thanks for the laugh :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Xajorkith said:
You're a liar.

You were grouped with Gobo, as soon as the Gobos l33t PvE group hit Fens I did /stats Gobo, he was on 16k. At the end of the raid some hours later he was on 19k, even with my basic arithmetic that works out to be 3k, you logged before Gobo. You don’t get RPs for trebing walls and killing NPC guards.

Like every other lame Alb raid, it's the same lame excuse "we were tower farming (yet you brought three trebs!) and no one at 4am turned up (Why do you think that is?), so we thought we'd nick ya relic". Gobo reckoned his group were too honourable to take the relic at 3-4 am, yeah right.

You mele'd the tower down the second time when it was level 1 with over 2fg, a Hunter can solo a green tower with no rams in less time than your 2fg did. The Hibs did the hard job and took it when it was level 10.

As for spies in BG, when green leaves / red cups appears at Blendrake tower, Blendrake, Hild tower, Glenlock, Glenlock tower, Fens t4... it was quite clear that there is an invasion force inbound that is too stupid to avoid keeps and towers, so don’t expect to turn up at an empty keep.

Gobo's crew is a highish RR, well balanced caster group, Mid defended with no groups any where near like that.

A big thank you goes out to those:

Mids that defended way past their bed time,
The 6-7 repairers who fixed the doors and walls
The wood carriers
And of course to the Warlocks for creaming them and inviting solo’rs into groups for Group Heals :)

youre right Xajorkith/Corleth i got 19 k total yesterday in the 2 tower farming sessions we had at Fensalir (The 2'nd raid we had on Fensalir mids where more slow coming to defend)

and yes Xajorkith we bought trebs too (diminuitive) just so we had them, they could/should have been used for Bledmeer bridge farming, but got used for Fensalir instead, since Hibs had done the hard work and taken the tower and gave us a nice opportunity to take a low tower and try some tower farming at Fensalir instead.

whine all you want Xajorkith, the raid was not intended as a relic raid, we were just out to have some fun.

and by any means why do you whine ? you had lots of mids defending Fensalir.

it wasnt a empty relic keep by any means :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Poor Valkyries. When people whine about the overpowered Catacombs classes, everyone forgets the Valkyries.

Go back at whining at overpowered Sorcerers instead. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Rigga Mortice said:
people 'that clicked the cup' are too slow to realise
Just remember; Clicking the cup causes instant retardedness! <- As claimed by the Minister of Midgard Healthcare and the Hibernian Health Organization! :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
warlocks got great solo ability's where as a heretic youre stuck with 7 noobs or running with the ever lasting zerg = no rps!


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Rigga Mortice said:
Yes, the ignorance is astounding, such blinkered vision by some people :rolleyes:
Eh, get a grip, I am commenting on Aeoric's sweeping statements about Mid RvR capabilities as a realm, not making a contribution to the "Warlock vs Heretic" debate. Yes, it is clear that Warlocks are a "better" class than Heretics (whatever that means, given one is a cloth caster and the other a hybrid), I don't argue with that. However, I do raise my voice when narrow-minded people start harping about the superiority of opposing realms without ever realizing the strengths of their own realm. When an RvR guildmaster goes to such lengths, and even goes on to use it as a motivation for a non-primetime relic raid, it is bad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
The few albs who are pretending it wasn't an attempt at a relic raid are embarrasingly poor liars, while it may have started off as a farm, it did most certainly turn into a relic raid by the time fens wall started going down. Equally the few mids who think they owned a far larger and thus infinitely inferior force of albs... can't count.

To the vast majority of you who don't harbour an intrinsic hatred towards all players of enemy realms, it was quite an enjoayble night and damn close at the end, hopefully we can do it again soon ;) (minus a few mids ideally


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Chronictank said:
Thats nothing to do with heretics as a class, albion's more active in rvr dont like change, how many months did it take before you even ran a friar in a grp over a pally, or back in the day the second cleric as smite
And more rescently how many people run reavers? they have been around for a long time now yet there are only 9 active above rr6 yet reaver has more toys than santa the say before xmas

Unwillingness to change is not the same as a class being gimped.

on a side note, every keep seige i have been on (abliet they are very far between, but since i dont go on many unless im very lucky, or unlucky depending on how you look at it), there has been a heretic monster rezing

and in what spot would you fit in that reaver?

Rigga Mortice

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, get a grip, I am commenting on Aeoric's sweeping statements about Mid RvR capabilities as a realm, not making a contribution to the "Warlock vs Heretic" debate. Yes, it is clear that Warlocks are a "better" class than Heretics (whatever that means, given one is a cloth caster and the other a hybrid), I don't argue with that. However, I do raise my voice when narrow-minded people start harping about the superiority of opposing realms without ever realizing the strengths of their own realm. When an RvR guildmaster goes to such lengths, and even goes on to use it as a motivation for a non-primetime relic raid, it is bad.

Ah, so yours was simply a personal attack rather than any discussion about "realm balance", my mistake for attributing too much to it, my apologies :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Rigga Mortice said:
Ah, so yours was simply a personal attack rather than any discussion about "realm balance", my mistake for attributing too much to it, my apologies :D
Apology accepted. I simply see no sense in deigning to discuss realm balance with people who fail to recognize the strengths and not only the weaknesses of their own realm.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Arumos said:
does actually, along with warlocks and bainshees, the heretic monster rez was a tower/keep defense/take killer. believe it or not.

The problem is that the class sucks at just about everything else wich in turn means there are not that many present whenever there is a large tower fight. Besides, the class in itself does not kill in the same way as the bainshees and the warlocks.

The Heretic can help win the fight but one or two of em in a towerfight cannot wipe an enemy group by themselves.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I wish they'd reset the relics and lock 'm down from 01:00 to 09:00. I miss those huge 300 vs 300 fights.
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