Lag on Excal, Saturday evening

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Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Constant LDs here too, it's totally unplayable. Gratz GOA!

Ps.: Did I send ping plots? No. Last time I did they write that I haven't got the latest drivers...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Requiel said:
We have, it was in the latest Friday News.
Have you run a pingplot to see where the lag is originating from? The people who have posted in the pingplot sticky thread about the lag this weekend suggest it's a couple of routers in Amsterdam and a router in Paris.

I understand it's frustrating playing under these conditions however we at Goa are doing as much as we can to sort it out. You have to realise that the issues are outside our network and as such we have to report them to the admins of the companies running the affected hubs and get them to act. Not easy unless you can prove to them that their equipment is causing a problem.

LOL, I do not care where it is going wrong to be honest.
If I buy a computer, and it is faulty, I do not have to return it to the computer manufacturer, but I return it to the store.
Here, I buy a service from GoA, who are being complete utter fuckwits for the 100th time I have played DaoC in 3 years, and all they can do is make a little post about it on the stupid lame ass friday news...
I have no problems with my ISP, I only have retarded problems with Opentransit. GoA has now know about this problem for about a month, and have not yet done shit about it.
If Opentransit cannot get their act together, GoA should move the servers to another network. Very fucking simple.
Cut the crap and lame ass excuses, or give me my money back due to not providing a service that I paid for.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Glottis said:
LOL, I do not care where it is going wrong to be honest.
If I buy a computer, and it is faulty, I do not have to return it to the computer manufacturer, but I return it to the store.
Here, I buy a service from GoA, who are being complete utter fuckwits for the 100th time I have played DaoC in 3 years, and all they can do is make a little post about it on the stupid lame ass friday news...
I have no problems with my ISP, I only have retarded problems with Opentransit. GoA has now know about this problem for about a month, and have not yet done shit about it.
If Opentransit cannot get their act together, GoA should move the servers to another network. Very fucking simple.
Cut the crap and lame ass excuses, or give me my money back due to not providing a service that I paid for.
Regards, Glottis



Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Just to add

Prydwen lately is laggy as hell EVEN when traceroutes are more or less okay, i'm sick of it Mr GOA, soon to cancel and get rid of u.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Glottis said:
all they can do is make a little post about it on the stupid lame ass friday news

Wrong, Requiel and other GMs have explained the situation till they are blue in the face here on FH. Some people would apparently rather do the equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and going "LA LA LA LA LA" than actually listening to what the GMS have said.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Jobil said:
whos the pillock? the one that shouts at the company for providing bad services or the sheep kissing their ass, happy paying for crap?

Try again when you understand how the real world operates. Spitting your dummy out might work with mommy, but in the adult world it achieves at best nothing, at worst a fat lip.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Glottis said:
LOL, I do not care where it is going wrong to be honest.
If I buy a computer, and it is faulty, I do not have to return it to the computer manufacturer, but I return it to the store.
Here, I buy a service from GoA, who are being complete utter fuckwits for the 100th time I have played DaoC in 3 years, and all they can do is make a little post about it on the stupid lame ass friday news...
I have no problems with my ISP, I only have retarded problems with Opentransit. GoA has now know about this problem for about a month, and have not yet done shit about it.
If Opentransit cannot get their act together, GoA should move the servers to another network. Very fucking simple.
Cut the crap and lame ass excuses, or give me my money back due to not providing a service that I paid for.
Regards, Glottis
I love it when Clittis posts and makes himself look the twat again. Top of the pillock pile you go once again.

Once again Ill put this in Peter and Jane format for those with an IQ below their shoe size.

GOA are providing the game, its running isnt it?
Opentransit are a seperate company to GOA.
Opentransits link to the rest of Europe is borked.
GOA ask for ping plots to help prove the problem.
GOA send a vast amout of plots to Opentransit.
Opentransit admit fault, but are not sure why its happening.
Opentransit will eventually fix it.
GOA post on here and their web site that they are trying to work oni this, they have done what they can.
Pillocks like Glottis cant be arsed to do their homework and repeat whines.
FH fills with Glottis wannabes who also are too dumb to find the facts, and whine more.
Goto step 1 and repeat till head hurts and Glottis gets the hint.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Jobil said:
we pay them = its their problem
you would blame a plane company if their plae fell down although they didnt make the plane, same here, just a slightly smaller scale (thank god or we would have died years ago if we used GOA Air)

while the planething is true.. the airlinecompany would be the one performing maintanence (sp?) on the plane.. GOA does not run/maintain the internet.

I know I suck at comparing like that, but youre worse.. and I have no doubt you would blame GOA too even if your mother unplugged your computer from the internet.. after all.. you pay them, so its their job to make sure you can connect to the gameservers?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
I love it when Clittis posts and makes himself look the twat again. Top of the pillock pile you go once again.
He left it? :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
locking this thread as it's just going round and round and round in circles as per usual.
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