News Knox Acquitted


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
If she does make money, then I hope it's off the back of an Italian justice system that took four years of her life based on very suspect evidence.

I do aswell but you know for a fact right about now in Seattle she'll have leech agents at her door telling her to milk every angle.. the question is will she stick to milking the italian justice system or will she have no fucking shame and defile a dead girls name just for abit of $$$.

I hate pre-judging but my money is on the latter.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
My sympathies are with the poor family of the murdered girl. TBH I really couldn't give two shits about Knox. At least she's alive. The Kirchers have a life sentence the day their daughter was killed.
The killer has been sentenced to jail though, why does Knox matter so much?

If I was her, I'd fucking milk it. Her family have spent their life savings and re-mortgaged their house etc, they probably want some money back. Not to mention wasting four years in jail and having your name completely ruined.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe she didn't do it. But you know the score: spoilt brat from a very wealthy family decides to do the European tour thing, goes to Italy, meets a guy, has wierd tiesy-upsy sex games with her flat mate, it goes wrong, spoilt bitch freaks out, throws a hissy fit & cuts her throat. The family pays the Mafia to rig the legal process, she does 4 years of showtime, and she's out making her millions. Film & book deals galore to follow. Bored of hearing about her TBH. Its the poor Kircher family I feel sorry for.

I feel sorry for the Kirchers too, but on the other hand none of the things you (and the media and the prosecutors) said about Knox had a shred of evidence to back them up which is why it's so fucked up, her biggest crime as far as I can tell was being young, attractive and boasted about liking to party.

It was like the anti OJ trial! Spurious evidence was used to convict her (OMG her dna might have been on a kitchen knife at her boyfriends house, clearly guilty!!!!! even though it wasn't the murder weapon, what the purple fuck does that have to do with anything)

I must admit first time around I got sucked into the whole spoiled american brat /sex game gone wrong thing, the only problem was there was no evidence whatsoever to prove and no actual motive or history to back the story up. If I was the Kirchers I'd be livid too, the Media made it into a sordid fantasy frenzy about kinky sex and evil temptresses and everyone actually forgot it was actually a brutal murder of a young girl with everything to live for...


FH is my second home
Mar 25, 2004
This is just unbelievable from the Daily Mail

Now I can understand preparing two short versions, but with made up quotes?!?!

Edit: just seen it on the front page - wonky hotel wifi wasn't loading that image. Still utterly ridiculous


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
that made my hour that lol, what a bunch of cunts the mail are.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It isnt that bad, most major papers/sites would have pre-written two versions of the story and just activated whichever happened to be true, putting the wrong one up is a mistake but really is a misclick the worst thing in the world? ( worse than supporting the nazis? :d ).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
its the usa media thats made this happen.. but also bearin mind just 2 weeks ago a brit guy (black guy...) was executed on flimsier evidence than this case

USA see their justice system as infalible.
so when a girl is accused of murder in a backwater country like italy (and thats exactly how they view italy) first questions they ask are.. is she white? strong family?... yes and yes? oh she MUST be freed then.. because god forbid a pretty white american girl be guilty of a crime abroad

now the italian investigation didnt do itself ANY favours.. it was a complete cock up, but there 3 peeps in this trial.. 2 aquitted... both white.. the ivorian guy still in jail, and he had a seperate trial? ALL the blame on him now..USA has their justice.. it was him etc!!

Merediths family surely wont think that tho.. too many unanswered questions.

also.. the scene when knox was released were disgraceful.. cheering and whooping.. have some fucking respect for the family of the REAL victim.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, never really paid any interest in this story, but from what i've read here;

Family got justice, now they can start healing(if they were as justice bound as seemed). Quick to find someone to accuse though, which i'm not surprised as humans need that.

The female in question should get every single penny and justice she can. Should keep the victims name out as much as can though.

And that's about it i guess, both things pretty much what you'd expect and probably do yourself. I doubt many would go "Ah well, mistakes happen" after being jailed for that long :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
now the italian investigation didnt do itself ANY favours.. it was a complete cock up, but there 3 peeps in this trial.. 2 aquitted... both white.. the ivorian guy still in jail, and he had a seperate trial? ALL the blame on him now..USA has their justice.. it was him etc!!

Merediths family surely wont think that tho.. too many unanswered questions.

also.. the scene when knox was released were disgraceful.. cheering and whooping.. have some fucking respect for the family of the REAL victim.

Oh please do one.

What a load of utter tripe.

I can't even be bothered to point out why you are talking shit, I'll leave it to someone who thinks you actually care.


FH is my second home
Mar 25, 2004
Hard hitting debate from Channel 5:


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
I probably would, however I'd want to tie her down. Not for kinky reason you understand, it's just I am rather partial to my throat..

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