kilsimba dings RR8


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
new record this thread flim? 4 pages "vanished"? :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Grats, strong ranger. I might be one of the few, I do however think stealthers should solo, so guess I will never beat you since ChelseaFC always runs right behind you :(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Grtz to far and away the best Ranger out there.Puts the higher RR to shame


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
he's not good he zergs theirs a subtle difference
when i still played pryd i went on a friends rr9 hunter an kill killsimba chelseafc an some other random NS 3v1 so ye they REALLY are good ..... cant even zerg properly wouldnt last 1 second solo


censi said:
If we could filter out the negative replies to this post from only players who have never ever added, never ever killed a soloer when grouped there would be no bad comments.

As far as I can tell this guy has never whined about adds or denied he likes to play the game with friends (99% obelix and chelsefc)...

its a computer game. If you want to solo and you dont want to add then dont, but you cant expect other people to want/have to play like you. Its definetly a positive thing to do this (and you WILL GET EPEEN CREDIT FOR IT AMOUMGST YOUR PEERS), but its not a bad thing if you dont wanna play the game this way.

play how you wanna play, smile, laugh, enjoy yourself as much as you can when you play the game. try not to be a complete bastered maybe but just have fun.

oh and gratz on RR ding. Keep slaying those enemies.

This sure came from the horses mouth ;) Censi is the biggest whiner when it comes to "play how you wanna play" rofl... This was priceless :D


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Wahoooo gratz to one of the best if not the best ranger out there :p

Ok...give him a gratz thread...but dont lie to us. I can point u to the direction of numerous Hib stealthers half your rr that r better 1vs1 from every single one of u 3.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
Ok...give him a gratz thread...but dont lie to us. I can point u to the direction of numerous Hib stealthers half your rr that r better 1vs1 from every single one of u 3.

he said "one of the best if not the best"

So he's accepting the fact he might not be the best, and going for "one of the best" - now depending on your definition of best you might disagree with that, but what if it's "one of the best 100"?

in fact by RP's (which seems to be the game's measure of how good you are in RvR, if not all of the community's) he's actually 4th on Prydwen...


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
-he would be lucky if he was one of the last in the top 200 imo
-and as far as rps number of rps means nothing...take Lxn as an example. At the end of the day...the fights u give to your enemies count...and secondly the "solo" kills... Yeah...thats right Kils..a counter for that exists !!!!! o0o0o0o


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
thank god u play a ranger and not a whorelock, u give nice rps this way along with your zerg


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Gratz m8 :cheers:

Don't know what all them stealthers whine about.

They know your playstyle so if they ain't prepped for add don't attack.

I've felt the add on my poor littlu rm, the result is just I add back on 'em every time I see them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Bistrup666 said:
Gratz m8 :cheers:

Don't know what all them stealthers whine about.

They know your playstyle so if they ain't prepped for add don't attack.

I've felt the add on my poor littlu rm, the result is just I add back on 'em every time I see them.

adds are okay :) grapple a solo an let your 5 m8's shoot him is lame


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
Grats Lee m8 !!! Awesome guy to play with and very talented ranger !

British TeamZerg


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Flimgoblin said:
he said "one of the best if not the best"

So he's accepting the fact he might not be the best, and going for "one of the best" - now depending on your definition of best you might disagree with that, but what if it's "one of the best 100"?

in fact by RP's (which seems to be the game's measure of how good you are in RvR, if not all of the community's) he's actually 4th on Prydwen...

Looking at realm point amount to determine a players skill is clearly the most stupid thing i have ever heard, alot of factors make impact on the amount of realm points you have. Something like "time" is clearly the largest factor in a players realm points, meaning who ever with most time will most likely have more realm points than someone with less time on their hands. Then there is organisation and playstyle, along with the fact that you may have problems gaining realm points if there was noone to kill. Another major factor is "luck", be it the evade, the reflex or simple being on the right spot at the right time, all these have a certain amount of luck attached to them.

This is some of the stuff i can come up with which clearly impact your realm point count, im sure there is alot more situations and events or the like which can effect your game. Anyway, "skills" is also a very important factor for your realm points, which means if your fast on your buttons, have good knowledge of the game and have some good organisation going on with other players, you will obviously have some kind of advantage. Yet even being the luckiest most skilled player ingame probably will not give you the "best of all status", since even though we are few who notice, there is a certain pve part to the game, and some players may achive status by having several of dragon heads or houses, just like some may gain status by being friendly, helpfull and maybe a complete different 3rd thing. Its really up to each of our own to tell what we think is best and who we think may be best or one of the best at least, a great player could easily be a player like Tigerseye who im sure almost noone know, this player dedicated all he's ingame time on crafting, nothing but crafting. In old days this huge firbolg would sit in the corner of Tir Na Nog and repair all your stuff for free and craft items at the lowest prices!
I for one remember this person to be a great player, a nice person who did have some effect on my game, and its the odd players like him that can go for a "best player" title if you ask me, obviously i could mention a bunch of people who have been just as nice as Tigerseye, and have done great things each of their own, all from pve to rvr and to crafting or being friendly :D

So please, stop the random fact talks.

Now to keep on topic:
Grats Kilsimba on beating the luck and skilled factors by outnumbering the chances of succes to the enemy, also grats on alot of time spend in this game. And just like so many others like you these days, you have made a great impact on my gametime, which all reflect down on my active play of my shade.

So grats!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
Littles said:
Just call yourselfs team zerg please cos to most of the british players your a f!cking disgrace.

^^ couldnt agree more, giving english players a bad name! :mad:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Hrymf said:
Looking at realm point amount to determine a players skill is clearly the most stupid thing i have ever heard, alot of factors make impact on the amount of realm points you have. Something like "time" is clearly the largest factor in a players realm points, meaning who ever with most time will most likely have more realm points than someone with less time on their hands. Then there is organisation and playstyle, along with the fact that you may have problems gaining realm points if there was noone to kill. Another major factor is "luck", be it the evade, the reflex or simple being on the right spot at the right time, all these have a certain amount of luck attached to them.

way to miss the point ;)

You're quite right - total RPs are a measure of time spent in RvR :p the rate at which you gain them is dependent on a number of factors, one of which might be skill. At no point did I say he was skillful (or not)

However the game measures RPs it doesn't measure "skill" - so on the high score table kilsimba is 4th, whether you rate his playstyle or not.

Last I checked this is a grats on RR8 thread not a "grats on a really skillful bit of fighting" thread.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure kilsimba appreciates you all bumping his grats thread - even if I'm nuking most of the flamey crap. So whining about his playstyle isn't really doing you any good ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
way to miss the point ;)

You're quite right - total RPs are a measure of time spent in RvR :p the rate at which you gain them is dependent on a number of factors, one of which might be skill. At no point did I say he was skillful (or not)

However the game measures RPs it doesn't measure "skill" - so on the high score table kilsimba is 4th, whether you rate his playstyle or not.

Last I checked this is a grats on RR8 thread not a "grats on a really skillful bit of fighting" thread.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure kilsimba appreciates you all bumping his grats thread - even if I'm nuking most of the flamey crap. So whining about his playstyle isn't really doing you any good ;)

TBH I want your babies :)

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom to insult people.
There is a thin line between being allowed to voice your opinion and what is acceptable to voice. ;)

Anyway, Gratz, Kil.

Regardless of what people think of your playstyle, getting to RR8 is an archievement on it's own. :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
Regardless of what people think of your playstyle, getting to RR8 is an archievement on it's own. :)

sadly for him it isnt only his playstyle...its his abilities when he doesnt have 2-3 more peeps covering his 'behinds'. And come to thinking of it .. i have only faced him and his grping buddies about 10 times...and every single fight 1 would be on the verge of dieing or being forced to use malice,ip and fz
Dec 31, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Last I checked this is a grats on RR8 thread not a "grats on a really skillful bit of fighting" thread.

So then u agree that this is just a pointless thread. /grats on 150 played days \o/, i mean c'mon what does this have to do with rvr at all?
If u really see it as you stated above, that rrs is more a measure of time ingame then skills in rvr then it should have no room on the rvr section at all. It's just attention seeking and should not be tolerated, ever more since all it does is create whine, personal attacks and flames, just like the "FAO" threads do.
Be consistent and stop this stupid types of threads aswell.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
So then u agree that this is just a pointless thread. /grats on 150 played days \o/, i mean c'mon what does this have to do with rvr at all?
If u really see it as you stated above, that rrs is more a measure of time ingame then skills in rvr then it should have no room on the rvr section at all. It's just attention seeking and should not be tolerated, ever more since all it does is create whine, personal attacks and flames, just like the "FAO" threads do.
Be consistent and stop this stupid types of threads aswell.

In a word, no.

In slightly more words:

RR's are the games way of marking achievement in RvR - it was deemed back in ye olden days that grats threads on FH For RR5+ are ok - and if your pals ding RRwhatever it's nice for people to be able to see how they're doing and to say "woot you're still playing, grats".

Sure when someone playing 24/7 dings RRwhatever on their latest fotm alt it's not really big news for most but it's something for them - same when someone who "leeches" and "zergs" their way to RRwhatever it's not big news to you but it might be to their friends. When some poor sap who runs around for years on a gimped class dings RR5 it's an achievement as well, even if the l33t 8v8 crowd doesn't know who the feck they are.

Despite what _you_ might think about someone else's playstyle they've earned an RR and they get their grats, and they get it free of add whine shite by the "holier than thou" add whiners.

Just because someone who "wears red armour" dings RRwhatever doesn't give you the right to throw a little tantrum.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Stalkzor said:
British , Ranger RR5 xx
Hemorragie, RR5L5 Smiter Cleric RIP 2001-2002
Qasar, Sorc, RIP 2003
Hem, Others, active 2005-2006

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you arent the real one are you ? :(
cant believe you've fallen so low :p
Dec 31, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
In a word, no.

In slightly more words:

RR's are the games way of marking achievement in RvR - it was deemed back in ye olden days that grats threads on FH For RR5+ are ok - and if your pals ding RRwhatever it's nice for people to be able to see how they're doing and to say "woot you're still playing, grats".

Sure when someone playing 24/7 dings RRwhatever on their latest fotm alt it's not really big news for most but it's something for them - same when someone who "leeches" and "zergs" their way to RRwhatever it's not big news to you but it might be to their friends. When some poor sap who runs around for years on a gimped class dings RR5 it's an achievement as well, even if the l33t 8v8 crowd doesn't know who the feck they are.

Despite what _you_ might think about someone else's playstyle they've earned an RR and they get their grats, and they get it free of add whine shite by the "holier than thou" add whiners.

Just because someone who "wears red armour" dings RRwhatever doesn't give you the right to throw a little tantrum.

I got two words then, private message - as you say it doesn't concern me, you or any other random hib/mid/alb. It concerns the one who dings a rr and his friends. Why is it so hard to just ban these annoying crap, its worse then pop-ups. I mean you and ur fellow mod staff gladly close or relocate stuff that is not concerning a great mass or is actually off-topic, grats threads are both yet they are somehow legit to this section of the forum.
- WHY?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I got two words then, private message - as you say it doesn't concern me, you or any other random hib/mid/alb. It concerns the one who dings a rr and his friends. Why is it so hard to just ban these annoying crap, its worse then pop-ups. I mean you and ur fellow mod staff gladly close or relocate stuff that is not concerning a great mass or is actually off-topic, grats threads are both yet they are somehow legit to this section of the forum.
- WHY?

stop ur danm whining, how does it affect you really? if u dont want to read them don't click on them
Dec 31, 2003
gohan said:
stop ur danm whining, how does it affect you really? if u dont want to read them don't click on them

Aha I see. Well then why do you post any comment on what I have to say, whining or not. It should affect you as little as these "grats on rr5-6-7-8" threads affect me, no? And that would be not at all, so why are you posting - just ignore my whine instead.

I think the grats threads are rubbish, if you would like to congrat someone on an achivement in the game that doesn't really concern anyone else you send them a PM or a tell ingame. Or even better make a new section for grats spamming, then everyone would be happy, no?

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