Kilroy Taken off air


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Apparently the beeb have taken Kilroy off the air as of Monday for his dergatory remarks surrounding Middle Eastern people & Arabs. He refered to them as Suicide Bombers, Limb amputators and Women represors.

Now when I have been off work and watched Kilroy, he has said things like this quite tongue in cheek and used his comments to paraphrase certain members of the public at times. E.g. Todays show is about people who have been on the dole for 20 years.

Mr X "I have been on the dole for 20 years and I just cant get a job that suits me. Its not that I dont want to work"

Kilroy "But the nation sees you as a lazy Scrounger"

And so it goes on

Did anyone see it ? Should it be taken off air. To be honest if he did say it like it has come across, I find it offensive and so it should be removed from the broadcasting schedules


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It wasnt on TV it was his column in the Sunday Express.

I have read it and I was flabbergasted! It was factually incorrect, ignorant and so blatantly rascist that the National Front would of toned it down, making the same points but without being quite so unbelievably derogatory too about 200 million people.

The guy's a fucking muppet. :rolleyes:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Kilroy is always boring to me, so don't really care :)
As for his comments (don't know what he really said and in what context) I think most people will have said something similar or worse tbh, we are people afterall and we all make mistakes.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Oh well, can't say its a huge loss to morning TV.

While he is entitled to his views, he is IMO very stupid and ignorant.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
can anyone scan it in or something? Living out in the middle east, i'd find it interesting to see what he says :D

and he deserved to be taken off years ago, if only for boring the shit out of me every morning when its on


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'm trying to find a copy as we speak, I can only find quotes.

Still the headline of the article was

"We Owe Arabs Nothing"

Which considering they gave us maths, cities, one of the worlds great religions and were the only shining light of rational thought throughout the entire dark ages, seems like the ignorant rants of a white supremacist not an ex labour MP.

I ain't no tree hugging hippy but for fuck sake he should show some fucking respect for the region of world known as the Cradle of Civilisation!!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
But apart from maths, cities, one of the worlds great religions and being the only shining light of rational thought throughout the entire dark ages, what have the arabs ever done for us??


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Munkey I cant find the entire article anywhere, but if you search google for "kilroy sunday express" you get some news articles from other papers sites with quotes from the article,


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Anger at Kilroy 'anti-Arab rant'

Mr Kilroy-Silk presents a daytime television show

Muslim leaders have accused Robert Kilroy-Silk of "anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views" after a newspaper piece entitled "We Owe the Arabs Nothing".
The Muslim Council of Britain denounced the BBC discussion show presenter's piece as a "gratuitous anti-Arab rant".

In the Sunday Express piece, the former Labour MP referred to Arabs as "suicide bombers, limb-amputators, women repressors".

The Commission for Racial Equality has also reported the matter to the police.

The MCB secretary general Iqbal Sacranie said in a letter to BBC One controller Lorraine Heggessey that Mr Kilroy-Silk had failed to distinguish between the terrorists behind the 11 September attacks and 200 million "ordinary Arab peoples".

Mr Sacranie questioned whether if the word Jew or black was substituted for Arab in the piece, the presenter would not still be occupying a high-profile spot on television.

A BBC spokeswoman said the corporation was carefully examining Mr Sacranie's letter before deciding whether any action should be taken.

The presenter was unable to give a comment due to his mother's funeral.

Mr Kilroy-Silk's piece started: "We are told by some of the more hysterical critics of the war on terror that 'it is destroying the Arab world'. So? Should we be worried about that?"

Some have complained that anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment has led to attacks
Mr Kilroy-Silk went on to say that the toppling of despotic regimes in the Middle East should be a war aim, and questioned the contribution of the Arab nations to world welfare and civilisation.

"Apart from oil - which was discovered, is produced and is paid for by the West - what do they contribute? Can you think of anything? Anything really useful?... No, nor can I...

"We're told the the Arabs loathe us. Really?... What do they think we feel about them? That we adore them for the way they murdered more than 3,000 civilians on 11 September and then danced in the hot, dusty streets to celebrate the murders?"

He said Arab nations should be grateful for the aid and technology the West had provided.

"They should go down on their kness and thank God for the munificence of the United States."

Mr Sacranie said action should be taken over the "bigoted and ill-informed ideas" in the piece, which was "ignorant, extremely derogatory and indisputably racist".

The BBC spokeswoman said: "We've received an e-mail from Mr Iqbal Sacranie and are looking into how the Sunday Express column, which Robert Kilroy-Silk writes in his capacity as a freelance, fits with his on-screen work for the BBC.

"We'd like to take the time to carefully consider the points Mr Sacranie makes."

CRE chair Trevor Phillips said: "This article is indisputably stupid and its main effect will be to give comfort to the weak-minded.

"However, given the extreme and violent terms in which Mr Kilroy-Silk has expressed himself, there is a danger that this might incite some individuals to act against someone who they think is an Arab."

The guy is a complete fucking moron. So are a majority of the people on his show.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tenko said:
Which considering they gave us maths, cities, one of the worlds great religions and were the only shining light of rational thought throughout the entire dark ages,

Actually they weren't "Arabs" back then, it was mainly the Mesopotanian & Persian cultures that did all that, which was then subjugated by the Islamic Arab culture, who ended up burning a lot of it.

If Kilroy had said "Islamic Arab" instead of "Arab" he'd been more accurate, and he should have made clear his target was the oppressive governments not the poor sods who are forced into it. You are Arab because of your birth, there's nothing you can do about it, but religion/culture is normally something you choose to follow unless forced into it by tyranny.

P.S. Don't take this as an agreeing with Kilroy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Exactly Xane.

The point.

Arab States in the Middle East are not a contributor to Global Trade, beyond their Oil. Their Governments are often non democratic if not outright despotic. We shouldn't be too worried about bringing down such governments we should even make such goals our aims.

Is a rational arguement if not exactly the true state of affairs and certainly not a point agreed upon by all, but one that is at least has some points in common to my own and certainly is s imiliar to one held by the Whitehouse at the moment.

Few of them make much contribution to the welfare of the rest of the world.

"Indeed, apart from oil - which was discovered, is produced and paid for by the West - what do they contribute?

"Can you think of anything? Anything really useful? Anything really valuable? Something we really need, could not do without?"

Seems to to value and entire region of people on wheveher they can provide Kilroy-Silk with something he wants. To explain why this is wrong means explaining why rascism is wrong. I could do it but I won't insult peoples intelligence (and mine when I start making my own factual cock-ups ;) )by doing so. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Erm...I'm not even going to start. I went through this in the Iraq war thread in the other forums. But you still haven......

ah bugger it. Everyones views, respect etc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Tenko said:

Which considering they gave us maths, cities, one of the worlds great religions and were the only shining light of rational thought throughout the entire dark ages, seems like the ignorant rants of a white supremacist not an ex labour MP.

I thought Kilroy was a Tory ?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Ash said:
Apparently the beeb have taken Kilroy off the air as of Monday for his dergatory remarks surrounding Middle Eastern people & Arabs. He refered to them as Suicide Bombers, Limb amputators and Women represors.

Now when I have been off work and watched Kilroy, he has said things like this quite tongue in cheek and used his comments to paraphrase certain members of the public at times. E.g. Todays show is about people who have been on the dole for 20 years.

Mr X "I have been on the dole for 20 years and I just cant get a job that suits me. Its not that I dont want to work"

Kilroy "But the nation sees you as a lazy Scrounger"

And so it goes on

Did anyone see it ? Should it be taken off air. To be honest if he did say it like it has come across, I find it offensive and so it should be removed from the broadcasting schedules

If it gets taken off air, this will be the best day of my life. I hate the Kilory show more than anything i've ever seen on tv.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Aoami said:
Yeah i like Trisha more, at least people swear at each other etc occasionly.
An obvious standard of quality


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Jesus both Trisha and the Kilroy program are retard TV. Dumb everything down to the lowest possible denominator, then get the 13 year old mother from Crawley on, pretend you give a shit about the moron then loads of other 13 year old children up and down the council estates of our glorious land will think there is some form of acceptability to being up the duff at 12 years old, and so continue the slide into the shite we all walk through every day of our lives.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
throdgrain said:
Jesus both Trisha and the Kilroy program are retard TV. Dumb everything down to the lowest possible denominator, then get the 13 year old mother from Crawley on, pretend you give a shit about the moron then loads of other 13 year old children up and down the council estates of our glorious land will think there is some form of acceptability to being up the duff at 12 years old, and so continue the slide into the shite we all walk through every day of our lives.

Christ they 13 years old at Crawley? They should use the Croydon Face-Lift Mothers - only 12yrs old and have 4 kids in tow, each a different race :eek6:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Kilroy's a smarmy cunt0x, and his show is for intellectually stunted retards to get in a fuss over.

Complete and utter tabloid TV imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
moomin said:
munkeys avatar rox

aI want avatar

Beaker > j00



Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sar said:
Kilroy's a smarmy cunt0x, and his show is for intellectually stunted retards to get in a fuss over.

Complete and utter tabloid TV imo.

Couldn't agree more. He's a sarcastic, arrogant, self-righteous bastard. How he's continued with this show for so long I do not know.

I hope the Beeb don't let him off.

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