
Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
duact said:
why reroll thane ? by rr6l5 u should know that thanes are gimps, unless u are a njuub
duact said:
Duact thane 4l7
Says the chap who played one till 4L7, so whats that make u bud? Plain silly or did you actually enjoy the class like Grymdaal did? I remember all too well us leveling and you beating me to 50, and you got a higher rr than me, so therefore that makes you more a "njuub" than me...

Now remove foot from mouth...You luv your thane, you just hate to admit it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Says the chap who played one till 4L7, so whats that make u bud? Plain silly or did you actually enjoy the class like Grymdaal did? I remember all too well us leveling and you beating me to 50, and you got a higher rr than me, so therefore that makes you more a "njuub" than me...

Now remove foot from mouth...You luv your thane, you just hate to admit it.

everybody secretly loves thanes...its one of those social taboos... hehe i swear it... secret thane love like these pot noodle adverts ive seen here on British tv.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Says the chap who played one till 4L7, so whats that make u bud? Plain silly or did you actually enjoy the class like Grymdaal did? I remember all too well us leveling and you beating me to 50, and you got a higher rr than me, so therefore that makes you more a "njuub" than me...

Now remove foot from mouth...You luv your thane, you just hate to admit it.

well it was my first char after release so ofc i rvred with him . but it didnt take long until i understood how crap he was.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
duact said:
well it was my first char after release so ofc i rvred with him . but it didnt take long until i understood how crap he was.
Nah, youre a closet Thane lover still and you know it!:fluffle:


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
and mis-interpreted by narrow minded people as being gimp because they dont understand why people choose to play a class
Thats just as much as an ignorant comment to make
True classes will always be "better" at their specific job than hybrids, majority of people who have been on this game will know that. Generally warrs are prefered over thanes mainly cus of Det 5, pve they can tank sufficiently.
However thanes get grps on their own benefits ae interupts and such aswell as a nice spec in shield for guard/stun (and make nice leeches with those hammers, however annoying it is when he/she decides to break mez on a whole grp :p).
Saying that, thanes get love in the following patches so im sure they will start getin rolled.

Just my 2 cents


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
god why do people keep saying thanes break mez... :puke: only a fucking retard presses or EVEN HAS his pboae fart spell on his RvR Qbar anywhere near the standard styles you use mines on 0 near my buffs so i dont hit it unless i mean to.. thanes no more break mez than a warrior/skald/savage hell any other class.. and to refuse a thane a grp spot "cos some nub 2 yrs ago broke your perfect mez" is retarded... i really wish people could get over that breaking mezz bullshit

/edit not talking about you personally Chronic :D


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
and make nice leeches with those hammers, however annoying it is when he/she decides to break mez on a whole grp :p
Was refering to the thane standing on the right hill in front of mmg last night, pbaoe mez..,, then boom from nowhere ae hammers :( my poor lil cloth wearing kobie insta dead cus of the fact i was still in middle of the grp when hammers landed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Chronictank said:
Was refering to the thane standing on the right hill in front of mmg last night, pbaoe mez..,, then boom from nowhere ae hammers :( my poor lil cloth wearing kobie insta dead cus of the fact i was still in middle of the grp when hammers landed.

well i hope you called that Thane a n00b cos its people like that ..that give us all a bad name.. some people see RP's and think Leeeeeeeeeech!!! must hit as many as possible...!!!1111 personally i NEVER use Hammers in RvR unlees its a seige situation when mez is worthless..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Z^^ said:
:flame: aye sorry garny :(
btw you had a minstrel too right? :D

Yeah on prydwen before fotmness :x its deleted though now when i rerolled hib.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
imo thanes are gimps.. but i play this game for fun and i like my thane
sure i dont get rvr groups when i want them but i dont cry because of that...
no point in saying thanes are uber and wtfpwn anything cause they dont...
weak ws weak hp no det the list could go on... but i do belive that a thane with bg grapple can do more than a warrior if played right, i just think the rvr guild are afraid of trying :) play the game as you want if you desire fame fotm elite whatever roll a char for it... if you want fun play a thane.. but its hard way if you want rvr groups... thats my 2 cents

Bjaadi the fotm thane :clap:

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