
Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
thanes do nothing another class can't do better

and if you don't like excal why not just go /level on another server - or go back to the U.S. and do us all a favour


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
I say F*CK EM, and do as u like. I always get "bla bla u shouldnt play that class" and "bla bla that race is sux for that char u should be a <insert what arseface thinx>...
yea yea...

and to the know-it-all's i say: Just stop it... ever heard of freedom of choice? perhaps i wanna gimp my char to the smithereens. if i want yer opinion, i'll ask for it. i know what im doin(and in case i dont, its none of yer business)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
I am a thane i am a proud thane and im a damn good potionbot / mule.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Grymdaal said:
<A lot of text>
I totally agree with you there, Grym. I'm one of the few daoc players that have played from start that still playing the game because it's FUN. Not that it's so much fotm and ubah groups that can't loose. I find these setups booring... I've allways played what char i want to play, and never something someone else asked me to...

When I started to PL my RM, my guild called me names and such and said class was gimped etc. So what? Does it even look like i care? I want to roll a RM. I'm rolling a RM. No one can talk me into otherwise. Nuff said. Same goes with any class.

That's the only thing i'm missing in daoc today. People that play the game for fun... :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Good played thane atm = mezzed and unable to do their work properly..
maybe in NF there is some usage of them as guard/bger but rly i dont think there is but I've been wrong before about grp setups :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Play whatever is fun for you, ignore the fotm c**ts. Hi Anyu noobi!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Garnet said:
Play whatever is fun for you, ignore the fotm c**ts. Hi Anyu noobi!
aye garnet savage or garnet ice/earth theurg! ;D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Fedaykin said:
thanes do nothing another class can't do better

and if you don't like excal why not just go /level on another server - or go back to the U.S. and do us all a favour

i see you have our typical whiney albs...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Who cares about FOTM grps, I know our guild (Fellowship of Midgard) is not a RvR guild, we make groups of what we have on spot atm.

I know some of u might laugh when I write that and calls us noobs, but I dont care, we play the game to have fun not to be L33T.

Yesterday at Fens our grp was 5 chars, 2 Healers (one of them lvl 39), to 2 Shammys and one Hunter, a FOTMgrp right?

And sometimes we dont even have a seer in grp, so its only depends on who shows up first...so just play the game for fun :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
i play to be leet and its boring as hell... lol


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Pick a class you like, pick the race your happy to stare at the back of for god knows how long, and screw the rest.
God knows theres enough leet kiddies in this realm, dont need any more.
Most importantly...have fun.


Dec 24, 2003

Far to underestimated.

Dont have the tank:iness a warr have, dont have the brute fore of a zerk/sav.

But can still slam ya, AE almost good as a RC RM (depending on how high stormcalling) and RA´s.

There are thanes that perform quite well out there.
Its all in your head, its the player that make the magic.

The major thane spell Mjollner, is the only spell that is very situational, and is very good to have in keep oriented defence/offense.

Mythic have made it quite clear, and uptuned Thanes several patches in a row, and what they have targeted the most is their hybrid part.
Especially stormcalling, and the rumoured undocumented uptune in basedamage melee wise.

Yet somehow i cant really understand why, people that play classes that some ppl have decided are "gimp" need to hear it all the time also.

Why well the true reason is that far to many parents lend their creditcards to their kiddies.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
While my thane lies semi retired in his house watching the sunset, he ponders how the hell he acheived RR3L8 yet hasnt RvRd for over a year seriously. In fact in the last year he had gained a mear 8k RPs.

His reflection back to days long gone, when no one knew what spellcrafting was, FoTM meant nothing and everyone played to have fun. Kitted out at level 50 in Malmohus dropped armour and jewels dropped in Spindlehalla, he was content with life. Random groups in Emain, the Midgard frontiers and those lovely hammers he knew when and where to use, and how not to break a healers mezz.

He was a professional Thane, specced just right, and happy in the knowldge he helped to keep his lands safe from all foe.

Then one day, while wondering around looking for a few defenders to roam the lands with, he was told in a few simple words to retire. Hang up his cloak, forget about the realm, he wasnt needed anymore. His profile had been superseeded by a hunchback with long fingernails. They taunted his blood stained armour, fraying at the edges with the wear of battles long gone. They mocked his magic as he summoned Thors strength. The crowd gathered round and called hi foreign names, gimp, n00b, and assorted insults that once in the fair game, meant nothing. Saddened by his realm mates reaction, he turned tail and bought a nice house, and retired on his hard earned cash.

But yet, he kept his skills keen, that one day maybe....just maybe he would get to be welcomed in his own realm once again. Rumours started of changes to the world outside....and patiently he waits...

A bit melodramatic, but up till a year ago, when SI and SCing came about, no one gave a rats arse what classes there were, a healer or shammy and everyone in a group was happy. Now its all FoTM and shit, SC this, TG that, ToA whatever. My old Thane now has his SC ready, and a few little artis, and has his Mjolliner ready to rumble again. NF will be AE heaven, and youll all want a Thane to gather free RPs from the nukage. What goes around, comes around (hopefully).

Play what you want, have fun, thats what games are about. Those who claim Thanes are gimps, have never played one, and cant really comment. Recently Mythic have imporved us in line with other classes, and I beleive we can seriously hold our own. Ignore em, they got small penis's.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
and youll all want a Thane to gather free RPs from the nukage. What goes around, comes around (hopefully).

lol u havnt tried NF yet...but you have no idea how spot on that statement is.. heh personally from the little i played it, cant wait.

Rolf Erikson

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I just have to react on this cuse im a Thane. :clap:

Before i start i can say that ive been in this game since beta and registerd as fast the server whent public ( we where a bunch of people sitting and waited for it, we had our "keys" almost writed on the screens, thoose where the days ) hmm well back to the issue about Thanes.

Thanes was when i started a very popular char then to make a long story short new chars and new stats aso came along and people choose to reroll or left their nice Thane to rest.
That´s a normal thing BUT what`s not normal is all the trash talk Thanes has to put out with, after a couple of month`s in the beginning it was : " no Thanes in group cuse they allways break mezz" and stuff like that, like it was a char "mode", after that it was Thanes are to gimped, Thanes are no good for group, Thanes are no good for anything and it still goes on like that and i just cant understand why that is becouse if it`s about finding weaknesses in chars i guess ALL chars in ALL realms has weaknesses but i dont rub it in all the time and i really dont understand why Thanes has to put up with that.
as i said i`ve been playing since day 1 so you can just imagine all the things ive heard about how i should specc and how i should play and how many times im told to reroll aso, kind of tireing actually but nowdays i just get a outburst like once a week or so. :eek:
Then you have to think on that im a 2-hand specced Thane also, wich seems to be a impossible thing so imagine how hard it is for me to get a RvR-group with the "going on" mid attitude.

The thing i want to say is i love my Thane and i would never play another char i choose a Thane and i stick with it, i try to have fun and if im so gimped and bad in RvR and that i dont add anything to groups, cool thats ok but please dont try to rub it in and try to convinse other players how bad a Thane is for groups aso and try to tell me how to specc and what i should do to be moore popular for RvR-groups i`ve made my choise and as i said i kind of know the game and i surley know what chars that are wanted in groups and who aint.

And yes i will still sit around in emain and Svas trying to get groups and yes i will still do my Guard duty in Uppland ;) but that `s my choise AND i still think Thanes are a good asset to groups.

To the ones "mad" enough choosing to play a thane be strong and have fun and the NF will change alot for Thanes but that aint the point imo choose what you think is fun and try to play it as you like and to the fellow mids why not try to support the so called gimped class? instead of trying to put them down? imagine midgård without Thanes ( and yes i know this will be commented) without Thors servants and our glorious hammers( mjöllnir) hanging in the air pounding the enemy`s heads :D
That would be a loss for the game Thanes are needed, so keep it up and have fun all now and lets kick some!

Ps. I know my spelling suck but i do my best.

"The happy Thane"
Fellowship Of Midgård


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Savages are gimps pre40ish :m00: so a rather go thane in bg :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Rolf Erikson said:
and to the fellow mids why not try to support the so called gimped class? instead of trying to put them down?

That would be a loss for the game Thanes are needed, so keep it up and have fun all now and lets kick some!
"The happy Thane"
Fellowship Of Midgård
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Next time someone says gimp, remind them of young Rolf the RR9 Thane!


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
so , you are rolling thane to prepare for the thane fotm era . or did i miss something?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Lethul said:
so , you are rolling thane to prepare for the thane fotm era . or did i miss something?

you missed it entirely, i already had a RR6L5 Thane.. so can hardly call me a FOTM bandwagon jumper... just shame its a us acct and since i moved to uk and my isp is shit over transatlantic servers.. so i had to start again... read the first post youll get the idea :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
why reroll thane ? by rr6l5 u should know that thanes are gimps, unless u are a njuub


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I understand thane's pain

I used to log in my skald ask in guild if they wanted me. Reply no we got a skald we looking for savage/warrior/insert class.

30 minutes later, hey we need a skald wanna come?
reply is fuck off i wasnt good enough then so I aint now


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Nerf Thanes more imo. Love Warriors......

....and ignore fotm whine kiddies.

PS Majority of people on Mid Excal are those nasty Scandinavian people. Don't let the fact that they have mastered the English language better than most of us native speakers fool you ;)

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