
Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
ok, im starting to get pissed off at random people here in Mid, i never met such narrowminded people whilst playing the US Servers but here seems to be a large majority... today i rolled a /lvl 20 Thane (thanks to my free acct from my brother!!) as soon as i entered Thid i was met with gimp remarks when telling people i was going to seriously level this char past 24... infact everyone i speak to gives the same remark.. why not roll a savage. or warrior atleast youll get groups..and.. i wouldnt invite you into my grp id rather have a savage or warrior.. ffs!! do you really think i give a shit wether or not a narrow minded arse like you would invite me into your precious grp? the answer my friend is NO, ive levelled 4 lvl 50's in my time 1 of which is a Thane.. i know what im doing.. ive chosen my thane for a specific reason.

Now there are some of you who will be thinking... ang on mate (british enuff for you? :D ) hes only giving you an opinion..telling it like it is.. I KNOW thanes dont get a lot of RvR grps.......infact i KNOW Thanes are seen (and mis-interpreted by narrow minded people as being gimp because they dont understand why people choose to play a class).. and tbh i dont care... but what i do mind is when people run around telling everyone if they want to be liked they HAVE to play class x to fit in with the clicks... and if they dont play class x (insert your fotm class here) your a gimp who clearly has no-idea what your doing... what i would like is a little respect to play (omfg) MY game how i see fit..after all im paying my subs not you... i choose to play this game for fun...not for hardcore RvR pwnage.. leave me alone and keep your comments to yourself.. im happy with my choice...


this does have implications for new players also... im sure if i were more impressionable i might have re-rolled and trusted older players knowledge.. but ffs let people make their own decisions.. and play this game they way they want to.

now stop calling me gimp... or ill lag you out in NF with my hammers of lag!! (thanks for bringing em back mythic!! :clap: )

/end rant


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
¨Thane's make EXCELLENT BG's tho, with shield spec and SC interupting every other caster/healer the enemy group has.. I know thane's dun have Det, but if ur healers are good enough u should get cured in no time..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I agree, my Thane tore apart pretty much anything solo and I didn't even have a full capped SC suit&buffbot that some people seem to have these days :) (Edit: Refering to Thid)

Tbh if a group doesn't acceot you based on your class its probably not worth joining anyway. People like that tend to spend more time talking with their heads up their ass than actually killing stuff :D


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2004
Good man, most peeps have the 'oh crap, <<insert class> won't help us get uber rp's, sod it he's not getting in our group then' attitude nowdays. It was the same when I had my warrior in the bg's, I just gave up because I was rp fodder and other bg mids knew they'd be better off with a caster class in their group.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 8, 2004
Grymdaal said:
ok, im starting to get pissed off at random people here in Mid, i never met such narrowminded people whilst playing the US Servers but here seems to be a large majority...

To be honest i'd presume it was even worse in the USA, but since I never played on those servers - I wouldn't know. Sad to say, it wasn't like this when this game started (beta phase, and a month after it went live, don't know after that I left).

I don't know, I guess some are a tad too addicted to the game and very competitive so the "I want to be a famouse gamer, everybody needs to know me" bug gets them. After that it's all down hill imho. Anyway, depends on one's personal values and what they want out of life? :D

Just ignore it :clap: :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
yeh ignore thore retards..
There will ALWAYS be wird people in games, no game is without afaik...

And tbh... Thanes in New frontiers dont look to bad :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Reroll mate, you will regret when you hit 50 ;)
Or you could do like me, and be ready to pwn in New Frontiers.

Fully ToA'd and Purge3, + some decent class-ra's..(Only mid class.)

Im lookin' forward to it. Hopefully it will take a while, so I can finnish the fecking pve grind :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Thanes rule! :) I would make one in a heartbeat if only kobbies could be Thanes :)

Anyway, it's the "mid mentality". One of the reasons I prefer to solo or play in /small/random/guild groups. Once you get to lvl 50 and start RvRing in emain, you'll hear a lot of:

Sry, we need a Savage (not a Thane)
Don't add!!! (whenever mids fight close to each other)
Nice zerg! (if two mid groups travel in the same direction)

It's really sad. As a mid in emain RvR you are not fighting as a realm. You are fighting as X number of completely seperate groups.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Ain't just mid mentality, it's excal mentality so jerking it off into the sleeves of Midgard shows how ignorant you are yourself. Excalibur is rather competitive, however no one is forcing you to play on the server, you can go ie. to Prydwen instead if you don't like competitive-minded people, one of the other servers if you speak their language(s) or back to the US. Trying to change the mentality on a server which has been shaped over several years, is just T_T

... quite frankly, you should be happy about "all the tossers is on one server", and not spread out on them all.

On the other hand, seeing that you've already played thane before, I find you rather naive/ignorant to believe, that you actually thought you wouldn't get any gimp-remarks when you're socializing with others - wether they're doing it out of contempt or benevolence can be argued about, however why'd anyone bother telling you that the class is considered gimped if they didn't give a shit?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Dunno.. many may have thought you were a new player and for your own best adviced to change class because for many people playing thane is definitely NOT fun at lvl50. They don't get any rvr groups.

Ofcourse if the player knows what hes doing then its ok. It's stupid to accuse people because of their decicions. I don't have anything against thanes but if some newbie guy tells me he wants to roll a thane i will advice him to roll another class, why? If you're a rvr oriented player playing a thane is pain, no matter how much you like the class concept you soon begin to hate it after sitting 6 hours in mtk yelling "lfg"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
First of all

Hello and Welcome to Midgard Excalibur

I, like you, enjoy thanes very much. They are a really fun toon to play in both pve and rvr. I don't travel to Emain and looking for random groups since I know what most people think about thanes. If I want to rvr with my thane i just sign up for our weekly rvr groups and have a good time for a few hours. :)



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Funny, when i was leveling my zerker (started a couple of weeks after daoc euro launch), numerous people told me to roll a thane instead... because they have spells and stuff. I didn't because the concept of berserker appealed me since start and haven't regretted it at all.

So nothing has changed after all ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
I hope you Keep up the "midgard spirit" and everytime you see a troll thane sitting and crying for grps outside mtk in epic armor you say sorry i dont grp with gimps xDDDd
nas amigo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Shrye said:
On the other hand, seeing that you've already played thane before, I find you rather naive/ignorant to believe, that you actually thought you wouldn't get any gimp-remarks when you're socializing with others - wether they're doing it out of contempt or benevolence can be argued about, however why'd anyone bother telling you that the class is considered gimped if they didn't give a shit?

because people cant see past the obvious wtf pwn setups.... does it not occur to people that not everyone plays this game for the same reasons? i dont like RvR that much, tbh my highest char was RR6L3.. most of that was with my Thane in DF and Keep takes etc... i achieve what i want from the game..

I'm not the naive/ignorant one here... that title goes to those who shout gimp.. re-roll.. because they cant stand that not everyone plays for the same reason as them..and that not everyone wants the same end game as them.. this is afterall a MMORPG... it takes all sorts.. and to answer another question no, in 3 years of playing the US servers i wasnt met with a fraction of the gimp/reroll remarks that i have been in less than a week of running in Thid/ re-levelling to try diff specs..and i dare say most US servers are just as if not more competitive as excal.. each have their own ego guilds who wont run in anything less than perfect setups..but still i digress its a shame this mentality is allowed to spread to new players.. potentially missing out on a brilliant selfcontained class because theyre told its not Fotm enuff to fit in grps.. well having seen some NF.. that will change a lot..and i can see a lot of people quitting over not being able to run with 1fg...because it just isnt possible anymore.. 1fg atm are getting steamrolled by zergs.. there are those that try to keep 1fg but inevitably end up 2fg... sieges are the way forward with NF and if your class cant handle a decent siege your screwed atm unless mythic make some serious changes... id like to see if your savage and warrior population whine as much as ours did when we get hold of NF to test stuff..your just going to be soo useless at defending keeps its funny. :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Grymdaal said:
do you really think i give a shit wether or not a narrow minded arse like you would invite me into your precious grp?

The narrow minded people you meet in thid don't give a shit either :).

Calm down, I don't see your problem, who cares what they think? Thane might be not as good as a warrior now but in NF thane will be a great character with determination.

Poor me will have no magik for keep defense/attack ;o(

Edit: I had a thane in thid and they truly rock there. Well I duod mostly with my brother who played a healer. Helped a 'bit' ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Btw when someone calls you gimp in daoc it is like when someone calls you stupid/ugly irl or similar cases.

The more attention you give to them, the more interesting they'll find calling you a gimp.

Quite simple, if you don't care, they'll get bored eventually :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Lothandar said:
Btw when someone calls you gimp in daoc it is like when someone calls you stupid/ugly irl or similar cases.

The more attention you give to them, the more interesting they'll find calling you a gimp.

Quite simple, if you don't care, they'll get bored eventually :eek:

ahh yes i dont usually bother replying to those comments other than to smile to myself and rub my hands waiting for NF.. ive seen it firsthand... thanes will be popular trust me.. we saw loads of /lvl 20 thanes after a few hours in NF testing.. they offer the best of both worlds in a new RvR scene that penalises you for running 1fg..but rewards for any type of AOE spell.. mez is pretty much moot with keep seigeing which im sorry to tell your precious 1fg guilds will be pretty much all the rvr action you will be seeing... regardless of wethere we had gotten Det Thanes would still perform well in NF thanks to being hybrids with ranged attacks.. quite funny to have 2 thanes on a wall.. one pops up to make himself a target while the other Mjoll's from the otherside... then they swap roles... ive seen 3-4fgs held back by such tactics.. hmm cant really see a warrior throwing axes for the same effect there :D besides most people who rolled savages/warriors were looking for 1fg action mostly (not saying all) NF will kill them off unless they zerg.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
All know that Thanes are first and formost FUN, not Ûbahhhhhahahah.

Let the 21/7 (they DO sleep?) powergamers stick with the 8 matching spec/classes thingy. And as far as I'm concerned they COULD stop harassing ppl which choose otherwise. But this is not a big problem though IMO. Most of the REAL-Leet-dudes do not interact that much with the rest of the world anyway, and will seldom (or never) be in Emain-PUG's.

HOWEVER That so many of the wanna-be-Leet-ppl, ONLY are willing to run FotM setups on RR2 runs... Well, I laugh inside when I see that tbh. A RR6 thane friend on Prydwen got lots of pm's from a lvl 34 savage who was advicing him to reroll, so he could join their newly started RvR guild. THAT kind of attitude is kinda strange and UTTER sad.

As to wether a Thane is fun at 50... MY experience is that it is, but that is personal preference i guess. Is it a "viable" class? With BG it definatly is, NO question asked. Without BG... Well perhaps not if you are of the numbercruncher kind, which NEED to play with the best odds. But experience and beeing an able player count more then class, as I see it.

However my real reason to post is quite sad actually.

"or ill lag you out in NF with my hammers of lag!! (thanks for bringing em back mythic!! "

They have removed lag-hammahs (and spears) gfx again on pend. Petition is growing each day, but it do NOT look good:(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Vaar said:
All know that Thanes are first and formost FUN, not Ûbahhhhhahahah.

Let the 21/7 (they DO sleep?) powergamers stick with the 8 matching spec/classes thingy. And as far as I'm concerned they COULD stop harassing ppl which choose otherwise. But this is not a big problem though IMO. Most of the REAL-Leet-dudes do not interact that much with the rest of the world anyway, and will seldom (or never) be in Emain-PUG's.

HOWEVER That so many of the wanna-be-Leet-ppl, ONLY are willing to run FotM setups on RR2 runs... Well, I laugh inside when I see that tbh. A RR6 thane friend on Prydwen got lots of pm's from a lvl 34 savage who was advicing him to reroll, so he could join their newly started RvR guild. THAT kind of attitude is kinda strange and UTTER sad.

As to wether a Thane is fun at 50... MY experience is that it is, but that is personal preference i guess. Is it a "viable" class? With BG it definatly is, NO question asked. Without BG... Well perhaps not if you are of the numbercruncher kind, which NEED to play with the best odds. But experience and beeing an able player count more then class, as I see it.

However my real reason to post is quite sad actually.

"or ill lag you out in NF with my hammers of lag!! (thanks for bringing em back mythic!! "

They have removed lag-hammahs (and spears) gfx again on pend. Petition is growing each day, but it do NOT look good:(

Yes BG i good for thanes and certainly helped the grpability factor.. and theres some damn good artis for thanes too.. but well said.. summed up my feelings about the class totally.. it is a fun class even at 50..
the Thane TL said VERY recently that theyre VERY likely to get the hammers but not the arrows.. simply because mjoll is 4s and arrows is 3s less spam factor i think.. but still even if they added 2-3 hammers would be better than 1 =(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
yes yes, ill remember to post that picture when New Frontiers hits and your savage is worthless.. :clap: but still make the most of it now :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Vaar said:
They have removed lag-hammahs (and spears) gfx again on pend. Petition is growing each day, but it do NOT look good:(

Give linky, I will sign that petition. Anyone who uses a slow PC and is stupid enough not to /effects self deserves to lag really. No i'm not saying slow PC users should go away, i'm just saying that you shouldn't complain if you've got all your graphics setting up to full and you lag. :D

And yes, its not so much l33t RvR guilds which piss me off (kudos to them infact for playing the way they do) its the wannabe leet dudes that switch guilds at the same pace you change your underware and insist that no matter what its never their fault if you die ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Thanes are cool, I even made a Frostalf Thane :twak:. With a small shield he will be looking like a...

Tbh I'm not sure, but I got a theory that BG is the playground for a lot of wannabies and younger (irl) members of our community, thus you probably get some remarks like that.

The truth however is that _if_ you want to be part of a hardcore RvR guild, or get random grp's in Emain regularly, you migth be in for quite a challenge with a Thane. More often than not, you will not get a grp. The reason is simple - too few supportchars arround and too many dmgdealers (both casters and tanks). Since Thanes do not have det. you will proabably end up last in line, often not getting a grp at all. That is the simple truth. If there had been enough ppl playing support - Thanes woul get grps too. Anyone wanting to RvR 24/7 should roll Shaman or Healer.

Since you picked a Thane I'm guessing that you did this because you want a fun char for both PvE/RvR, but that you are not a Hardcore RvR fan. I think that a lot of ppl miss out on the fact that it is possible to enjoy other aspects of the game. Some ppl think that ending up in a hardcore RvR guilds or getting a "name" in the RvR scene (as in high RR) is the ultimate goal in this game. For most ppl that is not the case, cuz there are so many different aspects of the game - most important imho the friendships that are made. However that respect goes both ways.

As for Thanes and RvR I love having one as part of a 2fg setup, as they make good interruptors and protects the SM's as well. It will be fun to see how they come out in frontiers.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 8, 2004
To be honest, I can't understand the mentalitet of "pick a class that will get RvR group easly, if you want to RvR".
Okay, perhaps picking a class for which everyone says is "gimped", "usless" etc, as far as RvR goes, will make hard for you to do any RvR (what about guild mates and friends?),... but seriously, it seems the majority of "RvR fanatics" picks a class simply based on how well they think they can do in RvR? Erm, it seems RvR itself is a purpose/meaning then? Doesn't matter if you hate the idea of "wizzards" and preferre the old fashion "sword and shield". If you can get xYz amount of RP more it all makes it worth the while?
So basicly, if you had a chance to be reborn and wanted to be a top model, you'd pick to be a fine looking bulimic blonde whore - that's got go far in the fashion buisness? :p

Ehm, .. o well, guess it's all about RP and not classes/fun. :p


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
heh :)

take a look at cha's like rolf & montarloo
I'd hardly call them gimps' and i'd take them into a grp any day ahead of a random Rr2 savage or zerk, and genarally goes for all setups, Experience, gaming style "under here also players general mood", and also to some extend ofc Rr, have alot more to say imo than simply what class you are.
Now to the part about ppl calling you gimp, noob ect, looking at the general mood of excal i cant say i'm suprised tbh, but wierdly enough i never got that when i was lvl'ing my thane or while in Bg's..i stoped him at 37 and he's now my Jah. Herbal alch pusher, but i stil plan to someday take him to 50 and rvr with him, who' knows maybe with NF..



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Grymdaal said:
but still i digress its a shame this mentality is allowed to spread to new players.. potentially missing out on a brilliant selfcontained class because theyre told its not Fotm enuff to fit in grps..

Maybe so, however I'd much rather that people who's new to the game rolls chars which actually does get rvr groups as their first character (it's much more unlikely for new people to reroll, than for more seasoned players), and actually get to experience the joy of RvR, get to know that your actions does help decide wether winning or not - and not just smash some stupid button, hoping to dmg everyone in the zerg for 10 dmg each.

=Grymdaal]well having seen some NF.. that will change a lot..and i can see a lot of people quitting over not being able to run with 1fg...because it just isnt possible anymore.. 1fg atm are getting steamrolled by zergs.. there are those that try to keep 1fg but inevitably end up 2fg... sieges are the way forward with NF and if your class cant handle a decent siege your screwed atm unless mythic make some serious changes... id like to see if your savage and warrior population whine as much as ours did when we get hold of NF to test stuff..your just going to be soo useless at defending keeps its funny.

Obviously you didn't stay around long enough, read plenty of whines about AoM5 tanks porting out from the keeps, ganking multiply attackers while their healers stayed inside in safety, spreadhealing.

Not to mention, FGvFG doesn't necessarily die, just because grander keeps is added to the game and the casual gamers can actually participate and compete in RvR - you forget the rvr map introduced, not to mention that there's speed traps in case your 1fg needs to run from a zerg. Heck, or maybe they'll just gank the zerg, Excal got several of groups who's capable of doing that.

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