ok, im starting to get pissed off at random people here in Mid, i never met such narrowminded people whilst playing the US Servers but here seems to be a large majority... today i rolled a /lvl 20 Thane (thanks to my free acct from my brother!!) as soon as i entered Thid i was met with gimp remarks when telling people i was going to seriously level this char past 24... infact everyone i speak to gives the same remark.. why not roll a savage. or warrior atleast youll get groups..and.. i wouldnt invite you into my grp id rather have a savage or warrior.. ffs!! do you really think i give a shit wether or not a narrow minded arse like you would invite me into your precious grp? the answer my friend is NO, ive levelled 4 lvl 50's in my time 1 of which is a Thane.. i know what im doing.. ive chosen my thane for a specific reason.
Now there are some of you who will be thinking... ang on mate (british enuff for you?
) hes only giving you an opinion..telling it like it is.. I KNOW thanes dont get a lot of RvR grps.......infact i KNOW Thanes are seen (and mis-interpreted by narrow minded people as being gimp because they dont understand why people choose to play a class).. and tbh i dont care... but what i do mind is when people run around telling everyone if they want to be liked they HAVE to play class x to fit in with the clicks... and if they dont play class x (insert your fotm class here) your a gimp who clearly has no-idea what your doing... what i would like is a little respect to play (omfg) MY game how i see fit..after all im paying my subs not you... i choose to play this game for fun...not for hardcore RvR pwnage.. leave me alone and keep your comments to yourself.. im happy with my choice...
this does have implications for new players also... im sure if i were more impressionable i might have re-rolled and trusted older players knowledge.. but ffs let people make their own decisions.. and play this game they way they want to.
now stop calling me gimp... or ill lag you out in NF with my hammers of lag!! (thanks for bringing em back mythic!!
/end rant
Now there are some of you who will be thinking... ang on mate (british enuff for you?
this does have implications for new players also... im sure if i were more impressionable i might have re-rolled and trusted older players knowledge.. but ffs let people make their own decisions.. and play this game they way they want to.
now stop calling me gimp... or ill lag you out in NF with my hammers of lag!! (thanks for bringing em back mythic!!

/end rant