Just remove Insta AOE Mezz...



Yeah sort of Tesla - the theory is that our damage is lower because we use 1H styles with 2H weapons. Originally this was justified by pointing out that the other realms have to spec in 2 lines (eg for an Armsman, Thrust and Polearm) to use a 2H weapon. Then it was shown that Hib damage lines had no bearing on LW damage (contrary to belief at the time), but nothing was done about it. So they get 1 spec line, and the full damage add.


Seems most of you dont know at all what they are talking about. Roll a sorcerer, and then try it in RvR, you will suffer from this :

* Insta-kill : thats the worst for us, we can oftenly be killed in 1-2 hits, pointless there to talk about CC, cos yes we usually spec in order to be the more offensive.

* Insta-CC : lets call it insta-mez, root is just something fun you use to XP till 50. No QC Mez is not an insta. You cant even imagine how many time you can be mezed by an insta during your QC.

* Range : thats the main problem for sorcerers everywhere, we have the shortest range of Albion realm. To cast an AoE spell, insta or not, we must be more than in sight for any foreign class => death everytime, even if your group wins, because you become the target in front of your realm ranks.

Now think of it : combine all 3 points and take your time to imagine what its like.
Classic scenario : you are in a group, you see a fg of Mids/Hibs, so you wanna do what you are designed to, and you go in front to QC an AoE Mez. Oh wait you are dead .. your group in the next 3 seconds, please type /release.


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow

Nope. Sorry. That's wrong.

I've been halfway through a QC AoE mezz cast and I've still been insta-mezzed.

We saw them first. I stopped moving first. I started quick-casting first. (with dex of 260 or so, so I'm not slow to cast)
Yet my group was mezzed and we all died.

It happens a lot.

Insta mezz is a pain in the proverbial.

And quick-cast CAN be interrupted, despite what they say about it.

I can also confirm that for some reason in some cases also insta aoe mezz can be interrupted, so I doubt that it is any different from your QC AoE mezz really (in that respect). Also, 99% of the time, at least bards, use normal, castable aoe mezz, instead of insta aoe (it is on a 10 minute timer anyway, remember). And never forget that not all bards even have the best insta aoe mezz, I would guess that most probably don't?

The highest music spec insta aoe spell duration is 31s, its radius is 300 (350 for the castable), so around the edges people get mezzed for 15s only.
A caster probably has taken this spell into account in his/her resists and wears cloth that a bonus against it, let's say 20%. Add to this any group buffs and Avoidance of magic 2 (2 is probably the minimum anyone should go for... Or is it just me =P?) and the total resist is easily around 40-50%.
So, the person that was targeted for the mezz is likely to be mezzed for around 17seconds, those around him for 6 to 15s (the number is of course further reduced for classes with determination). Remember, some classes also have mezz heal (granted, is often very hard to use in fights, but sometimes works very well...).

Insta aoe mezz is uber? Maybe, but that's not the albs biggest problem for sure (or any realms group's either...). Mostly groups that are 'pwned' just play badly (and everyone does so sometimes :), even us hibs quite often), albs more so (and more often) than others probably.

Roo Stercogburn

You can spec RAs to resist mez.

Just means possibly giving up something that makes you uber 1v1, something I don't have a problem with since RvR is meant to be a team game.

Sorry, even though I play a mez class, I don't have heaps of sympathy for people that complain about mez - its your choice to spec to resist it or not. Also there are a lot of ways for people that choose to play as a team properly to beat it.

I lose out to insta mez sometimes. It happens. Sometimes I get my mez off first: it's still not a guaranteed win, and it often results in a LOT of unhappy enemies charging at me.

Them's the breaks ;)


needs some work

The resist idea would be fine if all classes had the same access to more base RAs (like determination, see hidden, etc). As it stands, the 3% per level you get from avoidance of magic is pretty much crapola.

Srtill, using RAs to balance the classes is short-sighted and poor service in my view.


3% from 1 realm skill point is a rather good deal I think

Its not like getting 1 of these is hard to get


Ok, if u remove the middy healer insta mezz, what would u like to replace it with ? (since thats the only thing a healer do, CC and heal)
Helaers dont got any ofencive spells/weapon styles at all.
Replace the insta mezz with a dd...
That would mean healers could get 2x 1k more hp (insta heals), 56sec ae mezz (castable), 9 sec ae stunn (castable) AND a castable dd, and wear chain armour.
would u want to try kill something like that ?
Coz if u do remove the healers insta mezz/stunn i would have to replace it with something else, because that would mean healers wouldnt spec that high (38 atleast) in paci to get the instas, and dont try to say ur a healer ur job is to heal coz u know no one would play a class that cant do anything then just to hope the tanks will save his ass in fights, and no putting the points in aug wont make the healer a tank that can defend himself.
So before u start whining about removing the instas, try and come up with a solution ok.
Takeing away the healers instas without giveing them something in return would mean no more exping for mids since NO ONE would play a healer.

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