Just remove Insta AOE Mezz...



and RVR would be more fun... all other complaints aside - this is the real difference between Alb and other realms.

been saying it for ages - probably as many others have, even some hibs/mids agree... same thing being said a lot over on the vgn boards...


what opinions on removal of Insta AOE mezz over here?
(assuming that this be replaced by something decent for char's that currently have it)


Mids have an Insta AoE mez on a timer (15 minutes, I think. can't properly remember)
Sorcs have QC AoE mez on a 30 second timer. now tell me, who got the better deal?


Bullshit *Cough*

Yes sorc "Could" own in CC but they dont cuz no body=no damage and sorc is uber solo char perhaps the best if you leave out the stealthers...

If i wanted a solo char it would be sorc/mincer

Beside who gives a shit about bards,healer's etc if they now so important in RVR maybe ppl should wake up then and not stand at amg /Stick like noobs so when inc they need 1 mezz for a whole damn grp in /stick mode to be stoned.....


What would you suggest replaces insta aemezz, especially for Midgard Healers (who have no offensive line)?


Originally posted by Cadire
What would you suggest replaces insta aemezz, especially for Midgard Healers (who have no offensive line)?

Give the Healers an AE DoT so they can break their own mezzes :D


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
Mids have an Insta AoE mez on a timer (15 minutes, I think. can't properly remember)
Sorcs have QC AoE mez on a 30 second timer. now tell me, who got the better deal?
Insta doesn't require you to stop moving.
Insta cannot be interrupted.

Bards have it better though. Insta lull and cast mez > all. :p



CC in this game in general needs to be totally ganked...less time, more outright resists, and more cures.

No way the pinheads at Mythic, with their lack of imagination are going to give up their pet game mechanic =/.


CC is only neccessary because of lack of collision detection between players.


Originally posted by Danyan
CC is only neccessary because of lack of collision detection between players.

I agree - no probs with cc - just instant cc, don't take much too spam insta cc button and its daft to spend more time rvr mezzed/stunned/rooted than actually fighting

fighting is much more fun than stood still doing fek all (well most of the time)


Originally posted by Cadire

We already have that....

...it's called A Thane.


thanes get AE DD not AE DoT ... shammies get AE DoT


Currently the outcome of a battle is decided right at the begining by who gets of the mezz first, 9 times out of 10 the realm with the instant cast. RA's have improved this marginally.

But just how much fun and challange is it for either side to mezz the enemy group and kill 1 by 1, now thats a real epic battle to write home about, I can imagine the dramatic songs the harpers would write about those kinds of wars :rolleyes:

My point is theres no struggle there, one side stands and triddles there thumbs whilst the other kills of the vital classes first.

Its an unrealistic and ultimatly disapointing way to resolve a fight, and whilst it may be pleasing to the side that wins im sure the fight would of be even more satisfying if there were some casualties and it was much closer so they feel they won a real challange no matter what realm they are from.

In gaming terms theres no real way to resolve this issue without seriously nerfing some classes, which I nor anyone else would want. The only things I could think of would be to halve the duration of all mezz spells in RvR, though I doubt this would make much differance in the long run.


Instacast mezzes could be converted to standing still spells that are uninterruptable with say a 2 sec cast time, sorta like giving healers/bards ability to q/c their mezz (without giving them the ability to q/c all their other spells), so they have to actually stop moving and gives sorcs a chance to get their's in first :)

Carlos Bananos

i agree with removing instas, but i think instead, Albs should have been given Group Purge rather than hibs...

It was a pretty dick idea giving group purge to the realm with insta CC + heavy nukes/mage population.

Without insta CC, albs would benefit from group purge bringing them on par with their insta counterparts.

Guess the 'thinkers' at mythic where on a lunch break when they where talking about RAs + realm balance though


thanes get AE DD not AE DoT ... shammies get AE DoT

Aye I know... I was referring to the wonderful Mezz breaking capabilities of yer Thanes (present company, and me, excepted of course!).

A few nights ago, a group of Albs were charging through DF towards the Midgard entry. I managed to loose off an AoE mezz, and prepared to leggit.

Unfortunately, a Thane couldn't resist clicking his Mjolliner icon, resulting in the whole group becoming mobile again. I and 3 others didn't have time to get away... including the Thane (which is only fair :)).

In actual fact, I've only ever used the insta AoE Mezz to escape bad situations. In RvR, I usually get a chance to cast my 'normal' AoE mezz.


Spread out more

Get Determination

Improve your resists

Get Purge

The realms aren't all meant to be the same you know...


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
Mids have an Insta AoE mez on a timer (15 minutes, I think. can't properly remember)
Sorcs have QC AoE mez on a 30 second timer. now tell me, who got the better deal?

Sorcs give up armour and hps for offensive power, Healers wear chain and have atleast double the hps of a sorc.

Bards also get more Hps and better armour.

The Sorc SHOULD have the best CC in the game. Currently healers and bards piss all over the sorc.


Originally posted by stu
Spread out more

Get Determination

Improve your resists

Get Purge

The realms aren't all meant to be the same you know...

There is no dropoff on cc by spreading out, over half the classes cant get determination, 26% of a 60s timer is still 45s which basically puts you out of any good fight, and purge is still expensive for non pure tank classes and we still get stuffed if we get mezzed :eek:

And the realms are meant to be different, but then they have something on one class, i.e GTAOE, Endurance Spells, Insta AE Mezz, but then give it to the other realms :d

edit: oh and i know the instas arn't that long, but insta stuns followed by normal mezzes are a bitch :p


well i've found a way to make rvr'ing fun for albs again... buy a good book - i read 20 pages tonight during my mezzed time in emain, passes the time rather well i find!!!



either remove insta CC, or give alb some

nuff said

oh, and meatballs: you are wrong, there is a dropoff(either in this patch or the next)


Hibs got magic (dd, mez)
Alb got scouts and infs (doesn't-work-anymore-class, and the overpowered inf)
Mids got strength (powerfull tanks such as hamsters and soon to be overpowered warriors)

Enjoy rvr.. im way past it ..

Why do you even bother playing rvr, if it keep changing?
It's the never ending sea of whine.

If you want to feel uber roll a bard, inf or hamster... enjoy!


i agree insta mez should be removed...i don`t understand why anyone should have insta mez

put all mez on 3 second cast same as minstrel single person mez

it`s a spell ...you cast it...it wins the battle..

currently o prydwen minstrels and sorcerors combined equal about the same numbers as skalds do on their own surely this is an indication of how over powered a class with insta mez is?

as a minstrel player i can tell you it`s very diffifcult forever wrestling with instruments and even if you do get the jump on a skald stun mez...wack.. insta mezzed you lose ..

now before yo jump on that last point...minstrels were given stealth in order to allow them to get the jump on people whats the point when both other realms get insta mez?

at least make mez in all realms a cast spell in the same way as flute mez and interuptable it may even increase tactics required in RvR


Remove Insta CC. Remove RA's. Bring in SpellCrafting.

That's game balance.

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