Bah, for a second I thought you were talking about me![]()
renew imo ;< my sorc is specced 47 body especially for those lovely 50% heat debuffs!
who are u dude? ur name seems like horners bb.
Scrinthe! A BD from Mid/Excal
Threadstarter is sharing the experience of having a damaged brain?
if you want to insult some1 try not to do it in such a manner that may offend a number of people, just like the "aids" thread, try and show a bit more sensitivity.
We are now in the situation where few people start REAL RVR ( syllvie for 1 ) and the rest of the time ...players log on ...see iRVR set up ...and have to follow like sheep order to try and get a few RP's
Thankyou for that reply .
I do understand that point of view , and I am almost in agreement.
I still stand by "my oppinion " that the 1v1 element on this server made a huge impact on the population , and lead to where we are now.
I in no way am trying to tell anyone how to play this game ...Everyone pays their own Subscription ....
I was merely trying to put my own opinion forward.
Enjoy the game m8's ( whats left of it on Euro servers )
I don't agree with you Scrinthe.
You said that the soloers are ruining the server, and that they're the only one gaining from irvr?
Soloers are the ones who have it the toughest when theres irvr, cause then all the action is based around one hotspot.
It means soloers have a bigger chance at getting zerged down or added on.
Think there's more to the decline of this server than one playerstyle to be honest.
And even if you prefer either zerging, keep takes or relic takes, it doesn't really matter as there's so many different playstyles on this server, and people are bound to argue about this for a long time. It even happens in the "O' so mighty WoW".
Someone certaintly seized the opportunity to be a carebear major. I suggest you learn about the internet or how communication on this forum tend to be, if you think my post was a jab at everyone unfortunate enough to suffer from severe mind diseases/sicknesses, it was not. I was merely implying that the threadstarter's mind might be malfunctioning, judging by his no-sense post. If you want to make something else out of that, that's really your problem.
Shouldn't you be keeping a low profile on your second fh account Taggys? Seems like you were banned.
Thankyou for that reply .
I do understand that point of view , and I am almost in agreement.
I still stand by "my oppinion " that the 1v1 element on this server made a huge impact on the population , and lead to where we are now.
I in no way am trying to tell anyone how to play this game ...Everyone pays their own Subscription ....
I was merely trying to put my own opinion forward.
Enjoy the game m8's ( whats left of it on Euro servers )
Iam getting abit confused now! which part of the server is killing dyvet?
1) Fg'ers?
2) CM + ACing?
3) solo'ers?
4) pve'ers!?!
Iam getting abit confused now! which part of the server is killing dyvet?
1) Fg'ers?
2) ACing?
3) solo'ers?
4) pve'ers!?!
None of them. People leaving is what killed the server.
Ok this isnt a whine this is just an oppinion , all i see are the same people moaning about being zerged and wanting 8v8 fights and in the next breath saying irvr is the only way to go, I dont see the logic.
Yes being able to port into another realm makes things alittle easier but you expect more people to be in the hotspots since any tom dick or harry can port in, then these groups go to these hotspots and guess what loads of people there and then the next thing there on here complaining about being zerged.
Aggramon seems the only logical 8v8 spot im my mind since its big enough you wont get many solo'ers there, no keep takers (since no keeps) and its a short run from the border keep with speed (which every group should have) and your always in range to all three realms if your realm decides to do some sort of rr raid or keep takes and you fancey helping out just my thoughts.
Shame theres only like 2 groups left on the server that has the balls to show up in agramon tho.
And that's far from the needed ammount for an active agramon.![]()
I disagree that it was the 1vs1 people that ruined the RvR.From what I can tell it was CM alarm clocking relics every day for a short period of time that took the piss out of people and made them leave the server.
Thankyou for that reply .
I do understand that point of view , and I am almost in agreement.
I still stand by "my oppinion " that the 1v1 element on this server made a huge impact on the population , and lead to where we are now.
I in no way am trying to tell anyone how to play this game ...Everyone pays their own Subscription ....
I was merely trying to put my own opinion forward.
Enjoy the game m8's ( whats left of it on Euro servers )
Ok this isnt a whine this is just an oppinion , all i see are the same people moaning about being zerged and wanting 8v8 fights and in the next breath saying irvr is the only way to go, I dont see the logic.
Yes being able to port into another realm makes things alittle easier but you expect more people to be in the hotspots since any tom dick or harry can port in, then these groups go to these hotspots and guess what loads of people there and then the next thing there on here complaining about being zerged.
Aggramon seems the only logical 8v8 spot im my mind since its big enough you wont get many solo'ers there, no keep takers (since no keeps) and its a short run from the border keep with speed (which every group should have) and your always in range to all three realms if your realm decides to do some sort of rr raid or keep takes and you fancey helping out just my thoughts.
I agree FG's should go to Aggramon then they wouldn't interupt our stealth wars and we can have a field day![]()