Its that time again: Best of 2005!


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
elbeek said:
Admit it, you have owned yourself :)

OFC I have yet to meet you without your little fan club stuck to your arse.

Fan club, must be my pet :(


Nov 20, 2005
synergy in the same sentence with "best" (rofl).

good one jupitus.:m00:

Best wannabe aye.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Calo said:
Perhaps from 2005 yes, but thats because excal top guilds stopped playing. We will never know who was best, so yea, with the current active guilds maelstrom might be the best one.

Uhm just so u know, this thread initially started in Prydwen section (1st of all), anyway, since it's entitled best of 2005, i guess the amarcord doesn't exactly fit in here.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I, scarily enough, have to sorta agree with jupiter that Maelstrom together with Defiance been the toughest mid groups out after cluster (groove havn't been active :( ) - Revolver is always nice tho, and while Terror inc plays well they're low rr and thefore not as tough as PE, however rating between PE AD and Enclave isn't realy easy to say who's the harder.

That's imo of post cluster experience.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Best of i can only again say pepole who i play with regulary which are synergy people (and no matter what the people say come on we aint that bad )

Cleric das = no1 cleric i have played with but reaver = 2nd and kithana )if that how you spell it) being part of the most bloody awesome partnership i have ever played in for clerics. (basically das and jacob is awesome)

Merc> Now this pains me to say this but hypnotoad otherwise know as mark my best mate is getting a damn sight good at his merc and along with ging (yes you) are two very good mercs.

Cabby> Never been a contest here only ever been one cabby i can truely trust to perform all the time and thats contagious ( Who gives a fuck if you aint heard of him but he ist he best duo partner/ group partner i have ever had please stop playing your sm and play cabby more mate)

Pally. No doubt in my mind marchiangi (if thats how you spell it) This guy is a bloody awesome bger the best i have ever played with and i last a damn sight longer when he is playing.

Therug> Xroo. Steve pains me to say this of course you are the best theurg i have played with please just keep it up.

Mincer goes out to beeks as he dosnt play much within a guild group and dosnt harrass me to much when i go online but always plays awesome when he needs to play in guild groups.

Reaver. ,................................ God dam it ld stop eating som many pasties and i will vote you in here lol.



Trying to think of people that have made my night hell in rvr.

Toberlone. the bloody twat keeps on Rude emoting me but i really enjoy playing agaist him prefer killing him mind.

Kippie. Bloody pain in the arse for always running out the way of that last nuke after i have purged his damn ns.

censi. I do try to find the bugger but never happens.


Hiz.... If thats the right name. Respect for never ever failing to kill me but even though people say sorc is a stupid class it aint even comming close for a warlock.

Warhead. In been a pain in the fucking arse and using every single tool to avoid being killed good play to you mate. Zoia for being jsut a tough skald to fight.

Ilusb. For being the only sb that tears my merc apart constantly.

Aftermath. Apart from what all the people say from your savages point of view and it being crap i have had some damn good fights from you when we have had synergy guild group going.

If i have missed some one who have killed me and had a good fight with me ah well bad luck i have been drinking and prob killed off the brain cells that refer to it.

Of course these are people who only stand out on my mind nto anything else.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
UriZeN said:
well the fact that he farmed almost 2rrs in less than a year beeing 99% solo and the fact that many of the decent alb-mid-hib decent assasins wear his templates is reason enough to mention him anywere.....
And he's GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK :worthy: - like the rest of you *****


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
best 2005


NS - Thesa, Cyclodia, Loniless(sp?)
Ranger - Censi, Galid
Moose - Raven
Chanter - Staj
hib SZ - Any of the rr3 to 6 grp


SB - Foorau, Indriid, Grimster, Nimroel, Echion, Urizen & paradork, Chaostar & nuxto
Hunters - Poisonarrow & Morianne(sp?)
Skalds - Net, Radarhead & Zoia
Warrior - Constatinos (sp?)
Mid SZ - Shrews & crew
Worst Stealther Duo - the husband & wife duo - Franfexxxxxx & partner


Cabby - Saveus
Necro - Moaning
Infil - um CT infil's, Binfil, Lxn, Polly
Scout - Kalloth,Jaem & Jarvio ------- oh and me ofc!
Arms - Kagato
Pally - The one that beat Censi in his movie


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
just doing alb, based on Pve and RvR :)

Armsman----- Belgorian
Merc---Attilas /hug
Cleric--- Catherine & Talsar


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Tulkos said:
Best of i can only again say pepole who i play with regulary which are synergy people (and no matter what the people say come on we aint that bad )

Hiz.... If thats the right name. Respect for never ever failing to kill me but even though people say sorc is a stupid class it aint even comming close for a warlock.

Warhead. In been a pain in the fucking arse and using every single tool to avoid being killed good play to you mate. Zoia for being jsut a tough skald to fight.

Ilusb. For being the only sb that tears my merc apart constantly.
Of course these are people who only stand out on my mind nto anything else.

Whooop :> :clap: Another mention :p What am I doing attacking Mercs?! Saying that, I think everyone is fair game, I attack anyone that is in a 1-3 man group, and I always like a tough challenge like a Merc or Kagato, and I definitely lose more than I win, but it's nice to keep people on their toes :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
censi said:
morianne the pwnereor!

Moriane got a mention :> Go guildee!
In fact I was duelling Mori the other night and jesus, I was getting hit hard! I think I lost most of the duels, so I can see why Mori is out there causing havok :> Keep up the good work.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
illu said:
Moriane got a mention :> Go guildee!
In fact I was duelling Mori the other night and jesus, I was getting hit hard! I think I lost most of the duels, so I can see why Mori is out there causing havok :> Keep up the good work.

Oli - Illu

Actualy from all the hunters from both servers Moriane is an easy kill :) ofc if he doesnt FZ and malice is down cause i love to use it when FZed :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
When not running in 3-4 group he is a good fight, ofc good fight means me actually getting PA in, if i miss (i blame lag) then ill normally loose due to FZ/IP 2h hitting for 500+ /sigh.....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Berserker - ?
Skald - Zoia
Thane - Montarloo
Warrior - ?
Savage - ?
Healer - Devaline
Shaman - ?
Hunter - Belxavier
Shadowblade - Urizen
Runemaster - ?
Spiritmaster - :eek6:
Bonedancer - :eek7:
Warlock - :eek2:
Valkyrie - ?


Bard - ?
Druid - ?
Warden - ?
Blademaster -?
Hero - Ravenbourne
Champion - ?
Eldritch - ?
Enchanter - ?
Mentalist - Elwizardo
Nightshade - intimate
Ranger - Censi, Habemus
Animist - ?
Valewalker - ?
Vampiir - ?
Bainshee - Mastard


Armsman - Kagato
Paladin - ?
Mercenary - ?
Reaver - ?
Cleric - ?
Friar - ?
Infiltrator - Shatterhand
Minstrel - Riderich
Scout - Izasku, would say Jarvio if he won't perma fight swimming back at water surface.
Cabalist - ?
Sorcerer - :eek7:
Theurgist - Nurya, awesome leech abilities
Wizard - ?
Necromancer - ?
Heretic - ?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Ging said:
When not running in 3-4 group he is a good fight, ofc good fight means me actually getting PA in, if i miss (i blame lag) then ill normally loose due to FZ/IP 2h hitting for 500+ /sigh.....
aye nerf those pesky sz hunters.........:p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Ging said:
arnt u ment to be purchasing more burberry for givfs at xmas? :)
Got there and fooking censis zerg had alrdy pased thru so they were soldout!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Castus said:
Got there and fooking censis zerg had alrdy pased thru so they were soldout!

lol so the church of censi is bling/chav based? wonder if the cassocks will be styled by Ali G :)


Give DR so they can pimp their rides :)

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