How much space does the fully installed, patched up game take up on your HD ?
C Cronn Guest Dec 9, 2003 #1 How much space does the fully installed, patched up game take up on your HD ?
V Vegy Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #3 wtf 6gb! Thats half of my windows/programs hdd :d, time to get uninstalling some shite
C Cush Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #4 6gb aint that much tbh. And if you cant fit it on you hdd you should just get a new one since tbh they are realy cheap.
6gb aint that much tbh. And if you cant fit it on you hdd you should just get a new one since tbh they are realy cheap.
V Vegy Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #5 6GB in game terms is alot no matter which way you look at it.
C Cush Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #6 well it aint small. Still not something youll go WOW!!! SO HUGHE! over imo.
H Hyuga Hinata Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #7 Originally posted by Cush HUGHE! Click to expand... Learn english fatty!!!1!!11
O old.tRoG Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #9 It's huge. A few years ago, hard drives weren't even 6gb.
W Whisperess Guest Dec 9, 2003 Thread starter #10 but it's still worth it, start deleting those mp3's you never listen to ( you still got the CD's... right? )
but it's still worth it, start deleting those mp3's you never listen to ( you still got the CD's... right? )