Item Levels and Effectiveness



just found this in the game manual:

"The less skilled a character is at using a particular type of weapon or armor, the faster it will deteriorate. Because of this, there are several different grades of equipment, and the higher grades become available to you as your character advances. Each grade represents the general durability of the item, and in some cases, the effectiveness."

I realised that using high level (red, orange, purple) would mean it would degrade at a faster rate. What I didnt realise is that it is less effective - does anyone out there have any better details on how much the items are effected, what type's are not etc .. ?


I think the "less effective" is refering to the fact that the weapon / armour / item will be capped to your level. i.e. AF70 on a level 20 character will be capped to approx. AF40 and you've the added disadvantage of it degrading quicker.


In relation to this here is a info bite on Weapons and damage caps and how in portant quality is.

Many people I offer a 4 Sec delay Drakulv Militia 2H hammer to, when they were level 42 said to me "no thanks my Twilight Battlecrasher is better".

What they dont realise is that even tho the stated damage is better, the TL Hammer is a level 47 item and as such you wont get the full damage from it until level 47, until then your level will cap the damage.

And seeing as the Drakulv Militia Hamer is quicker it will dish out damage quicker than the TL hammer between 42 and 45 (when the Drak Hammer damage = level capped damage)

Similar point regarding quest/one time drop items as opposed to mob drop items.

Quality is VERY imortant, the quality factor is substracted AFTER you damage cap.

So if you had the TL hammer whose stated damage is 15.6 (? I think) and your capped damage is 14.3 at sauy level 43, then you effective DPS = 14.3 * quality of the hammer (beinf 89%) = 12.7

So if you had a 2H Hammer drop that was 100% and 13.0 dps, it would do MORE damage than the TL Hammer at level 43, hence even if the Quest / One time drop item is lower level than a reg mob item, dont mean it is inferior.


This has been discussed in another thread on the general boards. I am too lazy to search for the link so I gently nudge you to our guild-boards, where I dared to use the infamous copy-paste :rolleyes:

In short: If you are above 30 or even above 40, you best use YELLOW equipment.

Another note: This damage cap formula varies between Level * 0.3 + 1.1 and Level * 0.3 + 1.3, according to different sources.


Interesting, what if the weapon has a bonus on it, i.e 89% quality and 10% bonus. Would this make up for the lower quality and make the weapon effectively 99% quality?

Also its not mentioned anywhere if any other stats are effected, i.e. speed, abs etc.


Any weapon or armor made of steel or above can be enchanted at the enchanter in Camelot for a bonus (amount depends on the material of the item). The bonus of weapon vs. the armor it is intended to pierce is compared, giving you a better/worse chance to hit. It seems that the bonus also adds to the damage, though not officially stated so. So an enchanted player-crafted weapon usually outclasses normal drops. The stat-bonus they give may seem nice at first, but you should always look at the color and quality of the weapon. Enchanting gives NO bonus to stength or slash etc.

In future patches that are not even live in US, one will be able to enchant weapons through crafting, but that is sooooo far in the future that nobody knows anything serious about it.

Some 100% quality drops with stat-bonus are of course better than crafted (I use 2 serrated lion fangs), but in the long run this stat bonus gets less important. At lower levels I would not worry too much, as you quickly grow into your equipment. But at higher levels, you are best off with yellow stuff.


(warning: Info based on what i've heard/read/whatever, so i cant confirm 100%)

As i've heard it:

Grey armor:
Crap :p

Green armor:
100% AF, break factor of 0.5
ideal, except for the fact that there will be yellow con items, much better

Blue armor
100% AF, break factor of 0.75
ideal, except for the fact that there will be yellow con items, much better

Yellow armor:
100% of displayed AF, and normal break factor
Ideal of course

orange armor:
80% AF, and break factor x1.5
Orange is acceptable, if the item is in fact THAT good (break factor on 90+% seem ALOT lower than on 80-90%)

red armor:
60% AF, and a break factor x2
hm. i only do this if im a caster, and really need those stat bonuses.

purple stuff:
25% AF (ouch!) and a break factor x3

Bad news.
+, if its a quest item, there will be a minimum level, for the stat bonuses. For example, Sliths tail wont do you any good, until youre lvl 4, when the quest opens for you.

besides this, there may as well be level caps to AF and DPS on weapons (theres caps on everything else, so why not?)

if anyone can confirm this, or hollow out my theories and make a fool out of me, by all means do, since this is only based on 1.000 different sources, more or less reliable.


Here is a nice example, i got a pair of leather gloves, purple AF92 .. shedloads of real nice stats.

That a good thing or bad?


That depends :)
If you are a scout and you are not getting into close combat that often, you may want to equip em once they grow red (purple can't be equipped anyway except on necklaces and the like). If you do, try comparing the gloves with some nice yellow armor made by your favourite armorcrafter. A good drop-armor with high quality, high bonus and the like sure is worth being used, but crappy stuff like mine is not.
I am wearing a worn mail of dissolutuin at the moment, and worn boots of the blackheart, both red to me, both crap. As I craft/build rams all the time, I do not really mind, but if I was out there fighting regularly, I'd change to adamantium chain, being orange/yellow to me now. I can't do that though, as my guilds armorers are a bit lazy :whip:
These are much better, as they will have a better bonus once enchanted.


The reason Crafted Weapons are better than any drop, as has been proven on IGN boards by a lot of mad mathmetician/statitistioans is because by level 50 most peeps will be wearing 30% 35% bonus Armor and the best drops ae only 30% at best (very rare) and more commonly 25% bonus.

Hence You are losing 5-10% bonus in chance to hit other players with 30-35% bonus armor.

A Shimmering Arcanium Weapon can be enchanted to 35% bonus, giving you 0-5% bonus to hit on most players, that extra bonus is transferred to extra damage it has been proven by the stat men, and they are always better than ANY non crafted drop if the Arcanium weapon is 94% or better.

and to answer a previous poster the bonus does not add to quality to bump up the effectice quality, hence a Crafted Weapon with 95% quality of same DPS and enchanted will always hit for more than an equivalent DPS monster drop (excluding Quest and One time drops)

Crafters rejoice, even now without spellcrafting our trade has a purpose (less so for armorcrafters as Armour provides 65%+ of all stat boosts)


I always assumed I couldnt equip purple items either, but these gloves I can ..

Think what I really need to know is if I wear low AF gloves (because of stat cap) will this really effect my overall AF that much. I mean you dont really see - "Big beastie hits your hands for 100hp" that often.

With stats like +5 dex, +5qui, +30hp etc they are very useful.


Solid: I know that, you know that, the rest does not :)
I am slowly starting to convince my guild about it, but most other people do not seem to get it.

Gef: Just try it. I would check the item on one of the database at allakhazam or warcry or somewhere though. Cause if it is a very high level item, you don't want to ruin it now by having it degrade ad repaired all the time.


As you get higher in level your ability to wear purple items and get all their magical bonuses increases, dont ask me why or how, it just does.

BUT it will degrade quickly, even more so with cloaks, necklaces, rings and other trinkets as they dont need to be hit (like armor) or swung (like wepapons) to degrade, they will degrade regardless just thru u wearing em.

Its strongly advised to not use something till its red, and only then if the stats you gain are so much better than the blue/yellow item you already have.


If u wanna know the level of any armor divide the AF by 2 = level of armor (unless its cloth cos then the AF = the level)

eg AF88 Soulsong Hauberk is a level 44 item AF88/2 =44

Very Simple Very nice

God knows how you calculate weapon levels, but I think you gain 0.3 DPS per level, so equip a weapon that cons orange or higher, read you weapon damage

Weapon damage is stated as follows :

At level 48 my weapon damage cap is 1506
dunno why mythic bothered with the zero, they should remove it, basically that figure is your DPS from you weapon (or capped level restricted DPS from your level if using a weapon higher than you) with a zero inplace of the decimal point.

ie my capped DPS is 15.6 due to my level, equiping an orange con hammer my weapondamage ALWAYS goes to 1506 (=15.6 with zero inplace of decimal point)

Anyway to calculate what levvel a weapon is (assuming my assumption that you gain 0.3DPS a level) is you minus the DPS stated on the weapon by your capped DPS and find out how many multiples of 0.3 are in the remainder, that number = how many levels above you the weapon is, hence u can then calculate the weapon level.

I believe all 16.2 DPS weapons are level 50, ie cos my damage is capped at 15.6 at 48, it will be 15.9 at 49, 16.1 at 50.

TADA thats a wrap

[Edit] Apparently Reckless has shown up an error in my data, I musta been mistaken and my weap damage is 15.6, making all 16.2 weaps level 50 items - Changes made

old.Reckless <Lion>

Weapon Dps

Weapon level is calculated using a complex formula which i cant remember. But here are the lvl's - dps:

Level [5] DPS Cap: [2.7]
Level [6] DPS Cap: [3.0]
Level [7] DPS Cap: [3.3]
Level [8] DPS Cap: [3.6]
Level [9] DPS Cap: [3.9]
Level [10] DPS Cap: [4.2]
Level [11] DPS Cap: [4.5]
Level [12] DPS Cap: [4.8]
Level [13] DPS Cap: [5.1]
Level [14] DPS Cap: [5.4]
Level [15] DPS Cap: [5.7]
Level [16] DPS Cap: [6.0]
Level [17] DPS Cap: [6.3]
Level [18] DPS Cap: [6.6]
Level [19] DPS Cap: [6.9]
Level [20] DPS Cap: [7.2]
Level [21] DPS Cap: [7.5]
Level [22] DPS Cap: [7.8]
Level [23] DPS Cap: [8.1]
Level [24] DPS Cap: [8.4]
Level [25] DPS Cap: [8.7]
Level [26] DPS Cap: [9.0]
Level [27] DPS Cap: [9.3]
Level [28] DPS Cap: [9.6]
Level [29] DPS Cap: [9.9]
Level [30] DPS Cap: [10.2]
Level [31] DPS Cap: [10.5]
Level [32] DPS Cap: [10.8]
Level [33] DPS Cap: [11.1]
Level [34] DPS Cap: [11.4]
Level [35] DPS Cap: [11.7]
Level [36] DPS Cap: [12.0]
Level [37] DPS Cap: [12.3]
Level [38] DPS Cap: [12.6]
Level [39] DPS Cap: [12.9]
Level [40] DPS Cap: [13.2]
Level [41] DPS Cap: [13.5]
Level [42] DPS Cap: [13.8]
Level [43] DPS Cap: [14.1]
Level [44] DPS Cap: [14.4]
Level [45] DPS Cap: [14.7]
Level [46] DPS Cap: [15.0]
Level [47] DPS Cap: [15.3]
Level [48] DPS Cap: [15.6]
Level [49] DPS Cap: [15.9]
Level [50] DPS Cap: [16.2]

Always try to use a dps close too your lvl, especially if you are a tank etc.


Reckless your data holds true to my educated guess (thats what it is) that weapon damage goes up 0.3 a level 9wee In was right there) and the level restricted caps (weee right again)

BUT my observation that stated weapon damage DOES indeed just represent the DPS with a zero in place of the decimal poin HOLDS TRUE, and is an easy way to check if you DPS is capped and if you are using the appropriate level weapon.

AFAIK Quality of the weapon double dips in the complex formula calculated to give you the actual damage you do (the damage you see on the mob) so Quality is a SUPER IMPORTANT aspect of the weapon you use.

Thats why no drop 2H weapon at 91% quality will better my Hammer of Black Ice even at level 50 YES EVEN AT LEVEL 50

Only Crafted Weapons enchanted to 35% bonus and 97% quality and above will outdamage my Hammer of Black Ice

Food for thought eh?


Okay here is a good one, my scout is level 34 with a cap of 11.4.

I was using the level 25 quest bow. 8.9dps, 100% quality, 10% bonus. My weapdam was 809 (8.9dps bow damage).

Now I am using a dropped bow 12.9dps, 80% quality and no bonus. My weapdam is now 1107 (11.7dps, my cap).

Question is, does that 80% quality not show on the weapdam figure, which would really make it 901 (9.1 cap minus 20%)?

If this is the case then it is not much better than my quest bow anyway and I am missing the 10% bonus (which I believe makes it a bit more accurate and adds chance to critical) and a small speed increase. So I may as well go back to the old blue fella.



Right. Quality is 'added' AFTER the cap. Both for DPS and AF. In 1.50 you will be shown the effective DPS and AF.


No no, I realised that, what I was really asking is the shown WeapDam my actual damage (all calculations taken into account) or are there other calculations that come after that?

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