Is the nature of the game being changed - is this good or bad ?

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Thats the problem with "you guys" we're really being sarcastic.

I was in a cg an alb alliance or what it was, the other day. they were keepraiding in emain. I was really, or i dont know if i was. Surprised over how much shit people were talking about PE, what have we done ? besides killing enemies ?. We are nice people but take this as an example also.

The other day i was in barrows... powerlevelling my scout with a necro, this alb comes and stands next to me, i pull some mobs, he starts hitting them. I tell him to stop IN A FUCKING POLITE WAY believe me or dont, the answer i get is, something like this "Who the hell do you think you are, this isnt your mobs only, so piss off or i'll report you damn PL'er ruining it for the rest of us".... i mean WTF is this... AND this person was from a guild like OotKT/KotRT and some other guilds.

Anyhow back to the emain keepraid cg thingie. many msgs came during the hours we were there with our grp. Specifically came when there was alot of deathspam from us killing 5fg mids at mmg(made a movie about that fight too :p), An alb asked in the CG. "where is all that deathspam coming from", "PE", "Oh lets hope they die", "yea :)".

Then an hour later. from the CG.. while we were waiting on pad after being wiped of some mids, "3-4fg hibs at Dun Bolg". I told them in the CG that we would rush there after we ported, didnt get an answer though, anyhow we ported, i read on in the cg. turned out when we moved that both doors was down. When we arrived all the albs were dead and the hibs were on the lord. We killed the hibs and rezzed up the albs. Yet again we got no credit.

And you mean that we're the problem with our "attitude"?...

And dont post shit now "No its mythics fault not controlling buffbots" and shit like that.

Roo Stercogburn

Kahland, flaming someone for a post they make isn't sarcasm, and you won't fool anyone into thinking it was.

You just wanted to take a pop at someone so don't waste anyone's time trying to dress it up :D


Originally posted by Kahland
edited by mod.

Bah I missed reading it before it was editted by mod :) Wonder how rude it was :D


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Bah I missed reading it before it was editted by mod :) Wonder how rude it was :D

was just the typical response you'd expect from someone who needs to play a game to be 'cool'


Re: Re: Is the nature of the game being changed - is this good or bad ?

Originally posted by Kahland
You're so dumb hahahahahaha

I play this game to be cool and kill all,

and who do you expect to pay to be the person you kill all the time ?

like i said selfishness is killing the game

your attitude reminds me of a debate in the house of commons when some noob said that if they brought back hanging he'd volunteer to be the hangman till some1 asked him if he'd also like to be the person hanged by mistake

if you want to make any more posts on a forum that was designed for serious debate maybe u'll think b4 u write but i doubt it as all u've done in evry post of urs i've ever read is show ur total lack of understanding of anything more compicated than 'quick theres something lets zap it'. the game was not designed that way according to the mythic advertising that enticed me and many others to subscribe in the first place
y dont u just get quake or doom and leave ppl who like a game that requires thinking occasionnally to shape things ?


you guys really dont get it Marra is out to have fun, hes sarcastic on these boards because its amusing and i agree cause he makes me and a fair few others laugh.
Stop taking him and life so seriously, seems your the ones making them to be 1337 d00ds etc.. blah blah.
because you dont get they joke and use sarcasm alot :)

imo Marra can suck my left nut

oh he did :ROFLMAO:

Roo Stercogburn

Sarcasm = poor man's irony.

Sarcasm and irony are not calling people "tards" etc.

That's called abuse, flaming, whatever your preferred description is.

Laugh it up if that's what floats your boat, but don't try to dress it up then defend it as something it isn't ;)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Sarcasm = poor man's irony.

Sarcasm and irony are not calling people "tards" etc.

That's called abuse, flaming, whatever your preferred description is.

Laugh it up if that's what floats your boat, but don't try to dress it up then defend it as something it isn't ;)

maybe you should read my post again :)
i said they joke and use sarcasm a lot.

calling someone a tard = joke, not sarcasm hence they use both ^^


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Line stealing bastid! That is my trademark :p

dont see it in ya sig ya ho now you can suck my right nut, as marra already did the left!

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Heffer
maybe you should read my post again :)
i said they joke and use sarcasm a lot.

calling someone a tard = joke, not sarcasm hence they use both ^^

<reads this>

<reads it again>

Nope, sorry, you're talking through something that opens and closes but isn't on your face :D


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
<reads this>

<reads it again>

Nope, sorry, you're talking through something that opens and closes but isn't on your face :D

k your boring!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the nature of the game being changed - is this good or bad ?

Originally posted by Heffer
Same Shit , Different Day! xDDDD

Oi that was my name on MSN!!!:eek:

Heffer it's you're.

Sigh silly boy xD


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the nature of the game being changed - is this good or bad ?

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Oi that was my name on MSN!!!:eek:

Heffer it's you're.

Sigh silly boy xD



Originally posted by Heffer
dont see it in ya sig ya ho now you can suck my right nut, as marra already did the left!

I don't use it on a sig but I use it in game almost everyday for the last 4 years so you can suck both my nuts at once ya dirty slut :p



Re: Re: Is the nature of the game being changed - is this good or bad ?

Originally posted by Kahland

I play this game to be cool and kill all, get rps and cash! not to make friends

Yea, playing a game makes you really cool!!


calling someone a tard = joke, not sarcasm hence they use both

Not really a good joke is it? Mocking. Perhaps it's one of the reason people start feeling negative towards them, the jokers?

Each and every member of their guild represents their community for others. Their actions reflect both their personal and their guilds image. Which then can be seen in battlefields, cgs and boards. The higher in rank and the more famous your guild is, the more eyes are always tuned in to look at what their members are doing and saying.

For the original topic, online games (esp ones with PvP elements) are always very competitive in nature and so people use a lot of time and effort to get edges over others.

Perhaps when things are new, people share more to explore and wonder. When you've done the things already once or more, one might just be selfishly speeding to your goals (quite commonly in this game get over pain of levelling another 50char). Means PLing, buffbotting, soloing for as much mobs as possible. Many use botts to avoid dreaded LFG. Result is same more and more soloers, which means harder and harder for the ones who really need the group.


Yes, sir!


Can i have your msn, Matt??????????? :(


I dont want matts msn!!...

specialy since i dont use msn


The nature of the game isnt changing, just the scenarios we are being presented with due to the fact the game is now oldish, and has very "mature" players, people who have piled the time in to make it work for them.

Having browsed many threads now looking at the disparity now emerging in wide scale RvR (not just Emaine) My mind is settling on one way to sort out this current conumdrum.

That is, a form of BG's as suggested elsewhere, where perhaps, on a larger scale than BG0 - 3, those of say RR 1 - 4 can fight to affect the outcome of the realm conflict (somehow :p), whereas those of RR 5-7 have another place to fight it out and gain RR's.

Imagine the battles that could occur as people clawed there way up to get themselves into the next BG and onwards, to equip themselves in an environment not conducive to continuous attention by roving gank squads. It would be fun if you stood a chance!

Also, the idea of seperate battlefields may get the realms inside them working together as theres soemthing at stake that you can take part in in bite sized chunks, outside the wider "Strategic" realm war.

As it is, Emaine has, and is a breeding ground for certain types of group due to the unique realm differences between Hibernia and and the other realms. It was the "Casual" RvR resort, and now those groups that started there have grown up, and effectively out grown the average scenario that occurs realm wide.

Just my humble opinions.

Roo Stercogburn

Going back to Yerk's original post...

I think some aspects of the game have changed. I know for sure my own class has changed a helluva lot. Sum and Sup SMs for PvE
ownership and Sup SMs for nasty RvR teams. Us dark gimps, er, gimped. Well maybe it hasn't changed that much for me ;)

I think some things about the game are badly wrong (for instance, tanks can hit harder than casters in a lot of cases - I have MoM3 and WP3 and I can't hit as hard as tanks) and as Cho has said, the imbalance seems to be increasing rather than going the other way. Mythic got RA's badly wrong with some classes getting good ones, most classes getting useless ones and active RA's in general changing the entire face of RvR to the point where RvR fight outcome is often down to what RA's you have up at the time rather than skill. (Yeh I know some peeps will get picky on this, but broadly speaking, its true). Its fairly obvious they tried (and failed) to address the 3 realm balance problems with RAs.

Games like DAoC are partly based on their social side, which is something that contributes to their longevity. There were selfish idiots in the game at release, and they can still be found popping their heads up around the realms. You just have to make your own judgements on peeps and get on with it.

You could argue that the nature of the game has changed in that many people use bots these days but some bot users are just people that shore up their levelling when they can't find a group and ditch the bot when a group comes along. For solo stealther RvR, its extremely hard to play without a bot, for everyone else, you should be in a team anyway with access to at least some support chars. The general reaction to bots while levelling is based on some of the types of people mentioned above. A lvl50 shammy DoTting and kiting everything in the scav room in Spin is very annoying when there are groups nearby trying to pull. From time to time you get this. All part of virtual life's rich tapestry.

Fedaykin are probably a good example of the avarage guild. We roll out to PvE with whatever we have and same for RvR. Sometimes we get our asses handed to us but we sometimes kick the snot out of enemies that we meet. I don't have a problem with guilds that want to focus on RvR and gain RRs as fast as possible: we each play how we want to play and these guilds will happily rule the roost on the Emain race track (I personally have never liked Emain anyway - I find it a very bland area). Because there are areas in the game you must approach with particular caution, doesn't mean the game as a whole is badly wrong. I think that the optimised gank teams are getting too much attention and bad press as it were - there have always been optimised gank teams from original release: they just had different classes in them back then. So I have to say yes, RvR is still viable for the average guild but too many people get their noses out of joint because they can't turn up on a whim and be the best of the best of the best, SIR, with honours.

Regarding Mythic's motivation for ToA before RvR expansion... well, I think its pretty obvious. Cash cow first, everything else later. However, they are a business. Businesses are out to make money. TA Associates have to get some return on their investment after all ;)


Ok, the more serious side on this thread I found interesting - and I would tend to agree with what Chodax and Mattshanes said.

The other parts of the thread - well, actually they made me crack up laughing .... - maybe not in the intended way, but hey ... humor is an individual thing (some have got it, some don't - now wonder who is who :p)

Originally posted by Larssi
...For the original topic, online games (esp ones with PvP elements) are always very competitive in nature and so people use a lot of time and effort to get edges over others.

Perhaps when things are new, people share more to explore and wonder. When you've done the things already once or more, one might just be selfishly speeding to your goals (quite commonly in this game get over pain of levelling another 50char). Means PLing, buffbotting, soloing for as much mobs as possible. Many use botts to avoid dreaded LFG. Result is same more and more soloers, which means harder and harder for the ones who really need the group.

This I think is a valid observation - basically, shitty groups suck and yes, I would prefer soloing / pl-ing over that ;) So, the conclusion here seems valid and inevitable to me, and I agree ;)
Is it a good or a bad thing? Personally, I believe in voting by feet - if you feel bad > good elements, there's always the option to "adapt" or to find another game which allows you to play differently.

As for "new players": Although I agree with the quote above, it has to be kept in mind, that those who are truely new to the game, don't KNOW how it used to be - and shitty groups have always been around, just with more experience I guess you are getting less tolerant about it ;) So, new players will start with a different frame of reference - which, ofc kinda locks the whole game balanced in the aforementioned way, until Mythic does something to break it up again ...
Well, my 2 cts as usual ... :p

PS: A jerk is a jerk - even though they come in all shapes and forms, they are always easy to spot, and just as easy to ignore ... ;)


Originally posted by Kahland
Yes, sir!


Can i have your msn, Matt??????????? :(

</fluffles marra>

can i have your msn, Marra??????????? :(


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Actually, no Kahland.

But seeing your posts makes me damned glad you play a different realm from me ;)

I really wonder what you do in a game like this Kahland.
If I wanted to wtfpwn people ( to use your limited vocabulary ), I would try to do it in real life in a field where skill matters instead of in a game that is meant for fun and making friends, and wher all that really matters is how much time you sit in front of your screen.

Winning is good, your attitude isnt the one of a winner though.
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