Is sabotage an alternative?



Originally posted by skile
It's funny u mentioned logics. I personally won't sabotage, the best solution is to not show to the raid at all, or stop fightning at apoc. But Fagane's raid doesn't need to be sabotage, he just doesn't respect Falcors raid and is going to do one of his own. Which he DOES HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO. And which I support.

Doing anything to destroy Falcor's raid? No, I won't do anything, I certainly won't sabotage. But thats a choice some might wanna take, So, I wanted a discussion on it to enlighten this person to not do it, or do it. But you are right about one thing, I don't want these elite raids to continue.

tbh Skile i cant understand why you make so much fuss out of Falcors raids, falcor puts alot of work into those raids, ppl should help out instead of flame.

give Falcor some credit for hes work, instead of coming with stupid suggestions and try to ruin hes work.

if you dont like the rules he sets - then stay away.

i dont like the rr5 rule either and yes im rr5, and i can only hope it will be changed in the future.

before you whine so much Skile (and yes it is easy to whine) then try to arrange a Sidi raid with 100+ ppl and lead it.

yer i know you arrange guild raids for dk, but it isnt quite the same.

/Salute Falcor for doing some nice raids and keeping hes head relatively cool in Sidi :)

hope we will get many more raids from you.

and hopefully the rr5 rule will be removed and be changed to lvl 50 instead.

and Skiles opinions aint DK's opnions - those are Skiles only

Best regards


Originally posted by skile
It's Falcors private raid to set up his own rules, I agree. It's my and everyone elses right to object to this rules. It's also a persons right to sabotage this raid, if he/she would feel like it.

So I don't understand how that is relevant.

I, a part from you, don't think you should stand in fear to express yourself just cause you don't know what to come if your comments gets enough support. Either someone else turns up and makes "better" raids or there will be no raid. But the verbal dicussion must go on, and not be shut down by fear.

"Fear" lol yeah do as falcor say or a bunch of men in brown shirts will come and beat you up irl! Falcor Mussolini must not win!!

Really its getting silly, you are always putting youself high up on a pedistal trying to lecture us with your supperior moral and political correctness its sickening how self righteous (sp?) u can get.

Im sure i agree with you on alot of things when it comes to politics but i dont understand this need to express your politcal views in every discussion ever made just chill out a bit and try to have some fun.

About the whole sidi raid drama imo its rather simple - Dont like the rules? arrange your own raid with the rules u see fit. No need to do it same time as another planned raid tho that would be pretty childish.


Originally posted by ghostfeet
belomar imo ur a piece of shit dude. but thats beside the point, i may have been wrong on that point but u can stfu gimp.
i pity those that have to stand u as GM.

Well, Belo IS my GM, and a damn good one at that. (Can't drive to save his life though (((o: ....)

Ghostfeet, if i had the choice of following Belo into battle or you, i would pick Belo every day of the week and twice on weekends. You and Skile seem to be talking lots and making little sense.

And, yes. I am another one who agrees with Glottis.(God help me)..j/k Glottis... You feel the need to ruin the game for Falcor..but by your actions you ruin the game for all those who attend his raid. Which, if you read the CoC (which you must know backwards) IS against the code of conduct.
I don't agree with the RR5 rule, but all i will do is not attend. Enough people run other Sidi raids with no trouble at all. So i don't see why anybody needs to be so antisocial about it.
After all, it is a game, with an off switch when it gets too much !!! (o:

Any guild that has you in should boot you a.s.a.p do them no favours at all.


Why do u people make such a big deal out of this?
U dont like the rules u simply dont come, its an open raid for ppl who accept the rules...
And on his last raids where i was on ppl where happy in the end.


Originally posted by elbeek
Why not rearrange your raid on a day when you wont spoil ALOT of peoples fun.

There is no Sidi Raid booked for next Saturday, and for sure no public raid, I did see nothing posted.

This is no raid to spoil peoples fun or to piss Falcor off, there is no raid planned, so I plan one. And as I claimed before, as I will do now, if Falcor books for next saturday a Raid with a date in the title, I will cancel mine.

No Raid is planned, so I can go ahead.



Originally posted by skile
Yah, why are u defending Glottis when he said ghostfeet is basically not allowed an opinion cause he doesn't have enough rps. This is a PvE raid as far as I know :p. What good does an extra 1million do to the knowledge of PvE?

Sidenote: Using titles and experience as a reason for someone to not speak there minds goes against the democratical conduct we have in for example Sweden, that's not something to defend :p.

1m rp does have a big impact...
More absorb due to being lvl "51", more RA's, more chance to hit the mob due to higher weaponskill, more damage due to higher slash/thrust/crush skills.
I never said he was not allowed an opinion, I just think he is a noob, telling me I should learn to play the game when I have 5 lvl 50's (one necro, so not really worth rvring with) of which 2 are rr4, and 2 are rr5.
So he can whine all he want, but yes, if I was a 2-handed pally, I would listen to some advice..
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Fagane
There is no Sidi Raid booked for next Saturday, and for sure no public raid, I did see nothing posted.

This is no raid to spoil peoples fun or to piss Falcor off, there is no raid planned, so I plan one. And as I claimed before, as I will do now, if Falcor books for next saturday a Raid with a date in the title, I will cancel mine.

No Raid is planned, so I can go ahead.


Fagane, sad git, you know perfectly well that Falcor does a Sidi raid every saturday.
But you just insist on trying to screw him over, so be it.
Have fun.
But stop claiming innocence, you just a bitter twat trying to spoil a good "tradition".
Regards, Glottis


Ok this thread is now just an endless pile of bile and flame, can we close it please.

All that had to be said has been said mainly :
If you dont like the way the raid is run, stay away. Let the reason be know why you are satying away (and be civil about it).
Maybe, If you realy want to prove a point (the hard way ), organise another raid at the same time to krondon or samething for the people who are protesting.
Then when then sidi raid fails in its goal to take down apoc, you could offer to bring reinforcments,
if the reason you are protesting is cleared up. (or you could be just go in after the sidi raid is done and pick up where they left off )


Originally posted by Shrye
cba reading it all, same crap all over... However:

What's up, Skile? How come that you've all of sudden begun being after Falcor like that, trying to ruin his Sidi raids? You got banned (or whatever), big deal - start your own instead, or buy them drops.

However it gives you NO whatsoever right to sabotage anything (if not personally, then subtly trying to getting others to do so for you through this "discussion")... Cut if off, stop behaving like a child.

... or hopefully someone will get to their senses soon, and ban your sorry ass.

PS. Joining someones raid to intentionally sabotage it would likely result in getting banned - don't like the rules, don't join. It's that simple.

Read dude ^^. I started my critisism before I got banned.


Originally posted by Tiarta
tbh Skile i cant understand why you make so much fuss out of Falcors raids, falcor puts alot of work into those raids, ppl should help out instead of flame.

give Falcor some credit for hes work, instead of coming with stupid suggestions and try to ruin hes work.

if you dont like the rules he sets - then stay away.

i dont like the rr5 rule either and yes im rr5, and i can only hope it will be changed in the future.

before you whine so much Skile (and yes it is easy to whine) then try to arrange a Sidi raid with 100+ ppl and lead it.

yer i know you arrange guild raids for dk, but it isnt quite the same.

/Salute Falcor for doing some nice raids and keeping hes head relatively cool in Sidi :)

hope we will get many more raids from you.

and hopefully the rr5 rule will be removed and be changed to lvl 50 instead.

and Skiles opinions aint DK's opnions - those are Skiles only

Best regards

I agree with you Tia. Falcor is putting a lot of work into these raids. And that I do like. Whining as u call it, is the opposite for me. I am trying to make Falcors raid better, helping him. Thats not ruining.

I'm not that good of a leader. However, I see myself as a decent critic. Thats what I do good. Falcor is a man with patience and motivation. I am not, hence me trying to do my part to help him/help albion. Same thing imho.

General sidenote (not directly aimed to tiarta, rather the non DK-ers):

And, I want to mention this myself. I am an individual in Dragon Knhits, not a representative. However, I go by the name Dragon Knights under my name. And that means something to me. I try to show people respect, help them. We are all from different political scales in DK, most aren't interest tho :).

So I doubt I would be booted just cause I have a radical opinion on politics.


Originally posted by heath
Originally posted by ghostfeet
belomar imo ur a piece of shit dude. but thats beside the point, i may have been wrong on that point but u can stfu gimp.
i pity those that have to stand u as GM.

Well, Belo IS my GM, and a damn good one at that. (Can't drive to save his life though (((o: ....)

Ghostfeet, if i had the choice of following Belo into battle or you, i would pick Belo every day of the week and twice on weekends. You and Skile seem to be talking lots and making little sense.

And, yes. I am another one who agrees with Glottis.(God help me)..j/k Glottis... You feel the need to ruin the game for Falcor..but by your actions you ruin the game for all those who attend his raid. Which, if you read the CoC (which you must know backwards) IS against the code of conduct.
I don't agree with the RR5 rule, but all i will do is not attend. Enough people run other Sidi raids with no trouble at all. So i don't see why anybody needs to be so antisocial about it.
After all, it is a game, with an off switch when it gets too much !!! (o:

Any guild that has you in should boot you a.s.a.p do them no favours at all.

I like Belomar too :). And me and Ghostfeet aren't a unity. I just asked why belomar defended Glottis. Eventhough U like someone it should be ok to ask him questions without turning into a war? :p


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
1m rp does have a big impact...
More absorb due to being lvl "51", more RA's, more chance to hit the mob due to higher weaponskill, more damage due to higher slash/thrust/crush skills.
I never said he was not allowed an opinion, I just think he is a noob, telling me I should learn to play the game when I have 5 lvl 50's (one necro, so not really worth rvring with) of which 2 are rr4, and 2 are rr5.
So he can whine all he want, but yes, if I was a 2-handed pally, I would listen to some advice..
Regards, Glottis

A lvl50 rr4 armsman bringing a thurg and lotto for arsman or a rr8 armsman bringing his arsman. Which one does most good?


Originally posted by skile
It's Falcors private raid to set up his own rules, I agree. It's my and everyone elses right to object to this rules. It's also a persons right to sabotage this raid, if he/she would feel like it.

No, actually, it's not. It would probably count as a form of griefing and get you a ban. IIRC, didn't a guild (Chaos Theory?) get a ban for repeatedly killing the DF merchants?

Let this all die, imho.


Originally posted by Gordonax
No, actually, it's not. It would probably count as a form of griefing and get you a ban. IIRC, didn't a guild (Chaos Theory?) get a ban for repeatedly killing the DF merchants?

Let this all die, imho.

Aye, I might be wrong. But laws not perfect. Which is my full point. A theory for example, would be to destroy the apoc-encounter with purpose. But to claim that it wasn't on porpuse, that he/she did not understand this would destroy anything. That he/she thaught it would not hurt the raid, felt eager to check the "cool mobs" in the sidi-room out. Was afk when the leader said that everyone should not go in.

Aye, you might understand what I'm trying to say. Laws can be bent and used.


Originally posted by skile
Aye, I might be wrong. But laws not perfect. Which is my full point. A theory for example, would be to destroy the apoc-encounter with purpose. But to claim that it wasn't on porpuse, that he/she did not understand this would destroy anything. That he/she thaught it would not hurt the raid, felt eager to check the "cool mobs" in the sidi-room out. Was afk when the leader said that everyone should not go in.

Aye, you might understand what I'm trying to say. Laws can be bent and used.

Just give goa an link to this thread and they know enuf :p


Originally posted by skile
Read dude ^^. I started my critisism before I got banned.

Why should I bother reading it all? It's basically all the same, you're being a prick because of something that's likely happened between the two of you. One thing is not liking everyone, another is trying to sabotage everything they do. Wether the raid banning was the incident starting it or not, I couldn't really care less about.

Your attitude might not reflect that of DK's, however it certainly does reflect back upon it when you're acting like this!


Originally posted by Shrye
Why should I bother reading it all? It's basically all the same, you're being a prick because of something that's likely happened between the two of you. One thing is not liking everyone, another is trying to sabotage everything they do. Wether the raid banning was the incident starting it or not, I couldn't really care less about.

Your attitude might not reflect that of DK's, however it certainly does reflect back upon it when you're acting like this!

Acting like what. Someone just called me politicaly correct and with high morals. Is this acting bad?


Sabotaging the whole encounter would be wrong but to prove a point when Apocalypse pops all -RR5 people should sit down and prove the point that +RR5 people need us "little people".


Originally posted by Shrye
Why should I bother reading it all? It's basically all the same, you're being a prick because of something that's likely happened between the two of you. One thing is not liking everyone, another is trying to sabotage everything they do. Wether the raid banning was the incident starting it or not, I couldn't really care less about.

Your attitude might not reflect that of DK's, however it certainly does reflect back upon it when you're acting like this!

No, me and falcor had nothing against eachother, we even never communicated until i posted my first post of critisism. Suggesting people not rr5+ to not fight apoc. I didn't break any rules, so I thaught it would be ok to just go on the raid as normal. But when I "signed up" for a respec stone I was told i wasn't allowed to do so.

But, I thaught Falcor would change his mind. As I didn't break any rules, we killed apoc and I asked him again, but he said no.

A bit unfair, taking critisism in such ways. Hence my work COUNTINUED against falcors rules, hopefully changing them.

Theres your history :p.


Originally posted by thorwyntf
Um.. you guys are definitely going over the top now.
Do you realise, that those Sidi Raids are not "public events" but private raids and the guy who´s organizing the raid has all rights to do them under whatever rules he wants to? Even if Falcor would claim all drops from Sidi and would only allow 2-h Pallies to attend it would be his choice and his right to do so and you would not have any right to sabotage his raids. You´re acting like you´re making the rules here and as if weekly public Sidi Raids are an certainity which is not true. All you achieve by sabotaging and abusing your "moral rights" is that the future raids will be closed, guild only, elitist raids with the result, that NO drops at all will be available for people in small guilds.
Read the rules, then decide if you can live with them and either come to the raid or stay away.

i haven't read rest of thread yet but ya know what, i totally agree with ya, shame falcor have to come and interfere with my raids by turning the 5 major guilds against me because HE didnt like my rules, feed him to the flamers imo


From the outside POV (i.e. what you can read on BW) it certainly appears so, yeah. And based upon this, I´ve flamed Falcor a lot in the past. However, by now, it should be clear, that there is far more between you and Falcor, it´s not only your raid rules. And since neither Falcor, nor you want to share the whole story with the rest of us (which is perfectly ok of course), I decided not to bother about this case anymore. It´s between you two and it´s up to you to sort it out.
All I`m interested in is a fair Sidi Raid with chances for everybody who´s attending. And I don´t give a damn who´s leading it.


oh come on, hes jus trying to pull any old bollocks out of his ass to defend himself against me, i dont even know what its all about, apparently from what i've heard, he thinks i sold 3 reactive armour procs for 3 plat. and there was something else obscene that i don't remember

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