Is sabotage an alternative?



belomar imo ur a piece of shit dude. but thats beside the point, i may have been wrong on that point but u can stfu gimp.
i pity those that have to stand u as GM.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
He actually is saying that. Similar to what Fagane is planning on doing on Saturday, by starting a small raid before Falcors main raid.

Fagane and Skile will do anything it seems to screw over the people attentending the raid, and to screw over Falcor.
Regards, Glottis

It's funny u mentioned logics. I personally won't sabotage, the best solution is to not show to the raid at all, or stop fightning at apoc. But Fagane's raid doesn't need to be sabotage, he just doesn't respect Falcors raid and is going to do one of his own. Which he DOES HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO. And which I support.

Doing anything to destroy Falcor's raid? No, I won't do anything, I certainly won't sabotage. But thats a choice some might wanna take, So, I wanted a discussion on it to enlighten this person to not do it, or do it. But you are right about one thing, I don't want these elite raids to continue.


Originally posted by ghostfeet
belomar imo ur a piece of shit dude. but thats beside the point, i may have been wrong on that point but u can stfu gimp.
i pity those that have to stand u as GM.

Wouldn't be talking about gimps if I was a 2-handed pally mind you.
Just advice, no need to take it.
Regards, Glottis


U talk some crap skile

hmmm so ppl have the right to sabotage?

So i have the right to wander into a nuclear sub and send it into melt down, its sabotage after all....and exaggerated example but it shows how completely stupid your argument is, u sabotage some1s work, and u r the worst type of scum


gimp ? nah wouldnt think so...i still beat arms in duels + i win most 1 on 1 fights in rvr.......tho have to use fh sometime ;) but still win most 1 on 1 non buffed fights, in rvr that is.
i chose this specc just resently.....ive been 50 and done rvr as s/s for a long time and its painfully booring, so i respecced to 2h and its alot more fun. and thats the point innit. so ive played both both in rvr and pve , and i can honetsly say 2h is alot more fun, and i couldnt give a fook what a nobody like u say glottis.


and btw no1 in his right mind takes advice from u glottis , u fook.


It's intresting you use the word hiding? Hiding for me would be NOT to explain WHY it's not a right theory, and make fun of what I'm trying to say. In this case I see no reason to compromise, the majority stands behind this opinion (the rr5 rule) and I believe others are ready to take over if Falcor stops doing his raids.

I call your thread and this discussion "hiding" because you´re elevating the entire thing to a semi-philosophical level and keep saying that you - of course - would never sabotage, yet you´re defending the idea like it´s the ultimate wisdom. And by discussing this on the "meta level" of theory, you´re hiding the fact that you want to provoke opposition because you can´t live with the current Sidi raid rules.
And what you still fail to see is, that when somebody´s doing a raid, its none of your business to spoil it. You can disagree, you can agrue, you can moan, you can whine, but that´s about all you can do. (and btw.. the sheer act of discussing raid rules is - in fact - a compromise).
Do you really think that there would *ever* be a situation where everybody is 100% comfy with the rules? Dream on.

But you are right about one thing. I don't like compromising, bending your believes (words, not violence) in order to suit others.

Well... that´s your decision of course.
The ability to compromise - or "bend your believes" as you so rethorically put it - is the way how human beings are getting along with each other. It´s a give and take and you can never have it all. If you want to achieve something, you have to give something in return. We call that civilization.

The entire system of this game is based upon compromises. The CoC is a compromise, lottoing for drops is a compromise and forming an XP group is a compromise too. It´s just that you don´t see it. Of course, being the relentless rebell is cool and stuff. But it won´t take long until you´ll have to realise, that the inability to compromise will result in nothing else but social isolation.


someone without silly rules organise a sidi raid for a week on saturday then, but not me:p


IMO its ok, to make a pve or rvr session of characters who are at a certain lvl or RR. I am sure that the people or person who decided on this has hsi/her reasons.


Originally posted by ghostfeet
belomar imo ur a piece of shit dude. but thats beside the point, i may have been wrong on that point but u can stfu gimp.
i pity those that have to stand u as GM.
Well, that's obviously your opinion. However, your track record here on BW does not really work in your favor when you try to make a statement about other people. Instead, try to point out where my statement was wrong rather than mindlessly flaming.


the thing about other ppl concerns tilda i guess, well that has been solved between me and him. i apologised for posting on bw tho i made clear that my opinion still stands. as for me and your statement: it was wrong when u called me a fool. u got that ;p


Originally posted by skile
Tilda has a poll, wheter people approve with the rr5 rule or not. A vast majority stands against this principal.

If this raid on saturday would still keep it's rule about rr5+ for apoc-weapons.

Could sabotage have rightful means in the aspect of destroying the horsemen-encounter. I don't know if it's possible, but is it worth a try?

The upside would be acting behind a majoritys opinion.
The downside would be destroying for the ones whom has worked their way for a couple of hours, and finally being able to face horsemen/apoc.


I've read these forums for 2 years (<-- Check my join date) for such games i've played. I very rarely post, Coz this place has never changed in that time, Post turns to whine turns to flame. I pretty much read everything i want to read and some crap i shouldn't have bothered with, not realy sure were this 1 falls.

First off i'll start with this As some people, not just you, have a problem with it.

On any raid organised via a forum like this, with rules set out for all to read. if you disagree with the rules posted, do not go the raid

Its that simple dude, Honest, try it out, Get up on saturday and go do something else while falcor runs his sidi raid. If they fail to kill apoc due to numbers week after week, the rules will change to attract more poeple or falcor will stop and someone else will step in.

As for insighting (sp?) sabotage, Coz thats what this is, Its planting a seed of thought so other do what you surgest. Is just stupid beyond your average bw flamer. What you've said is am not going to do it, But i want you to do it for me. Before you post the normal bw level reply, Take a step back from the screen, Look at this whole thread as someone else typed it, Then form your reply from that new view point.

What Fagane is doing has no baring on what i've posted, if he wants to run a sidi raid 3 hours before falcors starts Thats up to him. As someone posted the drops from the first 2 key lords suck anyway, and it might Help speed up falcors raid.


Originally posted by ghostfeet
and btw no1 in his right mind takes advice from u glottis , u fook.

No, lets take it from some hysterical noob, like you...
Regards, Glottis

Ghostfeet OftheHeart
Server Excalibur
Realm Albion
Last On Recently
Race Highlander
Class Paladin
Level 50
Guild Legion of Darkness
Guild Rank 6
Realm Points 364,904 (Last week: 37,578)
Realm Rank Gryphon Knight (RR4)
Rank 1592
In-realm Rank 562
Class Rank 49
Trade armorcraft
Points 639


yea thats me tho abit outdated im up on 400k summit rps i think .... dont c why all this is interesting tho..... get a life m8....


and the only thing hysterical was checking up and writing down all that shit m8......hystericly pathetic


Re: Re: Is sabotage an alternative?

Originally posted by bob007
I've read these forums for 2 years (<-- Check my join date) for such games i've played. I very rarely post, Coz this place has never changed in that time, Post turns to whine turns to flame. I pretty much read everything i want to read and some crap i shouldn't have bothered with, not realy sure were this 1 falls.

First off i'll start with this As some people, not just you, have a problem with it.

On any raid organised via a forum like this, with rules set out for all to read. if you disagree with the rules posted, do not go the raid

Its that simple dude, Honest, try it out, Get up on saturday and go do something else while falcor runs his sidi raid. If they fail to kill apoc due to numbers week after week, the rules will change to attract more poeple or falcor will stop and someone else will step in.

As for insighting (sp?) sabotage, Coz thats what this is, Its planting a seed of thought so other do what you surgest. Is just stupid beyond your average bw flamer. What you've said is am not going to do it, But i want you to do it for me. Before you post the normal bw level reply, Take a step back from the screen, Look at this whole thread as someone else typed it, Then form your reply from that new view point.

What Fagane is doing has no baring on what i've posted, if he wants to run a sidi raid 3 hours before falcors starts Thats up to him. As someone posted the drops from the first 2 key lords suck anyway, and it might Help speed up falcors raid.

Dunno if thats a RULE. Look up the word rule. It's an argument, but I don't see the relevance in that. It's his raid yes, do I have the right to affect the people going on those raid yes, hence my critisism. If I can, by discussion, get Falcor to change his rules, it's a good thing.

Sabotage, as destroying the apoc-encounter is personally something I don't support. However, Saturday is a popular day, If Fagane organises his raid a couple of hours before Falcors, I don't see it as sabotage, rather a good thing, that he he doesn't pay attention to a elite-raid. And uses his right to RAID (note, not sabotage).


lol ok glottis u aint the rite person to speak, check ur char at duskwave :D, lol


ehh, with mine opinion u dont have to join the raid if u dont like.. and if falcor wants he can surely make on every sat an private raid but then more ppl will flame :p, if u dont like the rules dont come... simple as that.
And if u sabotage the raid u will have 80+ more enemy's not wurth it i belive :D


Re: Re: Re: Is sabotage an alternative?

Originally posted by skile
Dunno if thats a RULE. Look up the word rule. It's an argument, but I don't see the relevance in that. It's his raid yes, do I have the right to affect the people going on those raid yes, hence my critisism. If I can, by discussion, get Falcor to change his rules, it's a good thing.

Sabotage, as destroying the apoc-encounter is personally something I don't support. However, Saturday is a popular day, If Fagane organises his raid a couple of hours before Falcors, I don't see it as sabotage, rather a good thing, that he he doesn't pay attention to a elite-raid. And uses his right to RAID (note, not sabotage).

I would say re-read my post, But as you didn't read it first time round, I'll say read my post..............


Sounds like a case of Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum they wont let me play anymore. Skile you dont make friends by insinuating these things, u got banned, live with it.
Making generalisations between nazi Germany and this game is the lowest of the low and IMO you should be banned from this forum.

Fangane, organising a mini raid just to piss Falcor off is not the most mature thing you can do. Why not rearrange your raid on a day when you wont spoil ALOT of peoples fun. You will achieve more by doing that, than you ever will by upsetting players, remember that folx have a long memory and I kindda think that DAoC will be a lonely place if everyone treats you with the contempt you will deserve if you try this "spoiling" raid.

If either of you spoil others fun you deserve to be banned permanently.

Falcor organises so Falcor decides the rules. Simple and if you dont like it there is always an option....

Ghostfeet, I saw your comments re Tilda and was also grped with u the other night. You play very well but you are a bloody idiot on these boards. FFS grow up.


Originally posted by elbeek
Sounds like a case of Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum they wont let me play anymore. Skile you dont make friends by insinuating these things, u got banned, live with it.
Making generalisations between nazi Germany and this game is the lowest of the low and IMO you should be banned from this forum.

Fangane, organising a mini raid just to piss Falcor off is not the most mature thing you can do. Why not rearrange your raid on a day when you wont spoil ALOT of peoples fun. You will achieve more by doing that, than you ever will by upsetting players, remember that folx have a long memory and I kindda think that DAoC will be a lonely place if everyone treats you with the contempt you will deserve if you try this "spoiling" raid.

If either of you spoil others fun you deserve to be banned permanently.

Falcor organises so Falcor decides the rules. Simple and if you dont like it there is always an option....

Ghostfeet, I saw your comments re Tilda and was also grped with u the other night. You play very well but you are a bloody idiot on these boards. FFS grow up.

You are missing vital facts here. Firstly, why did I get banned? I presented an alternative on BW (not on the raid) saying people whom are not rr5 should sit down and not fight apoc while the rr5+ population does. I did not break any rules. None at all, and I got banned, due to Falcor making up rules and banning people without a warning. This is wrong.

Hence my countinued critisism. The vital point is, my critisism was harsh even before the raid, hence the bann of me. The unfair bann itself ofcourse gets me MORE motivated to educate people enough to make their voices heard against falcors raid. And to continue what I already started.

It's that simple. I have never felt one angry feeling against Falcor as person. It's not a matter of revenge against him. I simply won't let these unmoral rules pass unseen, just cause it's his raid, I will keep debating.


About the nazi-germany thing it was not my intention to justifie sabotage ingame. It was just a ignorant comment to say that sabotage is always wrong, to educate the person saying so I wrote a pretty good example to prove that it sometimes is justified.

It was in no way a parallell with DAoC. Just a matter of common knowledge/philosophy.


Originally posted by ghostfeet
as for me and your statement: it was wrong when u called me a fool. u got that ;p
So, you don't think it's a little bit foolish to think that the Code of Conduct expressively forbids people to gain xp?
Originally posted by ghostfeet
lol ok glottis u aint the rite person to speak, check ur char at duskwave :D, lol
On the other hand, perhaps you should check Glottis main char, Christel, the scout. (OMG, am I defending Glottis? :p)


Originally posted by Belomar
So, you don't think it's a little bit foolish to think that the Code of Conduct expressively forbids people to gain xp?On the other hand, perhaps you should check Glottis main char, Christel, the scout. (OMG, am I defending Glottis? :p)

Yah, why are u defending Glottis when he said ghostfeet is basically not allowed an opinion cause he doesn't have enough rps. This is a PvE raid as far as I know :p. What good does an extra 1million do to the knowledge of PvE?

Sidenote: Using titles and experience as a reason for someone to not speak there minds goes against the democratical conduct we have in for example Sweden, that's not something to defend :p.


Skile, can you for once drop your political act and stop drawing parallels between in-game events and things like Nazi-Germany, Stalin, and (presumably) Talibans?

EDIT: Oh, and calling your guild a "collective". :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Belomar
EDIT: Oh, and calling your guild a "collective". :rolleyes:

surprized they don't "collectively" disown him


...and they say that alb is in a mess lol.....

Fuck sake this is getting way out of hand..

Firstly Falcor can make whatever rules he wants and secondly sabotage isnt ever right when u use it against people who are supposed to be "on ure side". If u want to compare it it would be the english sabotaging their own operations... cos believe it or not alb is supposed to work together...


cba reading it all, same crap all over... However:

What's up, Skile? How come that you've all of sudden begun being after Falcor like that, trying to ruin his Sidi raids? You got banned (or whatever), big deal - start your own instead, or buy them drops.

However it gives you NO whatsoever right to sabotage anything (if not personally, then subtly trying to getting others to do so for you through this "discussion")... Cut if off, stop behaving like a child.

... or hopefully someone will get to their senses soon, and ban your sorry ass.

PS. Joining someones raid to intentionally sabotage it would likely result in getting banned - don't like the rules, don't join. It's that simple.

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