Is it me ?



Originally posted by DaGaffer
so by all means waste your energy if you want,

This really makes me sad. It also really makes me wish i hadn't just renewed my sub about a month ago.

Lets just hope in a year I will feel differently.


The black/purple is possibly the worst colour scheme on a website I've seen. Did they actually pay for someone to design or just get one of their kids to grab some crayons and draw a 'nice picture' for people to use on the internet?


Originally posted by DaGaffer
so by all means waste your energy if you want

There's no reason to treat users with quite such contempt. Just because a lot of people don't like something, and just because you can't do anything about it at the moment, doesn't mean you have to give us a reply worthy of the infamous "blueyonder admin(TM)".


I feel a bit sad that almost the last vestige of barrysworld has gone .
Except these forums of course.
But then, as in very fond of saying, half the people posting on these forums don't even subscribe to Game.Net, or even play online games,so maybe the whole thing is an anachronism in itself.
But then, the Great Subbed Server thing isn't exactly a great success is it ? And god knows Ive tried as hard as anyone to make it so.
if I turned on my ASE and saw a load of people on a private - subs only- server , I think Id have a heart attack .
So. Where does it go from here, eh ?


- Thanks for not bothering to warn us (no, I'm afraid a year ago isn't fresh in everyones heads)

There wasn't really a great deal to warn about. The news system has been offline on the old site for a long time, most of the site functions (hosting, teams, bookables etc) had already been moved to GAME.NET and only some basic things remained on BarrysWorld. I think only a few pages on the BarrysWorld site have been replaced so anything you wanted to access you probably still can if you have the direct urls bookmarked, for example the Clan Server url is there for those people yet to move on to the new Clan Server system.

- could we possibly know what's going to happen to "it" (read: domains, IRC channels, etc) in a difinative sense, is it all dead, are there "to be discontinued" dates, etc.

I think the domains will continue to exist for as long as is possible, with redirects of course. IRC channels, well most of the staff haven't idled in #barrysworld for a while because it tends to be random people in there and mainly not subscribers, not unlike this section of the forums, is the place to find them these days. The other BW channels will be phased out as is necessary. We'll try to give you as much advance warning as possible when we plan to stop supporting email, the same for the IRC servers.

- redesign it or not, the current play site design is pap, sort it out with the talent that vastly improved the shop site & it might become useable once again (i.e. I went to book a server today & was fucked if I could find a way to edit my old custom configs)

As per usual opinions on websites vary - you say the shop site is improved whilst others say it sucks. I think the page (and perhaps other areas) needs improved but ultimately its the opinion of DaGaffer and others higher up in GAME which counts and they don't share my views.


The whole game site is just hard to read. It makes me squint, which means I never go there.

I might buy games from it, but only if they're at a competitive price. To be honest, I'd rather use amazon, its much nicer looking.


I always thought one of the golden rules of website design was never to use White text on a Black background :touch:


BW died some time ago, there's a shop there now. I wish it had been saved, but it wasn't imo. If the forums went, I don't think I'd even come back to buy games tbh. I'm subscribed, but don't know why.
It feels a bit like a game that you don't enjoy playing any more, but you stay cos of the friends you've made :(


Originally posted by DaGaffer
so by all means waste your energy if you want,
Fine, whatever. Problem is you don't seem to realise I gave the BW lot just as much grief as I do you lot on the basis that I would very much love to see the site improve and do better. But hey, fuck it, let's just turn it all off I mean the shop's nice enough & does plenty of trade anyway from what I've heard.

I've had a couple of drinks tonight, so to be perfectly frank I'd rather waste my energy in what I feel is a positive effort to point out that you guys have done a great job but there is still room for improvement than basically quote my own propaganda (i.e. stick to the line "it's our company, our decisions, fuck off"). I mean if memory serves at Ben's leaving do one of your own guys (apologies but I'm beyond gone so names escape my grasp) said "You riped the site apart but at least your suggestions were constructive" and also if memory serves the change I suggested was reinstated on the GAME shop site within a day?

Sorry if you take that the wrong way, but hey, what the hell, who cares, right?

Edit: oh & thanks to bigfoot for actually providing some reasonably concrete answers, cheers dude, tis appreciated.

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