Candy lollipop
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- #31
indeed mobius, indeed..
/me tickles mobius
/me tickles mobius
Originally posted by mirieth
It's not dying, it's evolving in its own way, for good or for bad I don't really care - I'M FREEEEEEEE!
Originally posted by -Nxs-
Any new players would be better off joining the USA servers now, same sub price... more servers....ingame CSR... WORKING chronicals... less spaces camped due to the time differance... more up to date patches... (slower pings... and not serverwide events that no one can be assed to follow as they drag on for too long ).... yada yada yada.
Originally posted by Twaize
I will though be leaving for: The Matrix Online coming christmas in 2004
Originally posted by old.cHodAX
So many long term Alb players have left in the last few weeks, others have let accounts lapse to go play Planetside or beta versions of other games. I have counted 12 people I know who cancelled this week and another 6 that have a few weeks till the account ends. Excal seems to be having similiar problems with many established players leaving and the bigger guilds collpasing. Is this same trend happening in Mid/Hib because if it is then things are about to take a massive down turn. The delay of the RvR expansion seems to have been the final straw for many people and even the promise of /level 20's in 1.62 seems to hold no sway when people consider their future in DAoC. The numbers above don't seem like much but that is just people I consider friends so I hate to think of how many more are on the verge of quitting. Your thoughts please......
Sure to be a huge disappointment, unfortunately .
Originally posted by Twaize
Why should it be diappointing?
Games made from movies can still be VERY good when there are GOOD DEVELOPERS