

Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Spetsnaz said:
strange usually we just cheak for any bridgecampers who farm hib soloers if we cross the bridge (fine example was 2 FG albs camping the bridge 1-2 days ago)

as about solo part i never complained when some mids/albs farmed me with 2-3 ppl up to 1Fg+ etc in same emain

rest of the time if i cross the west bridge is when im solo or duo FYI

u sound like albs/mids always come to emain solo ...

ps. Kirentix talking about our 2 FG zergbusting lastnight we did with 2 pugs as mids had at least 3FG++ on stick and albs same (albs alowed to zerg prolly mids too but hibs must come only in 1 FG and sit down to give rps i guess... QQ)

Not Kirentix its kinetix/c but yes albs were also zerging but we started to roam as zerg when we got tired of 2-4 fg mids and your 2/3fgs zerging us near hill (village ). We had GG out and we honestly wanted to fight fgs but werever we went we got zerged, i even remember we were engaging mids near berks and we got inc from behind from your group and Company wich is in your complete right to do so but still makes impossible to fight with a single fg

Dont take this as a QQ but as a fact is last night was a complete zerg starting with mids then us then hibs, was a crappy night imho since i dont like to zerg

But i do aggree when he says you were zerging soloers on bridge....but then again everyone was (mids/hibs)


Fledgling Freddie
May 16, 2006
Belomar said:
We've had a tank group out two nights in a row now in iRvR, and we did decently, even against enemy zergs. :) Oh, and we got a fair amount of FG fights, so it's not just zergs out there.

so that was you with the hibs tank group that ganked us several times ??

damit, you guys were tuff we couldn t get you once with the first set up we had. kinda half PUG group running with 2healers, a BD, 1 runny, 1skald and a SM and myself on shamy.

we started to hated you and try avoid you but when skald logged we changed setup (because of you guys !!,i logged the valkity and we swapped some casters to healers:shamy and vice versa)

think we managed to get you down once just before another Fg hibs jumped us (while half our group was dead fighting you :p)

was definatly fun and challanging! and hell, 50k on the shamy then 50k on the valk in the evening ... thank you hibs for the fights and thank you albs for the rps :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
>.< Pooned said:
u can try but still ulll be a wannabe with no future ^^

keep walking :p

Rofl, where the fuck did that came from? :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
hanza said:
so that was you with the hibs tank group that ganked us several times ??
I'm a fellow Mid, look in my signature. :) The tank group you're talking about from last night must either have been Llaw Arian (2+ BMs(?) so most likely), or Farils group (not as tank-heavy IIRC). We, on the other hand, ran with two Zerkers and a Skald both Wednesday and Thursday and either 1 or 2 casters. :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
hanza said:
so that was you with the hibs tank group that ganked us several times ??

damit, you guys were tuff we couldn t get you once with the first set up we had. kinda half PUG group running with 2healers, a BD, 1 runny, 1skald and a SM and myself on shamy.

we started to hated you and try avoid you but when skald logged we changed setup (because of you guys !!,i logged the valkity and we swapped some casters to healers:shamy and vice versa)

think we managed to get you down once just before another Fg hibs jumped us (while half our group was dead fighting you :p)

was definatly fun and challanging! and hell, 50k on the shamy then 50k on the valk in the evening ... thank you hibs for the fights and thank you albs for the rps :)

never replace a skald, it will screw your group :D and belomar is playing mid so he wasn't in that group :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Kinetix said:
Not Kirentix its kinetix/c but yes albs were also zerging but we started to roam as zerg when we got tired of 2-4 fg mids and your 2/3fgs zerging us near hill (village ). We had GG out and we honestly wanted to fight fgs but werever we went we got zerged, i even remember we were engaging mids near berks and we got inc from behind from your group and Company wich is in your complete right to do so but still makes impossible to fight with a single fg

Dont take this as a QQ but as a fact is last night was a complete zerg starting with mids then us then hibs, was a crappy night imho since i dont like to zerg

But i do aggree when he says you were zerging soloers on bridge....but then again everyone was (mids/hibs)

ok soz Kinetix

it was almost impossible to get clean FG fight (we engaged KF i think witch started as clean FG fight and suddenly atleast 2 scouts poped and start shooting us as well + few seconds later zilion of albs and mids poped as well)
than we was hunted down by alb zerg and Golden Addage killed us as we where trying to run, than the freaking mid 4Fg+ zerg came we died
so we was forced to do cooperation with one more hib group witch had same problems

and when i was soloing i was respecting clean 1 vs 1 fights but anyone who ever added/zerged me when i was solo/duo get the same from me if i spot him
rest of the time im on Vent/TS and follow order from bard if he says kill i kill if says leave i kill .... oups leave even

was some nice fights though lastnight


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Arumos said:
took theurg out for a solo run with the insta rvr, cant complain about the rps thats for sure. :>

Oh for the day when I can make 50k RPs in an hour on my SB :/ :>

I think the most I managed in a short amount of time is most of a FG of Albs under some oil. I still think 2000 Alb volunteers should come to Bled and under my oil of dooooooom :> Giv PL RP!

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
>.< Pooned said:
and that doesnt make u a looser ^^

My quote means, you keep trying even though things may get tough. But you keep trying to the best of your ability. I Do that in the game and irl. Works for me.

For some reason you seem to find it funny, dunno why.

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