IRVR in hib - continued


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Corran said:
Which is where a tic comes in.. rezzes a couple, they go in and monster dot. Tic rr5's and the group goes up and moc attacks if need be and rest of albs follow :D

It the one time a tic is truelly the best class to have around :D

requires finding a rr5 tic ;) not many of them around :p

would be nice if we could be nice and overpowered in tower/keep standoffs without having to be high rr (like bainshees/warlocks) but ah well (cue counterwhine from someone about how zombie resses are teh overpowered!!11)

The "relic tourism" is really quite worrying - though it's been around longer than cluster. Just it used to be people went to PvE, rolled a new alt, played on a different server when they had no relics. These days they join the winning side and make things worse.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
requires finding a rr5 tic ;) not many of them around :p

would be nice if we could be nice and overpowered in tower/keep standoffs without having to be high rr (like bainshees/warlocks) but ah well (cue counterwhine from someone about how zombie resses are teh overpowered!!11)

The "relic tourism" is really quite worrying - though it's been around longer than cluster. Just it used to be people went to PvE, rolled a new alt, played on a different server when they had no relics. These days they join the winning side and make things worse.

When i played i used to take my tic most places.. problem was 95% the time he was ungrouped so my rr5 only helped myself out.. when was grouped it was with random people all but 1% the time so it was little used anyways... however... when i was with Evite/Granny/Wisty bomb group at keeps and fired rr5 it was hilarious :D

Still an under rated class because most people are fotm and clueless. Probably they the only class that can lock 1 or 2 banshees out a fg fight and not need to worry about much because the taunt does nothing... so funny when you have banshee's running at you to staff ya (only 2 done that thoguh, rest ran round in a panic)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Does irvr ever get set up in midgard?

sadly no :( i want it on my door step. saves a long walk :)

Zagg said:
Nobody really likes the situation atm. RvR is bad, yes!

But it's not only because of iRvR in Emain. It's mostly because certain realms are too busy whining, instead of fighting. I really don't get it:

Hibs have proven they have the numbers to take any keep, if they pull on one string... so get your asses out of DC and start to act, instead of react.

Mids have it even easier and greater numbers, but they choose not to play... Why? Only because you lost the 10% extra magic damage and now albs have it? Big fucking deal... and don't tell me 20% mellee damage stop your warlocks from performing...

Less whine... more action. Kthxbye!

why is it everytime someone is moaning about zergs you get this reply. it is not always that simple, it might sometimes be the case that ppl have tried to act but been helplessly outnumebered by enemy forces. not that i approve of all the zerg whine threads but the ''get a fucking spine''-posts aren't that much better.

Flimgoblin said:
requires finding a rr5 tic ;) not many of them around :p

would be nice if we could be nice and overpowered in tower/keep standoffs without having to be high rr (like bainshees/warlocks) but ah well (cue counterwhine from someone about how zombie resses are teh overpowered!!11)

The "relic tourism" is really quite worrying - though it's been around longer than cluster. Just it used to be people went to PvE, rolled a new alt, played on a different server when they had no relics. These days they join the winning side and make things worse.

the range you get from sorcs and scouts aren't quite bad, but as you said no AoE-dmg.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I love so called "iRVR"...varies RVR a great deal from week to week; chapters of the game if you will.

Few weeks ago it was all in Mid, centred around Blendrake and Glenlock. Some awesome fights and lots of mids to kill.

Then it was Hib, pastures green, lots of Hibbies and some great full group fights.

Obviously in both cases you get zerged now and again, but only if you aren't paying attention to the location of the masses.

Don't like it as much in my own realm of course, as tensions rise about the security of relics. Although, having said that, it's great fun when Mid have Berks and Hib have Eras.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
eggy said:
I love so called "iRVR"...varies RVR a great deal from week to week; chapters of the game if you will.

Few weeks ago it was all in Mid, centred around Blendrake and Glenlock. Some awesome fights and lots of mids to kill.

Then it was Hib, pastures green, lots of Hibbies and some great full group fights.

Obviously in both cases you get zerged now and again, but only if you aren't paying attention to the location of the masses.

Don't like it as much in my own realm of course, as tensions rise about the security of relics. Although, having said that, it's great fun when Mid have Berks and Hib have Eras.
:touch: indeed:p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I like that there's action ;) (though the quiet all-keeps-even means more solo fights but I've not had much chance to run around with my armsman lately anyway)

My main thing against irvr in general is that originally it was set up by cross-realming - some hibs released their keeps to make them easier to take by the enemy.

Doesn't seem to be quite so much like that nowadays which is good.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Well yes...

Flimgoblin said:
pre-cluster on excal we had a lot of irvr being set up in albion (and it wasn't that easy to boot everyone out ;) with 80 mids+warlocks defending in erasleigh and some of the albs actively supporting it). It led to a few relic raids in fact.

I imagine people prefer coming to albion because taking keeps from sorcerers (no aoe damage? lifetaps are nice as is bolt range mezz but not when you're around the corner in the lord room) is a whole lot less nasty than taking it from ui pbaoeing warlocks and screaming bainshees with shroom support.

Does irvr ever get set up in midgard?

But mids basically instaloose all relics the second it does!:/

Mids just dont have the number to keep up the defence after 01.00. (You had instarvr in mid for about 2 weeks this christmaas!:) (Taking and retaking hlid) but the end result was just that we lost both relics and albs went hib instead.:)

I agree albs dont have as good pbae as mids/hibs but you do have monster ress that will screw mids over side ways!:/ (warlocks/suppsm = 0 worth when monsterress keeps interrupting the support)

Hibs have shrooms/mass pbae and bugabusing banshees.

So basically while albs have heretics at siege mids cant do anything and while hibs have banshees noone can do anything.:/



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
charmangle said:
(warlocks/suppsm = 0 worth when monsterress keeps interrupting the support).

I don't know about SM's but Warlocks are the most powerful Mid weapon vs Heretic monster rez.
With a Warlock snare + shapechange spell it's a piece of cake to take down monster rezs, 1 spell that can instantly kill the zombie again and don't tell me theres no Warlocks around keep area's as that's where they are hiding the most.
The problem is most Warlocks always load their chambers up with PBAE and DD+Lifetap and not the DD+snare&shapechange.
If you know you are fighting Albs near/in the lord room you should always have atleast 1 chamber filled with the snare+shapechange.

Heretic rez is rather overrated while the Heretic class itself is underrated.
Monster rez can be countered extremely easy by Mids but also kinda easy by Hibs who can manage to follow a BG leader.
When I played Hib some I would just mez the zombie and wait till the effect runs out and poof another free (reduced) RPs, just make sure those trigger happy people stay off the target.

Sure Albs do have some advantage over Mids if we are talking about lord room charge vs Hibs but imo Hibs are still the best realm for both keep taking and defending with Shrooms, stun on their nukers, CAE through keep walls (eventhough I am still not sure if thats allowed or not).
Albion has more range but it doesn't help 1 bit when the outer gate of a keep is down as all action will be within 1000 unit range then anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
You are probably right...

Andrilyn said:
I don't know about SM's but Warlocks are the most powerful Mid weapon vs Heretic monster rez.

You are probably right...cant really argue with you there.


The thing with warlocks are that they are just too good solo. That means that you cant get any kind of organization going with the warlocks out there. Those who know how to play want to solo because they get horrible rps and those who dont know how to play dont contribute much. (sowwy all wovvies but it feels that way:)

Im pretty sure if mids could just get 14 warlocks in a keep to defend at lord with 7 of them having their insta pbae up allt he time they could probably be almost impossible to pass. (The 8:th spot for di healer!:) But it doesnt look like that will happen...either mids dont want warlocks in groups because they are "warlocks and we hate warlocks" or the warlocks dont want to group up coz they get so good rps solo/duo.

But again...if we could just get the warlock serg to actually organize abit mid would probably be alot more competible at sieges. (BUT nothing stands a chance vs the horrible OPness of the Banshee not even warlocks, in sieges that is)


ps. I gotto admit that even with albs serg, I still would rather play vs 10 times the number of albs than face the horrible hib powers. The baseline stun, banshees and shrooms are just booooring to play vs. So if I get a choice to have irvr in alb or hib I would always go for alb. ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
pjuppe said:
why is it everytime someone is moaning about zergs you get this reply. it is not always that simple, it might sometimes be the case that ppl have tried to act but been helplessly outnumebered by enemy forces. not that i approve of all the zerg whine threads but the ''get a fucking spine''-posts aren't that much better.

Simple... because whining never helped solve the reason for the whine. Trial and failure are the basis for any kind of evolution. Failure isnt a bad thing, because you can learn from it - but nothing good ever came from whining.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
close this shit. irvr sucks and the ones that likes is moffo zerging and adding shit *****


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Zagg said:
Simple... because whining never helped solve the reason for the whine. Trial and failure are the basis for any kind of evolution. Failure isnt a bad thing, because you can learn from it - but nothing good ever came from whining.

i just feel that the ''get a fucking grip''-post are kind of the same


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Zagg said:
Simple... because whining never helped solve the reason for the whine. Trial and failure are the basis for any kind of evolution. Failure isnt a bad thing, because you can learn from it - but nothing good ever came from whining.

yes but it allows others who play to see that in fact the game is not that fun just now. Hopefully a good proportion of those are
a) like you and just want to have a laugh,
b) will take notice and
c) try to help do something about it.

Perhaps when we are all quite happy its a better game for it?

You cannot please everyone all of the time and to a large extent you make your own game. However when your having a negative effect on others perhaps you should listen?

It is just a case of respecting each other and listening maybe?

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