IRVR in hib - continued


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
No, just don't take it out of your realm mates hands ;) a difference.

If you want to log off your albs till irvr goes away (and maybe level up some hibs to help kick them out) that's probably a lot less reprehensible than the course of action chosen before.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
But abusive pm's are not a solution anyway. Should have seen all the abusive pm's we got ^^

Actually considered to report it, but I thought I'd let it go.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Nobody really likes the situation atm. RvR is bad, yes!

But it's not only because of iRvR in Emain. It's mostly because certain realms are too busy whining, instead of fighting. I really don't get it:

Hibs have proven they have the numbers to take any keep, if they pull on one string... so get your asses out of DC and start to act, instead of react.

Mids have it even easier and greater numbers, but they choose not to play... Why? Only because you lost the 10% extra magic damage and now albs have it? Big fucking deal... and don't tell me 20% mellee damage stop your warlocks from performing...

Less whine... more action. Kthxbye!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Zagg said:
Nobody really likes the situation atm. RvR is bad, yes!

But it's not only because of iRvR in Emain. It's mostly because certain realms are too busy whining, instead of fighting. I really don't get it:

Hibs have proven they have the numbers to take any keep, if they pull on one string... so get your asses out of DC and start to act, instead of react.

Mids have it even easier and greater numbers, but they choose not to play... Why? Only because you lost the 10% extra magic damage and now albs have it? Big fucking deal... and don't tell me 20% mellee damage stop your warlocks from performing...

Less whine... more action. Kthxbye!

Erm not many mids left at all so dunno where the greater numbers comes from.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Zagg said:
Nobody really likes the situation atm. RvR is bad, yes!

But it's not only because of iRvR in Emain. It's mostly because certain realms are too busy whining, instead of fighting. I really don't get it:

Hibs have proven they have the numbers to take any keep, if they pull on one string... so get your asses out of DC and start to act, instead of react.

Mids have it even easier and greater numbers, but they choose not to play... Why? Only because you lost the 10% extra magic damage and now albs have it? Big fucking deal... and don't tell me 20% mellee damage stop your warlocks from performing...

Less whine... more action. Kthxbye!

O rly? on what server.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
According to GOA there is more Mids than Hibs. Ofc I haven't counted them myself.

But until you prove GOA wrong, I take it as a fact, there could be more Mids in the frontier, if they would log in or stop PvE'ing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ok ... read 80% of the old IRVR thread and this one.

Couple of things I would like to point out (oh I am bad at remembering Keep names) ....

1. AoD - Ultimately they controlled the Keep and its there right to do with it as they will. Sometimes it takes a stronger will than most people would have to shake things up abit. Since there is a certain staleness to the same situation. Heh most of us like the easy life most of the time.

2. Everything talks about IRVR, but the situation last weeks not completely normal representation. The problem and it was a big one, was that Mid hadn't managed to take a keep in hib. So alot of the traffic was in a smaller area. From Alb keep to Hib Keep. There was not a 3rd keep to turn the RVR area from a straight line into a triangle. So the hibs ultimately became locked up in Dun Crauchon.

If mid had managed to take keep south of Dun Crauchon, we would have increased the IRVR play area alot, it would have also split the alb attention between the dun crauchon and mid keep. Thereby reducing the numbers of albs at each point.

3. Yes the mids were taking boats all the time, but that meant putting groups of 8 and sometimes less on the shore, and most of the time the zerg is greater than 8. So mids looking for an easy life, swapped to their alb characters and took the insta port over a boat trip + buff time (10 - 15 mins).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Agree with skar, its not iRvR itself which I hate, it's the current situation where all the action is forced into such a small area.

HW is totally dead 90% of the time, agromon moreso. Few groups smaller than FG dare to roam much wider than the bowl/bridge/tower area as there's too many FGs around, so the only options for non stealthers in anything smaller than a FG is to stick with the zerg or roam a very small area around the bridge/towers which means guaranteed adds, stealthers can roam a slightly larger area but from what I've seen almost every stealther fight ends up being added on by passing traffic anyway. The situation is just as hopeless at bled, all the mids who understandably don't want to go emain are hanging around bryjna and roaming nearby, adds are almost guaranteed and theres plenty of gimp hunters to uncover any stealthers in front of the 10 WL zerg.

I understand that a lot of people enjoy the current situation but its amazing how many of them are naive enough to not appreciate that it completely sucks for a lot of other people.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
SkarIronfist said:
So mids looking for an easy life, swapped to their alb characters and took the insta port over a boat trip.

And here it is, the real problem!

It used to be that the realms, that had their relics taken, fought back with anger and ultimately suceeded. Now a large part just logs off and pops in the realm with the most relics an hour later.

Whine at this force of gimps, that go wherever the most relics are, cause they can't win anywhere, but have more of a chance with relic bonuses. Not at Albs, who play alb even if they have no relics.

This relic tourism is really fucking things up. And the only way to stop it, is increasing the period you can't relog to the other server in the cluster from 1 hour to 1 week :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I am sure it wasn't just mids who swapped to their alb characters, I would imagine that some hibs did the same.

Without the dynamic of the mids owning a keep in the hib frontier, it turns a small area into a numbers games and the albs will win that.

I would also think that the albs would have have heavily defended the keep south of dun crauchon, merely to get some easy points, without considering the necessary requirements of iRVR - 3 realms with 3 keeps in the same section.

Given the hibs have the lower numbers (Though some of the best groups), its always best if they have the shortest journey to the action. Mids and albs normally can field more people.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
Kinag said:
Warning, whatever you do never take it into your own hands :p

Personal experience ^^

hehe by that I mean go take a mid keep.
not go claim a alb keep and keep it green, thats just wierd I think.

take boat to mid and get a tower, thats a start.
if so many whine in here about the rvr situation in emain Im sure they will rush over to that mid tower if it turns red.
if they dont then we cant whine about emain macha.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
It might be weird, but you should see the faces and read the pm's we got, was kind of hillarious :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Zagg said:
And here it is, the real problem!

It used to be that the realms, that had their relics taken, fought back with anger and ultimately suceeded. Now a large part just logs off and pops in the realm with the most relics an hour later.

Sorry but you were obviously not in Hib last week defending against hopeless odds. A lot of us just became exhausted with the meat grinding approach of the Albs. When you don't have numbers it will eventually show. Hopefully it will change for the better.

'Relic tourists' I like that ! :)

I know some of them because they have not logged into our guild for some time now since you got the relics. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
Not their fault that albs with their insane numbers keep pushing fowards taking the relics and keeps throughout their frontiers.

If they try to defend it with the best way possible (bainshee's CAOE and shrooms they will get whined at and reported).

Don't get me wrong, I don't like bainshee's CAE or the shrooms more than anyone else, just stating the facts.

We don't mind bainshee's CAOE it's when they abuse it that they get reported. Abusing it on bridges and upper levels or through walls is an offense in GOA's eyes it's why they get reported.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yes of course, but I've heard several whines from albs on bainshees just using CAE even if he has a target (can stand behind a bridge and nuke with CAE aslong as you have a target).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
Yes of course, but I've heard several whines from albs on bainshees just using CAE even if he has a target (can stand behind a bridge and nuke with CAE aslong as you have a target).

If a fire wiz was AE-nuking while not being visible by any of the enemies hibs would consider that an abuse as well, by sounds of what you just said having a target but not LOS is acceptable but GOA has said it's not. LOS is essential to have otherwise it is bug abuse as the enemy cannot attack you. The only abilities which isn't bug abuse while not having LOS is volley, GTAOE and siege.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Afaik GoA said aslong as the bainshee had a valid target it was not illegal to use CAE. But using CAE through bridge walls without having a target was abuse.

That's what I have heard though.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
Afaik GoA said aslong as the bainshee had a valid target it was not illegal to use CAE. But using CAE through bridge walls without having a target was abuse.

That's what I have heard though.

Definately not, otherwise it's just the same as not having a target you still don't get any chance of offense back at the bainshee. It's like back in necro-LoS days, they had a valid target but it was still bug abuse and hibs and mids went nuts.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If there is a brittle guard standing by your side from a dead alb, and the bainshee uses that as a target and CAE towards it, and it hits some albs while they can't see him.. Still abuse?

Edit: wrote the same thing to Gamah on msn, this is what he answered:

"Not technically"

"I have been talking to requiel about this in depth since my fun post. It is illegal (to coin a phrase) to use CAE in a bridge or tower where you dont have a Line of sight to a valid target and you hit players out of Line of sight. However if you have something targetable (brittle, pet anything) in your LoS, you can use cone on it legaly even if you hit people out of your line of sight."

This is his exact word, copied and pasted from MSN :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
If there is a brittle guard standing by your side from a dead alb, and the bainshee uses that as a target and CAE towards it, and it hits some albs while they can't see him.. Still abuse?

Edit: wrote the same thing to Gamah on msn, this is what he answered: "Not technically"

Also not technically, but it should be reported and when GOA reviews logs they should check what you were targetting and where it was at the time and should be able to see it wasn't abuse, just unfortunate circumstance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Note that he does say in LOS, so you cannot move behind wall after getting target or something like that, that would of course be fine, as long as the thing you're targetting is in LOS.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
He adds: "you dont have to "target" anything in los as cae is not a target based spell, just need to have something in view that you a reasonably sure is in los"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
He adds: "you dont have to "target" anything in los as cae is not a target based spell, just need to have something in view that you a reasonably sure is in los"

Yup i agree with him, but the bainshee's that are going behind walls or going completely out of LOS as many are, are the ones that albion are complaining about. The ones that do get LOS giving the enemy at least a chance to fire back are not being moaned about as much.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
acei said:
Yup i agree with him, but the bainshee's that are going behind walls or going completely out of LOS as many are, are the ones that albion are complaining about. The ones that do get LOS giving the enemy at least a chance to fire back are not being moaned about as much.

My point in my first post wasn't about how much they get moaned at, it was the fact that they do get moaned at no matter what :p

Like a tower retake I were at.. Albs stormed upstairs and guess what, 3 bainshees started coning as soon as the albs reached the lord.

Should have seen the whine :p They had LoS though.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinag said:
My point in my first post wasn't about how much they get moaned at, it was the fact that they do get moaned at no matter what :p

Like a tower retake I were at.. Albs stormed upstairs and guess what, 3 bainshees started coning as soon as the albs reached the lord.

Should have seen the whine :p They had LoS though.

They had LoS of above people, not bottom this is ofc Mythic's fault and they deserve to be moaned at more than Bainshee's themselves.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Kinag said:
My point in my first post wasn't about how much they get moaned at, it was the fact that they do get moaned at no matter what :p

Like a tower retake I were at.. Albs stormed upstairs and guess what, 3 bainshees started coning as soon as the albs reached the lord.

Should have seen the whine :p They had LoS though.

Which is where a tic comes in.. rezzes a couple, they go in and monster dot. Tic rr5's and the group goes up and moc attacks if need be and rest of albs follow :D

It the one time a tic is truelly the best class to have around :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
Gahn said:
Ofc if u have an fg and some sort of speed and u stay on bridge well ... nm.
I meant for the other kind of rvr (aka solos / duos) that's pretty much dead atm.

well that isnt true just go mid bled there is a few duo / trios out there i ran over with me solo hero and had a grt laugh / fights :D

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