
<Dest> yeh, opers are people with either lots of money or have rich parents
<Dest> therefore there is no vetting
<Dest> and the 'few' ircop cunts are spoiling it for everyone else

Uhh no.

You are so clearly wrong.

For a start, money is not a factor. If you run a server you are free to apply for a link. Money will not garuntee that it will be accepted.

And as for 'no vetting', you are wrong again. There is a VERY strict vetting procedure for IRCop's and as Quakenet is an IRCop run democracy, i some how doubt that a majority of IRCop's would vote FOR a 'cunt' as you say.

In fairness i have had my share of problems with certain IRCop's and they know who they are, but they were asked for a reason and then were ratified by an IRCop vote so you my friend, are blatantly wrong on all accounts.

And as for me having 'no clue', the IRCop's in question will know of my past history. which i have no wish to discuss any further than it has, but lets just say my vhost caused a LOT of problems at first, as did my 'Durzspotting' image. And while we are on the subject, a 'cunt' would instantly have glined me for such a work of art.
But instead i was kindly asked to remove it by Durzel, which i did. He never threatened me with a gline cos of it (he's such a lovely boy :p).

Have a nice day.

[Edited by Horus^ on 10-02-01 at 23:46]


Well, I guess irc opers always will be the "bad guys", no
matter what they do.

An oper's nick is an opers nick. The opers are listed on
q-net's staff page, and are therefore known nicknames, and
if people take the nicknames, they can easily get ahold of
many users Q passes etc.
Yes, there are users that message opers their Q auth names and passwords, without that the oper in person is not even oper'd up.

It is not good that people get /kill'd without a query to request that they change nick, but many times users take the nick with a purpose, and a lot more times, they simply don't respond.

To quote from the reply that Peakes got via mail earlier:
"Irc Operators are users who volunteer their time to help ensure that the server and the server run channels function smoothly. They are not paid. They give their time freely, so that everyone else can enjoy *their* time IRCing. If we
have users taking the nicks of opers, those users could be mistaken for the opers themselves and other users could be upset by something the false opers say or do."

"If any user needed an IRCop in a hurry, they might well /msg <ircop name> about it, and in this case they would have gotten someone who (a) wasn't an IRCop and (b) was then in a position to impersonate one, get passwords, get people glined, or cause other havoc."

You all need to see this from an opers/network point of view. It is not that the opers think that they are "god-like" or something, it is rather for our users that we protect our nicks.

See the nicks of an oper as you see the nicks of the services on the network, since we are there to serve you, the users, as best as we can. But, of course, as always, you can't satisfy _everyone_.

Quakenet operator

[Edited by Primary on 11-02-01 at 00:33]


Fair points on all counts Primary, but still isn't diplomacy much better than war?


of course diplomacy is better then war, as I wrote;
"It is not good that people get /kill'd without a query to request that they change nick, but many times users take the nick with a purpose, and a lot more times, they simply don't respond"

We have over 23k users on quakenet at peaktime, and, unfortunately, some of those are "bad eggs", just out to cause trouble and problems. In the end, it is we that have to deal with it; stolen Q passes, overtaken channels, users that gets flooded, backdoored irc clients, harrasment, fights etc. etc.

Those times, diplomacy won't do much. Those times, it is a gline that will do the deal. And yes, is happens that we also do mistakes, as I also wrote, we don't think we are god-like, it is the users that seems to believe that we are god-like, and not human, and therefore we all gets 100 times more shit if we make a mistake somewhere.

So, now you all know our secret..we are just plain humans. =)



From my email to the info@quakenet list:

I can understand why you're upset, but on a network with no nickserv, users can't own nicknames. However, it *IS* necessary for the IRC Operators to keep their own nicknames from being used. Irc Operators are users who volunteer their time to help ensure that the server and the server run channels function smoothly. They are not paid. They give their time freely, so that everyone else can enjoy *their* time IRCing. If we have users taking the nicks of opers, those users could be mistaken for the opers themselves and other users could be upset by something the false opers say or do. It is unfortunate that normal users sometimes use other's nicknames, but all I can do is suggest you screen a client to hold your nickname, when you are not there. When you use a service like IRC, you have to respect the policies of the servers you are connecting to. One of Quakenet's policies is that you can not use the nickname of one of our IRC Operators, and that policy should be respected.

- Appl (


Originally posted by Primary
Those times, diplomacy won't do much. Those times, it is a gline that will do the deal. And yes, is happens that we also do mistakes, as I also wrote, we don't think we are god-like, it is the users that seems to believe that we are god-like, and not human, and therefore we all gets 100 times more shit if we make a mistake somewhere.

Like I said earlier, I'm ex oper, I know what you go through.

I understand where your coming from here, but still, it couldn't hurt to /msg the offending nick could it? There wasn't even an ATTEMPT at diplomacy.


I agree that a message should have been sent, but NOTE;
that is MY opinion, and does NOT reflect the Quakenet network rules.
I believe that he was in his full right to /kill, but I also think that he could have tried to query the person first.



If it is so essential that IRCOps keep their nicks, why aren't they Q-Lined in order to prevent them actually being taken by non-opers?


I'm not convinced how changing your nick can suddenly give you the power to gline ppl.


First of all, this following text reflects my own opinions, and are not necessarily shared by the other opers of QuakeNet.

When a user comes to us and asks for help because another user has "stolen" his nickname, we cannot help. Nicknames belongs to noone but the user currently using it. Therefore, we never /kill a user that is impersonating another user. However, there are some exceptions. First of all, network services is a vital part of QuakeNet. We do not tolerate that people use nicks like Q^, Q' or even Q when that service has splitted, since they look like real services and therefore can easily obtain passwords from users trying to auth.

Second, this might sound a little bit awkward but here goes. An ircops name is more valuable than a users. Why? Because when a user experiences problems with his/her password, with his/her channel modes or whatever question he/she has, that user will ask an ircop. Sometimes these users tell the ircop their passwords (which is not required btw) and if the user isn't talking to a real ircop then these passwords will surely get into the wrong hands sooner or later. There have been times when users have been impersonating ircops, joining a channel and asking for op since he "is there to help them". After given +o, he bans everyone and thus makes a mess. Who wants it that way? Just take a look at any of the top5 networks, noone can really trust anyone there.

As for the "bad service" in #feds, I have not much to say except SHAME ON YOU! NONE of the opers get payed for what they give to QuakeNet. There is absolutely NO MONEY involved in this, and all the servers are provided voluntarily. It seems like users take for granted that there will always be an oper clearing out the Q-queue, or sitting in #feds waiting for new questions. This is certainly not the case. We are trying as hard as we can to provide a decent service to our users, but most of us have got jobs, family and friends, and are not willing to give up all of this to sit in an irc-channel answering questions.

Okay then, now you may spank me.


Another fair point from a different oper, but it still begs the question... if your there to HELP users, why was there no attempt to even talk to the user in violation of supposed network policy?

(well it seems like network policy if an opers nick is taken ;))

I realise that it's not ACTUAL network policy, but then theres no charge for being nasty, why can't there be no charge for being nice?

(Yes I realise no actual money changes hands, but it's just good etiquette)

[Edited by Nakoma on 11-02-01 at 11:02]


Originally posted by oldman
Perplex yuor ip is logged on this board and u said u wanted someone to die of aids. Thats actually a criminal offence with 6 months in prison as a penalty.

lololol don't talk shit lad


I know loads of the opers, and I can safely say, most of them are fucking cunts.

Especially Durzel. Cuntfaced cunt.


Speaking as a QuakeNet IRCop (stop booing at the back you llamas ;) ...

There is no NickServ on QuakeNet for several reasons. NickServ is lame, doesn't scale, crashes all the while, and opers end up arbitrating arguments over who gets what name. It's not unknown for llamas to instantly register a load of names, just in case. Operating a first-come first-served policy as we do at the moment means that whoever gets there first, gets the nickname. Opers do not get involved in nickname disputes between users on QuakeNet at all.

There are however a few exceptions to this. Most single-letter nicknames are reserved, particularly the ones close to 'Q' on the keyboard like 'W' & 'S'. This means that Q password-stealers have a harder time stealing passwords. If people call themselves 'Q`' they can also expect a gline.

Additionally, calling yourself by the name of a known oper will get you glined. We've had a lot of people in the past trying very hard to get an o:line, complaining that they are a known oper who just happens to be using a new ISP. I've heard reports of several people issuing complaints against abusive IRCops when in reality the IRCop in question wasn't on the network, it was someone impersonating them. This has happened to me personally several times.

Basically that's it, pretty much every nickname is up for grabs apart from those guides. There are, at most, 100 reserved nicknames on QuakeNet. The network supports more than 22,000 users at peak which is a 0.005% network reservation rate. Pretty good, I reckon.


Hmm... looking at the entire list of opers on the network, theres a few common names which could be used by newbies that wouldn't know any better.

imo a gline right away is a little harsh, how many newbies would come back after being banned from the network, assuming they know it's only temp?, how many wouldn't know that? As I've sayed countless times earlier with no real reply, theres no harm in msg'ing the offending nick and asking them to change. (hell even tell them to change it, just make it clear that they aren't meant to use that nick).

It's understandable for opers to be pissed at having their nick taken, but a little "friendly" (I use the word loosely) chat with someone can't hurt. You might even get a nice log like Pump appears to aquire every so often ;)


Well, during my good few years ive been chatting on quakenet, from the problems ive had to get help from an ircop with (channel takovers, lamers pinging/nuking, whatever)ive only ever had one who actually seemed happy enough to help, and was nice through the whole situation (pumpkin). The rest made it very clear that having to help me was a REAL pain to them.
Ircops know what they are doing, ircopy wise, but its unfortunate that having that knowledge and ability seems to go hand in hand with being a tosser.

old.{ velvet }

1. Maybe it was obvious to iolaire who the user impersonating him was? Its quite possible he recognised the ident@host. If not, then yes it would've been polite to /msg first, but as you're all finding out, it is our policy to stop these nicks being abused. You can't claim this user was a newbie and wouldn't know better, as its been confirmed that this user wasn't even in any channels, so was hardly likely to suffer from a /kill.

2. I would protest at being called a cock and a tosser, but its unlikely to change many of your opinions it seems. I've given up a large part of my life to helping people on QuakeNet, and other opers have done much more than me. We sometimes get tired and snappy, but on the whole I think we're pretty friendly, providing you aren't taking over a channel or spamming :)


I agree with the opers on this one.
hile there is no clear network police for most things (been there done it, made the tshirt), the opers usually work on common sense.
Most people should know not to take an IRCop's nick and Peakes was just asking for it as having been on the network for '5 Years' as he claims, he should know better.


Heh, some good explanations there... what more needs to be said ? I have never once been treated like shit by an opper, and if i ever have been, there were reasons ;) All the ones i know and have spoken to/asked favours of, have been polite and some even went as far as to converse for a while :) You will find they will respect those that respect them back.


True Kryten.

A few minutes ago i was accused of 'sucking up to anyone with Quakenet power'.

The accuser clearly has no comprehension that such 'sucking up' would not do *me* one spot of good :)


Originally posted by Stu-
Originally posted by oldman
Perplex yuor ip is logged on this board and u said u wanted someone to die of aids. Thats actually a criminal offence with 6 months in prison as a penalty.

lololol don't talk shit lad

er, if u look above and to the right of each message it says IP LOGGED (retard fs).

And also u might be interested in
particularly the sections on deflammotory comments.

Oh and also (to Perplex)

originally posted by a cock called Perplex fucking lol. log my Ip all you like, as long as you die painfully and slowly of some dilapidating disease like mange, or aids, or cancer. Sue me motherfucker

Want something to scream about?!

I'd love to slice your head from it's shoulders, and to slowly masturbate into your neck cavity whilst repeatedly stabbing you in the chest with a fork until I ejaculate into your oesophagus

[Edited by Perplex on 10-02-01 at 22:39]

the fact that u had to edit that so that u sounded like even more of a 13 year old, private school going nancy boy serves to show how your own insecurities have led yuo to a desire to make yourself look stupid for the amusement of others. However at least we can all be thankfull that barrysworld is fking off and with it will go pc magazine reading cocks like you.


*** Now talking in #feds
  1. [22:32] <4K^PeRpLeX> YoU ASiAN JEwISh SlAG OLDIE!!!!11111

    ner ner na ner ner


Errrrrrrrrrrm, since when was I in 4k? they are the biggest bunch of inbred cocks ever.

And ps, I edited the post to add the second part in as opposed to making a new post, catamite.


Originally posted by Perplex
Errrrrrrrrrrm, since when was I in 4k? they are the biggest bunch of inbred cocks ever.

exactly why i assumed you were in 4k


Guest big funny guy yes!

(fucking flid)


pld comeback

you sure you dont want to edit that to put the finishing touches to it?


You sure you're not going to have me arrested!

Here's some 'evidence' for you:

"I want to kill you"
"I want to stab you in the face"
"I want to soddomise you until you bleed"
"I want to kill your entire family"
"I want to decapitate you"
"I want to sever you limb from limb, organ from organ"
"I want to stab you in the bladder repeatedly and then watch your urine pour out from your stab wounds"

There, have me arrested...

(you utterly clueless newbie fuck)


there is always one stuck up arrogant twat faced mongoloid innit perp


Yep fats. Always the case. They got internet access bundled with their Tiny PC for Christmas, and all of a sudden they become an overnight authority on all that is internet related.


Originally posted by oldman
er, if u look above and to the right of each message it says IP LOGGED (retard fs).

Yes I know that, that wasn't what I was taking the piss out of you for halfwit.

And also u might be interested in
particularly the sections on deflammotory comments.

I think you're mixing up two concepts, one "defamatory" and one of "inflammatory". And whilst an imbecile such as yourself might require the services of that webpage ("making the law more accessible to you"), I think I'll rely on what I learnt about defamation during my Law Degree rather than some inbred simpleton's interpretation of law thank you very much.

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