This may have been done in oe way or another. Cant find any posts for it though. War with Iraq does look inevitable. The government are supposedly going to supress a stop the war rally in Hyde Park. Pretty much as they did when representatives from China visited a few years ago and the Free Tibet campaigners were not allowed anywhere near the chinese. Is Saddam et al really that much of a threat ?
So my questions are:
1) Should the weapons inspectors be allowe more time to complete the work they started. ? If they do will it be in vain
2)Who is a bigger threat to world Peace; George Dubble ya and lap dog Tony or Saddam
3) What are the wider implications of another conflict in the gulf? A region that is already unstable with Religious Dogma, Hatred barbarism taking presedence over common sense and dialogue.
IMO we must stive to resolve all conflicts through the most peacefull way possible. There must be some kind of meaningful dialogue with the Iraqi's rather the sabre rattling and political rhetoric displayed by our elected leaders..
Answers on a post card
So my questions are:
1) Should the weapons inspectors be allowe more time to complete the work they started. ? If they do will it be in vain
2)Who is a bigger threat to world Peace; George Dubble ya and lap dog Tony or Saddam
3) What are the wider implications of another conflict in the gulf? A region that is already unstable with Religious Dogma, Hatred barbarism taking presedence over common sense and dialogue.
IMO we must stive to resolve all conflicts through the most peacefull way possible. There must be some kind of meaningful dialogue with the Iraqi's rather the sabre rattling and political rhetoric displayed by our elected leaders..
Answers on a post card