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This is probably a slight aside, but whats the grudge between Turkey and the Kurds?
Originally posted by Nos-
After that bollocks Tom, nothing you say can be taken seriously, ever again.
Ever :/
Wrong. They all got a slice of former Kurdistan after the UK cut the land up and handed it to Turkey, Syria, and IraqOriginally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
Turkey sees northern Iraq as its own land (part of the Ottoman Empire), and would like it back. It's the easy option, because no way are the Serbs gonna let them have their land back.
Wrong - I'm pretty fucking sure you don't classify asylum seekers as, 'your own people'Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
I would suggest that 'The Kurds' are his people, they live within his borders, and you could hardly justify Tony Blair gassing a few thousand Welshmen because they 'weren't his people'.
Originally posted by Perplex
England (and France) decided they were too violent, and cut their Kuristan and gave it to the Turks, Syria and Iraq. (Second time the fantastic UK have done that - hey, Palestine anyone?)
Originally posted by dysfunction
Not quite the second time. They have screwed up quite a few countries that way...mostly in Africa
Originally posted by Perplex
Hence you can directly attribute many of the African, and Middle East problems to England. Nice!
Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
Gosh! What bullshit. You might as well go back 1500 years and start blaming the Italians for all of the problems in Europe.
In my opinion, the British Empire (not the English Empire) did more good than harm, it actually left good systems of government in each colony it had, it was the people who came after that fucked it all up.
Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
Gosh! What bullshit. You might as well go back 1500 years and start blaming the Italians for all of the problems in Europe.
In my opinion, the British Empire (not the English Empire) did more good than harm, it actually left good systems of government in each colony it had, it was the people who came after that fucked it all up.
Originally posted by Munkey-
I still have serious doubts to if Britain would've handed back Qatar if they had known at the time of the oil and gas deposits here.
Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
Of course Saudi Arabia, a country rich in Oil deposits, is a well governed, corruption-free country, with a happy populace.
Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
In my opinion, the British Empire (not the English Empire) did more good than harm, it actually left good systems of government in each colony it had, it was the people who came after that fucked it all up.
Originally posted by Perplex
Have you ever heard of the term Divide and Rule? The British Empire pretty much invented this. Invade an area, cut it up into smaller pieces, get them to fight amongst each other which distracts their aggression from you, giving you easy access to plunder and rule
Originally posted by Munkey-
Corruption exists within almost every government in the world in one form or another.
Perhaps the USA should invade Saudi Arabia for its breach in civil rights?
More than enough oil there
Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
Some people just don't get irony, do they?
Originally posted by dysfunction
irony or sarcasm?
Originally posted by Munkey-
hopefully, in Tom's world, the USA's government will moralise itself