
Originally posted by nath
Why is he a bufoon, if iraqis see this, and believe it, perhaps it would be a reason not to rise up. They may well think that Iraq is winning the war and so the average civvy wouldn't bother taking to the streets. When it becomes more apparent that Saddam is soon to be out of the picture, then perhaps they will. IMO the information minister is doing exactly the right thing.

Well, not the *right* thing, obviously, but you know what I mean.

Well, he's doing exactly what is expected of him. I feel sorry for him to be honest - he's got to look like a right prat talking all this bullshit to the entire world about stuff that simply hasn't happened. If I was him, I'd be like "fuck it, I'm gonna lose my job soon anyway. Hey, everybody! I'm glad you came here today as I regret to announce that we're getting utterly trounced. Personally, I'm out of here. Packing to do, you know..."

As for the civvies, they weren't being shy about their feelings in Basra when the British army rolled in there yesterday, so I think it's all good.


Originally posted by ReActor
As for the civvies, they weren't being shy about their feelings in Basra when the British army rolled in there yesterday, so I think it's all good.

Basra is in the middle of the Shi'ites, it is expected they will give a welcome as they were heavily oppressed by the government, especially after the uprising after the first Gulf War.

When the people of Bagdhad, and even more importantly those of the northern cities, come out only then you will know it is all over.


I think that Minister of Information should receive an Oscar for his superb performance.

He has perfect comdeic timing and is able to keep a straight face!


the thing that bothers me about people like the Iraqi Minister of Information is that he's makeing a lot of people in the world think Iraqies are stupid, if their leaders talks that way how stupid are they sort of thing. But the thing is it's not a proper government run by educated people; it's a dictatorship run by bully boy soldiers who aren't normally gifted in the brain cell department. They're okay when it comes to pushing people around and blowing things up but when it comes to actuall politics and dealing with intelligent questions in front of the TV cameras...


I dont think he is stupid at all.

He would probably be shot if he told the truth.


Originally posted by [ROT]Maljonic
But the thing is it's not a proper government run by educated people

Well, actually Saddam is very very intelligent, and extremely devious. If he wasn't a mass murdering psychopath, I'd actually quite admire the bloke.

And come on dysfunction: the reason he's saying it is for the benefit of the few Iraqi people who have access to TV and don't actually know that the americans are winning. They may believe him and as a result think twice about doing the whole uprising thing. It's doubtful many of them have access to BBC/CNN etc.


Originally posted by nath
And come on dysfunction: the reason he's saying it is for the benefit of the few Iraqi people who have access to TV and don't actually know that the americans are winning. They may believe him and as a result think twice about doing the whole uprising thing. It's doubtful many of them have access to BBC/CNN etc.

Oh I agree he is there to spread mis information but I dont think he believes a word of what he is saying as he says it with a broad grin on his face as if to say:

"If you believe a word of this your are bloody stupid!"


Originally posted by nath
Well, actually Saddam is very very intelligent, and extremely devious. If he wasn't a mass murdering psychopath, I'd actually quite admire the bloke.

And come on dysfunction: the reason he's saying it is for the benefit of the few Iraqi people who have access to TV and don't actually know that the americans are winning. They may believe him and as a result think twice about doing the whole uprising thing. It's doubtful many of them have access to BBC/CNN etc.
Yes but it's not him talking on TV is it? And he might be devious in his own country but he's hardly au fait when it comes to world politics; I could hardly see Tony Blair toting an assault rifle outside number ten to rally the people behind him.


Either way, he's done a pretty good job of splitting the international community.

Dys, of course he doesn't believe it, but some Iraqis might. If they do, he's done his job.


I suppose so, but he could have done so much more if he hadn't acted like such a mentalist in the world public eye.


Seems we have reached the 'Tipping Point', in Baghdad anyway. The minders have left the journalists, and the looters are out in force...

The national sport now seems to be hitting pictures and statues of your leader with your shoe, which I can see taking off all over the world.

So, Tikrit and a bit more up North, and thats it for the military bit. We then get to see what 's in store for the people of Iraq, and wether there is any truth in what the US and UK have been saying.

We live in in interesting times.


Keep the country for ourselves, use the oil, and pocket loads of cash..

Winners rights :p

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