Job said:Having used my Note for a few weeks, I can now safely say HTC make the best phones out there.
"Many iPhone 5 users are complaining that its camera is adding a purple flare to their photos. Speculation is that it's caused by the new sapphire lens cover that Apple touted as 'thinner and more durable than standard glass with the ability to provide crystal clear images.' Apple's response to those who've complained? 'The purple flare in the image provided is considered normal behavior for iPhone 5's camera.'"
It sounds like you know more than all these multi-billion dollar companies. Perhaps you should start designing and making phones.
There's probably very good reasons for not. Whether the tech isn't ready, the battery life would be impacted too much, overheating etc etc. Who cares about retina displays anyway? Nobody gave a toss about DPI in the mobile sector before Apple and millions of Android users get by every day with a pathetic ~250dpi.
I absolutely cannot see individual pixels on my One X. Everything is lovely and smooth, it's just like a backlit advertisement at a bus stop.
Callous is right, who cares?
But did you think "ZOMG I WANT MORE DPI" before Apple starting pimping the Retina display or are you now content with it simply because it exists?