Insta Ae mez



well he posted the SM pbaoe QC ae mezz, its the same range as ur clerics insta pbaoe mezz.
And finiched his post by saiying albs dont got any insta ae mezz.
So i enlighted him by shoving he was wrong, and that u have an insta ae mezz.
And if u chose to ignore it,well thats ur problem.
Clerics pbaoe mezz has a radius of 300, thats 150 more then most mid healers have (we have to spec 48 in paci to get 350),sure the cleric has to run into the grp he likes to mezz , but then its a insta and means he will get alot of enemies mezzed with the radius of 300.
sure u can say, no one specs that coz it sucks, clerics only get cc now when they spec that.....
Damn,thats the only thing we healers get by specin paci, sure and the mana regain, but u really think wed spec in that if we didnt get the cc ? the mana regain is just a bonus we get =)
So look at what ur chars got, learn to play them, coz a pbaoe mezz for even 25-30 sec can (and most often will) change the outcome of a fight.


Originally posted by Fingoniel

not met many mentalists have we?

are u stupid?
i sais earlier that pom is conc based
and mentalists's ISNT


Originally posted by poppamies
well he posted the SM pbaoe QC ae mezz, its the same range as ur clerics insta pbaoe mezz.
And finiched his post by saiying albs dont got any insta ae mezz.
So i enlighted him by shoving he was wrong, and that u have an insta ae mezz.
And if u chose to ignore it,well thats ur problem.
Clerics pbaoe mezz has a radius of 300, thats 150 more then most mid healers have (we have to spec 48 in paci to get 350),sure the cleric has to run into the grp he likes to mezz , but then its a insta and means he will get alot of enemies mezzed with the radius of 300.
sure u can say, no one specs that coz it sucks, clerics only get cc now when they spec that.....
Damn,thats the only thing we healers get by specin paci, sure and the mana regain, but u really think wed spec in that if we didnt get the cc ? the mana regain is just a bonus we get =)
So look at what ur chars got, learn to play them, coz a pbaoe mezz for even 25-30 sec can (and most often will) change the outcome of a fight.

Its indeed an Albion problem that our CC spec lines arent that good. No one is blaming the Hib/Mid players for the problems that Albion has today. The problems was generated by overpopulation in Albion which lead to empowering of the other realms to make them more attractive.

The smite line is very inferior to the pacification line the healers get. Its so easy to say that we can just spec smite if we want CC, but we get no pom-bonuses and no extra stuns etc for speccing smite, only some useless DD that have been nerfed to hell. So its natural that allmost all clerics have respecced out of smite. Many have even sold their cleric, because it was no longer the character they wanted to play. Bought clerics are usually converted to buffbots.

Cant we all just agree that albion CC is less effective than Mid and Hib CC? And shouldnt we all rejoice the fact that CC is going to have less importance as patches comes along?


ye, let's compare cleric pbaoe timered mez with castable ranged mez.


clerics get a dd 176
Runemaster dd 219
Eldritch dd 209

Sure clerics got a 4 sec cst time, but they get chain, medium shield (not trainable tho), buffs and heals
The RM and eldritvh are pure casters with cloth.
Its only natural that a healer should have longer cast tiem and lower dd then a pure dmg dealing caster.
The base dmg aint that big is it ?
so saying smite is crap is just bs.
It is not as good at it ones was, but the clerics were doing more dmg then pure casters so it was just natural it got nerfed.


Originally posted by poppamies
clerics get a dd 176
Runemaster dd 219
Eldritch dd 209

Sure clerics got a 4 sec cst time, but they get chain, medium shield (not trainable tho), buffs and heals
The RM and eldritvh are pure casters with cloth.
Its only natural that a healer should have longer cast tiem and lower dd then a pure dmg dealing caster.
The base dmg aint that big is it ?
so saying smite is crap is just bs.
It is not as good at it ones was, but the clerics were doing more dmg then pure casters so it was just natural it got nerfed.

Ok, that's just bullshit. Clerics were never doing more damage than pure cloth casters, they were just able to survive longer while doing their damage (insta-mezz, castable stun, "decent" melee).

Healers and bards have a much higher survivability than sorcerers too, time to nerf them hard, remove their instas and halve their CC duration, as they got better armor and more HP... Same logic. Wtf is a healer "pacifying" anyway, the class isn't called Pacifier even...


If you nerf the main cc classes of the opposing realms how are they supposed to control the alb zerg? Wouldn't it be better to improve the sorc instead of crying for a unreasonable nerf?


Originally posted by stormriderx
Wouldn't it be better to improve the sorc instead of crying for a unreasonable nerf?

Nerfs are more likely to happen than boosts, when talking about Albion.


Originally posted by poppamies
well he posted the SM pbaoe QC ae mezz, its the same range as ur clerics insta pbaoe mezz.
And finiched his post by saiying albs dont got any insta ae mezz.
So i enlighted him by shoving he was wrong, and that u have an insta ae mezz.
And if u chose to ignore it,well thats ur problem.
Clerics pbaoe mezz has a radius of 300, thats 150 more then most mid healers have (we have to spec 48 in paci to get 350),sure the cleric has to run into the grp he likes to mezz , but then its a insta and means he will get alot of enemies mezzed with the radius of 300.
sure u can say, no one specs that coz it sucks, clerics only get cc now when they spec that.....
Damn,thats the only thing we healers get by specin paci, sure and the mana regain, but u really think wed spec in that if we didnt get the cc ? the mana regain is just a bonus we get =)
So look at what ur chars got, learn to play them, coz a pbaoe mezz for even 25-30 sec can (and most often will) change the outcome of a fight.

What a BRILLIANT idea. That I didn't think about that earlier on! If I had a cleric I would simply RUN TOWARDS the group of mids/hibs, won't get mezzed, because I am a cleric with yellow armour (that is the thing telling them NOT to mezz me), get into position, do /y so the hibs/mids know they have to gather up ON me in range 300 so I can pull of my insta-mezz. And since it's resisted on around a 40% base I often do /y again and wait all together to try again.

Imagine that! Albs would rock!


Originally posted by poppamies
clerics get a dd 176
Runemaster dd 219
Eldritch dd 209

Sure clerics got a 4 sec cst time, but they get chain, medium shield (not trainable tho), buffs and heals
The RM and eldritvh are pure casters with cloth.
Its only natural that a healer should have longer cast tiem and lower dd then a pure dmg dealing caster.
The base dmg aint that big is it ?
so saying smite is crap is just bs.
It is not as good at it ones was, but the clerics were doing more dmg then pure casters so it was just natural it got nerfed.

clerics DD = 176, casting time 4 sec, DPS = 44
runemaster DD = 219, casting time 2.8 sec, DPS = 78.2
eldritch DD = 209, casting time 2.8 sec, DPS = 74.6

Clerics have no quickcast, and is loosing a lot more to an interrupt than a normal caster cause casting time is much longer. A cleric is much better off healing his casters than trying to smite an enemy, cause his smite line sucks.

If people in Cloth should do the job better than people in chain, then why is it not the case with respect to the CC powers of Sorc vs. those of the Healer - or is it your claim that sorcs are not CCs but nukers?


no im not claiming thet sorcs arn only casters.
they got CC and dds.
healers only got CC.
thats the difference.
We cant do anything do defend ourselfs then mez or stunn, sorcs can nuke the inc tank.
And yes i think albs chould get somekind of ae insta, but give it to what class? without overpowering the class ?
Coz nerfing healers or bards dont work.
that would totally ruin those classes.
What class in alb would u think chould get the insta ae mezz ?
(without makeing any class too uber)

Hit ^_^

give pac to clerics and remove smite line.
healing is sooo boring.


Originally posted by poppamies

We cant do anything do defend ourselfs then mez or stunn

In instant AND castable form...and this isn't ENOUGH? I'd rather have INSTADEFENCE than QC fail-o-matic root.

sorcs can nuke the inc tank.

At the expense of their CC abilities and even then you're hitting for 160(-240) on most tanks with HPs over 1200 at least. How many tanks will just stand there for you to nuke them ten times in a row? Apart from stupid ones.

And yes i think albs chould get somekind of ae insta, but give it to what class? without overpowering the class ?
Coz nerfing healers or bards dont work.
that would totally ruin those classes.
What class in alb would u think chould get the insta ae mezz ?
(without makeing any class too uber)

NOONE should have instas. But let Hib and Mid keep them and give Alb increased range on their main CC class, the sorcerer. 1850 will do nicely.

Or move Alb CC to a damage type with less resists, like matter. ~shrug~



well then ud have to loose the uber buffs too, i think


drop the single target instas to 1000, the aoe ones to 700.

Sorted :)


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Sorry Wiffle you still moaning ? :)

No point arguing my case with you, as like all Albs once you have made your decision to whinge its not gonna change.

Grow up ?


btw, pallys want instamezz 5000+ range too ^^


hmm 7 pages and onlything "we" came up with is to change the sorcs cc tp matter and give them longer range.
coz nerfing the other two realms instas just wont work, ull totally fuck up that char that way,(and healers dont even make good buffbots).
Isnt this kinda sad ? 170 post with people yelling nerf, instead off trying to come up with something that actually might work for all parts ?


Ain't no point trying to make any reasonable suggestions here or the VN Dev boards, gotta be a TL to have a 0.01% chance to get anything changed, or have 10% of US DAoC players screaming the same to Mythics feedback address... I'll just continue increasing my postcount.


can we put this thread on a timer so it comes back every 2 weeks, instead of posting the same thing over and over?


Rather make it sticky... Buffbot whine threads should be made sticky too.


The lack of insta cc for albion was probably intentional on mythics part. Maybe they thought that insta cc and massive population in comparison to other realms would be overpowered, so they decided to boost the other two realms, and leave albs to work with what they got.

/em shrugs



Make it sticky, then when someone opens it it spams them with porn popups and a really bad evil granny laugh...


Re: ...

Originally posted by old.Nol
Make it sticky, then when someone opens it it spams them with really bad evil granny porn popups...
hate it when I misread stuff :eek:


<sorry if i have missed a couple of posts, good reading mainly>

I look at it like this, as with most games i have played, there is easy medium and hard.

Hib = Easy

Mid = Medium

Alb = Hard

<1fg v 1fg>



I saw Mentalists get mentioned a few times while wading through this thread and would just like to clear up a few misconceptions:

- Mentalist DoT is the same as Shaman DoT. The discrepancy comes in the fact that Shaman has baseline and spec DoT on the same line and Mentalist has them on seperate lines, meaning less variance on Shaman baseline DoT and therefore more damage over time (although not much more).

- Mentalist PoT/MR/PoM is not conc based, but on a 10 minute timer. While this might be seen as an advantage, all it takes is one dozy Bard to accidentally start playing his power song to bugger it all up (power song overwrites PoT). Also, having to rebuff every 10 minutes in hectic RvR is a real pain in the ass.

- Getting PoT 5 at spec 44 might well be seen as a big advantage, but it might be an idea to check just how many mana spec Mentalists there are in Hib. Just about every Mentalist wants to spec light for the sweet DD, AoE DD and to be able to run around with a lvl 5x pet. Obviously I can't quote exact stats, but I think you'll find a good 80% of Mentalists in Hib are light spec, which means PoT3.

- Don't include mez as an advantage for Mentalists. A mentalism spec Mentalist is about the rarest character in the entire game. About the most you'll see is 19 mentalism (like myself) which is a 32 sec single target mez. 90% of Mentalists have a 16 sec mez which is resisted almost every time and is therefore never used.

Lastly, Xanthian, maybe you should group with a decent mana spec Mentalist in RvR before shooting your mouth off about how useless they are. Or should we start including you in the bunch of noobs who PBAoEd their way to 50 and have no idea how to play their class?


mentalist DoT is (generally) better than Shaman dots - they get acuity bonuses, a high piety shaman doesn't get any more damage... a high intelligence mentalist will _hurt_.

Mana/Mentalism is a nice spec :) very versatile (except 1.54 stealth-nerfs it with the spell-level-affecting-resist thing, but that's screwed my gimpzard too)

quickcast heal is cool :)


Originally posted by old.Verata
Lastly, Xanthian, maybe you should group with a decent mana spec Mentalist in RvR before shooting your mouth off about how useless they are. Or should we start including you in the bunch of noobs who PBAoEd their way to 50 and have no idea how to play their class?

I never actually said they was shit ?
I said they have a limited useage in RVR.
Yes mana regen and heals are great, but would you rather have a tank dead in 3 nukes or his life gradually ticking away while hes smacking you for 5 times the damage ?
And AE dot is useless unless in a keep defence situation, due to mezz breaking etc..

And saying I dont know how to play my class..
How about the warden that sat afk at fins with bubble up ? :p

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