insean healing mid/hib

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
magon said:
mid/hib healer's

can I ask you how you heal that insean in group's
bicas alb healer's really suck or need a boost bicas ass dowing pritty insean dmg as a sorc but I alwas get aute healt and hib/mid dazze same dmg I alwas get pownt and not 1 caster is samting whitout heal
muy dmg is betwin 400 a 800 dmg whut crite ofc so not that bad ass split sorc
i guess healer/droods are generally more skilled then clerics :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
ppl who laugh about other ppl's weakness, shows greater weakness and should be ass-slaped irl!:twak:

Let that dude post if he wants to, and stay the fock away from the post if u cant understand! i bet u all understand if u try just a little bit.. or are u like those spoiled brats that dont make ur food irl, and have to have it served by ur mom...!?!

Grov up..


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
one letter wrong for a non-english person is a common mistake, even english people do it...
but what magon is doing is just really funny :p

Geez your a twat


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
magon said:
mid/hib healer's

can I ask you how you heal that insean in group's
bicas alb healer's really suck or need a boost bicas ass dowing pritty insean dmg as a sorc but I alwas get aute healt and hib/mid dazze same dmg I alwas get pownt and not 1 caster is samting whitout heal
muy dmg is betwin 400 a 800 dmg whut crite ofc so not that bad ass split sorc
poor ****


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Robby said:
magon has dislexia, maybe English isn't even his first language, but at least he tries.

Howmany of u english people can speak more than 1 language?

You expect us to learn ur language, and when we make mistakes you make fun of us. When I group with french or german people, i make mistakes too, more than i do in English, but those people are happy i try to learn their language.

This is a public forum, peeps from all over europe are doing their best to communicate in 1 language, which is great, but stop laughing with people when they make a mistake, especially when the guy who makes the mistake is dislectic. Cause the guys who are laughing the laudest now would probably be te first to ask respect when they would have had the disease

magon please keep posting here and don't listen to those fucktards

must say that many that have replied arent english at all :p and using there 2nd language :p and what gamah said about magon


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
People acting all tough and shit behind a computer monitor again I see.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
magon said:
mid/hib healer's

can I ask you how you heal that insean in group's
bicas alb healer's really suck or need a boost bicas ass dowing pritty insean dmg as a sorc but I alwas get aute healt and hib/mid dazze same dmg I alwas get pownt and not 1 caster is samting whitout heal
muy dmg is betwin 400 a 800 dmg whut crite ofc so not that bad ass split sorc



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
his question was nothing but frustration of the moment, he couldn't kill something and got pissed. yes, the healing in a group is 100% the result of a good player on the healing class, good players in the rest of the group (minimizing damage taken, maximizing damage prevented), and the amount of anti-damage ra's

all healing spells and all ra's are equal across the realms now, so no, its not that alb healing is in any way worse then hib or mid. might be some very minor differences that i don't know about, but in general its very very similar :D

Hibernia has the best static defence there is though.
2x Druid
1x Bard
1x Warden

Is basically a norm for a Hib group which means all 4 of them 'can' heal, saying they won't heal is a different matter the thing is they have healing spells.
In an Alb group it's alot less healing; 2x Cleric and if you are lucky 1x Friar.
I wouldn't know about Mids though 1 pac healer 2 aug healers 1 shaman(rr5 etc) is also alot more healing than Albs have (yes I know high RR's only walk with 1 aug healer).
And Mid healers don't need to take care of shearing also which means more time to heal.

Eventhough this and the other threads Magon made will probably be locked due content though I would have liked to add this :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Hibernia has the best static defence there is though.
2x Druid
1x Bard
1x Warden

Is basically a norm for a Hib group which means all 4 of them 'can' heal, saying they won't heal is a different matter the thing is they have healing spells.
In an Alb group it's alot less healing; 2x Cleric and if you are lucky 1x Friar.
I wouldn't know about Mids though 1 pac healer 2 aug healers 1 shaman(rr5 etc) is also alot more healing than Albs have (yes I know high RR's only walk with 1 aug healer).
And Mid healers don't need to take care of shearing also which means more time to heal.

Eventhough this and the other threads Magon made will probably be locked due content though I would have liked to add this :)
Friars? Healing? o_O.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Gamah said:
I have dyslexia, thats not dyslexia its retardedness. IF you can't speak understandable English stay the fuck off an English forum..

i'm learning french at school, and to practise it, i usually post on french daoc forums.. thats a nice way or leaning a 2nd(or 3rd for me) language, and tbh the english people should be thankful to magon for learning THEIR language..


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Dyslexia is no problem, but it's no excuse for the ignorance displayed in Magon's post (hallmark of a FotM Sorc, I wonder?). To answer the question: All primary healers have the same approximate strengths in terms of healing power across the realms, there are no major differences. For an RR10(?) player to not know this is vaguely amusing.


Nov 29, 2005
magon said:
mid/hib healer's

can I ask you how you heal that insean in group's
bicas alb healer's really suck or need a boost bicas ass dowing pritty insean dmg as a sorc but I alwas get aute healt and hib/mid dazze same dmg I alwas get pownt and not 1 caster is samting whitout heal
muy dmg is betwin 400 a 800 dmg whut crite ofc so not that bad ass split sorc

All the 3 primary healing classes, cleric, healer and druid have the same potential as each other, some people maximise healing potential, some focus on allround performance, depends who the clerics you play with are tbh;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Belomar said:
Dyslexia is no problem, but it's no excuse for the ignorance displayed in Magon's post (hallmark of a FotM Sorc, I wonder?). To answer the question: All primary healers have the same approximate strengths in terms of healing power across the realms, there are no major differences. For an RR10(?) player to not know this is vaguely amusing.

You can't deny the difference in power between the smite line and the nature/pac lines of the 3 realms strongest healers though, surely? It's not about a classes strongest ability, it's about all the minor things which come with it.


Nov 29, 2005
kirennia said:
You can't deny the difference in power between the smite line and the nature/pac lines of the 3 realms strongest healers though, surely? It's not about a classes strongest ability, it's about all the minor things which come with it.

Nature/smite/pac has nothing to do with the healing potential magon was talking about though?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
theslayeruk said:
Nature/smite/pac has nothing to do with the healing potential magon was talking about though?
smite is op, baseline stun and nukes ffs


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
theslayeruk said:
Nature/smite/pac has nothing to do with the healing potential magon was talking about though?

Fair comment. I'm just trying to turn it into a balanced discussion though.

You cannot simply compare a classes main attribute for example with another classes. You have to compare the characters as a whole. But for the sake of argument, no class is the same so it's a uselessly vicious circle because where one class lacks something in a group, another class may well have it which is easily accessible.


Nov 29, 2005
kirennia said:
Fair comment. I'm just trying to turn it into a balanced discussion though.

You cannot simply compare a classes main attribute for example with another classes. You have to compare the characters as a whole. But for the sake of argument, no class is the same so it's a uselessly vicious circle because where one class lacks something in a group, another class may well have it which is easily accessible.

Indeed, must admit that smiting is a slight weakness if you compare the available lines.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
theslayeruk said:
Nature/smite/pac has nothing to do with the healing potential magon was talking about though?

Actually it does. By having extra tools on the healers it allows a greater selection of the abilities in the rest of the group.

Healing isn't just about the effectiveness of spaming your spreadheal button, it's also about reducing damage before it happens. A classic example would be access to the 6 resist buffs. Alb groups are probably the realm that runs without all 6 the greatest percentage of the time, meaning an alb group is taking more damage than there mid/hib counterparts. More damage = more stuff to heal.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Golena said:
Actually it does. By having extra tools on the healers it allows a greater selection of the abilities in the rest of the group.

Healing isn't just about the effectiveness of spaming your spreadheal button, it's also about reducing damage before it happens. A classic example would be access to the 6 resist buffs. Alb groups are probably the realm that runs without all 6 the greatest percentage of the time, meaning an alb group is taking more damage than there mid/hib counterparts. More damage = more stuff to heal.
Think we may have hit the problem now ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
...but clerics get really nice shears, allowing them to reduce a casters damage to very, very little with no risk of getting nuked by that mage


Nov 29, 2005
Golena said:
Actually it does. By having extra tools on the healers it allows a greater selection of the abilities in the rest of the group.

Healing isn't just about the effectiveness of spaming your spreadheal button, it's also about reducing damage before it happens. A classic example would be access to the 6 resist buffs. Alb groups are probably the realm that runs without all 6 the greatest percentage of the time, meaning an alb group is taking more damage than there mid/hib counterparts. More damage = more stuff to heal.

That's reducing damage not increasing healing capabilities. If you're taking into account things like 2ndary and tertiary specs into healing effects and such like you may aswell take into effect the group setup you're running. Such things take the empthasis away from the class itself. The only short answer is that all of the 3 classes are equally as good at healing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Golena said:
Actually it does. By having extra tools on the healers it allows a greater selection of the abilities in the rest of the group.

Healing isn't just about the effectiveness of spaming your spreadheal button, it's also about reducing damage before it happens. A classic example would be access to the 6 resist buffs. Alb groups are probably the realm that runs without all 6 the greatest percentage of the time, meaning an alb group is taking more damage than there mid/hib counterparts. More damage = more stuff to heal.

how often you think mids have all top 6 resist buffs?
dont say answer is somekind wierd split spec what offer mediocre pac to use when same time sorcs run whit top cc, or mediocre mend when clerics have top heals.
1 spec point dont offer so much good utility from 3 lines.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tuppe said:
how often you think mids have all top 6 resist buffs?
dont say answer is somekind wierd split spec what offer mediocre pac to use when same time sorcs run whit top cc, or mediocre mend when clerics have top heals.
1 spec point dont offer so much good utility from 3 lines.

thats why you have two healers?

all realms run with yellow physical resists, albs run with top elemental resists, mids with red heat/cold, yellow matter, and most hibs run with all yellow

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
theslayeruk said:
That's reducing damage not increasing healing capabilities. If you're taking into account things like 2ndary and tertiary specs into healing effects and such like you may aswell take into effect the group setup you're running. Such things take the empthasis away from the class itself. The only short answer is that all of the 3 classes are equally as good at healing.


Sorry, when I can CC my own enemies with 31 in mending and 44 in pacification while having access to Sojourner I heal way better than I'll ever do on Cleric.

Healer is the superior healing class due to utility and not due to the delve of the spread heal.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
but still mid groups aren't that much stronger. difference is pretty small, and comparing individual classes is totally pointless

magon whined about his damage getting healed all the time, which has nothing to do with preventing damage. his clerics just didnt heal, and the healers/druids in the group he fought did
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